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Messages - KibaWolf73

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Member Bio & Journals / Re: |Silly Bio of Vanish|
« on: August 20, 2013, 07:05:51 pm »
Lovely bio, Vanish. We seem to be obsessed with the same things! :D
...Anyhow, hope to meet you in-game someday!


Really? What a great thing to hear! 8D
I'll try to get on sometime soon. Been kinda busy =u=. with other games

Member Bio & Journals / |Silly Bio of Vanish|
« on: August 20, 2013, 05:32:18 pm »
As a token of celebration for my 100th post here on the forums, I decided to make a nice little biography. Enjoy reading! 8D


I consider myself a girl, thank you.

A tiny Southeastern European country called Romania.

I'm one of those who can't really define their personality. It depends on my mood, people I'm surrounded by, even my location.

-With someone I just met-
Timid, barely talks.
-With my friends-
Laughs obnoxiously loud constantly;
Up for pranking people we despise.
-In public (With people I'm not familiar with)-
Avoids eye contact.
Tries to be helpful;
Friendly, most of the time.

To sum it up, I'm socially awkward, save for when I'm with my friends.

=|Personal InterestsObsessions|=

-Harry Potter 8D
-Adventure Time 8D [I need to catch up on it, though.]
-The internet [However cruel it can be, I can't live without it ;A;.]
-Pottermore 8D [RainHowl24854, Gryffindor.]
-PewDiePie 8D
-Cryaotic 8D
-Autumn [Oh, lovely colours..]
-The rain
-Videogames 8D

And probably more, but this is all I can think of.


Just kidding. If you want, by all means consider me a friend.

Well, I think this should do it. Hope you enjoyed reading. 8D

Discussion Board / Re: Unusual things about yourselves.
« on: August 18, 2013, 08:27:32 pm »
Hurr, how I love this thread ^u^.
I shall give the list above me a 7 out of 10. They sound pretty funny.

Now, onto my habits..

=Not the most unusual, but I can't sleep on full moon nights. I just can't. I look like a werewolf in the morning, though -_- .
=I can meow, yowl, hiss like a cat, and I mean it. Them kitties talk back to me. (Just imagine what they must think. 'Me: *Random meow*. Cat: You kiss your mother with that mouth?!')

Hm, I can't think of more at the moment, but I'll try.

Game Discussion / Re: Annoying users
« on: August 18, 2013, 06:31:04 pm »
As stated a couple of times before me, those people aren't necessarily annoying. They ask for Roleplay samples not out of rudeness, but to see your literacy level (Although I am against using that term).
Most group leaders want to keep their group neat and clean, and that's why they are a bit, uhm, selective with their members. It's nothing personal.

Game Discussion / Re: Come Join My Group! /No/
« on: August 17, 2013, 10:04:06 am »
I've had this happen a few times before, yes, while I was chilling at the Stone Bridge.

Although I don't mind receiving random invitations, what does tick me off is when the leader doesn't bother to read your bio and invites you to a group that has nothing to do with what you're playing as, just because you look like one of them.
I mean, I got an invitation for a wolf pack on my witch character, and I can't really see how that could work out |D.

Bluh, sorry for derpish post. I just woke up.

Game Discussion / Re: That awkward moment when...
« on: August 13, 2013, 05:10:10 pm »
I often leave my characters at the Stone Bridge, and one time I spawned in the middle of a demon pack who was advertising. I was like, "Uh.. Hi." -presses home button-

Not as funny as the others, but it's something. :I

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: August 12, 2013, 01:34:36 pm »
Quite simple, but it's a pretty gif.

Game Discussion / Re: What's Your Opinion on Tags?
« on: August 12, 2013, 12:39:01 pm »
Although I feel quite unconfortable with using tags myself and I use them only when extremely necessary, I see nothing wrong with people who do use them, since it might be mandatory for their group. Unless it's a very obvious thing, like Simba M Lion. Oh look, it's a huge bulky golden feline with a mane! I don't know about you, but I bet 5$ it's a female hippo.

I generally don't use tags because, to me at least, it looks as if my name is cluttered and the fact that I enjoy counting how many wolf packs invitations I manage to get on my witch.

Ramble done, sorry if I may seem incoherent.

Introduction / Re: Uhm, hello there!
« on: August 10, 2013, 02:28:01 pm »
Hello, and welcome to FeralHeart!
I hope you enjoy your stay. Have a floof and dA watch c: .

Game Discussion / Re: Interspecies relationships
« on: August 10, 2013, 01:49:56 pm »
A lion and a dolphin.. Better love story than Tw- *SLAP*
Sorry about that. I think it's an adorable concept, but I couldn't help myself |D.
Back on topic. As stated multiple times before me, I find nothing wrong with these kind of relationships. Although some of them wouldn't technically work in real life and realistic RolePlays, it's very creative and cute to look at. Kudos to the people who think outside the box.

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