Author Topic: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse  (Read 34577 times)

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #50 on: May 16, 2015, 07:36:45 pm »

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #51 on: May 17, 2015, 03:15:19 am »

An enormous, two-headed, twelve-eyed, dangerous beast walked through the city. Ilirhaeya could see it, but she wasn't scared. She had been watching this beast for a while, and a great beast was he. There was a reason to fear this beast, but Ilirhaeya wasn't scared. She could see that its teeth were big, one tooth was twice the size of hers all put together, but she felt no fear. She was the one who needed to be feared, feared by all the monsters in Quenton City! They would all fear her sword, the one she held in her teeth at this very moment with a golden hilt and sharp edge. It was her monster-slaying sword, and it hadn't failed her yet.

This time would be no different.

Ilirhaeya was waiting for the right time to strike, and the beast was falling into her trap. It was coming her way, lumbering along, while she sat waiting atop the foundation of a barbed-wire fence for it to walk by her. It couldn't see her, despite the amount of eyes it bore, and for that the girl was relieved. It was coming closer, and Ilirhaeya clenched her jaw, her grip tightening around her sword before she decided it was time to attack. Springing from the fence with a muffled snarl, she lunged for the creature with her sword poised for the kill. As she landed on its back, it jumped into action, rearing back with a snarl and gnashing its terrible teeth. The dog-demon rose up on its two hind legs and wiggled in the air, attempting to knock the young cat off its back as it thrashed its head to and fro, snarling all the way.

Ilirhaeya sunk her claws deep into the monster's hide so she wouldn't be thrown off. She was still not afraid despite the situation, and she was convinced she didn't know fear! She scrambled up the creature's body as it moved erratically, looking quite comedic as she hung on for all she was worth. Finally at her target, the girl shifted her sword and with a sudden thrash of her head, plunged it into the monster's exposed neck. It moved wildly for a moment, but she thrust it in with all her might and held until the creature dropped underneath her. Ilirhaeya panted, jumping from the body clumsily and falling onto the street. She was tired, but proud, for the beast had been defeated!

The young cat sat up and smiled, puffing out her chest as she strutted towards the beast. "Take that you dumb monster!" She said with a grin, batting playfully at its face. "No longer will you plague these streets!" Her tail thrashed behind her as she moved to retrieve her sword from the beast's neck. In reality, it was just a overly sharpened stick, but she liked to pretend that it was a grand, monster-slaying sword dropped by some previous knight who had been defeated by one of these beasts. She'd follow in their pawsteps and use it to rid Quenton City of these beasts forever!

As she pulled the stick from the thing's body, she noticed that there was monster muck on the other end of her sword. She narrowed her eyes at its blood, and her nose wrinkled at the smell. Yeah, she'd definitely have to get this cleaned. If she left it on there, it'd probably taint her sword forever! Ilirhaeya was extra cautious about picking up her sword. She made sure she didn't touch the monster's blood, and then set it down next to the corpse. It was time to investigate. All monsters had some sort of treasure. The young cat began poking around the body, making sure not to touch it in case its tainted soul was still lingering around its corpse. She didn't want to get possessed after all.

Location: Near Daciana & Reima's house investigating the corpse of a infected dog she just killed.
Status: Groomed and obviously not infected. Generally looks clean but of course is dirtied by the life of the streets.

((yeaah, the monster isn't enormous/doesn't have two heads or twelve eyes, its just her imagination. ^^))

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #52 on: May 21, 2015, 06:17:10 am »

"Just because I need you doesn't mean I trust you."

