Author Topic: What's the Creepiest In-game experience you've had?  (Read 8385 times)

Offline Adorableness

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Re: What's the Creepiest In-game experience you've had?
« Reply #30 on: July 04, 2015, 01:00:25 am »
One time I was playing as a wolf character in a pack. We were wandering around, looking for a decent spot to rest and chat. Then, we stumble into a den and find two characters. Let's just say the oldest one in our pack reported them, and the others ran away, pretending they saw nothing.

Another thing that happened, which was like, beyond creepy:

There was also one time me and my friend were whispering each other. I walked away from the computer for a moment, then come back. She whispered me, saying that some guy with the user '0' was whispering her. I forget what '0' said, but my friend seemed pretty freaked out. She then said to come to the map, because '0' was there, and she was freaked out. Out of curiosity, I decided to go along with it. It was probably just a joke anyways. I switched characters and went to the map to see what the alpha (my friend) was so concerned about. She's just staring at nothing, freaking out and whispering me about this '0' guy. Pretty much, she said '0''s character had the same name as his user. He looked identical to her character in every way, aside from the fact everything was pure black, and I guess she found out it's gender as she kept referring to him as a he, but she might've just been randomly saying 'he', not sure. Anyways, pretty much, I couldn't see it. Other members of the pack came online, and they didn't see it either. At one point, in whisper, she said that the black wolf was right in front of me. Confused, I walked forward. She said the characters were touching noses at this point. Out of amusement, I kept my character still to see what would happen. I forget the rest of what happened, but I do know that at one point after everyone logged off, I went back online, went back to where my friend last saw this '0', and my game crashed. I was freaked out, and I just went to bed.
I swear I would be so paranoid if that happened to me


In-Game Name: Adorableness
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Offline Adorableness

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Re: What's the Creepiest In-game experience you've had?
« Reply #31 on: July 04, 2015, 03:33:19 am »
This black lioness thing named "phantom" whispered me and said "I will get your blood." That creeped me out a little. I continued RPing, and I suddenly saw Phantom behind me! That terrified me. Phantom opened his/her's mouth and slowly crept more near me. Then more near.. Until she stuck her face in my back (LOL). Then he/she said "I got you."
Then she got gross. She "sucked out my guts." At that point I threatened to block Phantom. Then she/he stopped.

oh gosh
« Last Edit: July 04, 2015, 03:35:12 am by Zowiey »


In-Game Name: Adorableness
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Offline anahel

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Re: What's the Creepiest In-game experience you've had?
« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2015, 09:38:30 pm »
This black lioness thing named "phantom" whispered me and said "I will get your blood." That creeped me out a little. I continued RPing, and I suddenly saw Phantom behind me! That terrified me. Phantom opened his/hers mouth and slowly crept more near me. Then more near.. Until she stuck her face in my back (LOL). Then he/she said "I got you."
Then she got gross. She "sucked out my guts." At that point I threatened to block Phantom. Then she/he stopped.

oh gosh

Oh man, I saw her. Creeped me out at first but it turned out she was just an extreme powerplayer, probably new or young. She did try and brutally murder me in RP, though.

My creepiest experience had to be when I joined a demon roleplay. I was sitting on a rock in the plains with the rest of the group helping to advertise, then suddenly I noticed my character's face had turned pitch black like its texture was gone. I wrote it off as a trick of the light because he was a pretty dark feline (although he wasn't black). Then the rest of him turned black. I thought hey, whatever just a glitch. And then all of the plains turned black.

The textures for the grass were just gone, leaving the ground completely dark. My first thought was 'crap, real demons.'

Yeah, logging in and out fixed it.

returning 2011 player on a new account. just trying to remember how it all works c:
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