Author Topic: ?he ?racle of ?alishul ?rove - [Open/Accepting] - Mapped  (Read 37504 times)

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?he ?racle of ?alishul ?rove - [Open/Accepting] - Mapped
« on: September 24, 2012, 01:15:47 am »
Our Website
A Fox Role-play by Tanglemask
Co-run by Dafniforfree and Checkered-Caique

The land of Ralishul has been in peace for over fifty years. Hidden from the priying eyes of humans lies mystic creatures with special powers. Rare cases of everyday animals possessing elemental and spiritual gifts, that hide from judging others, roam the lush terrain. An unusual sight of a skulk of foxes take claim to the large majority of the land. Unlike their other relatives, these foxes come together, both in family relatives and of no blood bond, to share the land and live peacefully. Among the thriving skulk and appointed ranks shelter the Gifted. The Mystical foxes holding great unimaginable powers in their paws. With the passing of an old leader, secrets unfold. The great foxes in the sky reveal deep in Ralishul's groves a prophecy that will shake the land to its core.

Beyond the water creeks and deep forests, far in the mountains, a Gifted will descend into the lands and scorch it beyond recognition.

With the prophecy told, all Gifted are watched and judged. Underneath the domineering outside of the non-Gifted is fear. More Gifted are seen as threats and thus bring out the worst of the foxes. However, the new leader has made it his task to protect the Gifted, finding no threat from those already in his skulk. Only those from the mountains themselves seem to be considered threats. Despite this, all foxes are to be treated equally. Thus, the prosperity of peace can continue till the prophecy's day arrives.

Current Plot: Upon taking up the new role as leader, Nolan faces difficulties keeping his skulk happy and fed. With Winter moos away, all must work hard to stock up and gather food for the oncoming season. No less, with the prophecy told, Nolan must make sure peace is held and can provide a safe haven for the current residing Gifted.

Season: Early Fall       Weather: Occasional Rain       Security Level: 20%

Holidays and Celebrations: (WIP)

The Commerce Festivity: Every three months, all of Ralishul comes together in peace to trade. It's a rather large festival held in Ralishul Grasslands. There is no fighting for this day and others from different groups can sit down and share tongue with no threats. A lot of trading goes on along with meetings between allies. Any who causes a commotion is kicked out of the festival. It lasts from sunrise to sunset. No kits are allowed to go, being young and such. Nor are Defenders unless someone is willing to take their spot for the day.


Chieftain/King(Or Queen based on gender): This fox has all the authority in the skulk. Their job is to keep the skulk safe and their word is practically law. This means however, they are not allowed to abuse their rank. Those who do suffer the consequences made by the Consulate. - (1/1)

Consulate: Another high ranking fox. The Consulate is like a council. They appoint new members, but the leader does have some say in that. If they believe the leader is abusing their power, the members are allowed to denounce them and liberate the skulk of the leader - (0/5)

Deputy: This is the fox who's second in command. When the Chieftain is not present, they make decisions. If no heir is produced, the deputy takes the rank as leader when the previous one passes. - (1/1)

Gifted: These are the foxes with special powers. They are peaceful foxes and mostly keep to themselves to prevent any trouble(Even in a Skulk). Despite some being shunned for their powers, all are welcomed and treated nicely in this Skulk. They do not know of their powers right away. The great foxes in the sky tell them and the Skyreaders if they are Gifted. - (5/5)

Isongama: As the healers of the skulk, their job is to remember herbs needed for the injured. Not to mention go out and gather them.They tend to all of the injured foxes. - (2/3)

Skyreader: Basically a shaman, these foxes interact with the afterlife. They're one of the first who are usually told the prophecies. - (1/1)

Defender(s): Being the guard of the skulk's den, Defenders are large and very serious. They also patrol the territory every so often. These foxes are never expected to hunt and usually don't. They're supposed to stay close to home and hunting can compromise the dens.  - (Unlimited)

Executioner: This fox leads all the other warriors. They create battle plans based on what the leader tells them. A majority of the time, the Executioner is known for their knowledge of the enemy. This is why they lead. - (1/1)

Warrior(s): The skulk's line of defense. These battle-ready foxes are always training and checking the borders regularly. - (Unlimited)

