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Topics - Tanglemask

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Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Tangle's New MapPack WIP
« on: January 04, 2013, 09:21:31 pm »

Species / The Cylars
« on: January 04, 2013, 09:12:51 pm »

Hello all role-play seekers! I bring to you

Want to know what it's about before joining? Well here's some basic information
It's a semi-literate roleplay group. (3-5 sentances, grammar, the works.)
It's a semi-realistic to semi-fantasy roleplay group. (Certain characters are granted -nongodmodding- powers based on elemental or spiritual abilities.)
It's about foxes, and for the time being, only foxes.
We have 5 maps.
We have a forum incase Feral Heart it down.
And also, plot making is a group activity. Everyone creates the plots so that it is not centered on one specific character and no one is left out.

Interested? Well why not check out the Feral Heart forum here ---->
And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to post. ;3

Our Website
A Fox Role-play by Tanglemask
Co-run by Dafniforfree and Checkered-Caique

The land of Ralishul has been in peace for over fifty years. Hidden from the priying eyes of humans lies mystic creatures with special powers. Rare cases of everyday animals possessing elemental and spiritual gifts, that hide from judging others, roam the lush terrain. An unusual sight of a skulk of foxes take claim to the large majority of the land. Unlike their other relatives, these foxes come together, both in family relatives and of no blood bond, to share the land and live peacefully. Among the thriving skulk and appointed ranks shelter the Gifted. The Mystical foxes holding great unimaginable powers in their paws. With the passing of an old leader, secrets unfold. The great foxes in the sky reveal deep in Ralishul's groves a prophecy that will shake the land to its core.

Beyond the water creeks and deep forests, far in the mountains, a Gifted will descend into the lands and scorch it beyond recognition.

With the prophecy told, all Gifted are watched and judged. Underneath the domineering outside of the non-Gifted is fear. More Gifted are seen as threats and thus bring out the worst of the foxes. However, the new leader has made it his task to protect the Gifted, finding no threat from those already in his skulk. Only those from the mountains themselves seem to be considered threats. Despite this, all foxes are to be treated equally. Thus, the prosperity of peace can continue till the prophecy's day arrives.

Current Plot: Upon taking up the new role as leader, Nolan faces difficulties keeping his skulk happy and fed. With Winter moos away, all must work hard to stock up and gather food for the oncoming season. No less, with the prophecy told, Nolan must make sure peace is held and can provide a safe haven for the current residing Gifted.

Season: Early Fall       Weather: Occasional Rain       Security Level: 20%

Holidays and Celebrations: (WIP)

The Commerce Festivity: Every three months, all of Ralishul comes together in peace to trade. It's a rather large festival held in Ralishul Grasslands. There is no fighting for this day and others from different groups can sit down and share tongue with no threats. A lot of trading goes on along with meetings between allies. Any who causes a commotion is kicked out of the festival. It lasts from sunrise to sunset. No kits are allowed to go, being young and such. Nor are Defenders unless someone is willing to take their spot for the day.


Chieftain/King(Or Queen based on gender): This fox has all the authority in the skulk. Their job is to keep the skulk safe and their word is practically law. This means however, they are not allowed to abuse their rank. Those who do suffer the consequences made by the Consulate. - (1/1)

Consulate: Another high ranking fox. The Consulate is like a council. They appoint new members, but the leader does have some say in that. If they believe the leader is abusing their power, the members are allowed to denounce them and liberate the skulk of the leader - (0/5)

Deputy: This is the fox who's second in command. When the Chieftain is not present, they make decisions. If no heir is produced, the deputy takes the rank as leader when the previous one passes. - (1/1)

Gifted: These are the foxes with special powers. They are peaceful foxes and mostly keep to themselves to prevent any trouble(Even in a Skulk). Despite some being shunned for their powers, all are welcomed and treated nicely in this Skulk. They do not know of their powers right away. The great foxes in the sky tell them and the Skyreaders if they are Gifted. - (5/5)

Isongama: As the healers of the skulk, their job is to remember herbs needed for the injured. Not to mention go out and gather them.They tend to all of the injured foxes. - (2/3)

Skyreader: Basically a shaman, these foxes interact with the afterlife. They're one of the first who are usually told the prophecies. - (1/1)

Defender(s): Being the guard of the skulk's den, Defenders are large and very serious. They also patrol the territory every so often. These foxes are never expected to hunt and usually don't. They're supposed to stay close to home and hunting can compromise the dens.  - (Unlimited)

