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Topics - LordSuragaha

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Game Discussion / Favorite Hang Out/Roleplay spots in FH
« on: May 28, 2014, 01:09:54 am »
We all have at least one favorite map we like to roleplay or hang out on in Feral Heart and while many of us may favor similar maps each of us has our own unique hang out and rp spots.

So I ask, of Feral Heart's default maps which spots are your favorite and why?

In the Fluorite Plains I favor this little spot along the main island's coast. It's located close to the "Y" river's delta. I like the seclusion of the spot and the nice view. It's a place I go to when I want to avoid the crowded spots of FH sometimes. Sometimes I snuggle with a friend or two there when we need some alone time to talk or reflect on stuffs.

A second favorite spot of mine is also located in the Fluorite Plains. This area is one of my favorite spots to rp in because it is seperate from most of the busy crowds and not many groups use it. I've had some of my greatest rp memories there. My favorite parts about that area are the mountains you can climb on or enter into as caves. I also like how the area is far off the main land so it's fairly private and "hidden". I also love the climbable acacia at the cave entrance :)

A third favorite spot of mine is located in the Last Cave. If you head straight forward from the portal all the way to the far end of the map you can find it. Once again I like this area because of its privacy. It's been a great place for rping with friends in the past although the map is fairly dead mesh wise. The little areas around the water and small islands are interesting spots rather than the plain out straight flat land of some of the other maps. I also like the darkness and stillness of the map. It's a great place for a sinister environment in a rp.

A fourth favorite spot of mine is the all to well known N/Z spot in the Fluroite Plains. I like this spot for numerous reasons: It's has a close proximity to the portals in and out of the map, it's location is close to the center of the map, many people gather here and it's a great place to socialize and meet new friends, it's easy to find, the climbable acacia tree at it's center, and for the hills that surround and cover it. It is here where I met many of my friends and had many fun times. In a way the N/Z spot has been the heart of my FH experience.

So those are some of my favorite spots. Which are yours and why :)?

Well since many users here are fans of the film The Lion King and the game itself draws it's roots from the TLK fandom I'm curious what you guys think about some of these
deleted/altered scenes & characters from the film. I figured this could be an interesting mini discussion topic. Perhaps this will bring more interesting twists to current TLK rps in game to.

Do you guys think they change the story in any way if they were still present in the film? For better or worse? When it comes to characters which do you think should have stayed and why? Any you like? Everyone is free to share their thoughts.

Here are some of the deleted scenes:

As for deleted characters (Hopefully these are accurate lol):

Ask Me / !! Ask Me Board: Rules & Info !!
« on: May 14, 2014, 01:21:32 pm »
Ask Me Board

In this board you may post your own "Ask Me" topic for others to ask you questions or you may go along and ask questions to someone else on their own "Ask Me" topic.

Perhaps you've always wanted to ask another member how they came up with their username, what's their favorite color, or what food they dislike etc? Or maybe you'd like others to ask you about yourself. Whatever the question(s) here is the board to give and get answers and get to know your fellow Feral Heart community members better.

Rules to keep in mind:

- Only one thread per user in this board.

- Keep your questions appropriate. Refer to the forum/site rules HERE

- Avoid questions about personal information such as, Full name, phone number, address etc.

- Do not post any questions that are offensive or hurtful towards any member.

Have fun!

Screenshots / Lord Suragaha's 2014 Screenies
« on: May 06, 2014, 03:14:07 pm »
The adventures have only just begun...

and what better way to begin the year than with a tree rp. Yes... Sura continues to bring derp to FH

What glitches have I accomplished this year? Well warp speed my dear Spock

Everyone still looks grumpy & or bored in our family portraits...

and if not grumpy & bored we look depressed and crazy... O_o

I'm still trying to get my senpai to notice me... oh Red

Buffy still refuses to make me apple pie...

Baku learned to hunt fish in Sura's forest

Still eatting peoples butts when they go afk ...

Couldn't get a good grip of Zady's butt so I went for the neck...

I belong to no one else but Delija and she is fierce about that D:

...Let's just say that Feareh and Sura share a "special" kind of friendship lol

Baku is not only my best buddy but still makes a good pillow and chew toy... -noms skull-

Zady & Kate are still two of the cutest floofies and two of my beloveds

It's always nice to take a break with Flobby <3

I like to stare at people... up close... awkwardly

Meanwhile in Bonfire...