Head Hunter: Just like the Executioner, the Head Hunter plants hunting groups and leads the hunters. Their knowledge in hunting skills can't be matched which leads them to also train apprentices. - (1/1)

Hunter(s): They gather food and hunt prey for the skulk. Not only do they hunt the normal prey of rodents, they also attempt fish, small birds, frogs, fruit, nuts, and grains. This large variety provides lots of food to store and feed to the picky. - (Unlimited)

Proxy(s): These are the scouts of the skulk. Not only do they spy on the enemy, they also go ahead of warriors and hunters to see what is around. They are quick on their paws and fast as well. These foxes are also the main border patrol. - (2/10)

Tinder Harvester: The collector of sticks and twigs. Tinder Harvester's keep the fire in the Great Den going. They also grow crops for the healers and for the fire. Since being a Tinder Harvester is a tedious job, they are allowed to order fledglings and ask other foxes to help. - (1/1)

Miner(s): These foxes are the diggers of the skulk. They make the dens bigger when needed along with hunting underground prey. - (Unlimited)

Fledgling: The apprentices of the main ranks. After turning of age, kits being training to tend to the needs of the skulk. Once deemed ready, they move up to being a full ranking member. - (Only as many as available rank members)

Den Mother: Their job is to take care of a vixen whose expecting along with the kits. They have the easy life and not much is expected of them if no kits or expecting vixens are around. - (0/2)

Kits: The young ones of the skulk. Once of age they become fledglings and begin training for a specified rank. - (Unlimited but please skulk born only)

Crown Prince/Princess: The heir to becomes the new Chieftain when they pass. Most of the time it is the first born. Gender does not matter. - (0/1)

Rogue: These foxes are not a part of the skulk. They steal from the skulk and/or were most likely exiled from another skulk. They are selfish and can't be trusted. - (0/5)

Loner: These foxes are also not a part of the skulk. They are more kinder to others. Sometimes, they live in groups, with families, or just plain alone. A majority are born loners, however there are some from skulks. They left peacefully or on their own accord. These foxes pose no threat to the skulk and can be trusted more. - (2/5)

The Chieftain, Consulate, Isongama, and Skyreader have special markings to show their ranks. They can be any color
*For the time being, certain ranks are limited. If the group gets larger, the numbers will change and more people can claim them. If you choose to be a Consulate, please also choose another rank. I.E Consulate Proxy, etc. (Fledglings do the same) Also, please try to make families. Skulks are mostly known for family relations. But this does not mean everyone has to be family. It would be nice that a majority is.*

Rules for Role-play

OOC: No fighting outside of the role-play. You're character may be a jerk, but that does not apply to you. This is supposed to be a fun role-play. Take arguments to PM if needed. Respect each other please.
RP Fairly: No instant-kills, auto-kills, and power-playing. This is unfair and not right. If you are a Gifted that does not give you the right to do this. No exceptions!
Mary/Gary-Sues: No one is perfect. Everyone has flaws and this applies to your characters as well. Also, no horrible pasts. Being honest here, I'm tired of constantly ready "Both parents are dead" and the works. Please be realistic. If you need help with this, here's a great test to see if your character is a Sue or not.
Realism: Please use realistic breeds and colors. With the acception of specified high ranks(Their rank mark), there is no unrealistic colors. This is a semi-realistic (I say semi due to the powers) role-play and should stay that way.
Literacy: This is a semi-to full literate role-play group. Please, at least 3 sentances per post. Absolutley NO text talk.
Activity: Please be active or semi-active. Two weeks of inactivity will lead in a warning. Another two week after leads in a kick from the group. In the case you are going to be inactive for a long period of time, please tell me first.
Character limit: For the time being, only two characters per person. Both must be activly used. Please ask me if you'd like to add another. Otherwise, only two.
If you've read the rules put "I am loyal to my skulk" in your application
Swearing and Inappropriate behavior: Basic Feral Heart rules apply on this. Keep cursing to a minimum. If you are going to explicitly mate, do so in whisper. Racial slurs are NOT tolerated. Any bashing/hating on a gender, race, or sexuality
will result in removal from the group.

(More will be added if needed.)