Executioner: This fox leads all the other warriors. They create battle plans based on what the leader tells them. A majority of the time, the Executioner is known for their knowledge of the enemy. This is why they lead. - (1/1)

Warrior(s): The skulk's line of defense. These battle-ready foxes are always training and checking the borders regularly. - (Unlimited)

Head Hunter: Just like the Executioner, the Head Hunter plants hunting groups and leads the hunters. Their knowledge in hunting skills can't be matched which leads them to also train apprentices. - (1/1)

Hunter(s): They gather food and hunt prey for the skulk. Not only do they hunt the normal prey of rodents, they also attempt fish, small birds, frogs, fruit, nuts, and grains. This large variety provides lots of food to store and feed to the picky. - (Unlimited)

Proxy(s): These are the scouts of the skulk. Not only do they spy on the enemy, they also go ahead of warriors and hunters to see what is around. They are quick on their paws and fast as well. These foxes are also the main border patrol. - (2/10)

Tinder Harvester: The collector of sticks and twigs. Tinder Harvester's keep the fire in the Great Den going. They also grow crops for the healers and for the fire. Since being a Tinder Harvester is a tedious job, they are allowed to order fledglings and ask other foxes to help. - (1/1)

Miner(s): These foxes are the diggers of the skulk. They make the dens bigger when needed along with hunting underground prey. - (Unlimited)

Fledgling: The apprentices of the main ranks. After turning of age, kits being training to tend to the needs of the skulk. Once deemed ready, they move up to being a full ranking member. - (Only as many as available rank members)

Den Mother: Their job is to take care of a vixen whose expecting along with the kits. They have the easy life and not much is expected of them if no kits or expecting vixens are around. - (0/2)

Kits: The young ones of the skulk. Once of age they become fledglings and begin training for a specified rank. - (Unlimited but please skulk born only)

Crown Prince/Princess: The heir to becomes the new Chieftain when they pass. Most of the time it is the first born. Gender does not matter. - (0/1)

Rogue: These foxes are not a part of the skulk. They steal from the skulk and/or were most likely exiled from another skulk. They are selfish and can't be trusted. - (0/5)

Loner: These foxes are also not a part of the skulk. They are more kinder to others. Sometimes, they live in groups, with families, or just plain alone. A majority are born loners, however there are some from skulks. They left peacefully or on their own accord. These foxes pose no threat to the skulk and can be trusted more. - (2/5)

The Chieftain, Consulate, Isongama, and Skyreader have special markings to show their ranks. They can be any color
*For the time being, certain ranks are limited. If the group gets larger, the numbers will change and more people can claim them. If you choose to be a Consulate, please also choose another rank. I.E Consulate Proxy, etc. (Fledglings do the same) Also, please try to make families. Skulks are mostly known for family relations. But this does not mean everyone has to be family. It would be nice that a majority is.*

Rules for Role-play

OOC: No fighting outside of the role-play. You're character may be a jerk, but that does not apply to you. This is supposed to be a fun role-play. Take arguments to PM if needed. Respect each other please.
RP Fairly: No instant-kills, auto-kills, and power-playing. This is unfair and not right. If you are a Gifted that does not give you the right to do this. No exceptions!
Mary/Gary-Sues: No one is perfect. Everyone has flaws and this applies to your characters as well. Also, no horrible pasts. Being honest here, I'm tired of constantly ready "Both parents are dead" and the works. Please be realistic. If you need help with this, here's a great test to see if your character is a Sue or not.
Realism: Please use realistic breeds and colors. With the acception of specified high ranks(Their rank mark), there is no unrealistic colors. This is a semi-realistic (I say semi due to the powers) role-play and should stay that way.
Literacy: This is a semi-to full literate role-play group. Please, at least 3 sentances per post. Absolutley NO text talk.
Activity: Please be active or semi-active. Two weeks of inactivity will lead in a warning. Another two week after leads in a kick from the group. In the case you are going to be inactive for a long period of time, please tell me first.
Character limit: For the time being, only two characters per person. Both must be activly used. Please ask me if you'd like to add another. Otherwise, only two.
If you've read the rules put "I am loyal to my skulk" in your application
Swearing and Inappropriate behavior: Basic Feral Heart rules apply on this. Keep cursing to a minimum. If you are going to explicitly mate, do so in whisper. Racial slurs are NOT tolerated. Any bashing/hating on a gender, race, or sexuality
will result in removal from the group.

(More will be added if needed.)

