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Topics - Cybera

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Alright, so recently myself and a fellow RP member were attempting to enter the Alpha ver. of a map for an RP. Everyone else has no issues entering the map. However, she and I both have issues. When attempting to load the map up/load our characters/enter the map, the game will crash shortly after trying. For me at least, it doesn't give me a "Feral Heart has stopped responding" message or anything. It just closes.

I went in and manually began adding in .fho files to a COMPLETELY BLANK Feral Heart folder, separate from my main folder/game, to see which .fho files the game liked and which it didn't.

I began noticing two things:
1. There's no pattern for the .fho files. they seem to be random
2. Some of the .fho files are files with which I have NEVER had issues with, and even have downloaded personally for map making.

It doesn't seem to be an issue with other meshes because, as I said, I loaded the map files into a bare-bones FH folder to test and see. The map was able to load with 0 issues for several .fho files, but many of the more important ones were refusing.

It's not a particle issue either. While the map does have a fair number of particles, there doesn't seem to be any duplicates (_0 and _1 or whatever) popping up.

We even went as far as having the map maker send us the .mesh and .material files for most of the nuisance .fhos and got nowhere. We tried exporting a map with specifically those .fho groups added into it (one item from each Object group in map maker) and I was able to enter the test map no problem, but not the main one.

These are the .fho files I found so far through individual research that have given me crashes. I've never had issues with some of them before.

There were still more .fho files to test, but I had gotten pretty fed up with opening and closing my game for 2 hours straight as I manually added in one .fho at a time to see if my game liked it or not.

Now, I've been playing FH since the game came out. I've never had any issues like this.

Initially, the other individual involved (I won't be adding them in unless they decide they'd like to be added) had what a few users recognized as the Flower Bush glitch? They had some meshes show up as the default FH Flower bush mesh. I did not experience this, so perhaps we are experiencing different issues.

If anyone has any clue as to what it might be, please let us know ASAP! We've tried a lot of things to try and fix this but to no avail.

Request/Find Meshes / Can this be converted?/Converter wanted!!
« on: March 09, 2014, 07:19:22 pm »
I'd been searching around and found this doberman 3-d model, and I'd LOVE to have it in a map, but is it convertable?
I have no experience with meshes, so I can't try myself.
If it IS convertable, could someone be kind enough to do it for me?

Game Help / Terrain.cfg Cannot Be Found
« on: March 03, 2014, 02:24:59 am »

This has happened to me TWICE now.
The first time, my computer had just finished a disc/disk check and I assumed it had deleted the file.
But, it's happened again.

All day, FH was running normally, and I had spent all weekend working on the map. I was proud of it, I had ideas, plans, SO MUCH I wanted to do.
When I got home (I had been away from home all day w/ my laptop), I turned it on and opened FH. I noticed everything was reset. All my GUI options, my music volumes, my caret offset, even my login was reset. Everything got reset. I thought "Oh, that's odd." it had happened before, but I blew it off and continued on.
I went to open the map to take a screenshot for a friend who's co-running the up-coming rp this map will provide for.

And that, my friends, is when I got the message and spent a good 10 minutes actually crying because this is the THIRD TIME I have re-made this map.

Does anyone here have ANY IDEA why this happened? Or HOW I CAN GET MY MAP BACK?
The map is only 15,000 with a 1500 or so height. I had a LOT of trees, but not so many that I couldn't work without lag.
I... I'm just REALLY aggravated about this.

Member Bio & Journals / Who's this
« on: July 17, 2013, 07:13:03 am »


Hello! My name is Chelsea, but a lot of you know me as Cybera.

In the real world, I am a 15 year old girl with short brown hair and freckles. Yes. LOTS AND LOTS OF FRECKLES

I am currently single and unemployed, but y'all don't really care about that, huh?

I swing towards the ladies, romantically speaking.
And I ain't exactly clean either

But that's another story not suitable for a public thread..


I take an interest in a lot of things.
For example..

-Doctor Who
-Did I mention Furries?

Yeah okay I'm a furry, you got me

Either way, I don't know anyone who'd hate me for that, so I think I'm clear here. Right?

Anyways, I don't have any pictures of myself
All you need to know is I'm a fat lard who sits around on her laptop all day looking at furry artwork, working on her fursuit, and browsing the endless wall of

Yeah that's pretty much it for me.

Y'all really don't need to know anything else.

See you in game!

