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Messages - Roxiiee11

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Game Help / Feralheart crashing when I try to open it
« on: December 30, 2011, 08:21:34 pm »
Well,I was on feralheart as usual and then I closed it. When I tried to restart it,after the OGRE thing,it automaticly crashes.
What could I do?

You're walking all alone in the plains of Kona Abusi, suddenly, a specie of your kind arrives to you. ''You're reached our borders,what is your name, miss/sir? What are you doing here?'' At the moment that he said that,others from his clan arrives. The leader arrives to you and asks ; ''It is up to you. You look very strong. Either you join us and help us in our ways in peace,or you leave and never come back here again.''

Welcome to us, Kona Abusi is a realistic and longterm wild RP. Your caracter must be realistic and must be able to download and map and RPliterate aswell. Inactivity doesn't matter this time,since we all have school or college or other personal reasons. Now,let me set a few rules.
You cannot powerplay or god-mod in this RP!
You do not order others unless you're a high rank or I give you permission.
Your caracter must be VERY realistic,like the color. PS; If you're a cub/pup,don't act like if you know everything.
You can't decide your rank,but only the leader of your clan can.
You can be friends with other clan,but remember ; one day you may meet them in battle.

respect your clan,even if you dislike some members.
RP in general at all time. OOT (Out of topic) will be in ().
YOU CANNOT KILL SOMEONE UNLESS YOU HAVE WHISPERED HIM/HER PERMISSION,if this rule has been done without permission,you will be banned.
Be very,very realistic in RP. Like if you're a hyena,don't go and climb trees.

Aye! Now for the ranks.

Mishku; The Mishku is the male leader of your clan. He orders you and commands you. Mishkus are allowed to make you suffer if you have done something wrong,and must be respected at all time. He only can choose a mate of any other ranks, from the lowest to the highest. (He can only choose a rank if there is no female leader.
Mayka`The Mayka is the female leader. She also commands the clan. She is not allowed to make others suffer. She is also the one who chooses the mentors to cubs/pups for when they are older. She also organises the meetings for the other clans.
Konu; Konu is the second in command. He organises the cubs/pups to get ready for there first hunt. He/she is in command when the leaders are not there, and also organises the Hunting parties and Patrols and gives the slaves or weakest ranks duties.
Messager; The messager is simple. They deliver messages to other clans and must travel to there territory. Note that you're not allowed to hurt or damage a Messager unless they attack you first. They eat in fourth place since they travel alot, and tells the leaders when the meetings are.
Strikers; Strikers are the fastest females in the clan. To be one,you must be in the 4 fastest ones in the race or in a hunt race. Strikers are ment to be there to chase intruders out of the territories and know when they're there. When you become a Striker,there is a ceremony. There can only be four strikers.
Queens; Queens are like warriors cats,they are heavy pregnant females. They must eat in third place at all time and be kept in the den!
Apprentices Apprentices are the one year old pups/cubs who are training to do there older duties. Each apprentice gets a ceremony when getting a mentor,and must do a small speach if they are asked to.
Slaves Slaves are the one who got punished for doing something terribly wrong. Like telling a secret of the clan to another clan to help them. Hence, the Strikers are the one who punish the slave with torture until they bleed and beg for it to stop. You will only be a slave if you have 3 strikes,and slaves sleep outside the den.
 Minukis are simply loners and rogues outside the clan area.
Loki;Loki is your first rank. There will be no Lokis in the first recruiting on feralheart. When this message gets removed,there will be some. They eat last.

To join,fill this up.
Rank wanting:
Small description of your caracter:

Game Help / Trying to put another map portal in map Help
« on: August 25, 2011, 07:25:39 pm »
So,I do my two maps I want to attach together,I save them and export them both. One has the main portal and the other dosen't have it for it to be attached. I put the name of the map portals EXACLY the same on both map,but when I try it like in Cape distant,I find the portal but when I enter the attached map,I don't appear where I putted my portal,is this normal?