    Felix quickly digested Daciana's words, ignoring for the moment Reima's playfulness.
    The elder dog's words answered a few questions. For one thing, it was clear that the place behind the barbed wire fence was a kind of protected sanctuary.
    But Daciana's short reply had really created more questions than it answered. The house behind the fence was only a tiny dot on the expansive map of Quentin City. Her words were vague, and they didn't really tell him much about the city.
    A sudden thought popped into Felix's head. Did Daciana mean to keep him in the dark? If she knew about city, and he didn't, he would be in her control. It could be a way of staying alpha.
    But that was ridiculous! Daciana's only 'challengers' for authority were a puppy and a small cat. And somehow she didn't seem the type to play mind games. She was rough and tough, certainly, but she didn't seem cruel or controlling. She had let him stay, after all.
     What if Daciana simply didn't know much about the city? It sounded like she and Reima spent their days in the fortified house. But that alternative was just as bad, if not worse. It meant that Felix's survival hinged on a dog without a map or a plan. Was he expected to sit in a house all day? It was definitely safe. But did he want safe? He wanted to find a recognizable cat, and if...if he couldn't quite find one, he wanted to get out of city.
     Felix leaned toward Daciana and opened his mouth, about to ask if she really knew anything about the city-and he stopped.
     His head whipped away from her, and he rotated his ears in the opposite direction, the way he'd come from. His slitted pupils flickered with intense interest, and every muscle in his small body tensed. His tail drifted behind him, like a wisp of smoke.
    The reason for his startling change in behavior filled his ears. It bounced off walls and hung heavy in the air. It was a symphony of raspy, canine snarls.
    And underneath those snarls, he could hear the yowls of a cat.
    For a moment he lost all control of himself, and dashed off toward the sound. He was a brown blur, a missile on a predetermined course that he could not stray from.
    Daciana's last words were lost in his flight. Her warning bark of mutants was unheard.
    And just down a street, an enormous mutant cocked his head, and gave a rattly growl to his equally formidable companion. The first dog's rotting tail gave a limp wag, and both broke into a run. Both could almost taste sweet, fiery blood on their maggoty lips. 
    (I've been busy for a little while too. Sorry for that!)                                                                                 

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #53 on: May 21, 2015, 07:56:44 pm »
((I want to post Ilirhaeya going to investigate those three but ill wait for Taylor to post >3<))

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #54 on: May 21, 2015, 11:47:28 pm »
    Taylor will probably be back soon (I hope)! In the mean time, we're left on a cliffhanger.  :P

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #55 on: May 22, 2015, 08:05:30 pm »

Daciana & Reima

"So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those stars will always be there to guide you. And so will I."

The large canine allowed her head to turn towards the sudden, faint yowls. However, this didn't catch any interest for her, and instead she wanted to get Reima and Felix in to their 'safe zone' as they'd call it. Gently shoving the young pup forward, Daci took a few paces forward herself, before turning her attention to face the feline. A low, rasped growl emitted from the ex military dogs snout as her eyes rested upon a small, brown tail whipping around the corner. Narrowing her eyes a little, she hesitated on helping the cat. Sure, it'd be a good thing and leave him, she'd managed to survive so long, and managed to keep Reima as safe as possible. And she didn't want to pup getting hurt, or herself. But she couldn't let the youngster get slaughtered by two blood thirsty beasts. As many times as she told herself in her head to not turn around, her instincts kicked in. Giving her head a shake she growled once more "Come on!" she barked, kicking her heels back as she spun and sprinted up the street. What was she doing saving a cat? Usually she'd taunt these things for fun, she wasn't soft hearted either. Had this cat grew on her? Had the apocalypse made her soft? Whatever it was, she was about to make a tough decision, one which could end herself in a lot of trouble. Reima seemed to just listen to her, not bothering to annoy the elder dog any more, she didn't want to anger her, and she didn't want anything bad to happen. Turning, she'd bolt after the mother figure as fast as her legs would take her, then suddenly hopping down an alley, keeping herself low.

