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Topics - Saylor156

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Game Help / Accidentally changed .particle file types...?
« on: December 21, 2014, 08:43:25 pm »
Uh.. Yeah, I don't know. I read somewhere that you can open .particle files with notepad so I tried it while downloading some of Glave's particles. It didn't give me an option so I manually selected notepad from another file and now all of my particle files are notepads. Not sure if it has any negative affect on FH so far since it's running fine. I don't use the particles really. But still, I want to know if I can change them back without redownloading FH.

That's what they look like now.

Please help! Thank you!!

Videos / SaySay's Videos
« on: September 02, 2013, 01:37:40 am »
I did some speedpaints. ouo

Bad quality, but you get the main idea. :I

Art Gallery / SaySay's Arts
« on: September 02, 2013, 01:33:59 am »
Hurr be some of my arts.

A random Taco-cat that I drew for a friend. x3

Two kitties fighting in OCoTNA (a clan rp) that I'm in. My character, Rerosy, is the red one, and he's fighting Strifeclaw, a ShadowClan warrior. (Lineart not mine)

Another colored lineart. Rerosy running around. :I

Yet another lineart... My OC Brookpaw, who's in RiverClan. ouo

Gaah lineart again. Ravenstrike, my original Clan warrior. She's mah favorite. ;u;

Drew this of myself.... :I Heh. Should've used a reference to help with anatomy. xD

Welp, that's it. Hope chu enjoyed. ouo

Request a Preset/Marking / Preset Request - Minimal Transparency Desired
« on: August 30, 2013, 03:13:21 am »
Hello, preset-makers!

I've requested this once before, but I wasn't really serious about it. Now I am, since I'd really, really like to use this character in a roleplay that I'm in. I drew the scar-ref-sheet a while back... but it's still accurate. x3

I desire just a little bit of transparency in the whole preset, which is a bit of her lip missing where her scar is and a few nicks in her ear.

Head Reference:
Some of the scars go over the lines, but that's just showing how they end. One wraps up over the muzzle, the other goes under the chin.

Body Reference:
The body is very simple marking-wise. I'd like a fur texture that's at least semi-realistic, so it has detailed fur and stuff. ouo

This character is supposed to have a "cute" look, so she should be obviously female with the girly "eye-liner" or "mascara" effect that emphasizes her eyes. ouo

If you feel like it, please include a mane. It can be black or white, whichever you think would look better on her. I honestly don't mind either. ^w^

For payment? I... I apologize, I'm not on someplace like DeviantArt so I can't give points... How about... floof? ^^"

Preset number? Uh, let's make that... 12?

ALSO! Before you make this preset, please include a reference of your previous work. I am picky sometimes. o3o

Request/Find Meshes / A Couple of Specific Meshes Needed!
« on: August 19, 2013, 01:50:09 am »

I'm currently searching for meshes that I may put to use in a WarriorCat's StarClan map as well as a Dark Forest map. I was hoping for a few certain meshes, plus any that you think might work.

For those of you who don't know, StarClan is a sort of "cat-heaven" of sorts, so I'd like at least some of these items here:

-Clouds (hopefully the kind you can stand on...?)
-Some misty-textured trees or maybe crystal trees?

DarkForest is the opposite of StarClan. I'd need just a few things like:

-Fire particles?
-Bones (any type will do)

I suppose if I searched really hard for a long while, I'd find these. But if you know where they are, please do not hesitate to put a link up for me. :)

Thank you!

Game Help / Height Map Help? -Fixed-
« on: August 18, 2013, 07:06:17 pm »
Hey, FHers!

I recently made a large map and I had it all saved with a map-name and everything, everything is perfect. The only thing that isn't is that I added a few extra land-formations to the height-map, but it's already saved with the old height...

The updated height map works in map-maker, but not anywhere else. I'd try messing with the files in the map folder, but... I don't want to screw it up. I worked really hard, so I'd be incredibly sad if this went to waste. :\

Help, please? :(

Silly me. :T

Game Help / Mesh Question
« on: July 09, 2013, 06:01:53 pm »

This is probably extremely simple for anyone to answer, but I've never messed with my object files at all.

