Author Topic: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map is finished.  (Read 17602 times)

Offline Lemming

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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map is finished.
« Reply #40 on: August 26, 2011, 05:29:22 pm »
Picture added.~


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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map is finished.
« Reply #41 on: August 26, 2011, 10:16:18 pm »
Dude, Cool lion!

Offline Lemming

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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map is finished.
« Reply #42 on: August 26, 2011, 10:58:47 pm »
Thank you. ^-^
I do need to note real quick that he's not as golden as the screenshot makes him appear. The map I took it in just brightened him up a little bit. XD

Fun fact! In african, his name means Sun God, and he was named that by his mother when his mane started coming in, in honor of the yellow-wheat color. x)

NOTE: He's obviously not a god character, he just has the nifty name. ;P


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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map is finished.
« Reply #43 on: August 26, 2011, 11:51:25 pm »

Offline Taakah

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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map is finished.
« Reply #44 on: August 27, 2011, 12:13:51 am »
((Screenie coming soon, servers down D:))

.: Luka ((Lew-kah)) :.

.: Male :.

.: 4 :.

.: Senior Lion- If not availible, then Warrior :.

.: Luka is a trustworthy, loyal lion. He can be a flirt, and romantic, but yet again is very protective. If he ever suceeds to get a mate, he is determined to never let anything stand between them. He has alot of patience, and would be the perfect father for cubs. If he is agervated or annoyed, he tries not to roar, rather go off alone for a while. :.

.: Luka's mother and father were blessed with five cubs, Luka and Krashath being the only males. Life was well, him always being loved and full. When his mane came in, (When he was teenish) he had a crush on Reena, the pride-teen-hottie, as did all the other male teens. Luka tried the hardest to impress her, and always was next to her. They formed a deep bond, deeply desired by Krashath, his brother. Krashath, blinded by fury, launched an attack on Luka, overthrowing him and making Luka leave the pride. Luka ran, not looking back, with a sad heart. Krashath, now having Reena to himself, came to realize Reena disliked him alot. Now, what's left of his old pride is his dismayed parents, angered brother, and heart-shattered Reena. :.

.: Luka's eyes slightly opened, then closed. The savannah was a dim blue, air heavy with mist. A small bird sang in a bush, announcing morning. Early morning. Unreasonable early morning. Luka shifted, truly annoyed at the bird. "Shut....up..." he groaned, curling into a tighter ball. His fur was neatly beaded by drops of dew, perfectly round. The bird, finishing his series of annoying calls, fluffed his feathers, then preened himself.
The sun was well above the savannah when Luka woke. He blinked, stretching. He got up, shaking the dust and grit from his pelt, then yawned. Looking around him, he realized he was on his way to finding an open pride. He began to walk, dust kicking up form his hind feet. This would be a long walk untill he found atleast a trace of a pride.
Luka padded up a rocky hill, growling as a rock wedged itself beetween his toes. Sitting, he dug it out with his teeth, then spat it out. Sighing, he obserbed his surroundings. Deciding to continue up hill, he got up, then trotted foreward. The top of the hill began to come in sight, and he sighed in relief. Reaching the top, he looked down upon a perfect territorry, along with lions below. He chuckled to himself, planning his introduction. :.

I read the rules, derpherpferp!


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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map is finished.
« Reply #45 on: August 27, 2011, 12:34:21 am »
Sounds like a neato lion dude

Offline aelitastar

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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map is finished.
« Reply #46 on: August 27, 2011, 12:42:11 am »
(tinypic is the only image uploader i use and it doesn't have 200X200 >.<)
.: Name :. Hatari (means danger)
.: Gender :. female
.: Age :. young adult
.: Desired Rank :. scout
.: Personality[No meet-me's] :. She's full of energy and quite mischievous, she is just like a teen stuck in a adults body. when she needs to be she is calm and collected, and often tries to get a laugh out of her friends and family.
.: History[No 'I don't want to's] :. she had grew up in a normal pride, no really bad history other then a hyena attacking her brother when he was young. When she came to teen age she began to notice the pride was starting the fall apart, soon fights would break out. After having enough she snuck out one night and found this pride. (i know fail T_T)
.: Roleplay Sample [Literacy be the key. <3] :. The small female parted her jaws with a yawn before getting up from her little nap she took, often during this time of the day she would sneak a short rest now and again. flicking her ear and looking around she smelled another lion, male to be correct. pinpointing the area of the scent she ran the other way, in no mood to meet another male lion again. coming to a watering hole she sighed and glanced around, only prey to be seen, and they where even calm at the presence of her. (sorry its so short but i tried to make it close to in-game rp sentences i make XD)

I read the rules derpherpferp (XD i always read the rules because i expect others to read mine if i make them)
I am not who I was when I last left here, from the years '11 through '13. I sincerely apologize for how rude and disrespectful I had been, and hope whoever I have wronged before can forgive my previous bad behavior.

Offline Flatsoda

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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map is finished.
« Reply #47 on: August 27, 2011, 11:58:59 am »
((Screenie coming soon, servers down D:))

.: Luka ((Lew-kah)) :.

.: Male :.

.: 4 :.

.: Senior Lion- If not availible, then Warrior :.

.: Luka is a trustworthy, loyal lion. He can be a flirt, and romantic, but yet again is very protective. If he ever suceeds to get a mate, he is determined to never let anything stand between them. He has alot of patience, and would be the perfect father for cubs. If he is agervated or annoyed, he tries not to roar, rather go off alone for a while. :.

