Author Topic: Come Join My Group! /No/  (Read 3205 times)

Offline Wizardmymom

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Come Join My Group! /No/
« on: August 16, 2013, 09:33:49 pm »
I feel like this topic would be interesting.

Have any of you gotten that random "Hey, join my group!" thing?
I literally JUST did, on my HellHound Selvira while chatting at SB.
I met this guy earlier, and we got into an OOC fight about him trying to recruit me when I'm a Hell Hound that will slowly kill his entire pack from the inside out.
So, me, chatt'n as SB, get ANOTHER request.
Erm, NO.
Like, seriously? I said no before. It can be kinda funny though, while annoying at the same time.

Any of chu peeps had this happen to you?
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Re: Come Join My Group! /No/
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2013, 10:07:30 pm »
Depending on where I am, I do on few occasions get a random invite or a whisper to join someone's group. Most of them that have attempting to recruit me were the sort of random made groups or ones that have nothing to say in the group bio (I like to see what the group is about, I like story). Some are pretty odd or simply just not in the credit of being a role-play group, like all Out-Of-Character conversation and no role-play. I get invites either after I've role-played with someone or just out of being a certain species like a hyena or cheetah.  

Also, in the rare moments of my play, I decide to accept a group invite just for the sake of giving a group a chance. I don't like to feel as if I haven't, for the very least, gave a random group a try. A few of them were actually pretty ok, the players were interacting with one another, the leader was fun, and I stayed on for a good bit before I had to log off. I think the best random group I joined was this pack, this was a long while ago, so, I cannot remember the name of it. I was a scout for the group. I thought it was really fun, the leader of that group created their own conflict with the wolves and a plague being contracted by large insects. The session was really fun and I liked it. The whole fight with the bugs, I thought, I was cool and it had me guessing who would come out alive, including myself. The pack disbanded a few weeks later, but for the most part, I did like it anyway and was happy to be apart of it.

Another group I was invited to at random was pretty much a one-day group, but I had a bit of fun in that one. It didn't have a whole lot to it, but it was still alright for me to stay online and play with the members. They were friendly with one another, each member had a task to do, and the leader of it was nice. Like I said, not alot, but still something to have a good playtime with.

So yeah, not all random invites lead to a boring or derpy group, but just in my opinion, giving that occasional chance with one and see what you think.  
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Re: Come Join My Group! /No/
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2013, 03:48:48 am »
I don't get random invites very often, people apparently don't like my unrealistic characters EXCEPT for when they're particularly dark looking in appearance or personality. Then I get invites out the window of people thinking I will have my character join their "evil" group.

Then there's are the people who won't take no for an answer even when I tell them ten times. The mass majority of my characters are not oriented toward being in a group anyway. They're either hindered by their lifestyle or enemies so much so that for them to join a group [let alone stop moving around] would be suicidal on their part, some others are not social, others are defiant toward authority to the point they would overthrow it, etc. I don't really like joining most groups to begin with now adays so... the answer is no and if it is no will forever be no. So no. :) How is that so hard to understand?
« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 03:56:14 am by Silhouette »

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Re: Come Join My Group! /No/
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2013, 04:22:49 am »
I've actually come to the point where if I have a character that's frequently invited to random groups, I make a false group for that character just to annoy the recruiters >:3 Usually, this either forces them to whisper me, confront me through local, or just turn away. Apparently, I make handsome Warrior Cat characters... (Every clan they're in, there's always multiple 'my character has a crush on you' whispers XD) so I've even had multiple groups try and persuade me to leave my current group/clan, which I'm often recruiting for without my leader present. ::)

I actually hate just sending random invites to people myself, since I'd never know if they were Literate, the right species, etc., until the moment they started to RP. Gaining memebers through whisper has paid off more than once, as I've had multiple user thank me for whispering them instead of blindly inviting left and right.

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Re: Come Join My Group! /No/
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2013, 06:12:34 am »
This has happened to me out of the blue every now and then, though hardly do I thoroughly accept them. However, similar to what Fox stated before me, there are times that I do give a group a fair chance either because I'm utterly bored and got nothing else in particular to do, or because I'm simply curious and wish to peer further into one's establishment.
I don't believe I've actually stayed with a group who sent me a random request, however. Usually I'd interact with them as best I can (considering my characters are all anti-social butterflies who rarely speak unless addressed to) until each member falls into slumber. Once they're all asleep, I leave the group and carry on wandering throughout the public maps. It's not because I'm a roleplay hopper, I mainly leave because the group isn't what I'd prefer. Other times, I merely whisper the creator of the establishment and inform them of my leave and why. It may just be me, though I distaste leaving right in the middle of a roleplay when many members are online with no exact excuse. So I avoid doing that whenever I can.
Basically, hardly will I join groups unless I'm sitting around in Fluorite seeking for a roleplay to occupy my mind. Which, even that is somewhat rare. -Is a slob who lays around all day in Feralheart.-
Though, I must admit that not yet have I encountered someone who demands or persists me to join their group. Most individuals who ask me via whisper drops the conversation once I tell them 'No'.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 06:16:44 am by Vespian »

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Re: Come Join My Group! /No/
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2013, 10:04:06 am »
I've had this happen a few times before, yes, while I was chilling at the Stone Bridge.

