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Messages - Bludfang

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We are recruiting today! Our main recruiting time tonight (when both Kaybird and Zanuvar1210/Bludfang are online) will be starting 7EST 6CST 5MST 4 PST for about 5 hours. However if you see either of us sitting in the plains before hand don't be afraid to come up and talk!

A small side note
Any requests to join the roleplay website without having met with Kaybird or Zanuvar1210/Bludfang within the Feralheart game will be rejected because we do not know who you are. If you are interested in joining please meet with us! If you are at a point where you can not meet with us in game currently but wish to join, leave a message on this thread and we can work something out.

A small reminder that MMO intends to begin it's first recruiting on 10/4/15 and we would love to meet anyone who is interested in the roleplay and making some friends.

Hello everyone!
We are a rebooting roleplay that opened on 10/4/15 and would like people of the Feralheart community to take a peek at our website and think about our roleplay as a possible place to be active and consider putting forth that interesting character you been meaning to use for a while. We intend to only recruit on Sundays leaving the rest of the week dedicated to roleplaying in our maps. The Pack recruits by the Cape portal in the plains from 6:30 till 11pm EST. If you happen to see anyone sitting out there earlier don't be afraid to come up and say hello!

Here is a link to our website

A few notes to consider:
We do have downloads for our maps/presets etc,
We only roleplay within the Feralheart game on our maps,
We intend to be active mostly in the evenings during the weekdays
Our goal is to:
     -make new friends
     -have deep interactive roleplay from each character
     -focus on character development and story progression
     -have fun in a safe, mature roleplaying environment.
     -share a world full of rich lore created by each participant

 This roleplay is built around the idea that it is member made plot. So each character (and roleplayer) come in and just makes up stuff as they go along and does not follow a predetermined story made by the roleplay creator. It follows the premise of, if you want your character to fall in love or hate another character you go for it. We do not want members who are constantly asking permission to progress story, this is not the type of roleplayers we are looking for.

Our roleplay does allow for mature language to a moderate degree so be aware of that.

For those who are curious about how we intend to recruit; we recruit by roleplaying with you in character. We stay in character as you approach us with yours, as you ask for the website and ask questions about In character things such as what our pack is about and Out of character things like what our website url is, or what days we intend to roleplay. This takes out the need to ask for a roleplay sample, it gives you a chance to see how we post, and us to see how you post. (mean while keeping everyone from getting bored.)

Once again we are looking for the more mature, active and creative members enabling each of us to make friends and have fun creating story/lore under the setting of the Misted Mountain of Old Pack.

If you have any questions feel free to ask in a response below and I will get back to you as quickly as possible with an answer.

A small side note
Any requests to join the roleplay website without having met with Kaybird or Zanuvar1210/Bludfang within the Feralheart game will be rejected because we do not know who you are. If you are interested in joining please meet with us! If you are at a point where you can not meet with us in game currently but wish to join, leave a message on this thread and we can work something out.

Game Help / Re: Other account seems to have been deleted?
« on: October 11, 2014, 09:37:35 pm »
That's the first time I've heard of something like this happening. You should send a personal message to one of the members of the staff, perhaps they'll know what happened.

Here's a list of the current staff:

Thank you for the list! I think I will contact an active staff member about this to make sure there was no foul play on that account.

Game Help / Re: Other account seems to have been deleted?
« on: October 11, 2014, 09:36:12 pm »
I use both accounts equally and only have three. Since when I mean double account I roleplay 2 characters on 2 accounts at the same time. Both are used just as equally (so like.. 2 primary accounts?) The third I use the least but still use it often on a separate computer. I beleive I will send a note to an active staff member just to check there was no foul play on my account.

Game Help / Other account seems to have been deleted?
« on: October 11, 2014, 02:05:01 am »
I tried to log into my secondary account where I hold a character for a roleplay. I kept crashing so I went to the website to reset the home. The website declares this account to not have been activated when it has, the website also declares their is no associated email with the username. And the username can not be accessed on the game when just moments before I was logging in. Can someone please help me? This is really concerning, the account details were never shared and I am sure I have not deleted the account on accident.

Game Help / Re: Seeking help for "not connecting to map server" Error.
« on: February 27, 2014, 09:44:07 pm »
That is a relief! Waiting is not to hard for me thankfully. I am grateful I don't have to go fiddling with files since some peoples Feralheart's are touchy and one change on my side can screw up another person. Thank you so much for clearing up my confusion Ringo.

Game Help / Seeking help for "not connecting to map server" Error.
« on: February 27, 2014, 09:28:27 pm »
I had recently made a group of maps and connected them together for a roleplay that I was soon to start. All the maps worked perfectly fine until last night 2/26/14. I had internet issues and fixed those then connection issues to the Feralheart front server, restarted my router and fixed that (since my router was naming a DNS issue which was false) However now only one of the maps is not connecting. The others work however the summer season map does not. It is connected into another map the Season select map with the other seasons. Autumn, Spring and winter work fine just not summer (which sadly was the season we chose to start the rp in T_T (we being myself and my helpers) I have tried to reexport this summer map but it does not seem to work. When attempting to load in, the custom music loads before I get the message of "cannot connect to map server, retry?" And I always click cancel since clicking retry makes FH sit in limbo. Is this something my computer is causing? Or is it by chance a FH server side issue? Any help or idea's would be greatly appreciated.

Site/Forum Help / Re: Banner log in?
« on: October 26, 2012, 12:41:52 pm »
At current, the game server is offline, so its not likely your friends are online at all. The past few days I think, the game and forums have been down. There still may be some bugs in that system of logging in to reset the character.

Wait until the top of the forum says the game server is back online and then try logging into the banner once more.

Thank you, I will try that, I was unaware it was offline for days, Hopefully it will work out when the server is back up.

Site/Forum Help / Banner log in?
« on: October 26, 2012, 12:19:44 pm »
Forgive me if this post thinger is misplaced, I am terrible with forums as they confuse me. However I have a question about the banner log in to be able to reset the character. Does the registration thing need to be open to log into there? I been a member of FH since it first came out, and I have suceeded before to log in at this spot, so I know I am not trying to sign up. But when ever I try to log in, I keep getting connected to a "Bad Gateway" with the code 502 or something. Am I failing at simply logging in? Or am I the lucky winner to get the error with no refresh the page resolution? I need to reset my character to even get into the Feralheart game. I know my friends are on but I am stuck with the "Cant connect to map server" error to even log into the character load screen or something.

~Thank you in advance for those whom may reply.

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