Rules for Skulk
1: Protect your skulk, even if it risks your life.
2: Respect all ranks of the skulk.
3: Listen to your leader.
4: Gifted are to be treated equally as they are to treat the skulk as equals.
5: Rogues are not to be trusted.
6: Friends outside the skulk are welcome. But remember where your loyalties lie.
7: No mating outside of the skulk.
8: Do not EVER go near the clawless' floating monster towards the one side of the territory.
9: Do not kill another fox without a valid reason. All life is precious.
10: No fox is allowed into the Grassland unless it is a Skyreader. They are to be accompanied by warriors on their journay to the mountains.

(More will be added as time goes on)

Rivals and Allies
Loch Leven Rebon (Frenemies)
« Last Edit: November 25, 2012, 02:35:13 am by Tanglemask »

"I can't tell you the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everyone" - Ed Sheeran

Offline Tanglemask

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?he ?racle of ?alishul ?rove Maps & Presets
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2012, 01:16:27 am »
The Skulk lives in a land far from human contact. They specifically live in Ralishul's Grove on the coast. Past the small mountains is another part of Ralishul. Not many foxes are permitted to head there. Only every three moons for trading in the peace area. Starreaders, and occasionally healers, are the only ones who are allowed out there. Mainly due to the larger mountain range which holds their shrine to talk with the great foxes in the sky.

Ralishul Grove
Where the Skulk lives

100% done

The Great Dens
Where the Skulk sleeps

100% done

Ralishul Grasslands and Mountain Range
Where those not a part of the Skulk live

100% done

Ralishul Passageway
This leads to the Grasslands

100% done

Grassy Hide-a-way
Where the Den Mothers can take the Kits to play

100% done

Map download is here The text document bugged out and no text is inside. Just place all of the items in the folder the .zip has them in. If the maps lag too much, even after water reflection is off and view distance is 0, lagfree versions will be made.

Presets are a huge favorite of mine. This allows more indivduality between characters. Also, when it comes to special ranks, it allows a wider range of designs and colors for their marks. I take preset requests and they are very much welcomed.. No two people can have the same preset UNLESS you would like to be twins. Please ask if you can have twin presets first.
Here are some ones up for grabs. (Only for a limited time)

Here are the ones taken:

Jessie Dagger's


If you'd like to have a preset of your own, here is the application. (It is closed atm)
Code: [Select]
Referance image: (Please use either a realistice picture or a well detailed one)
Character's name:
Eyes: (Incase either the ref isn't clear or you want it a different color)
Other important information:

Please make sure you're patient. Presets take time.
Nothing needs to be given in return besides 'please' and 'thank you'

Preset downloads will be provided below. If a large amount is given, a preset pack will be made.
Tanglemask - Nolan
Tanglemask - Draco
IlLupoItaliano -
Mizuki~ - [url=]Jaylee

Meowzer - Innerspace
Dormicor - Loki
Lilbluealiengirl - Aiden
MissLunarWolf - Silvain
Jessie Dagger - Naomi
Denio - Hellevi
Silverdawn - Zahem

This is not required but in case other members have it, here is the Mass Marking Pack -
« Last Edit: November 24, 2012, 05:44:59 pm by Tanglemask »

"I can't tell you the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everyone" - Ed Sheeran

Offline Tanglemask

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?he ?racle of ?alishul ?rove - Members
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2012, 01:16:42 am »
Full bios can be seen here
We are Stronger Together
Know your Skulk

The Ranks

Chieftain King

Species: Amber Fox
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male


Species: Corsac Fox
Age: Adult / Young Adult
Gender: Female

-Image will be added later
Species:Silver Fox

Species: Culpeo Fox
Age: Young-Adultish
Gender: Female


-Image will be added later-
Species: Grey Fox
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Mentor to Innerstar


Species: Marble Fox
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male

image come later-
Species: Corsac Fox
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
(Does Den mother rank on the side)
Neko Greece


Species: Silver Fox
Age: 3
Gender: Female


Species: Silver Fox
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female

Species: Cross Fox
Age: 3 1/2
Gender: Female
Jessie Dagger

Head Hunter

Species: Red fox
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male


Delima (Ruby in Malay)
Species: Silver Fox
Age: Young adult
Gender: Vixen (Female)
Gifted. She can look into other's past and feel evil in her surroundings, but she thinks it is just her. (Will obtain powers later)


