Author Topic: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map is finished.  (Read 17588 times)

Offline Flatsoda

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.: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map is finished.
« on: August 17, 2011, 01:20:14 am »

The Gogunatvi Pride

.: Prologue :.

Hurr :B

A large ivory moon hung in the sky,casting a light around it. "How much longer? Kukniafo is weak." said a lioness,slim in structure and as the moon cast a light down on her pale pelt. "Won't be long now," a brute said. He quickly slacked in pace as he neared the top of a hill "We just have to cross....the..." the lion stammered. What lay infront of them looked hellish. Vultures screeched in the sky,and many a bone piles lay on the water-strickened soil.

"....Bonefeilds...." the lion finally finished.

.: Rules :.

If you read the rules,put ' I read the rules,derpherpferp ' at the bottom of your form.

Do not cuss.

Do not abuse the actions. [ Aka use them to mate ]

This is a LITERATE/SEMI-LITERATE roleplay.

Realistic colors only.

Please do not bring IRL drama in-game.Keep it personal.

Only 0.000000005% in lion births cubs are born albino. I won't actually allow white lions,but I will from time to time.
Black lions are not allowed,as they are not known in history.(Black lions have never been born before)

Do not capsrage/rage. We don't need to deal with your tyranny.

No powerplay/godmod/autohit.

No mary-sue/gary-sue.

.: Media :.

Videos,presets,maps/ect will go here.


The map is finished.

Download link;


.: News :.

OHYAH,NEWS. Check it out.

August 16,2011;

Group created.
In a week,I will have to start packing up for colledge. ;U;

August 17,2011;

Added some new ranks.(Scouts+Heirs)

.: Hiearchy :.


The King

The king is the one who rules over the pride; he leads with an iron claw,comanding the warriors and leading them into battle.1 apprentice.
Highest respect. Disrespect him,you'll have your bones used as a necklace.

The Queen

The queen is a soul-mate of the king.She commands the huntresses,and will go into battle if necessary.1 apprentice.
Highest respect. Disrespect her,you'll have your claws used as a toothpick and demoted to slave.


These are the children of the king and queen.When the king/queen dies,the 'next-in-line' will take his or her place.
Can only be scolded by the king and queen.


The commander is a secondary male,taking over the King's role if he is sick. May take over the Queens's rule if needed badly.He commands the scouts.1 apprentice only.
Mid-respect. You can disrespect him,but expect concequences.


The seniors are the males/females who have mastered their' abilities,they head into war and hunt.1-2 apprentices per lion/lioness.[size]
Mid-respect.You can disrespect them,but expect concequences


These are the lions and lionesses that patrol the territory borders every dawn,noon,and dusk.They report any new/strange scents,if not they're bound to be in trouble.
Mid-respect.You can disrespect them,but expect concequences.


Spies carry out the role of spying on other camps / rogues.They must be sly and quick enough to escape if discovered.1 apprentice per lion.
Mid-respect.You can disrespect them,but expect concequences.[size]


This rank is lead by the males,hardly females.They go into wars,fighting for whats right; but they stay and train at the clearing sometimes. Can go hunting,but hardly.1-2 apprentices per lion.[size]
Mid-respect.You can disrespect them,but expect concequences.


The huntresses are the lionesses,hunting whatever and whenever,if its edible.They gather food for the camp.1 apprentice per lioness.
Mid-respect.You can disrespect them,but expect concequences.


These are the adolescents that have been assigned a rank. Males go to warriors,females go to huntresses.
These can only be scolded by mentors.[size]


These are the lionesses that are with-child[Also with cubs,not just pregnant]They must be brought Kill and fresh water each day.
Mid-respect.You can disrespect them,but expect concequences.


The cubs are the young ones of the pride,the next generation.They can be apprenticed at 10 months old. [When they are introduced to meat.]
Can only be scolded by the mother,king,or queen.


These are the lions/lionesses that have oddly made it through the challenges of life,and have reached old age.They are the wisest of the pride.
Mid-respect.You can disrespect them,but expect concequences.

The Slaves

These are the ones who have disrespect the king and/or queen.Exiles who have come back to the pride are hosted at this rank,and Rogues must work their' way up through the ranks,starting at this one.
Disrespect,beat,hit them all you want;just don't kill them.

.: Members :.

MALES; 5 [ HA,finally some roleplay has more males than females! ]

.: Rox :.
.: Male :.
.: 6 1/2 Years :.
.: King :.
.: Rox is fearless,and willing to do anything for his pride. However,sometimes he's just silent and does nothing. :.

.: Static :.
.: Male :.
.: [HUMAN YEARS] 24 :.
.: Scout :.
.: Cocky, street-wise, friendly, slightly flirty, charming, quick to anger. :.