Rules for Skulk
1: Protect your skulk, even if it risks your life.
2: Respect all ranks of the skulk.
3: Listen to your leader.
4: Gifted are to be treated equally as they are to treat the skulk as equals.
5: Rogues are not to be trusted.
6: Friends outside the skulk are welcome. But remember where your loyalties lie.
7: No mating outside of the skulk.
8: Do not EVER go near the clawless' floating monster towards the one side of the territory.
9: Do not kill another fox without a valid reason. All life is precious.
10: No fox is allowed into the Grassland unless it is a Skyreader. They are to be accompanied by warriors on their journay to the mountains.

(More will be added as time goes on)

Rivals and Allies
Loch Leven Rebon (Frenemies)

Leaving / Temporary Departure
« on: September 07, 2012, 09:52:18 pm »
Sorry guys. With not only school, but a whole bunch of problems with my brother, I have to leave.

I'm not exactly school smart so I have to really push myself, and FH is a big distraction for me. Mainly the forum but still. More of my time will be with school, cuz for most of the time, I haven't been doing well. I really wanna make a difference this year. Only 2 more years for me till I'm out -ajunior-

And I'm having problems mentally. Just dealing with depression. My anemia is acting up. And my bro whose in the army's basic training is getting kicked out. His leg is messed up and so much drama. I'm so done with people. They're picking on him. Not only the people at the training camp, but also the aunts and uncles of my family. So yeah.

Sorry guys, hopefully I will be back after a few weeks, maybe month. You might see me on the forum from time to time, but otherwise, this is a goodbye.

Videos / Tangle's Video Contest Entry! "Loneliness"
« on: August 11, 2012, 11:33:39 pm »

2:29 (Not counting last couple second with video info)

Type Of Video:
Music Video~

Extra information:

FH (c) Kovu!
Hetalia (c) Hidekaz Himaruya
Maps (c) Me~
Presets (c) Me

Song: Einsamkeit (Germany & Prussia Duet) & Piano version
Sung by: Hiroki Yasumoto & A niconicosinger
Time spent filming/editing: A month roughly
Programs: Fraps and Sony Vegas Pro 9

Sooo~ This was being worked on awhile ago for two friends of mine. I had taken awhile to work on it becuase of server problems along with my own derpy internet. All characters were played by me. I know how to put more than one character in game (Using three accounts. plzdontkillmeforit) And yeah. There was a slight story supposed to be behind it. Except I got frustrated with all the problems I faced while making it so it kind of got sloppy and lazy towards the end. The story was supposed to be based off of Germany & Prussia's struggle being apart becuase of the Berlin Wall and the loneliness they faced not being able to see each other for who knows how long (This is a brother thing so no pervs) And then when it's over they manage to reunite along with Hungary and Italy. Along with how they acted, how others perseved it when it wasn't what they thought. And then I threw in America being a trouble maker with Italy and Soviet becuase welll... Soviet Russia was the one who had taken Prussia. (But he was only in there for a second and I forgot to put his preset at the end with the credits)

And yeah. That's it. Hope you guys liked it ;3

Finished Maps / [1.13] Maximus Urbis
« on: July 21, 2012, 10:49:48 pm »
Welcome to Maximus Urbis. The Great City
Maximus Urbis. The great city which thrives with people. Along with a few mystical beings. Fairies, Gryphons, and our favorite personified countries.

Let's jump right into some things shall we?~
This map is a private map for my friends. This map will not be given out to anyone who does not know LittleBlueAlienGirl, PurpleRose, me (Tanglemask), or KikiPanda. I know it sounds a bit harsh but the map is our own private hideaway/rp place.
Anways! I was in a dying mood to make one. Some good city meshes were found and the muse just came. Along with the little help of a friend's rp idea. So let's get started with the screenies. It's a large map being 25000.

Overview of the city ;3

Enterance into city

Two ladders which lead to the building tops (There's a invisible water mesh that leads you up)

Some not so skyscraper buildings

The city's park

Random street view to show stop signs and stuff

Random hangout thing on the corner of the city

The Hetalian's hangout tower

The first floor with a kitchen and dinning room (filled with food)

The 2nd floor with a living room and girls bathroom.

Third floor which is the bedrooms

America and England's room acompanied by Kitten!Tony

Iceland and Norway's room with an extra bed

Italy and Canada's room

Soviet's room

Hungary's room

Germany and Prussia's room acompanied by Gilbird

Boy's bathroom

Fourth floor which is basically a hang out room/work room where they discuss things and relax

The roof which leads to the tower that holds a spear bed and a sofa. It's great for sunrises

The large rock in the background which leads up to a portal. Said portal goes to the floating islands.