Anyways, to the problem I've got. I edited the OakTree object (the one that comes with FH) to have a different collision setup and also added a second one named FallenOakTree, which has edited collisions as well. I exported them and all, so is all people need to do is download the MyTrees.fho that I exported? Or do I need to somehow convert the FallenOakTree into something else...?

It may sound confusing... Your help and time is appreciated.

Thanks. :)

The Wings of Scale

In the times of old, before the earth was devoid of magic, there was a time of war. A time of betrayal. A time of dragons.

This forgotten era of brawling sky-beasts was ruled by four clans:

Runya Noore
The Clan of Fire

This clan is the most aggressive and merciless, though they are not bloodthirsty. In their possession is the magic of fyre, which is their lifeblood. It quite literally flows in their blood, and any to touch it is scalded with the burns of lava. Fyre is wild and violent, as well as the most numerous. They are headed by a King and Queen. Their main opponent is the Clan of Water.

Alu Noore
The Clan of Water

The Alu clan is known for its healers and guardians, although they do not openly help the other clans. Within each Alu dragon exists a heart of water, which is their jewel of magic. It is placed deep within their breast, sending its selected power through the dragon's body. They are reclusive, in fact, and it is hard to catch one on its own. Water is silent and withdrawn. This clan is the least numerous and are lead by a single Matriarch, or a female queen. Their main adversary is the Clan of Lightning.

Me'urra Noore
The Clan of Lightning

Me'urra clan boasts its cunning and speed. They strike in a flash, their beings filled with the coursing beat of their lightning-jeweled heart. Their flesh retains the electricity, only harmless to those of their own clan. Without the current in their veins, the Me'urra dragons would perish. Their leader is an Empress or an Emperor, whose most hated clan is the clan of Kemen.

Kemen Noore
The Clan of the Earth

This clan is the eldest and most powerful in strength. They claim to be born from the very Earth itself and are proud of their ancestries. They are known for their wisdom of ancient times, most of all their leader, the Council Head. She or he is the oldest of the clan and rules until death, with one purpose to direct their clan's dislike towards Runya Noore.

Page 1 - Title Page
Page 2 - Clan Information
Page 3 - Roleplay Rules
Page 4 - General Rules
Page 5 - Application Information

Request a Preset/Marking / Fairly Simple Preset Request :)
« on: June 05, 2013, 03:44:09 am »
Hi, once again. :3

I've got another character who I will soon be bringing into my Feralheart days, and it requires a bit of... skill that I don't have. :I

The entire pelt is incredibly easy, as the only marking is a black tail-tip and black inside the ears (which I forgot to draw on the picture >:I); otherwise the fur is simply a clear, bright white like the snow. But the scars on the left side of the face and shoulder are a bit more troublesome...

The left side of the face has a small tear in the lip where one can see the teeth of the cat. (I will include a picture) That's the part I couldn't do myself. It just has to be transparent in that one spot, just so the teeth beneath the skin are visible in a small section.

There is no need for transparency! Anyone willing to just do a normal preset now is welcome to try!

Her name is Bleaksnow. :)

Larger image:

The reason the scars on the muzzle go over the line is to show what they look like on the other side. They only make small marks on the bottom of the jaw and one across the top of the muzzle. The ear does not need transparency on it.

Options if you need them:

I'd prefer a slightly more realistic pelt-texture, but any way is fine. :) The eyes should be feminine, so there should be a bit of dark 'liner' touching them up. (I tend to like my female characters this way owo") The ears will be Neko ears, and there /should/ be a mane, but I can add that in myself when you give me the files for the preset. ^w^

Thank you so much~

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Two Different Online Servers for FH??
« on: July 25, 2012, 12:07:06 am »
Okay, yes I know I have another thread for an idea, but that one is much different. I don't really like mixing my ideas. :P


So, from what I've seen, roughly 50% of people want all the health bars and things for FH, and then 50% don't. (Neutral people... I love ya, but you don't count for this. :P)

This brought me to thinking... Maybe there could be two separate servers? One could be for characters that can be created with health bars and attacks, etc, etc. The other could be just like it is now - no health bars and mainly for roleplay or messing around.

Maybe this will bring on a lot of lag and stuff, I dunno, but it's just a little thought I had about what could be added to the game.

I won't go into really deep details since I doubt anyone wants to read a story about this thing, so that's pretty much it! I just wanted everyone to see this and think over it for a while, perhaps.

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