Starting a new feralheart RP,it's an all feline RP. Here you go. :::..:.::::.::----------------::.::::.:..:::
This RP is Literate,wich mean atlease 3phrases per post.
Be realistic,no blue,purple,green...etc marking on your caracter.
White/black lions are NOT accepted,however,if your caracters are a really light color,the more chance you'll get to get a very light brown lion wich will be considered white,brown lions are acceptable.
No powerplay/godmodding. This will make you KICKED RIGHT AWAY.
Even if you're dead,you cannot RP as a ghost,spirit...etc,it is considered as powerplay.Cubs without parents in RP are not accepted,to be without parents you must atlease get abandonned IN THE RP or your parents died in RP,there's no ''in the pass'' thing. The past is in the RP,please.A cub passing in our territory will be kicked,or killed,if the Queen decides to let it alive and keep it,it will be so.
King- Leader of the Pride,his word is law.

Queen-Second Leader of the pride.

Younglings- Cubs of the King and Queen,the oldest will pass on as king when the King dies.Other cub (Brother/sister) will be second in command.

Warriors- Warriors are the male lions in the pride,they will fight on loners and such,without mercy!

Huntress- All females must be in this rank,even if given a second rank.

Apprentices- Female cubs train to be a huntress,but,they can choose the path as a warrior if they want and think they have the skill for it. Males are hand chosen to be warriors,without doubt,they can become a rogue and not train.

Leader Patrol- Leader patrol is ordered by the Queen only,to seek around the territory for any intruders or report where the prey is near,far or on the move. They choose lions/lioness who will come with them to seek guard in territory,Maximum or Lion/Lioness allowed to go with them are 5,and only 1 Leader patrol.

Patrol- You can become one if you want,but must atlease be a teen and know a few fighting moves and know how to keep quiet.

Elders- Elders remain in the Pride territory at all time,teens serve them food,and must be respected at all time.

Sitter- Sitter is the ''cub-sitter'',they usually take care of the cubs while there mother's absence. Max of them are 3. 4 if there's alot of male cubs.

Pregnant lioness (MUST HAVE SOMEONE TO RP CUB AND HAVE A MATE)- Must be remained in the den for awhile,until you have given birth to your cub(s) and they're allowed to eat meat.

Slave- Captured lion/cubs/lioness/any other feline...etc. Will only eat when everymember of the pride has eaten,and will be released after punishement.

Cubs- Little guys,aren't they cute? But troublemaker too...! Must look like there parents alot,and behave the way they were taught. If your parents are calm and harsh,be sure not to be a troublemaker... Riighhttt? bO u O

Rogues: Rogues are male lions who decide to not be in a Pride/clan,and wonder around. They don't care about the Priderules and go on there territory and face there dangers as they please. They are normally alone,but if many rogues know each other,they are allowed to start a pride.(Loners have same description as this topic.)

Other felines- Other felines listen to the rules and don't go on the territories,they can form clans whenever they please.But,they must watch there cubs often. Lions respect these felines,they won't attack if you're okay.

No Cap rage or in real life story in the RP,keep that personal for yourself.

Before killing someone,you must whisper the user.

That's all for now,any questions feel free to ask.
YES,we do have a map,it. is. huge. Bigger than 35000,no joke. e u e
To join please fill this up
Rank you would want (QUEEN IS TAKEN.)
Pride/Clan starter or member? If Starter Tell me the name of it:

Hai There!! So What You're About To See Here,Is How to enter my pack
:-\ Sorry,but rules are rule.
Enter these informations Rather if you want to be an enemy or not

Tell me more about yourself:
Rank that you would like:
Pup,Teen Or Adult:
Great,now show me a picture of your caracter:

 :)Now That you have completed this step,it's time to see the ranks
Leader: Commander of the pack(Must have an enemy leader aswell.)
Beta: Second in command
Delta: Third in command,it takes place when the beta and leader aren't there.
Guard: The Guard Guards The Territory And Reports The News Seen As Enemies Or Lower Prey
Pup:  hope you know what a pup is :-[
Omega: Second Lowest Rank In A Wolf's Pack,It Can Be Taunted Without Punitions
Slaves: Slaves are The Punished wolves that have done something very wrong,then can be bossed by any other rank but the pup.

Rules1.Do not beg for any more things in the maps,I made it and took time to do it and i would like some respect please
2.Do not start fight with other caracters in your pack,they are your packmates and order respect aswell.
4.Do not use insults,wolf insults are fine,but not irl insults.

Soo Tha'ts Pretty much it  :)
See you soon!! Maps
Enemy Territory
Good side territory
Hunting Grounds :

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