The islands themselves (held for Gryphons) with a human house to home one that may find themself up there.

A cut in the road which leads to a path. Said path goes to a small village. There are some faries there. And a small farm with a corn field

I'm putting mini-mods up in the map that I know won't abuse their power. Also due to the fact that they will be holding the RP's it's best that they be in charge.
LittleBlueAlienGirl - Plays Prussia most of the time
PurpleRose - Plays North Italy most of the time
Tanglemask - Always plays as America(Or 2PAmerica based on mood) -has no other characters-
KikiPanda - Plays England most of the time
(Kiki is a slight mini-mod as she isn't in-game all the time. LittleBlueAlienGirl and PR are the main mini-mods)

Here's a link to some presets to see in-game. If you want me to put it up here just send me the link ;3
Kikipanda - England preset -
Tanglemask - America preset -
Tanglemask - 2P!America preset -
LittleBlueAlienGirl - Prussia preset -
Vageta101 - Germany preset -
SanuraCaracal - Norway preset -
Send a PM for the password if and only if you know the 4 people stated above and are going to participate and follow the rules for the Hetalia horror roleplay. DO NOT GIVE OUT THE PASSWORD! UNDERSTAND?! If you want to use the map for a video you MUST ask PERMISION first. If you want a friend who is not a part of the Hetalia RP to join they must come to me first. Please, I put this up becuase I've encountered my fair share of map thieves along with the fact that we want this rp to be private for the time being.

Finished Maps / [V 1.13] The Sewers [Open for everyone]
« on: June 30, 2012, 03:27:22 pm »
Whatever you do,
Don't enter the Sewers

Welcome all to my map page ;3

So let's jump right into some things shall we~
This map is a private map for my friends and our Hetalia horror rps. This map will not be given out to anyone who does not know LittleBlueAlienGirl, PurpleRose, me (Tanglemask), or KikiPanda. I know it sounds a bit harsh but for the time being the map will be private, until I'm ready to give to the public. (Which will MAYBE be a few months)

Guess what guys! This map is public! Download away! All I ask is that no one claim the map as their own and kick other people out. In case you haven't notice, my name is on the side of the map. So yeah.

So let's get to the screenies. (Notice; The crystals have been removed due to them not allowing my beta testers into the map.)

Main overview of the map

Enterance area

Beginning buildings

1st Hallway along with a TV which will be used in the RP and a Crystal to show radioactiveness

2nd building area. This has a bathroom and tiny small rooms. One of the stalls leads to a secret safe area.

The safe area. It has a place to watch all of the security cameras (Use imagination~) and then Tom Hiddleston on the Laptop to make the map less scary -shot-

A few science work rooms.

Another work room that worked with spiders.

The hallway that leads to the flooded out room. It's filled with body parts and I'm still debating on giving the flooded room crates.

And then some other rooms. ;3
Map Song - Virtutes Vocis by Kevin Macleod

I'm putting mini-mods up in the map that I know won't abuse their power. Also due to the fact that they will be holding the RP's it's best that they be in charge.
LittleBlueAlienGirl - Plays Prussia most of the time
PurpleRose - Plays North Italy most of the time
Tanglemask - Always plays as America(Or 2PAmerica based on mood) -has no other characters-
KikiPanda - Plays England most of the time
(Kiki is a slight mini-mod as she isn't in-game all the time. LittleBlueAlienGirl and PR are the main mini-mods)

Here's a link to some presets to see in-game. If you want me to put it up here just send me the link ;3
Kikipanda - England preset -
Tanglemask - America preset -
Tanglemask - 2P!America preset -
LittleBlueAlienGirl - Prussia preset -
Vageta101 - Germany preset -
Send a PM for the password if and only if you know the 4 people stated above and are going to participate and follow the rules for the Hetalia horror roleplay. DO NOT GIVE OUT THE PASSWORD! UNDERSTAND?! If you want to use the map for a video you MUST ask PERMISION first. If you want a friend who is not a part of the Hetalia RP to join they must come to me first. Please, I put this up becuase I've encountered my fair share of map thieves along with the fact that we want this rp to be private for the time being.

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Fixing messages and/or usernames
« on: June 19, 2012, 09:26:21 pm »
Okay. So this is the second time it has happened to me. A lot of people seem to take the same name. While sending a preset to one person, it's sent to another with the same username. There should maybe be someway to fix that. Like, make those "user with this name already" unless they do. Or find away to get the message to said person. Cuz I went to the profile and sent the message thru there. So it's wierd that a different person got said message. I don't know how many people have this problem but yeah... Just a thought XD

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