-Image willbe provided later-
Species: Corsac Fox
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female

Species: Arctic fox
Age: Teenager
Gender: Male

Tinder Harvester

Species: Fennec
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Vixetta
Mentor to Draco


Species: Platinum Fox (Golden)
Age: Teenager
Gender: Male
Tinder Harvester Fledgling

Species: Silver fox
Age: Older Teenager
Gender: Female
Skyreader Fledgling

-Image needed-
Species:Red Fox
Age:1 year
Unspecified Fledgling

Den Mother(s)


Crown Prince/Princess
« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 07:15:18 pm by Tanglemask »

"I can't tell you the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everyone" - Ed Sheeran

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?he ?racle of ?alishul ?rove - Members 2
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2012, 01:16:50 am »


Species: Red Fox(albino)
Age: Young adult
Gender: Dog-fox(male)

Image. Will come later, busy at the moment....)
Species: Red Fox
Age: Around 1 Year
Gender: Female (Hides gender)
When she joins the skulk she'll be a Warrior

Consulate Members


« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 07:06:51 pm by Tanglemask »

"I can't tell you the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everyone" - Ed Sheeran

Offline Tanglemask

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?he ?racle of ?alishul ?rove
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2012, 01:17:00 am »

Role-play Day
1: Normal rps. These are non major rps that happen on Saturdays and Sundays at roughly 12:30 EST time. You are only required to go to one. However, you can go to both. It would be prefered. (That time btw sounds alright with everyone?)
2: Official rps. These are the major rps involving specidied important plots. These will also take place both ingame and on the forum based on what you guys prefer or how it's decided. The dates will be made ahead of time. Usually based on when everyone is most available.
and 3: Plot Arcs. This is roughly a long on-going story line for a certain amount of plots. It sets the atmosphere for both Official and Normal rps. These need work and can require imput. Based on how things go, they can be both ingame and forum rps.
Small, non-major plot rps are anyday, anytime.

Just something to spice up the role-play

Clawless: Humans
Clawless' monsters: Cars (Rare are they ever seen but in case somewhere along the plot this does happen it's nice to know the term)
Clawless' floating monsters: Boats
Shiny/silver birds: Planes
Blackclaw: Demon
(More will be added later)

The Application.
Please fill this out thoroghly.

Code: [Select]
(Image. 300x300 please)
Gifted or NonGifted: (If Gifted, please specify power.)
Parents: (If none is available, you can request them)
History: (This does not have to be major if you are a part of the skulk)
RP Sample: (Please, at least three sentances)
Time/day in which Majory RPing is best for you:
Forum/Ingame Username:
*Insert special quote that signifies you read the rules*

That is all, you may now post ;3

« Last Edit: October 20, 2012, 04:49:10 pm by Tanglemask »

"I can't tell you the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everyone" - Ed Sheeran

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Re: ?he ?racle of ?alishul ?rove - [Open/Accepting] - Mapped
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2012, 03:00:51 am »

Name: Innerspace
Species: Silver fox
Age: Older Teenager
Gender: Female
Gifted or NonGifted: Gifted; she can see emotions by auras, but if they are mixed or muddled, she'll get thrown off and confused.
Rank: Fledgling
Parents: None

Personality: The sweetest kit you'll ever meet, she's very nice and calm, always being a curious and playful kitten. Her overly hyper personality makes people dizzy, as she'll run circles around you. Helpful and loving, she's always one to go and help another one who needs help. She is respectful and lovable, and doesn't dare disrespect anyone unless they need it. Cuddly and always willing to snuggle up to the meanest of cats, she is pushed away a lot, but she always tries. After her moments, when she's hyper and running around, you'd laugh at how fast the young kit would fall asleep. Funny and Bright, she always tries to brighten up people's days. The only time you see her sad, is when it rains. She is naive and adventurous, and usually wonders off without knowing it; which is why you should keep a good eye on her. Always speaking to the quiet ones, she is one to easily befriend others, and when ignored will try harder.