.:5 1/1 Years Of Age:.
.: Nadja is fierce. She has weak bones, yet she is strong unless injured, and will go to the ends of the earth to save someone dear to her. It is hard to befriend her. She looks for allies, not relationships. She knows the law of the Wild. She is sweet when caught off guard, but will often times get cranky afterwards. She is both a worthy opponent and true friend. :.

.: Liefde :.
.: Female :.
.: Young Adult :.
.: Spy :.
.: Sweet | Loving | Kind | Not afraid to show her claws | Sneaky | Smart :.

.: Name :. Hatari
.: Female :.
.: Young Adult :.
.: Scout :.
.: She's full of energy and quite mischievous, she is just like a teen stuck in a adults body. when she needs to be she is calm and collected, and often tries to get a laugh out of her friends and family. :.

.: Asita :.
.: Male :.
.: 5 Years :.
.: Warrior :.
.: Asita is a born warrior and loves the thrill of a battle. One major fault, is that in the throws of a fight he can become blood thirsty; seeming to forget himself and those around him. Once in that position, it's difficult to bring him out of that berserk mind set, though normally a solid command from a familiar voice will "wake him up". Though tactically minded, he would much prefer violence to diplomatic solutions. Despite those ideals, he is a loyal male to his pride, and obeys orders to the best of his abilities. No matter if he agrees with them or not. He does feels awkward around cubs, and is not exactly sure how to react to them. :.

.: Luka ((Lew-kah)) :.
.: Male :.
.: 4 :.
.: Warrior :.
.: Luka is a trustworthy, loyal lion. He can be a flirt, and romantic, but yet again is very protective. If he ever suceeds to get a mate, he is determined to never let anything stand between them. He has alot of patience, and would be the perfect father for cubs. If he is agervated or annoyed, he tries not to roar, rather go off alone for a while. :.

.: Afer Ventus [ Meaning "African wind" ] :.
.: Male :.
.: One Year :.
.: Apprentice :.
.: Despite being something of an introvert, Rigel tends to be packed with energy. Always on his toes with a mind set to overdrive, it takes a lot of guts to contend with him. Unfortunately, this energy is spent fleeing from people and Pokemon and being pissed at the world and everything in it. He comes off as a pessimist to most, despite having such a chipper demeanor. In truth, he's generally a happy guy until you get him on a topic he does not like, or you try to earn his trust when he clearly does not want anything to do with you. Not many tend to gravitate towards his odd persona, and because of this, he has very few -- if any -- friends. That does not mean his is antisocial. He doesn't like being alone (in fact, it's a fear). No, he likes companionship. It's just complicated and can easily reach personal levels when explained. :.

.: The Lost :.

Those who have been kicked / died IC.

.: Liefde :.
.: Female :.
.: Young Adult :.
.: Spy :.
.: Sweet | Loving | Kind | Not afraid to show her claws | Sneaky | Smart :.

.: Application Form :.

Fill out the form >:U

Code: [Select]
-200x200 Headshot here-

.: Name :.
.: Gender :.
.: Age :.
.: Desired Rank :.
.: Personality[No meet-me's] :.
.: History[No 'I don't want to's] :.
.: Roleplay Sample [Literacy be the key. <3] :.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 07:45:19 pm by .:FlatSoda:. »

Offline Flatsoda

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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map being made.
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2011, 02:40:23 am »
And we are..


For applications.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 02:26:38 pm by .:FlatSoda:. »

Offline Flatsoda

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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map being made.
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2011, 06:08:25 pm »

Offline Flewez

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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map being made.
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2011, 06:20:25 pm »

.: Sasha :.
.: Female :.
.: 2 Months :.
.: Cub :.
.: Sasha loves to explore and finding new intresting things. She is for the most happy and as well trying to make everyone else feeling good:.
.: Sasha was born in a summery day in  the middle off June. Sadly though her mother died giving birth to Sasha, but somehow someone from the The Gogunatvi Pride found her week beside her dead mother and brought her to them :.
.: Literacy :.


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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map being made.
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2011, 06:23:47 pm »
                                  (I have NO idea how to do a screen shot, sorry. ^^")
.: Name :.Static
.: Gender :. Male
.: Age :.(In uman years) 24
.: Desired Rank :.Scout
.: Personality[No meet-me's] :.Cocky, street-wise, friendly, slightly flirty, charming, quick to anger.
.: History[No 'I don't want to's] :.He had a pretty average life, apart from his unusual speed and a talent for catching mice.
.: Roleplay Sample [Literacy be the key. <3] :. -The young male grins cheekily and slinks over to the lioness"So, little lady, how's about i show you how a REAL scout scouts?"he chuckles, creeping up on a lone couple. He stretches his legs and darts round the pair of young lovers twice, making kissy-noises and laughing.-

Offline exlizabeth

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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map being made.
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2011, 06:52:46 pm »

