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Topics - FlyingGrass

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Site/Forum Help / What problems did Tinypic cause?
« on: April 23, 2018, 02:47:48 am »
Browsing through the forums today I see this message:

I look at the topic's replies some more and found that Tinypic was removed from the forum.

What problems did Tinypic cause? Does it cause problems on other forums as well? If it does cause problems on other forums/websites as well then I'll look for a way to remove Tinypic from the Mechanicafeles forum once it's created after I fix my PC.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / How to improve the animations?
« on: April 22, 2018, 06:18:25 pm »
So the Buttswing was removed for a reason, but the sit animation needs tweaking too, so I'm thinking the hind legs should be crossed together in the sit animation, or make the sit animation rest on the side of the pelvis? The lay down with the back arched, and the overturn with hind legs crossed or the spine curved to the side a bit.

The Buttswing dance, instead of being a moon walk, could keep the horizontal spine movement the old Buttswing had, but without the vertical movement of the back while the head bounces the same way it used to.

I found that out while working on my greyhound animations.

Game Help / How does having allies/rivals work?
« on: April 13, 2018, 07:37:09 am »
I'm confused. What do rivals and allies do to other groups? Do they do whatever they please?

Image drawn by FlyingGrass.
*From the perspective of your character* Wherever you've found yourself, there are whirring noises, and blinking lights of various colors litter the surroundings, as well as multiple pairs of glowing eyes. Did you unknowingly set paw into a temporal anomaly? No, you've found a travelling group of futuristic robot cats in the present day. The silhouettes observe you for a moment, then they leave. One has left behind a blueprint on how to build your own Mechanicat, do you want to see where your Mechanicat's life takes him/her in MechFel?

This is an ingame(But has a Discord server) Mechanicat chilling & roleplaying group, currently led by Gui and Dietrich. A never-ending journey of a bunch of robot felines, we cross many lands and investigate too, even throughout the dangers that some of our adventures may bring. Much of the group's history and laws are decided in roleplay with help from the members.

~We are~

▓Always open~ Always accepting more members at any time, even when not recruiting in The Grounds. Message FlyingGrass through forum PM or ingame Whisper, Discord DM is ok too but you must have an account on FeralHeart. This group has no separate recruiter account.

▓Nomadic and semi-mapped~ We don't only sit in one map, we move across public maps and can even move across downloaded maps, sometimes marking temporary camps(That welcome trespassers, not shield against them) along the way.

▓One post format please~ Use the format of posting that lacks the star symbols around actions, and quotation marks to denote speech, however there's no penalties at all for not using that post format, it's just encouraged. Length of posts is not important, it's okay to write one line.

▓Not Sited: No website.

▓Has Discord server~ We have a Discord server, to communicate to other members when they're not ingame, it's required but we mainly roleplay ingame.

▓Chapter plots~ The plot is in chapters and may change with the actions of the members. I'm still working on the story of how the group came to be.

▓Semi-Unrealistic~ Go as wild as you want with your character's design, everything except the pelt & underfur can have maximum neon colours.

▓Can be allied and rivalled~ Can have/be allies/rivals, contact FlyingGrass if you want your group to ally or rival!

▓Loose activity requirement~ There's no penalty for inactivity.

▓Tagged~ The tag is MCF.

▓Semi-ranked(?)~ Mechanicafeles has few ranks, there is a kitten rank, then there's the main rank that everyone has like a Warrior rank, then there are heirs, then there's two Alphas. The two Alphas assist each other in the leader duties and don't have to be each-other's mates, the Alphas can have any member of the group as their mate, there's no special rank for whoever's the mate though. The heir rank is given to kittens of the Alphas, there's no limit to the number of heirs, there's a test to decide which little heir will be most fit for the role of leading.


❕Allies: Currently none, want to ally?

❗Rivals: Currently none. Want to rival?


If you want to be an ally/rival with this group, let me know in PM or ingame whisper.

Forum Games / Make stories with EXACTLY 10 words
« on: April 10, 2018, 02:00:23 pm »
Build stories, each using only twelve words. You may type 3 words at most, and 1 word at least, but the amount of words in one story cannot exceed 10, and once the limit of 10 words is reached, a new story starts with a different theme than the last one, but the new story can have a theme that previous stories had(Or even mix themes together).

List the total number of words there are in the current story, so no one gets confused if half of the story is on another page.

Let's begin!

Fish like to...


This emote of mine crashes the game on my PC:
[Leedle Leedle Leedle Lee]

I see nothing wrong with the emote's code, do you? And only some emotes are crashing, all of the crashing emotes are emotes I created, all of the default emotes work and so do most of the emotes I made. What causes this and how is it fixed?

I've replaced the Emotes.cfg with one that wasn't touched in months(Putting all the emotes into the old .cfg first).