History: As a young kit, she was born into the skulk; with her mother and a unknown father. Her mother loved her very much, but would go silent whenever she had asked for her father; the only thing she would tell her, was that he was a handsome shadowy gray fox, with the most beautiful blue eyes she'd ever seen. She would usually drop the topic and just go on and continue having fun, a bright smile covering her face as usual. Inner had never met her father before, and being the one she is, she decided to go on a adventure and look for him. Space didn't know however, that being a kit; led to many dangers out in the forest, but being the lucky one; nothing really bothered her. Her adventure was soon ended, by her mother stopping her from going any further. She was scolded and taken back into the skulk, and forced to stay in the den for a few days. Innerspace was well, bored; and one day when her mother went off on her own to go hunt, she decided to make her move once more.

She escaped from the den, running out into the forest before anyone could see her. She was free again, and it felt wonderful. The female ran on, her tail swishing behind her as she looked about. Suddenly, a butterfly came into her view, and being the playful one she was, she ran after it. Not knowing what she was doing, she felt her body slip into a hole. Blood, guts. It was horrifying, its tongue sprawled against the dirt, eyes widened. A small line of..foam came from its mouth, ending a few inches away from her paws. She gasped, screaming as she jumped at the dirt, paws scrambling to pull herself out the ditch; but she found she couldn't. Ramming her body against the side, she tried to force her body upwards. At one point, she felt as if she got it, but she felt herself sliding towards the creature. Flailing her paws about, she couldn't get her balance, and closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes, she gave a small scream of horror.
Blue met green.

Mate: None
Offspring: None
RP Sample:

She walked forward, paws hitting against the stone rock as she opened her muzzle in a yawn. Canine teeth were flashed for a split second, even the sight of a pink tongue was visible before it disappeared back into the depths of the female's mouth. A fluffy tail wagged behind the fluffy mass, as blue eyes darted from side to side. Inner had escaped from the skulk for a moment, and now had chosen this time to explore the area around her. A small smile had graced the young kit's maw, as she looked about with excitement. Her paws trotted forward, almost dancing as she jumped from the rocky outcrop and back onto the soft grass of the forest. Sitting down for only a moment, she looked about to stare at the forest. The sunlight shown around her, forcing its way through the crown's of the trees and hitting the floor below her. This was her first day out of the skulk, and she had to admit, it was pretty fun so far. Space would probably be found soon, but she didn't mind; she was free.

For the time being at least, she mused, giving a low giggle to herself as she stood up once more. Shaking her black fur free of grass and debris, she walked on, stopping at points to sniff an area or jump onto something. The forest wasn't as mean as she thought it would be, at least that's what she had heard from her mother. Her mother was just spouting ol tales, she assumed, her pink tongue lolling from her open mouth. Inner didn't realize how far she was from camp, nor did she seem to care; but she would soon if she didn't turn back. The oblivious kit was pretty adventurous and in a split second she could be gone from you're sight. Her tail flicking behind her, swaying in the wind, she raised her head to look at the sky. Something flew above her, it was beautiful, it had orange wings, with a black outlining. Jumping after it with a low yip, she chased it, a small grin coming over her features.

This was fun, she liked this type of stuff. Back at the camp, she could have fun like this; but this was an all new level. It was wonderful. The terrified butterfly was flying away from her, while the kit chased it. She didn't know how scared it was, but only cared about right now how much fun she was having. The female didn't realize however, her careless actions would get her killed, too naive and innocent to ponder it, she continued bouncing after the floating creature. Then, she slipped, falling into a ditch of some sort. Something hit her nose though, the smell of something rotting. Inner turned her head, her smile disappearing as a complete look of fear replaced it. There lay a dead creature, obviously that had been killed and devoured. It's eyes were open in pure shock, and its tongue was lolled against the dirt. Space started to panic, turning around as she threw herself against the dirt, giving a small yelp as she rammed her body into the side of it.

She wanted to get out, she wanted to get out NOW. Space was panicking harder, paws throwing themselves at the sides of the ditch as she gave whimpers and whines; sometimes taking a glance behind her to stare at the dead animal. That increased her fear, as she gave another loud yelp and banged against the dirt. Oh how she hated being in here, the smell, the sight of blood, it terrified her. Now, she was just plain out getting desperate as she threw herself and rammed herself against the side of the wall, her body getting hurt in the process, but she didn't register it. Clawing against the dirt, her eyes widened in fear, she felt herself slipping again. Towards that...thing! She gave a yelp, scrambling herself upwards as she stopped, in a few inches of the face of the creature.