Charging down the street, Daciana frantically looked around, brow auds soon locking on to two mutants, barrelling towards the young feline. Letting out a low, husky growl, the large muscular female lunged forward, sending herself barrelling in to the two dogs. Despite being smaller than one of them, her weight seemed to have sent the three rolling across the rough textured concrete. Taking no time, the Malinois quickly rolled over and pushed herself up on to all fours, ignoring the dust and stones which were not mangled in her short fur. Parting all four of her legs, the canine would tense up her body as she hung her head low, letting out deep and somewhat frightening growls, saliva dripping from her maw. The two mutants would quickly do the same, rolling and pushing themselves up, but a lot less sturdy as they stumbled and snapped at one another. Until their red/yellow tinted eyes fell on to the sane creature. "Move, kid!" she'd growl, gesturing for the feline to get himself hidden. The last thing she wanted was for him to be mauled by these creatures. Hearing a sudden sharp growl,  her attention turned to the canine at the left of her, then the one at the right of her. Remaining tensed, the brown pigmented canine continued to glance back and forth, her eyes locked on to the two mutants. Reima seemed to remain hidden, her eyes widened with shock as she watched the two large canines circle Daciana, but she was too small to do anything. And so was Felix. Lowering herself to her stomach "Psst..." she'd whisper, trying to get his attention. Maybe they'd be able to come up with a plan.

As the two circled, Daciana began making her plan. First she'd take out the smaller dog, seeing as that'd be relatively easy, then her intentions would be on killing the larger one, seeing as that'd take more time and would be a lot harder to do. Placing one of her paws forward, the Malinois soon bolted forward, lunging herself in to the small, grey and white pelted canine as it stood growling. The two met by smashing in to one another, a large impact sounding in a deep thud. Batting at one another with their paws, Daciana would growl as the mutant would nip at her chest and paws to throw her off guard. Narrowing her eyes, the large female would make her way towards the canine neck, and with a few struggles she'd manage to grab the creature by its neck, thrashing back and forth viciously, causing the dog to let out a bellowing yelp. Until she was suddenly threw to the ground as the larger canine slammed its paws on to her back, sending her sprawling on to her stomach. Quickly turning, she was soon pinned by her shoulders. Struggling to get out of the behemoths grasp, a echoing yelp emitted from her maw as the smaller canine began tearing in to her hind legs, causing her to kick out in rage. Wriggling her head around, she'd try and prevent the larger canine from grasping her face, and her neck. Despite a few hurtful bites to her cheeks and tears to her ears, which ended in piercing yelps. The female managed to grasped hold of the canines ear, and with one quick, powerful thrash, she was able to rip the canines ear.

Relief struck the female as the larger canine was send stumbling backwards with a large yelp, several whines emitting from its maw as it began pawing at its ear. Panting heavily, now covered in blood and scratches, Daciana was ready to finish what she had started. Parting her maw slightly, she'd spit blood on to the light pavement, ridding her mouth of the horrid taste. Giving her head a quick shake, Daciana watched as the smaller canine barrelled towards her. When the time was right, she stepped out of the way, then quickly turned and used all of her weight to slam the canine to the ground. Pressing all her weight on to the canines side, she managed to grab its neck, tightening her grip despite its thrashing and the odd scratch it'd manage to give her. With each struggle, she'd tighten her grip. Piercing yelps sounded, and the thrashing continued. Letting out a grunt, the female was soon hurled off of the canine and shoved to the ground. Picking herself up, she turned to watch the larger canine stand over the young one, nudging it gently as it remained motionless. Its bright gaze soon turning to her. Grinning slightly, Daciana began to yelp in exhaustion. Maybe killing the smaller one first was a bad idea. Shaking her pelt, she charged towards the larger canine, hitting it with some force. The two began to tear at one anothers flesh and fling each other around, yelps sounding here and then, muffled growls constantly emitting from the battling pair. Soon enough, Daci was slung in to a wall, a loud thud echoing down the alley as she panted furiously. Looking up helplessly at the approaching mutant, her eyes would wonder on to Reima and Felix, her ears dropping a little as she looked back at the mutant, giving her head a shake. Feeling something smack in to her side, she'd pant heavier, the sudden sharp, piercing pain causing her to yelp. Looking, she'd lunge forward slightly, grasping the canines legs with hers, pulling it towards her she'd grasp it in her sharp fangs, causing it to yelp once more and stumble back. Taking this as an opportunity, she lunged up and began tearing at the creatures pelt, leaving large cuts and gashes. Managing to tip it on to its side, she began nipping it its neck, tightening her grip each time, before being pushed off.

