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Messages - Ryoko

Pages: 1 ... 54 55 [56]
As Frostpath tells me what happened I think "Yeah right...." We arrive at camp and I trot to the middle of the camp and gently place Frostpath down. I meow so that the whole camp can hear but its pointing towards the med cat. "((i think rosetails the med cat if im not right can the real med cat just talk for this part lol)) Frostpath is hurt... bad! You have to help him quick!" She stands there for a minute, then gets kind of dizzy, she decides to go lay down. She licks his cheek "Hope it gets better" She then trots away with her tail high and trots into the warrior den and plops down in her bed, almost immediatly falling asleep.

SnowFur hisses "Well you don't have to be a mouse brain about it! Now let me help you.." She carefully and gently bites his scruff and carrys the tom carefully back to camp. Mumbling through his fur calmly she says "You should have been watching where you were going..." She giggles a little"How can you hit a tree anyways, its not like you can't see it" she teases

SnowFur hears the cat in pains yowl and stops abruptly catching herself offguard. She tumbles forward but catches herself up right. She gets up and shakes her head.She sighs and starts to trot following the cats scent. She reaches the cat and relizes its Frostpath. "Frostpath?! what happened?" she mews trotting up to the cat. "You need to get back to camp, your badly hurt. She sniffs his leg and gives it a swift lick. "Dang it looks bad..." she thinks to herself

MoonFur backs up shaking her head. "wha..? I think I should talk with the medicen cat" she whispers to herself. As she talks a puff of fog?  flows from her mouth as the warm air she's breathing blows out into the bitter cold. She sighs and turns back towards the camp and starts to run towards it, trying to ware down some energy.

MoonFur looks down at the river. The river has mini icebergs floating upon it. She stares down at her reflection. She down and lets out a cold breath whispering to herself "Why did you have to die..?" A cold white fog starts to cover the grassy ground. She sighs, just staring down at the river. She jumps backletting out a yowl as the reflection of her lost best friend BlackStripe. She starts to cry to hereself trying to forget how he died.

Name: Ryoko
Cat name: MoonFur
Age(in moons): 11 moons
Rank(warrior, apprentice, etc.): Warrior
Gender: Female
Personality: Fiesty, adventurous, brave, determined, loving, caring, defensive, protective, and last of all sweet.
Mate: None yet
Kits: Non yet
Other: Nothing

Pages: 1 ... 54 55 [56]