Innerspace was pretty sure she woke the whole forest up with her scream.

Time/day in which Majory RPing is best for you: 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00. 12:00 or 1:00 on the weekends. c:
Other: She is terrified of blood, killing, and what not; but would be worse with healing, could even kill someone with her silly mistakes. She also has a disorder which makes her have to always monitor her body, as she cannot feel any pain or damage. So she could have a broken back leg, and not even know its broken.

I am not loyal to my skulk.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2012, 03:45:01 pm by ??????z?????z???? »


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Re: ?he ?racle of ?alishul ?rove - [Open/Accepting] - Mapped
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2012, 03:35:14 am »
Name: MoonLight.
Age: Young Kit.
Gender: Female.
Mate: None.
Rp sample:
Moonlight sat up and looked around the den. Her eyes gleamed in the night sky. Her nose twitched and she sat up looking around with her glowing white eyes. "Is it morning yet?" She asked, Walking out of the den. No answer. "Hello?" She asked. "T-They must be hunting or something." She said keeping her paws crossed. "I hope so..."
Type: Black/Silver Fox.
Offspring: None.
Time of days: Well because of school, It depends. So like around noon for mornings and all days on weekands c:

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Re: ?he ?racle of ?alishul ?rove - [Open/Accepting] - Mapped
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2012, 05:38:28 am »

Name: Suune
Species: Fennec
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Vixetta
Gifted or NonGifted: NonGifted
Rank: Tinder Harvester
Parents: None
Personality: A clever, gentle vixen. She works with a calm head and focuses on her caring for the plants. She has a somewhat merciful personality towards smaller creatures like mice and sparrows, if she sees one hurt, she tries to nurture it to health again. She always approaches with kindness and a calm personality... except when someone messed up her plants. She rarely shows it but her dark side, her anger, it makes her... kinda scary if you've known her. She alwys has a calm personality most the time, even when she's angry. (If any of you know Russia from APH, when he's angry... just without the kolling) A finale but very important thing about her, she seems to talk to plants. She talks to them as if they can understand her and believe they listen to her. They never seem to talk back though. And she has a kind of accent to her voice.
History: I never imagined it to go so wrong. I started out as a young, cheerful kit like they all do, but soon I met an odd outsider. We would play every day, and he even showed me new places. But all of the play and exploring grew us closer. What I didn't expect was that it would hold an important piece to our future. I always looked up to him and expected him to protect me. I began to fall in love with him, and I didn't know it then, but he loved me too.
After days together, we soon began to speak of our futures. I told him I'd be a skilled hunter. He had no clan, so I persuaded him to join mine, but he refused. And soon, my years of a kit were over. I became a Fledgeling. I was so happy, and he was happy too. And then... we made our mistake. We attempted to bare a child once we were older. At first, we were so excited about it, but soon an odd sickness struck.
"Naru! Come on! You must wake up!" but he wouldn't rise. I dragged him towards the camp and begged the healer to help. "Please! he is dying!" but there was no cure for it. I argued that they weren't trying, and forgot to be by his side as he slowly slipped away.
His death held a grieving silence, I barely spoke after it and couldn't even face them. I tried to keep going for our child, but I barely ate or drank anything that I soon fell ill. They managed to save me, I had been found unconscious in a field, but because of my malnourishment, I lost our child. And after that, I began to give up on living. My big, strong guardian angel, Naru, was dead, and my beautiful unborn kit as well...
But then Nolan became leader. I felt as if I had to help him in some way, for the old leader was now gone. So as my Fledgeling years ended, I became a Tinder Harvester, hoping to grow a cure for what killed Naru. And I never knew, I still didn't know, but Naru was a far off traveler from the mountains.