Both canines were now exhausted, and possibly at the point of giving up. However, she wasn't going to lose this battle. She hadn't lost one before, and she certainly wasn't going to lose this one. She'd always been a stubborn mule, and this time it shone through more than ever, as well as her protective nature and the fact that she'd never give up. She had Reima to look after, and now possibly Felix if he decided to stay. Matted in blood and covered in battle wounds, the two exhausted canines began circling one another.

(So sorry, I've had exams and such.)
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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #56 on: May 22, 2015, 10:33:07 pm »

Ilirhaeya had been investigating the body of the demon-dog when she had heard a loud, strange noise. She turned her head sharply to her left, and perked her ears forward, suddenly alert as she tried to process what she was hearing. The yowl of a cat startled her, but it also caused her to narrow her eyes as she grew tense. Was someone in trouble?! Ilirhaeya moved to grab her sword quickly. One glance at the beast had her pausing in her movements, but she didn't stray for long before she took off towards the sound, deciding to leave the body there. It would be best to let the creature rot, and pray that it wasn't anything dangerous. She had more important things to do, like save the cat in trouble!

Adrenaline pumped through her body as she moved, her sword clenched tight in her jaws as she forced herself to move as fast as she could. She was just a little cat, and while she wanted to get there quickly, she knew she wouldn't be able to get there as a fast as she would have liked. She just hoped that the cat in trouble could hold their own until then. Cats were supposed to be strong, so Ilirhaeya wasn't too worried...unless it was a kitten! The girl found herself moving faster. She hadn't seen a cat in a while, especially after she had been separated from her family. If she helped this one out, maybe they'd become friends! Loneliness was too boring, and Ilirhaeya didn't live to be bored!

As she got closer to the scene, there were no more signs of the cat in the area. She only heard the sounds of dogs, growling and barking and snarling. The sounds continued while she ran, and she tried to move faster even when she was beginning to tire. Someone was fighting! That meant someone was in trouble! Ilirhaeya couldn't deal with her tiredness right now, not when she had someone to save!

When she had arrived at the scene, she processed what was going on quickly. There were two dogs fighting. It seemed like a brave dog was fighting off a mutant, a large one that reminded her of the one she had just taken care of. It seemed like they were both tired, and were circling each other to fight. While she was all about fair fighting, monsters didn't deserve such manners, and so she decided then to help the one dog that looked less mangled than the other. Ilirhaeya had made her way behind the mutant, or at least, managed to stay out of his sight. They were circling each other and Ilirhaeya was running to keep herself out of sight from the creature she wanted to attack. Her limbs were tiring, tiring fast, and the effect of sprinting all the way over there was starting to take its toll on her body. She needed to act now, or she wouldn't be helping anyone.

Ilirhaeya jumped into action, throwing her sword to the side as a new idea came to her head. Lowering her body to the ground,  the young cat bunched up her muscles and lunged for the canine's back, hoping her distraction would give the other dog enough time to attack. She had reached its side, digging her claws into its hide as she forced herself clumsily up onto its back. It thrashed at the feeling, easily distracted by the new pressure and pain on its back as Ilirhaeya struggled to stay on. "Hey! You big ugly demon!" She taunted from on top its back, hoping to distract it from the other canine. "C'mon! Come and get me off your back!" She shouted, climbing up its spine quickly and digging her nails deep into its skin as it howled wildly.

Location: On top of the infected dog Daciana is fighting.
Status: Groomed and obviously not infected. Generally looks clean but of course is dirtied by the life of the streets.