Although I don't mind receiving random invitations, what does tick me off is when the leader doesn't bother to read your bio and invites you to a group that has nothing to do with what you're playing as, just because you look like one of them.
I mean, I got an invitation for a wolf pack on my witch character, and I can't really see how that could work out |D.

Bluh, sorry for derpish post. I just woke up.

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Re: Come Join My Group! /No/
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2013, 01:40:37 pm »
I've had this happen to me too, while at the Cape of Distant Worlds.

I've had this happen a few times before, yes, while I was chilling at the Stone Bridge.

Although I don't mind receiving random invitations, what does tick me off is when the leader doesn't bother to read your bio and invites you to a group that has nothing to do with what you're playing as, just because you look like one of them.

I totally agree. For some reason, whenever I play as my character Hunson Abadeer (brown wolf with skull on head and reddish eyes), I keep receiving random whispers from players wanting me to join their evil demon groups. Had the players read Hunson's Bio, however, they would see that he is not in fact evil and because of that, he is barely considered a monster at all. Just because he has a somewhat demonic appearance does not mean he is a true demon.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 01:42:27 pm by JGree »

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Re: Come Join My Group! /No/
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2013, 02:21:37 pm »
Yea, all of these are interesting, mainly because of what JGree wait.

I know I made a mare on Bonfire island to RP realistically, then as soon as I got to the area the horses were at, I got like 5 herd invites.
Turns out all but 1 of them was illiterate and unrealistic, the last one only semi all the way.

So after that, I never joined a herd! XD
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Re: Come Join My Group! /No/
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2013, 04:16:50 pm »
Dem wolfies/kitties be all over the place; "hey, u there, u whant to joine my clan ;)" is what I usually see in my perspective. Here's what really happened once:
Trixx (me, a cat; I love kitties T^T): -Enters Fluorite with intentions to sit around with Ivy-
Enderstar (I think I saw a real one e-e): "hai trixx wanna join our clan were literate realistic nd mapped, u can b deputy" -Deputy was sitting right there, apparently away from the keyboard-
Trixx: No, thanks. I have other plans for right now; plus, you don't type very literate... I'm not sure I'd like to join it, PLUS I don't want to download any maps ATM.
Random cat: "Hi may I join your Clan" I mew
Enderstar: "yes u may" -ooc- trixx if u dont join im reporting u my frend is a mod shes gonna ban u permanently (such bad spelling and grammar e-e)
Trixx: Yeah right. -Pad off to find Ivy, blocks Ender-
COMPLETELY TRUE. My point: that happens all the time, no matter WHERE they are. Here's my answer
"No, I'll join a Clan/pack on my own time, thank you very much."
And then I just walk away; or I just make a group that's named, "Can't invite me now" or something similar to which of mocking, "you can't invite me", etc. so they actually CAN'T INVITE ME. Although sometimes it's hilarious to see them flip a table over you declining, it's still sort of... like a fly, buzzing around your ear that you just can't seem to swat/kill. xD And it seems to be a common theme that the "member-beggers", or so I call them, follow... which, you all have already stated, is the fact that they DON'T READ BIOS. "No, I'm not evil" or "No, I'm not a nice wolf/dog/cat/whatever you are" is a constant reply that you must give. -Swings arms forward, parallel to each other in a frustrated motion- NO, I DO NOT LIKE EVIL CLANS/PACK. I make one cat with "Little-" or "-flower" as a suffix/prefix and I'm invited into a group of rogues that enjoy killing other people's characters without permission? Nuh-uh, you should KNOW that I'm not evil or anything, and mainly the opposite. (Does anyone else find it funny the only people who are posting on this are COMPLAINING, and not defending? It's as if those who do this try to swerve around it and act like they're one of the "no, I won't join you" people. xD) ANYWAYS, RANT OVER~!
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Re: Come Join My Group! /No/
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2013, 07:31:43 pm »
That happens to me as well, the name thing.

If I have a cat named Flower, or Breeze, why would I join an evil clan/rouge group?
Just... No.
RP's like that, that are desperate for members, annoy me.

And that "My friend she is a mod and shes gonna ban u" nonsense, why?
Oh, I didn't want to join a group, so suddenly I have to be reported?

Even the rouge group I was in let their victims slide if they didn't want to join.
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