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Messages - Mxter

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"Just because I need you doesn't mean I trust you."[/color]

   The battle had been brutal, but the honors had gone to Daciana and the knight. The  grotesque noises, the blood, and the thrashing mutant, its neck broken, were all just horrifying memories now.
    The street was quiet and peaceful, as if did not remember the battle, did not see the corpses.
     A gust of wind slipped under the porch, stirring up dust and ruffling his fur. The hiding place was wide, though not tall, but was also covered in thick cobwebs, dust, and who knew what else. Both he and Reima beside him were probably coated in filth.
    The thought made his stomach turn slightly. He was used to the dirt of the streets, but being practically mummified in cobwebs was something entirely different.
    He crawled to the hole in the wood, the only entrance, and slithered through it, trusting Reima to follow. Who would want to stay in that grimy place alone?
    The moment his paws touched the dead grass of the lawn, he dropped to the ground and began to roll vigorously, freeing most of the dust from his fur.
    Rolling on the ground was terribly undignified, of course, but it was the price he would have to pay for cleanliness.
    It wasn't as if anyone important was watching, after all. Daciana was focused on the white knight, and Felix felt she was entitled to mock him. She'd just saved his life.
    The white knight had probably rolled around dozens of times before, marking his territory.
    Another breeze swept over him, carrying the scent of the two victorious warriors to him. He froze.
    Both smelled of blood, and a hint of salty sweat from their paw glands, but beneath Daciana's canine musk he could smell something sweeter, more sugary.
    It was the smell of a female cat.
    That word, 'female' stirred up delicate hints of emotions, like feathers stroking his insides.
    She was a female. The only female she had seen in a very long time. A cat to parade in front of, to strut and yowl.
    And yet she was also a warrior, a cat who could sink her claws into a mutants back and not be shaken off. Someone to be treated with respect and caution.
    He slunk forward, his body long and tense, his tail a curving question mark.
    As he slowly approached Daciana and the cat from the behind, the white knight's features grew more distinct.
    The mass of silky white fur was strong, yet sinuous. She seemed even bigger up close, yet she didn't look elderly. Her fur was still fairly sleek, with no signs of grey, and she didn't seem slow. She probably belonged to a breed that was naturally large. If she was older than him, it was only by a month or two.
    Now only a few feet from her, he heard the sound of her voice as she chattered to Daciana. Her words spilled all over themselves in her quick, energetic speech, and her voice was as high and loud as a child's.
    The mysterious feelings all slipped away from him as he listened to her babble, replaced by annoyance. He suddenly felt as sour as a lemon, and he felt that it was all her fault.
    Dropping all caution, he sauntered into her vision, his tail hanging limply, and his ears thrust forward.
"What are you doing here?" he hissed.

    I'm not too good at it either. Luckily, most careers don't involve geography!  :D

    The things we roleplayers have to endure!  :D
    I hope Taylor's doing well on her exams. We wouldn't want the zombie dogs to ruin her future! ;)
    P.S. Slaying a magical unicorn? You don't meant this little guy, do you?

   -Loudis, about the obsessive checking thing
Yeah, I'm guilty myself.  ;D
    I'm a first time roleplayer, (but a long time roleplay thread stalker) and I really love this roleplay, but I hate waiting.
    Every chance I get I leap onto my laptop and check if someone's posted, and if they haven't I keep on obsessively checking.
    My thought process goes something like this; "well, they haven't been online for the last few days, and they did say they'd be at school/going on a cruise to Haiti/saving the world from the little green men, but they have to have posted since the five minutes ago when I just checked!"
    At least all this excitement over a new post is a sign that the roleplay is really good.  :D
(I'm posting here instead of PMing you because my computer is going crazy. :P)

"Just because I need you doesn't mean I trust you."
 She was fighting for him.
    Daciana was a giant, lunging the the large dog, drawing blood and tearing flesh, the huge white cat, the white knight, helping her as best as it could, sinking its claws into the mutant.
    She had cared. She had cared enough to save him from his stupid, mad dash. She had cared enough to kill and wound and exhaust herself.
    He had stumbled upon the dogs, and he had seen their grimy hides and rotted faces, and he had seen his death staring back at him, licking its greedy lips.
    And she had leaped in and saved him.
    Would any of the colony cats have done the same?
    He remember playing with faceless kittens, their features lost to time. He remembered stealing the prey of faceless cats, and of them stealing his. He remembered mounting faceless females with soft fur, their brief pleasure in the dark long forgotten.
    Had any of them had kittens? Had they survived? How many times over was he a father? He had never thought about any of this before. But now he saw Reima's face on the imaginary kittens, Daciana's on the battle-scarred cats nursing them.
    The colony had been a group of cats. Nothing more, nothing less. It was something to cling to, something to give him hope.
    But now, in the middle of a battlefield, a new hope blossomed.
    A rough but motherly alpha. A puppy who just wanted to play. And maybe a white knight who threw her sword down on the ground and leaped into battle.
    Fear of death and regret and doubt and shame, shame at being the reason Daciana was bleeding all melted away for a moment, leaving a cool, cold calm, the anxieties held in place under its surface.
    He was only eight pounds, normal for his breed but far too small in this battle between giants. But he could hide, just like Daciana had told him to do. And he would hide Reima with him, so safe that they would never be found, not until the bloody battle was over and he could be afraid and ashamed and anxious again.
    Felix turned tail and ran, ran into the shadows. If Daciana was here, Reima must be nearby.
    He found her next to a house, wide eyed and staring. Her eyes admitted their mutual helplessness, and asked for a plan, any plan.
    He gestured behind them. The house was desolate. Its paint was peeling, the porch swing had long since fallen down and the door had been wrenched off its hinges.
    But Felix didn't care how worn down the house was. He only cared that three boards had come loose on the side of the porch, loose enough for a small cat or puppy to crawl through.
    "Come on!" he whispered. "We can wait this out there."
    He set off towards the house.
   "Don't worry," he reassured the silence,"Daciana's enough for a hundred mutants."
    He hoped with all his heart that he was right.
   (Taylor-You don't have to apologize about being away! Exams are hard, and of course life and school takes priority over zombie dogs.  ;) )      