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #57 on: May 23, 2015, 05:21:20 am »
"Just because I need you doesn't mean I trust you."
 She was fighting for him.
    Daciana was a giant, lunging the the large dog, drawing blood and tearing flesh, the huge white cat, the white knight, helping her as best as it could, sinking its claws into the mutant.
    She had cared. She had cared enough to save him from his stupid, mad dash. She had cared enough to kill and wound and exhaust herself.
    He had stumbled upon the dogs, and he had seen their grimy hides and rotted faces, and he had seen his death staring back at him, licking its greedy lips.
    And she had leaped in and saved him.
    Would any of the colony cats have done the same?
    He remember playing with faceless kittens, their features lost to time. He remembered stealing the prey of faceless cats, and of them stealing his. He remembered mounting faceless females with soft fur, their brief pleasure in the dark long forgotten.
    Had any of them had kittens? Had they survived? How many times over was he a father? He had never thought about any of this before. But now he saw Reima's face on the imaginary kittens, Daciana's on the battle-scarred cats nursing them.
    The colony had been a group of cats. Nothing more, nothing less. It was something to cling to, something to give him hope.
    But now, in the middle of a battlefield, a new hope blossomed.
    A rough but motherly alpha. A puppy who just wanted to play. And maybe a white knight who threw her sword down on the ground and leaped into battle.
    Fear of death and regret and doubt and shame, shame at being the reason Daciana was bleeding all melted away for a moment, leaving a cool, cold calm, the anxieties held in place under its surface.
    He was only eight pounds, normal for his breed but far too small in this battle between giants. But he could hide, just like Daciana had told him to do. And he would hide Reima with him, so safe that they would never be found, not until the bloody battle was over and he could be afraid and ashamed and anxious again.
    Felix turned tail and ran, ran into the shadows. If Daciana was here, Reima must be nearby.
    He found her next to a house, wide eyed and staring. Her eyes admitted their mutual helplessness, and asked for a plan, any plan.
    He gestured behind them. The house was desolate. Its paint was peeling, the porch swing had long since fallen down and the door had been wrenched off its hinges.
    But Felix didn't care how worn down the house was. He only cared that three boards had come loose on the side of the porch, loose enough for a small cat or puppy to crawl through.
    "Come on!" he whispered. "We can wait this out there."
    He set off towards the house.
   "Don't worry," he reassured the silence,"Daciana's enough for a hundred mutants."
    He hoped with all his heart that he was right.
   (Taylor-You don't have to apologize about being away! Exams are hard, and of course life and school takes priority over zombie dogs.  ;) )      
« Last Edit: May 23, 2015, 05:23:37 am by NovelsandChocolate »

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #58 on: May 23, 2015, 06:32:54 am »
   -Loudis, about the obsessive checking thing
Yeah, I'm guilty myself.  ;D
    I'm a first time roleplayer, (but a long time roleplay thread stalker) and I really love this roleplay, but I hate waiting.
    Every chance I get I leap onto my laptop and check if someone's posted, and if they haven't I keep on obsessively checking.
    My thought process goes something like this; "well, they haven't been online for the last few days, and they did say they'd be at school/going on a cruise to Haiti/saving the world from the little green men, but they have to have posted since the five minutes ago when I just checked!"
    At least all this excitement over a new post is a sign that the roleplay is really good.  :D
(I'm posting here instead of PMing you because my computer is going crazy. :P)

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #59 on: May 23, 2015, 07:13:11 am »

My thought process is exactly the same. xD
Ill log on, look at the roleplay, read over previous posts, and then leave the site to wait. Five minutes later ill check again and get disappointed when I see no one had posted yet. xD

Its been two seconds since I last checked, maybe someone posted?! - Me

They say they're going to be slaying the magical unicorn in a different dimension. They should have been able to post somewhere inbetween that battle! - Me