Author Topic: NaruHina?  (Read 8302 times)

Offline xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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Re: NaruHina?
« Reply #50 on: April 14, 2012, 06:33:16 pm »
Yeah, I know, but I would be so willing to voice one of them X3. I don't really think I could pull off Naruto, though, because when my voice is recorded it sounds like I'm five. I know my voice doesn't really sound like that, though because there's a trick to hear what your voice sounds like to other people (in person). Cup your hands over your ears (don't lay them flat, cup them over your ears, leaving space between your hand and your ear-this doesn't allow the sound to travel directly to your ears, changing the wavelength, blah blah blah science-y crap). Now speak-that's what your voice sounds like to other people in person.
    Also, my question was rheotorical-I know why, it's pretty obvious. My voice doesn't sound like a boy's, so I couldn't voice Naruto, but I guess I could pull Sakura off. Also, about switching to a sixteen year old kid-they could still use the thirteen-year-old kid because your voice sounds relatively the same, especially since the voice actor would still be aging as the series progresses, making it actually seem a bit more realistic since their voice is getting deeper as they get older and time passes in the series, but it really is the corporation's choice-even though my heart breaks at the thought of Naruto being voiced by a woman.

Offline shusuke

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Re: NaruHina?
« Reply #51 on: April 14, 2012, 07:21:33 pm »
I could probably get away with acting one of the guys from Naruto, or some sort of female character with a laid-back, I-don't-care attitude that will never exist. When I hide my hair under a cap people easily mistake me as a guy when I talk to them. My voice is much higher on the phone than it is in person.

Closest canon character I'll probably ever get would either be Ino or Temari.

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Re: NaruHina?
« Reply #52 on: April 14, 2012, 08:14:12 pm »
I could probably pull of Temari, but not Ino
Even if I put on a ball cap no one could mistake me for a boy if they were looking straight at me. I'll give you one guess why (and it's not my hair).
   One time, though, in gym I had on a cap and had my hair tied back into a ponytail tucked into the gap in the back of my hat and when I was heading back to the girls' locker room, someone turned around and was about to say something, then said, 'Sorry, I thought you were a boy.'
   I didn't respond...

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Re: NaruHina?
« Reply #53 on: April 15, 2012, 05:29:32 am »
I purposely let people believe what they wanted on April Fool's once. It was hilarious. It was during an activity/assembly sort of week too, so one of the parents that signed up to help took our names of those participating. They spelled my name in the boy spelling too. I didn't think my boyish clothing would be boyish enough to hide my feminine features so well for the prank to work. I had a field day.

And then everyone hated me for a while when they figured out I wasn't a guy. I didn't really care though (My entire family on my dad's side were terrible, terrible, pranksters. It's apparently genetic).

I remember when Naruto first aired, I sort of imagined pranking him and seeing if he'd actually freaked out. One of the houses I lived in had a large pine tree in the front, and my father and I had stuffed some clothing with leaves to make a dummy and tied it in the tree. We used to drop it on people during Halloween (one year there were some church advisors who were supposedly against pranks; they both howled like hyenas for a good fifteen minutes, and they were in their fifties!).

It might not have worked on Naruto, but I know it'd work on Sakura, Kiba and (to some lesser, eyebrow raising extent) Sasuke. Though, knowing him, he'd probably start laughing his head off too.

Man, I really want to prank someone now. Time to go make a prank scene in my working plot lines now.

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Re: NaruHina?
« Reply #54 on: April 15, 2012, 06:13:38 am »
I'm pretty good at pranks, I guess. I used to be a terrible liar, 'cos I always smiled, but now I'm a brilliant liar, thanks to homework :DD
I haven't actually really pranked anyone, but it would be so fun X3 We are pulling a prank on one of my annoying friends, writing her a fake love note and stuffing it in her locker or something. She's really annoying because she has this really petty girl laugh and tries to hand out with popular people to feel like she's popular. I'm not popular, but my friend is because she has a boyfriend who's popular X3. Ok, middle school is totally a hellhole. I came to that conclusion long ago.

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Re: NaruHina?
« Reply #55 on: April 15, 2012, 08:36:29 am »
Just wait until you get into high school~~

When I'm by myself at school, I'm all quiet like Shino or Sasuke. When I'm with people I know, I'm all energetic and bouncy like Naruto. I even infect people with my randomness! :'D I'm so gifted.

I just realized that I'm the only girl that sits at my table amongst the small group of manga lovers in my current lunch block. Intriguing.

I listened to Hetalia Britain's "Pub and GO!" song and now it's stuck in my head...with Sasuke's face. Can someone help me? Because near the end he gets a high pitched voice and says "baka" thirty-one times in rapid succession and I can only think of Sasuke chasing Naruto around Konoha as if he stole something important and being increasingly frustrated.

Then when he says "Fish and chips!" I think of Sasuke tossing a bag in the air and Choji randomly just being...THERE...grabbing the chips or something. It's incredibly random and entertaining.

So much so that it scares me.

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Re: NaruHina?
« Reply #56 on: April 15, 2012, 01:29:07 pm »
Pfft. Running away to London before that, or burning the city.

That's exactly how I am X3, just I'm trying to work on it. No one respects people who are mysterious and quiet in real life, lol. I'm always just the quiet girl who doesn't really raise her hand in class and doesn't speak a word. On the other hand, with my friends I'm in total innappropriate humour/sarcastic mode (hurray).

(Love that song, btw).

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Re: NaruHina?
« Reply #57 on: April 15, 2012, 03:58:12 pm »
I make people laugh with my socially awkwardness. HEY! That must make me a Shino that smiles and doesn't really wear shades then, right?


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Re: NaruHina?
« Reply #58 on: April 15, 2012, 04:10:34 pm »
I guess I'm like an intelligent version of young Naruto, with a mix of Sasuke in there. I'm kind of ostricised in my class because, even when I talk to people they always say, 'What?' or just ignore me. When I do work up the courage to raise my hand, there's always a moment of awkwardness after it. Also, I don't usually use my common sense so almost every time I do open my mouth I end up sounding like a fool, even though I do learn fast and almost everything other than math comes easily to me. I'm trying to work on being more outgoing and talk to people more, and it's working. Even though a lot of people still think I'm a fool, I don't care. I'm not gonna get anywhere by being like Sasuke and brooding about how terrible school is and moping and being silent in school like an emo. I'm not an effing emo! Sure, I wear black in almost every outfit I have and like music in the minor key and have hair over my eye and hate the world and wish I had black hair...oh sh**. At least I don't cut myself...and I'm working on not being not being an emo....(I'm not gonna give up half of those things, but they're just stereotypes).