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Topics - FlyingGrass

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The ground is a bee when I select this terrain texture I've turned a floor picture into.


Below is the image I'm trying to put on the ground, as seen selected in the list in the screenshot.
One of BuildDirect's floor pictures.
Found on Google.

Game Help / I'm 100% sure I created a terrain texture wrong
« on: March 06, 2018, 06:18:21 pm »
I'm trying to create a red pixel terrain texture, so that there's no lag in a redscreen map, but I know nothing about how to create terrain textures.

Here's what I did so far:


It's called RedPixel, but I don't see anything in the list named RedPixel.

Site/Forum Help / Can't see screenshots. Is it a problem with my PC?
« on: February 24, 2018, 11:23:44 am »
Some screenshots glitch out when they load.

On Chrome I see this:

On Firefox I see this:

Opened in a new tab they look like this:

Saved to PC and opened in Paint.NET they look like this:

It happened to a few of the screenshots in the topic, the rest loaded normally but the ones that only loaded halfway are still only loaded halfway.

I can't pinpoint what is going wrong. Is it my PC?  Or was the file like that when it was uploaded? Did Imgur malfunction?

Game Discussion / How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
« on: February 21, 2018, 07:41:57 am »
If you ask me to join your group, you'll most-likely get a reply saying that I'm happy in the only group I'm currently in, which is the Mechanicat group.
I can only handle having one character in a group at a time, as I can't spread my activity evenly between multiple groups, and will end up going completely inactive in all but one group.

How many groups can you handle having characters in at a time?

Species / Velocidon(Picture up)
« on: February 15, 2018, 05:08:15 am »
Speedy Tooth I assume.

A cross between a raptor and a tufted deer, it looks like a four-legged scaly deer with tusks a raptor tail.


They run a bit faster than a cheetah, with young running faster than adults until the time they are preyed upon by other carnivores or their own kind.

Their scales don't defend them much, and they don't heal very fast when they're injured.

The Velocidon only eat skinks and, in the event of skinks being unavailable, their own kind.

Their color is a deep green with a rusty color on its underbelly and around the eyes and lips.
Still wondering what markings will work.
They're slightly smaller than default size, and never as large as/larger than default size. The young are no-larger than skinks.

This species is extincting itself due to its extreme tendency to eat its own kind and even young of its species in the event of a lack of food. But the young are faster than the adults and sometimes flee from their burrows before they're eaten, but the extreme speed wears out their legs and makes them as slow as adults for the rest of their life. Some of the young escape heavily scarred.
The young eat the tails of skinks until they're big enough to eat a whole skink, as they don't chew their food.

Videos / Dance 'Till You're Dead(FeralHeart version)
« on: February 13, 2018, 06:32:22 pm »
Off the top of my head, and completely from memory, I created these animations and thought I'd create this video. Based on the video "Dance 'Till You're Dead"

I have better plans for what to put on my Youtube Channel, so I'll post a download link to the video so you can watch it even without internet.

Filmed by me, although I forgot to put that in the credits at the end. Filmed using Bandicam.

Don't mind the message saying "We're processing this video".

Link to a video Kuri made that also demonstrates the stretch animation:

Game Help / Crashing at random times during exporting object-heavy map
« on: February 08, 2018, 03:54:07 pm »
The Map Maker keeps crashing when I try to export my object-heavy map, I've tried exporting it 5-10 times and exporting still crashes.

The exporting reaches a different progress level before each crash, although it never seems to fully export. It will export for a minute sometimes, other times the export will run for only 30 seconds, and there's no pattern to it at all.

The Music Cube object is missing, that's how I know it didn't fully export, but I don't know how many objects didn't get the chance to export.

How do I stop the crashing?
Is my PC unable to handle exporting the map? Or is FH incapable of exporting a map with so many objects?

I'm attempting to export an update to a map that started with a lot of detail, and the first version of this map exported successfully the second time, but the new version keeps crashing at random times during exporting and never successfully exported.

Game Help / (Solved)Crashing way more than usual.
« on: February 02, 2018, 04:13:33 pm »
I seem to have crashing that is becoming more frequent every hour.

I crashed every 30 minutes just hours ago.

I tried to log in, and instantly crashed upon entering Bonfire Islands, although I had logged in another character before trying to log in the character I selected.
I managed to successfully get into Bonfire Islands and made my way to The Grounds, but I crashed after 30 seconds sitting around.
So I logged in another character, this time in a custom map. 30 seconds into writing in my character's bio, all windows lose their contents and the bio's words turn invisible, then I crash.
I log into The Grounds, then I crash after five seconds.

I am using an ENB mod, as well as HD textures, but I've never had this much crashing since the time I got a badfile.reminder.
There is no Badfile.reminder, I checked each time I crashed.

Stuff wearing down could be the cause, as a month ago my PC gained a knack of temporarily freezing up, which turned into needing to be restarted each freeze.

Every time I pick a ground texture, I get quite worried due to not knowing what textures come with the game.
I've wondered for a long time but never asked, can I use the ground textures that had to be installed with other's maps? And if so, do I need to give credit? And who should I give credit to as I don't know(Or forgot) who created the ground textures that I had to install with other maps.

While searching through old screenshots, I found a weird glitch happening with Gui's preset.

May 11 2017
It appears Gui decided to wear a mask. Is it a marking file conflicting with the name of one of Gui's preset files? Preset slot unknown, exact name of head file unknown. I know I never gave the head file the same name a marking file usually has, and I started with the feline UV when creating Gui's head. That spot on the shoulder is my cursor.

Those blue stripes are the scrolling coolant, and it was still scrolling, the head just looked like that of a Kreptis. I do not have, and never had, a file on my PC that looked like that. What happened to my preset back then? Has it ever happened before? I never swapped the files, and the glitch disappeared after a restart of the game.

Has this image shown up on anyone else's presets? Or is it a different file showing each time?

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