Game Help / [URGENT] Map won't export!
« on: April 15, 2013, 08:01:08 pm »
I'm currently working on, pretty much DONE with, a HUGE map. Not HUGE, but I am using a LOT of meshes for it. I was originally inspired by the fact that almost EVERY Warrior Cat's RP map I download, it looks.. Lazy. I wanted to show the FH community just how nice a map can look.

Well, because I have so many meshes, not only is it laggy..  But not even half-way through exporting it, my game crashes. Same dumb 'not responding' and 'something blah blah close program'.

I really like this map.
I really want to get this RP out there. Is there any way I can get this to work?

If not, is there anyone out there with a stronger computer with more memory that would be willing to export it for me? I'll send the files and the meshes, but I doubt that would work.

I'm really really angered by the fact that I worked so hard on this map and it won't even export.

Game Help / Regarding a Map problem [URGENT]
« on: April 14, 2013, 10:45:03 pm »
Hello. Sorry to be a bother, but this particular issue was not addressed already, as far as I can tell.

Lately, I have been unable to fully download maps. I can download the map itself; but several mesh packs will be missing. Other people who grab the download will be able to see the meshes just fine; But my computer virtually refuses to accept that there are certain .fho groups in a .zip/.rar file.

This may be my laptop deleting files because of the limited space I have.

I have 97.5 GB memory left out of 451. That's a lot of stuff.

Would a laptop delete files for the sake of how many files it has? I just don't think that's the problem.

So, what do you think? This has really become an issue for me; seeing as I cannot join a lot of fantastic roleplays.

Please get back as soon as possible.

Hugs 'N Kisses,



Hello! Looking to be helpful? Great!

I am starting up a large map for a multi-species Roleplay. But, I need a few meshes/objects first.

I'm in need of:

- Huts/Beach huts
- Boxcars/Train cars
- Beach Towels/Beach objects
- Palm trees and Coconuts [I know these exist somewhere but still. Link me!]
- Assorted foliage and forest objects [Link me! I know it exists!]
- Houses [Link me! I know they exist!] (NOTE: These houses must look slightly abandoned/inactive.)
- REALISTIC DENS. An assortment would be nice. [Link me!]
- An assortment of trees! [Link me!]
- Marsh Objects [Link me!]

That's all I can think of for now.

If you know of any links to already-existing meshes for my requests, PLEASE Link me to the pages!
If you know someone who does custom meshes, LINK ME! I can pay them! I hope. Haha.

Thank you!

Hugs 'N Kisses from your favorite cat.

Stories / Melancholy's Story
« on: September 28, 2012, 11:57:46 pm »

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / [ TLOA ] The Lands of Amore
« on: June 17, 2012, 01:29:38 pm »

What is TLOA?
- TLOA is an African Role-Play accepting every African species known to mankind. We offer a variety of species options for you to interact, and so far our list inclues: African Lions, crocodiles, zebras, gazelles, African bird species, leopards, fennec foxes, cheetahs, and many more! We're still accepting species. Heck, we'd allow a lizard in if someone made it!

Can I join on a wolf?
- Sadly, unless the canine is of African origins, I will not be allowing it.

What about domestic dogs? I know humans have dogs in Africa.
- Sadly, I won't allow these either due to no human civilization on our map.

I wanna have a black, evil lion! Can I?
- Your character can be evil, rude, mean, ETC, but not black. We are a realistic RP.

GENERALLY, If you want to RP a species such as Hyenas or Crocodiles or even Zebras, PLEASE look into their behavior and nature! Hyenas especially. They're not as dog-like as they may appear, and there are some other details related to the females that you might want to look into.

Since we are a REALISTIC Role-Play, I WILL give a warning to any offenders of this. If you start on a species I do not recognize, I will double-check on it's appearance and behavior, and make sure it is an African species.

We are also LITERATE, so if I catch anyone being illiterate without an excuse, I WILL be giving them a warning as well.

Basically, we are..


So, if you cannot apply yourself to these standards, please don't try to join.

Here you'll find all the info you need for joining.

PLEASE: If you download the map, PLEASE send a Group Join request to: TLOA- The lands of amore. I will accept it and ask you a few questions about yourself [Realism, literacy, ETC.]

FOR THOSE WHO WONDER- You may have AS MANY CHARACTERS AS YOU CAN HANDLE!! You must be active equally on ALL OF THEM. Not just one or two.

THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO HUMANS IN THE RP. Do not even attempt to join on one.

The map is a .FHM map file. Just save it into the exports folder.

If you have any questions, PLEASE contact me through: Our WEBSITE or IN-GAME.

Species / ??????? ????????
« on: December 30, 2011, 04:23:48 am »

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