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Messages - Lunar Rush

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Game Discussion / Re: The Funniest/Stupidest Things People Have Said
« on: January 12, 2013, 09:21:41 pm »
I was in Fluorite for the first time in a while...
Just running around, being a kitteh. I'm not on public maps often, so I hadn't really explored all of fluorite. So, I decided to take a look at everything there. Over by one of the more public areas where lots of people were hanging out in groups, just chatting, there was a group of dark-colored wolves on the outskirts. They were still in local chat, and everyone could hear them. I was pretty sure they thought nobody could...
It went something like this:
"So guyz, what iz the plann?"
"We r goin to troll sum ppl."

I didn't stay for much more than that, just walked away laughing at their stupidity.
Like some say, don't ever doubt the stupidity of people in groups.

Request/Find Meshes / Looking for a bunch of different meshes...
« on: January 12, 2013, 09:07:20 pm »

Hello. ^^
I've been looking for some meshes, and I haven't had much luck with them. Maybe you guys could help out?
Most aren't exactly the most specific, I'm trying to keep it pretty broad, as the map is huge.

Here's what I need.
>Things (Not Gravestones!) to put inside a winter cemetery hidden deep in a snow forest. Anything to make it more interesting so people want to come see it. Preferably things players can interact with, such as hide inside or climb on top of.
>Any kind of furniture players can use. Especially cozy-feeling so it can fit nicely in a cabin.
>Small houses that either already are cabins, or can be used as cabins.
>Fun little surprises to hide in a forest that interest players, enough to scatter around. (Such as a tree with a hole in it you can crawl in, or anything else for that matter.)
>Unlaggy waterfalls I can make HUGE. All the "unlaggy" waterfalls I've tried just make the game really slow at a large size.
>Large, jagged cliffs you can climb.
>Campsite meshes. This includes tents, "sleeping bags" for animals, and anything else that fits in.

Lastly, this isn't a mesh, but does anyone have a snowy weather download? I need one that has different amounts of snow, like sometimes it's just lightly snowing and others it's almost like a blizzard, and then just normal snowfall for the rest of the time. I would use eternal snow, but it just has one constant amount of snow.

I'll be updating this, as I'll keep needing more meshes. All help is greatly appreciated. :D

Introduction / Re: My THIRD Re-Introduction
« on: January 06, 2013, 02:51:39 am »
Thanks, and welcome to you as well. ^^
Hopefully we will see each other around some time, though I'm more of a lurker than a poster. ;P

Heh. I'm more of a poster! I am normally around the role play section!
Maybe I'll just have to come out of my shell then. ;P

Introduction / Re: My THIRD Re-Introduction
« on: January 06, 2013, 02:13:40 am »
Hello! And I guess Welcome Back! I am new, but I will enjoy seeing you around the forums. And as Rammy said, Reread the rules both game and forum!
Thanks, and welcome to you as well. ^^
Hopefully we will see each other around some time, though I'm more of a lurker than a poster. ;P

Introduction / Re: Introducing Myself! :)
« on: January 06, 2013, 01:51:30 am »
Welcome! c;
Feralheart is a pretty awesome game, and I'm sure you'll be hooked as soon as you start playing. >u<
Anyways, I'm another new-ish person here, as I just came back for about the 3rd time.

If you have any questions whatsoever, you can pretty much ask anyone here. We're all nice wolfies/kittehs. ;P

Introduction / Re: My THIRD Re-Introduction
« on: January 05, 2013, 11:26:40 pm »
Welcome Back ~
It's nice to see some pass members coming back.
x3 I suppose I would be one of those new people; I've been busy so I guess you wouldn't have seen me around much but who knows perhaps we'll bump into each other in-game ^^
The floofs are still fuffy xp
Hello, and Thank Yew. x3
Maybe we will see each other in-game sometime, I'm a frequent people-watcher. And it's so easy to find idiots that make themselves look stupid. =D

Introduction / Re: My THIRD Re-Introduction
« on: January 05, 2013, 11:09:47 pm »
Welcome back, Lunar!

Just like Ressy, I'm glad if former members, like you return. c:
I hope you have a great time here.

And since you've been gone for such a long time, I also wish you the best of luck in blending in with the community again.
I'm sure you'll find this community very friendly and helpful towards each other.

Like Ressy said, you should read the news thread. But also re-read the rules thread, if you haven't already.
I'm sure something has been modified in there since your last visit. c;


Thanks, as well. ^^

The place hasn't changed much since I left, but there's so many new people I don't know... ._.
Oh well, I'll find my place sooner or later.

Introduction / Re: My THIRD Re-Introduction
« on: January 05, 2013, 09:54:21 pm »
Well then, I suppose a 'Welcome back' is in it's place.
It's always nice to see old members return, and personally, I love 'fresh starts'. ;]
I suppose new things have happened since you were here last, so don't forget to check out the news page 'n such.
Have fun out there.~
Thanks. ^^
I'll probably go check out the news page after I finish these last four pages of old posts...

Introduction / My THIRD Re-Introduction
« on: January 05, 2013, 09:32:24 pm »
I'm here again.
   Doubt anyone remembers me, but if you do, hello. ^^

I joined here a year ago, give or take a few months, and stayed for a while. I then left again, came back for a month, and now I am back AGAIN.

I'm that spazz you always see around, and sometimes talk to. I consider myself overly-creative, and enjoy just messing around in-game and off. I'll take any questions you guys throw at me, however random they are. c:

Lastly, I'm also working on clearing away all my "old" posts and replacing them with a simple "cleaning off this account" message. I'm sort of getting into the whole "starting new" thing again. ^_^"

And after-lastly, while cleaning off old posts I found a half-year old topic, now with over 50 pages and 500 posts. I almost exploded in a shower of rainbows, as it's still going strong now over in the "Game Discussion" forum. :D

So... That's all! You may have to bare with me as I re-set up this account.

Finally finished cleaning up, now to start making this account look better than it currently does...

Game Discussion / Re: The Funniest/Stupidest Things People Have Said
« on: January 05, 2013, 08:58:46 pm »
Oh my god, guys.
I came back to the forums today to clean out my account and start over. I just found this topic, still going on with over 53 pages.

I swear I'll go find some more incredibly stupid stuff to keep this thread running strong! :D

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