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Messages - xXMhairieXx

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Ingame username: xXMhairieXx
RP Preference: Literate- Intermediate
Name: Blaze
Gender: Male
Desired rank: Loner, that may join the pack at a later date.
Appearance: A large, dark red, well-built wolf with black celtic markings. He has deep, amber eyes and a white underbelly.
Other: I am a cross-gender RPer. I thought I'd make that known, due to confusion in the past. |D;;


This one right here. I like it, and it's not very laggy. (On my computer, at least.)
And I'm about to get on and send a request to join. My in-game username is xXMhairieXx.

Oh, I see. Is there a group yet?

Also, I found a PUBLIC map that you may like.

Hey guys, haven't been keeping up with this group in a while. o.o'
Any news? Have we picked a spot to roleplay yet?

Thank you so much! Looking forward to the RP. :3

Forum Games / Re: The Gender Race
« on: January 03, 2012, 11:46:08 pm »
285~ c:<

First the forums, then the world

Oh, I see. Would you like me to change the underfur color until you decide whether or not to?

I didn't see anything stating that his underfur couldn't be yellow. I saw that it had to be a lighter color, and figured yellow looked okay. Is there a reason that it can't be yellow? I guess I could make it white or gray if you'd like. Also, I removed the electricity ball thing. And I agree with the light based powers not being very useful in an attack. Unless a light ball is created to stun the enemy, make him/her temporarily blind, ect. I added the part, sorry I forgot. ^^,


( Download the markings pack here: )

Name: Vash
Age: 4
Parents: Selene and Void [ Both deceased ]
Element: Light
Mentor(s): Zeth [ Deceased ]
Trainee(s): N/A
Personality: Vash is very good-natured and you'll rarely catch him in a bad mood. Sarcastic and witty, he loves making others laugh. But when in tight situations, he knows how to handle things and take them seriously.
History: Vren was the only pup born to his parents, and was raised well. They taught him the basics, such as hunting and fighting, while his mentor helped him to train his powers. Eventually he became very skilled in the art of light, and even taught himself a few things. He realized that during electric storms, he could harness the light power to make his attacks stronger. He also discovered that he could- if concentrating hard enough- produce large, stunning balls of light. Now, at the age of 4, he has become skilled with his powers and has grown very mature.
RP Sample: ( Gonna make this short and sweet. ) Vash sprawled out in the sunlight, relaxed. It was a warm, sunny day, and he had already eaten his fill of the deer he had caught earlier. He layed there for a bit, watching the sky, before his mouth went dry and he began getting quite thirsty. He launched himself off of the rock with a massive leap and padded toward a large puddle. Crouching down, the male lapped up some of the cool, sooting water.
Other: I am a Rune Wolf.

I saw Demon advertising, and would like to join. I'm thinking of characters now. c:

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