It also crashes on the other install of FH(The one without the trees) which I know wasn't running when I tried to replace the current Emotes.cfg with its own.

Also crashing is this:

I could select emotes all the way down the list of emotes without crashing until I clicked on that emote. I've not checked to see if the crashing has spread to emotes above like a disease is running rampant in my Emotes.cfg.

EDIT: I just thought about it some more, and found out that the crashing emotes can cause public maps to randomly crash if someone's using an emote that's in the same spot as the crashing emote. I don't want to let my work and time I spent creating these emotes go to waste. But... Kuri is also experiencing the same crashing with some of the emotes, not sure exactly what emotes, and they received the Emotes.cfg months ago.

I copied my emotes into a fresh default Emotes.cfg, but the crashing problem's still not fixed.

I don't want to let my work and time I spent creating these emotes go to waste, but do I have to delete the emotes that are crashing?

And are the emotes crashing beyond repair?

I've looked at the code many many times, and I still see nothing wrong with the code.

When someone on the forum posts really tiny words, it can get quite frustrating having to lean in to view them. This trick shall put an end to thy frustration of leaning really close to the monitor/laptop screen.

Copy the tiny sentence, and paste it into a text document or the search bar of your browser, then you can read it at normal size.

And now you can see tiny words without leaning in really close.

Stories / And The Crashing Forest.
« on: March 30, 2018, 10:08:35 pm »
The wind rushed past the long grass, rustling Icra's fur as it blew. Larger paws pinned the grass beside the red wolf. A green feline named Georand, who was much larger than Icra, was also on the journey.

Suddenly, Icra sat and put his paw to his forehead, it looked almost like a facepalm. Georand wondered what he was doing, but she continued on her way, leaving Icra behind, thinking he could catch up to her.

The red wolf had a vision, many canines racing each-other, each with a sleek body sporting gray coats that differed from animal to animal. Before everything around him seemed to turn into a racetrack, he was helpless to stop the moss-colored cat from moving away.

He suddenly saw terror before his eyes, though the expression on his face told nothing of his fear as the illusionary canines crashed, one by one, onto the dusty track. He felt helpless, but still waved his paw wildly, realizing that he couldn't see himself at all as the racing canines were dropping to the ground as if they suddenly lost their whole skeleton.

He was begging to wake up, when suddenly he saw the forest in front of him again. No sign of what he saw in the vision ever happening. Georand was seemingly nowhere to be seen again. "The one who I was following... Did they forget I was supposed to follow them?" He thought to himself before letting out loud barks, with hope that he wasn't lost in the woods. No answer came.

Not one to give up, he trod straight through the forest, hoping to make it to his destination soon. He was scanning the area when his nose picked up a terrible scent, then the trees picked him up and carried him so fast that he felt like he was soaring thorough the air, "Wheee!" he yelled out so loud that birds flew away, until he suddenly caught sight of Georand, but things didn't look right at all.

He didn't need to say a word to the tree before it set him down next to the oddly-motionless body of his guide, he observed it closer while the tree straightened its trunk. He saw no wounds, but her arm was unnaturally bent and her spine couldn't have flexed that far without breaking. Frowning in confusion at the body until it was hidden behind a tree, he went onward, still not losing all hope of getting out of the forest.

Icra reached a lake, he suddenly began to draw a map in the dirt. He nodded, looking at the map, then continued on the path that he put on the map, north-west of the lake. He made it out of the forest, not a scratch on him, and a tree placed the cat's body next to him. He gave the body a confused glance before approaching the pack he saw in the distance, where he was met with wolves greeting him, all with blue pelts and green markings.

The Medics in the pack discovered that Georand had suffered a broken arm and didn't make it, a wolf walked up to Icra and asked him how he found his way out of the forest when his guide wasn't there during half of the walk. The red wolf answered "I didn't give up when a broken arm took away what you thought was the only thing that would help me get out of the forest.". Then a different blue wolf approached, holding a sheet of paper, she stood tall and said "I found this paper buried beneath a pile of books on the ground, it was a list of future visitors, the list reads that you are one of the incarnations of tenacity." and another wolf looked at the paper and spoke to the red canine "We're sorry we doubted you."

Game Help / How to change what map is scrolling in the title screen?
« on: March 25, 2018, 05:10:39 am »
How to change what map is scrolling in the title screen?
I'm sure it has something to do with replacing the Watermill.fhm, like replacing a podium.

Game Help / Podium out of place, how to move character to podium?
« on: March 21, 2018, 05:38:30 am »
I'm attempting to create a podium, so I put the podium's base at around "1510 70 1510", but the character is standing far from the podium.


The gray ceiling is something I can fix I think.

I placed the dragon altar in front of where I thought the character would be, facing where I thought the character would be.

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