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Messages - DraconisFantasy

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Game Help / Re: Weather Particles Stop That
« on: June 04, 2018, 10:00:38 pm »
CoralStar you are a genius! I did exactly what you said and it works like a charm. Yes beautiful fairies, fill the fountain with your fairiness, float you blue balls of light! ^^ *Hugs*

Game Help / Re: Weather Particles Stop That
« on: June 04, 2018, 05:34:18 pm »
Ah thank you very much, I'll give that a try. If all else fails, I'll just make a particle file out of the weather particles I'm using.

Game Help / Re: Weather Particles Stop That
« on: June 03, 2018, 06:38:21 pm »

Game Help / Weather Particles Stop That
« on: May 29, 2018, 02:19:38 pm »
 Hello there everyone,

 I am currently working on a map with a weather particle inside of a cave. In other words, there is no sky, it's considered a cave in FeralHeart. Well the weather particles acts how it's supposed to when it's outside and not in a cave. The particles float around and are spread out. Every time I turn on cave-mode, things get wonky.

 Instead of being spread out how they're supposed to, the particles are instead clumped together and every time the character runs they leave behind a particle trail as if they were Amaterasu from Okami. I do not want this effect, I want the particles to function how they're supposed to. Is there a specific number I have to put in the coordinates in sky maker or is this a glitch?

Request/Find Meshes / Re: Tiberium Mesh
« on: May 28, 2018, 09:13:08 pm »
*Face plants* And it has gone and done it again. Just go ahead and block it why don't you computer? I'm beginning to think it's just blocking the site that links FH with mediafire for whatever reason. Uh, quick question, can you send the file over Discord if it's not too much work? I am so sorry.

Request/Find Meshes / Re: Tiberium Mesh
« on: May 28, 2018, 09:04:14 pm »
Alrighty. Thank you so much, you've really saved me! *Hugs*

Request/Find Meshes / Re: Tiberium Mesh
« on: May 28, 2018, 09:00:06 pm »
Yes it is, but like I said above; I cannot download the file for some reason. Could you send me the file? If you could that would be great. ^^

Request/Find Meshes / Tiberium Mesh
« on: May 28, 2018, 08:51:57 pm »
 Hello there everyone,

 I am slowly but surely working on a Super Smash Bros. map pack for my group, but I am in desperate need of a mesh I thought for sure I had. It's the Tiberium mesh made by Tetsu. It is a beautiful crystal mesh, and it would work perfectly as a substitute for Ether Crystals from Xenoblade Chronicles.

 If anyone has the mesh, could you please send me the files. The main reason why I am here, is because I attempted to download the file myself, but for whatever reason my computer keeps detecting the site has some sort of malware site. I attempted to simply temporarily add it to exclusions and get the file, because I know it's safe, but my comp insists on telling me "NOPE!"

 I can definitely access mediafire though, so if you could either send me the file through mediafire, dropbox, or Google Drive, I would be extremely grateful. ^^

Game Help / Preset Export Problems
« on: May 28, 2018, 02:46:44 am »
Hello there all,

 A friend of mine is having trouble with their preset. More specifically, they are having trouble exporting it. When they go to export their preset, there is simply no export button. They have selected and deselected custom. They have put their username into the main login, as well as into the preset name bar. They make sure to add the underscore and the number the end of their username in the preset maker.

 So now we are both stumped and need to know what the problem is. Will they need to reinstall the game again, or is it a really simple fix we're both missing?

Game Help / Re: Backdrop Meshes?
« on: May 07, 2018, 09:14:43 pm »
 Thank you so much Kuri, it worked perfectly! ^^

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