Mate: None [R.I.P.]
Offspring: None [R.I.P.]
RP Sample: The day was peaceful on her end, it only brought the whistle of the wind and the song of small birds. Suune had been picking a few plants out to use as herbs, bowing to the plants that had to be picked of leaves and berries and nuzzling patched of land picked of the plants. "She thanks thy for the offering." the vixen of tans and whites whispered to the ground where stems stayed to tell the story. "It is normally quite rare for she to take from you, but she must help the skulk." Standing up right, the fennec backed away with the herbs still in her mouth. She sontinued on with a low head and a swift trot, golden eyes glancing at a herb or two to make sure they were healthy.
She seemed in a hurry today. She normally stopped to whisper to the plants and have her own little conversation with them, but today she moved in a swift pace. She was determined to not let her past trouble her mind, maybe that was why she was in such a hurry. Still, thoughts of it managed to slink into her mind and darken her mood, making her grimace and shudder. She swiftly shook her head of the thoughts, a few herb materials and particles falling from her grasp from the shake like leaves and pedals. "She will not be troubled by her thoughts." the tan and white said calmly, continuing her way towards the den of the skyreader.
Once she arrived, she bowed a greeting to the other fox and had risen again, holding up the herbs. "Where might you want her to put it?" she asked with a tilt of her head, sitting down and wagging her tail only twice against the ground as it made a muffled Thump, thump.
Time/day in which Major RPing is best for you: Saturday and Sunday from 2:30 to 8:30 and Fridays from 2:30 to 9:00
I am loyal to my skulk

« Last Edit: October 06, 2012, 12:40:36 am by okami129 »

The liar and the thief

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Re: ?he ?racle of ?alishul ?rove - [Open/Accepting] - Mapped
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2012, 06:41:55 pm »
Okay sooo.... I see you guys are applying. I have 1 thing to say to all of you. Kits...  Not counting Okami's one character, you're all kits and well... No family members. This also is going to cause a problem becuase when they turn Fledglings, there is no one to teach them. So please, until the group grows, no kits. They can still be young, but yeah, no kits. Fledglings are debatable seeing as Draco (My chara who I need to post up his information when I get home) is a self-tough apprentice. He's old enough to be a full rank but is not there yet.
So please, change the kits. I also don't want a skulk overrun with kits. It's happened before and I don't really like it.

Meowzer, if you're done (I see the WIP on history so yeah) you're accepted. Just please change her rank.

Nyx, your app is missing some things. Also, I am unsure you read the rules because something very important is missing. Please read the rules again and finish your post (Edit it not a new one) and then we will see. Don't get me wrong, you can join, I just want a better app. I can't wait to see the finished product.

Okami, you are also missing something very important. Please go read the rules again and when you're done editing your post tell me. Also, one thing I want to say about Kirie is that her Gifted powers isn't well... What a Gifted's power is. It envolves elemental and spiritual things. Having cool eyes is not "unimaginable powers" It's just for show. And not all Gifted are hated. They're more watched and silently judged than full out hatred. So just a pointer on that. I do like Cean and I can't wait to see when you finish everything.

I do hope I didn't sound mean. I'm not putting a high standard for this group. I just want things more realistic. I don't think a skulk can live with just kits. Please don't hate me. This was a well thought up group and I want to keep everyone happy it's just that... Some things have to be worked out accordingly. This is sort of constructive criticism. Don't take it too personally. I'm a really nice person I just want to make people feel like they can improve. Because that's what I love about role-plays. Watching how everyone gets involved and improves over time. Please understand.

"I can't tell you the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everyone" - Ed Sheeran

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Re: ?he ?racle of ?alishul ?rove - [Open/Accepting] - Mapped
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2012, 07:20:20 pm »
(Image. 100x100 please)(I'll put up a pic soon I need to take one ^^)

Species:Red Fox
Age:1 year
Gifted or NonGifted:Her gift is to see dreams that may sometimes show what will happen to the future.
Parents: None
Personality:Silent but hardworker,clever and quick
RP Sample:Tamara slipped quickly inside the den and curled into a furball closing her eyes scenting someone coming in.She remain calm and for some seconds colours start arosing from the darkness.Trasfered in her dreams to a place she walked along a stream.She looked around and all of a sudden a denmate of hers being hitted by a monster.She looked there shocked and then she opened her eyes breathing hardly.
Time/day in which Majory RPing is best for you:Tuesday/Wednesday and the weekend