.:5 1/1 Years Of Age:.
.: Nadja is fierce. She has weak bones, yet she is strong unless injured, and will go to the ends of the earth to save someone dear to her. It is hard to befriend her. She looks for allies, not relationships. She knows the law of the Wild. She is sweet when caught off guard, but will often times get cranky afterwards. She is both a worthy opponent and true friend. :.
.:Nadja. A lone lioness, roaming the African lands to near starvation. Yet she remains. Living, breathing. She hunts by the shimmering moon. The river's reflection of it. She was born from two low-life lone lions. They made her weak. Neglected her. Yet they raised her to survive, nonetheless. By the age of two, Nadja had left her parents at their death beds. She had no need for a rock to tie her, the lovely leaf, down. So she roamed for many years. She met many a wolf, many a lion. And some other species she dare not name, for she is a superstitious one. And now, she has found the Gogunatvi Pride. Will she be accepted, or will the wind blow this leaf somewhere else once more?:.
.: Her canines dug into the meal. Exli smiled at her reflection in the water. The buck had already been felled by another lioness, but she suspected that she had been too weak from a fight to finish the job. so Exli had done it for her. And now, she would have meal enough to last for a week. If the vultures did not intrude. The agreement between animals was harsh. some called it the circle of life. Exli herself, well, she liked to call it survival of the fittest. The approaching wolf startled her, and she glanced up. Her throat gurgled as warm, blood-racked flesh caught in her rising roar.  :.

Offline Flatsoda

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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map being made.
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2011, 07:26:40 pm »

.:5 1/1 Years Of Age:.
.: Nadja is fierce. She has weak bones, yet she is strong unless injured, and will go to the ends of the earth to save someone dear to her. It is hard to befriend her. She looks for allies, not relationships. She knows the law of the Wild. She is sweet when caught off guard, but will often times get cranky afterwards. She is both a worthy opponent and true friend. :.
.:Nadja. A lone lioness, roaming the African lands to near starvation. Yet she remains. Living, breathing. She hunts by the shimmering moon. The river's reflection of it. She was born from two low-life lone lions. They made her weak. Neglected her. Yet they raised her to survive, nonetheless. By the age of two, Nadja had left her parents at their death beds. She had no need for a rock to tie her, the lovely leaf, down. So she roamed for many years. She met many a wolf, many a lion. And some other species she dare not name, for she is a superstitious one. And now, she has found the Gogunatvi Pride. Will she be accepted, or will the wind blow this leaf somewhere else once more?:.
.: Her canines dug into the meal. Exli smiled at her reflection in the water. The buck had already been felled by another lioness, but she suspected that she had been too weak from a fight to finish the job. so Exli had done it for her. And now, she would have meal enough to last for a week. If the vultures did not intrude. The agreement between animals was harsh. some called it the circle of life. Exli herself, well, she liked to call it survival of the fittest. The approaching wolf startled her, and she glanced up. Her throat gurgled as warm, blood-racked flesh caught in her rising roar.  :.

Accepted c:

However,instead of going head-on applying for queen,I would recommend you roleplay with Rox for about 2 IRL-days.

                                  (I have NO idea how to do a screen shot, sorry. ^^")
.: Name :.Static
.: Gender :. Male
.: Age :.(In uman years) 24
.: Desired Rank :.Scout
.: Personality[No meet-me's] :.Cocky, street-wise, friendly, slightly flirty, charming, quick to anger.
.: History[No 'I don't want to's] :.He had a pretty average life, apart from his unusual speed and a talent for catching mice.
.: Roleplay Sample [Literacy be the key. <3] :. -The young male grins cheekily and slinks over to the lioness"So, little lady, how's about i show you how a REAL scout scouts?"he chuckles, creeping up on a lone couple. He stretches his legs and darts round the pair of young lovers twice, making kissy-noises and laughing.-

Accepted c:

.: Sasha :.
.: Female :.
.: 2 Months :.
.: Cub :.
.: Sasha loves to explore and finding new intresting things. She is for the most happy and as well trying to make everyone else feeling good:.
.: Sasha was born in a summery day in  the middle off June. Sadly though her mother died giving birth to Sasha, but somehow someone from the The Gogunatvi Pride found her week beside her dead mother and brought her to them :.
.: Literacy :.

Before I can fully accept you,instead of putting 'Literacy' in your 'roleplay sample area',I want a sample of how you roleplay.

Offline exlizabeth

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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map being made.
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2011, 07:29:43 pm »
Accepted c:

However,instead of going head-on applying for queen,I would recommend you roleplay with Rox for about 2 IRL-days.
Alright. :P I'll start out as a Scout. When does roleplay start?

Offline Flatsoda

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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map being made.
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2011, 07:35:53 pm »
When the map is done,which should be today. xD

Offline exlizabeth

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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map being made.
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2011, 07:36:45 pm »
Awesome. :P Looking forward to it. Do you mind if I lurk here?