Forum Discussion / Re: FeralHeart Jobs and Ranks
« on: May 22, 2015, 12:25:03 am »
    I'm a roleplayer and a thread stalker myself. Before I started role playing I'd stalk role playing threads, and sometimes discussion threads. I still do. Stalking is fun! : )

Forum Discussion / Your Opinions on Roleplay?
« on: May 22, 2015, 12:09:43 am »
    Feralheart has a huge community of roleplayers, and hundreds of roleplays. But everyone seems to have different ideas on what really makes a roleplay great.
    What do you guys think? What qualities do you look for when joining or creating a roleplay? What do you think makes a roleplay succesful? Luck? A good plot? Active members?
    And which roleplays do you think have best demonstrated what makes a roleplay bad or good?
    For me, the most important part of a roleplay is the little introduction. An introduction with a good plot, a lot of details, and maybe a few visuals just draws me in.
    What's your opinion?

    Taylor will probably be back soon (I hope)! In the mean time, we're left on a cliffhanger.  :P


"Just because I need you doesn't mean I trust you."

    Felix quickly digested Daciana's words, ignoring for the moment Reima's playfulness.
    The elder dog's words answered a few questions. For one thing, it was clear that the place behind the barbed wire fence was a kind of protected sanctuary.
    But Daciana's short reply had really created more questions than it answered. The house behind the fence was only a tiny dot on the expansive map of Quentin City. Her words were vague, and they didn't really tell him much about the city.
    A sudden thought popped into Felix's head. Did Daciana mean to keep him in the dark? If she knew about city, and he didn't, he would be in her control. It could be a way of staying alpha.
    But that was ridiculous! Daciana's only 'challengers' for authority were a puppy and a small cat. And somehow she didn't seem the type to play mind games. She was rough and tough, certainly, but she didn't seem cruel or controlling. She had let him stay, after all.
     What if Daciana simply didn't know much about the city? It sounded like she and Reima spent their days in the fortified house. But that alternative was just as bad, if not worse. It meant that Felix's survival hinged on a dog without a map or a plan. Was he expected to sit in a house all day? It was definitely safe. But did he want safe? He wanted to find a recognizable cat, and if...if he couldn't quite find one, he wanted to get out of city.
     Felix leaned toward Daciana and opened his mouth, about to ask if she really knew anything about the city-and he stopped.
     His head whipped away from her, and he rotated his ears in the opposite direction, the way he'd come from. His slitted pupils flickered with intense interest, and every muscle in his small body tensed. His tail drifted behind him, like a wisp of smoke.
    The reason for his startling change in behavior filled his ears. It bounced off walls and hung heavy in the air. It was a symphony of raspy, canine snarls.
    And underneath those snarls, he could hear the yowls of a cat.
    For a moment he lost all control of himself, and dashed off toward the sound. He was a brown blur, a missile on a predetermined course that he could not stray from.
    Daciana's last words were lost in his flight. Her warning bark of mutants was unheard.
    And just down a street, an enormous mutant cocked his head, and gave a rattly growl to his equally formidable companion. The first dog's rotting tail gave a limp wag, and both broke into a run. Both could almost taste sweet, fiery blood on their maggoty lips. 
    (I've been busy for a little while too. Sorry for that!)                                                                                 



"Just because I need you doesn't mean I trust you."

   Felix watched the little dog (R- r something- Reima! That was it) dance around the bigger one, Daciana.
   He didn't particularly like the idea of being owned, like a kill you'd just caught, but in his (extremely limited) experience with kittens, they usually said things the wrong way. Puppies probably acted the same way.
    Anyway, from all the silly bouncing around he gathered that Reima was thrilled at the idea of some company. He couldn't see her stirring up any trouble. Maybe he could try to...what was it that puppies liked to do? Catch mice? Leap into the air? He could do that with Reima.
   Somehow the way Daciana gazed at Reima made him feel safer. Like there was nothing to worry about, even though there was.
   As Daciana growled out her assent, he slowly relaxed. He hadn't realized how tense he'd been.
    Now they only had to start moving. Any direction was good. Especially if cats had gone the same way. Daciana knew what direction to go in, right? She had to have a plan. He always did, or tried to.

    "I'm pleased to meet you," Felix purred out. "Both of you," he added, as he caught Reima's eye. "Where were you two heading for? I'm not that familiar with this part of the city. Or most of the city, really. Maybe you could tell me about it?"
   He fixed his eager eyes on the dogs, and strained his ears, waiting for any information. It was good to know things.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: May 12, 2015, 05:46:08 am »

I really like how the dryphon looks as if it's flying, but the colors are a little bright for my taste. Nice species though!

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