Dancing for the TLK over lords

Never a dull moment in Bonfire :)

...Speaking of Bonfire. My first kick and it was from senpai D:

Do not say the word "sugar" when Raz is around D:< lol

Zady & I survived a server apocalypse

Indakoiya aka MorbidDecadence is still creeping ;3

Red still never gets a moment alone

We be bringing new meaning to mini modding in Bonfire ;)

You can get the best snuggles around with Flobby

I'm always surrounded by the best company <3

TLKers love Red

Forever Red's butt pillow...:P

Cuddles with good friends are always a welcome thing at the end of a long day

Everyone I know is still crazy <3

Still teasing lions about their hot dog butts

Ohkujaki Island (One of my private get away maps) has some of the most beautiful sun sets.

I was devoured by the Bonfire Cave...

Enjoyed many watches over Bonfire with my mod sister Ally <3

Saw what was probably the biggest Mate Center in FH history O_o

Met some of Feral Heart's Tumblr bloggers in Bonfire. They're a sweet bunch.

Had a great Christmas Eve celebration with Bonfire folks (Was the white feline with santa hat)

and finally... this year has been a rough one for me so far but I am thankful to have good friends there for me during some of my worst moments... Thank you guys. I really can't express my appreciation...

Goodbye 2014 <3 You were a good one on Feral Heart!

Game Help / Needing a small favor...
« on: May 04, 2014, 03:10:01 pm »
Due to work being done on my pc I currently can not create zip folders... Therefore I need some one to download my presets' fhp files below and put them in a zip for me and then to send me the link of the new zip download. Anyone up for it?

Here are the presets that I need in the zip:

Any help would be appreciated

Game Discussion / Join the gathering ferals! It's story time.
« on: April 25, 2014, 12:27:36 am »
What if Feral Heart had legends...

Alright here's a fun and imaginative topic for everyone to join in on. I want you all to start thinking creative for this one and to really get your imagination out there. Everyone is welcomed to join this by the way.

Now for the challenge...

 I want you all to imagine yourself as one of your characters sitting down at the center of many other FH critters. The purpose for the gathering is to share with them the many tales of Feral Heart...

With this said...

If the lands of Feral Heart had a story what do you think the story would be? What legends lie untold?

Here are just some examples to kindle the flames of your imagination but don't let these limit your creativity :

- The tale of Bonfire Island. Where is the bonfire? Why is it named Bonfire?

- The origins of the stone bridge

- The formation and or uses of the + area in Fluorite Plains.

- How did the lands come to be populated by such varying species?

- Where is the Feral Heart universe? Some where in a futuristic abandoned earth or another planet?

- The story of the sunken city in Atlantis

- How did the floating islands/platforms of SkysRim & Ascension Island come to be?

- Who created the Temple of Dreams? Who or what was it made for?

- Who built all the strange structures scattered around Fluorite Plains?

Have fun with it :) I plan to write in some legends myself.

Game Discussion / How was your FHORD experience?
« on: April 07, 2014, 01:41:08 pm »
How was your FHORD experience?

Unfortunately I could not attend but I'm curious to hear all of the wonderful feedback from you all.

Did you attend? Did you have fun? Did you make new friends? What kind of roleplays did you leap into? What character(s) did you use? Who did you roleplay with? If you attended last years FHORD event how did this one compare? What was your favorite experience from the day?

Feel free to share it all here.

Other Games / Life of Wolf
« on: February 13, 2014, 04:36:17 am »
For those of you who like animal simulators there is a free app in the App Store called Life of Wolf. Basically you run around like a wolf catching prey and fighting other wolves in hopes of surviving. Simple concept but a bit difficult lol.

Here are some screenshots I took:

Other Games / Life of Leopard
« on: February 13, 2014, 04:19:35 am »
For those of you who like animal simulator games there's an interesting free little app called Life of Leopard in the App Store. Basically you play as a leopard who hunts certain animals to gain strength. This leopard's mate was killed by a tiger so you spend your time hunting animals to get stronger so that you can seek revenge on the tiger. Simple and sweet.

Here are some screenies I took:

Leaving / Temporary Leave: Update Feb 23
« on: February 04, 2014, 12:06:24 am »
I can't pretend that nothing's happening anymore. Been having a lot of health problems as of lately and just to much on my mind. I'll miss you all but it's for the best. I will be leaving for a short while in the meantime please do not send any messages to my inbox. Take care you guys

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