.: Luka's mother and father were blessed with five cubs, Luka and Krashath being the only males. Life was well, him always being loved and full. When his mane came in, (When he was teenish) he had a crush on Reena, the pride-teen-hottie, as did all the other male teens. Luka tried the hardest to impress her, and always was next to her. They formed a deep bond, deeply desired by Krashath, his brother. Krashath, blinded by fury, launched an attack on Luka, overthrowing him and making Luka leave the pride. Luka ran, not looking back, with a sad heart. Krashath, now having Reena to himself, came to realize Reena disliked him alot. Now, what's left of his old pride is his dismayed parents, angered brother, and heart-shattered Reena. :.

.: Luka's eyes slightly opened, then closed. The savannah was a dim blue, air heavy with mist. A small bird sang in a bush, announcing morning. Early morning. Unreasonable early morning. Luka shifted, truly annoyed at the bird. "Shut....up..." he groaned, curling into a tighter ball. His fur was neatly beaded by drops of dew, perfectly round. The bird, finishing his series of annoying calls, fluffed his feathers, then preened himself.
The sun was well above the savannah when Luka woke. He blinked, stretching. He got up, shaking the dust and grit from his pelt, then yawned. Looking around him, he realized he was on his way to finding an open pride. He began to walk, dust kicking up form his hind feet. This would be a long walk untill he found atleast a trace of a pride.
Luka padded up a rocky hill, growling as a rock wedged itself beetween his toes. Sitting, he dug it out with his teeth, then spat it out. Sighing, he obserbed his surroundings. Deciding to continue up hill, he got up, then trotted foreward. The top of the hill began to come in sight, and he sighed in relief. Reaching the top, he looked down upon a perfect territorry, along with lions below. He chuckled to himself, planning his introduction. :.

I read the rules, derpherpferp!


(tinypic is the only image uploader i use and it doesn't have 200X200 >.<)
.: Name :. Hatari (means danger)
.: Gender :. female
.: Age :. young adult
.: Desired Rank :. scout
.: Personality[No meet-me's] :. She's full of energy and quite mischievous, she is just like a teen stuck in a adults body. when she needs to be she is calm and collected, and often tries to get a laugh out of her friends and family.
.: History[No 'I don't want to's] :. she had grew up in a normal pride, no really bad history other then a hyena attacking her brother when he was young. When she came to teen age she began to notice the pride was starting the fall apart, soon fights would break out. After having enough she snuck out one night and found this pride. (i know fail T_T)
.: Roleplay Sample [Literacy be the key. <3] :. The small female parted her jaws with a yawn before getting up from her little nap she took, often during this time of the day she would sneak a short rest now and again. flicking her ear and looking around she smelled another lion, male to be correct. pinpointing the area of the scent she ran the other way, in no mood to meet another male lion again. coming to a watering hole she sighed and glanced around, only prey to be seen, and they where even calm at the presence of her. (sorry its so short but i tried to make it close to in-game rp sentences i make XD)

I read the rules derpherpferp (XD i always read the rules because i expect others to read mine if i make them)


.: Asita :.
.: Male :.
.: 5 Years :.
.: Warrior :.
.: Asita is a born warrior and loves the thrill of a battle. One major fault, is that in the throws of a fight he can become blood thirsty; seeming to forget himself and those around him. Once in that position, it's difficult to bring him out of that berserk mind set, though normally a solid command from a familiar voice will "wake him up". Though tactically minded, he would much prefer violence to diplomatic solutions. Despite those ideals, he is a loyal male to his pride, and obeys orders to the best of his abilities. No matter if he agrees with them or not. He does feels awkward around cubs, and is not exactly sure how to react to them. :.

.: History :.
Born to the Teipen Pride, Asita had a fairly average cub-hood growing up. He wrestled with the other youths, played over his mother's back, and lounged beneath the shade of great Savannah trees. Then, when his mane started to grow in, he learned a small hint about hunting before the pride lord chased him from his home, along with the another male that posed a potential threat to the matriarch's rule. Together, the two traveled across the lands, giving their old territory a wide birth. Asita's pride mate did not last long however, and after a mere moon, the young male found himself alone. Many more moons would go by, though the instinct for a pride, for something to protect, never left him. Until finally, he came upon a small troupe of bachelors, and after engaging in a fight with one member as a sort of initiation, joined their ranks. From there Asita grew up among these violent warriors, engaging in daily duels and near deadly spars. It was a life he would have stayed in, but for one thing. The instinctual urge, the need to protect and serve, was unfulfilled. In all honesty, he had resolved himself to a life with the bachelor group, until during their wanderings, they stumbled upon the Gogunatvi pride territory. Asita found himself fascinated, and while his brothers turned away, he moved forward to explore this pride with the unique smell. The rest, as the say in cliche, is history.

.: Roleplay Sample [Literacy be the key. <3] :.
It was amazing, this sensation that numbed his limbs and heated his blood. Flooding his thoughts, washing out all coherency until all he could focus on were simple action and reaction. But he could still feel. A blessedly wonderful sensation of senses! The tear as his claws latched onto his enemies hide, the violent tug as they retaliated, sending an electric surge up his spine that he barely registered as pain. Then came the satisfaction of fangs finding hold beneath the enemy's mane, and the metallic taste of a red life source. His opponent released an enraged snarl, the sound burning amusement in the attackers heated ears, as all his strength was used to pull the other beast from his paws. There was movement from his right side, and the warrior released his hold, turning to swipe at what had approached him. Those hooked claws made contact with the side of the creatures head, before he turned back to his enemy. Yet his opponent was already gone from his paws, sprinting away and leaving a trail of liquid rubies in his wake. The warrior whipped back around, a snarl baring witness to each individual scythe-like fang, at the creature that had dared interrupt his fight.

Muscles taught, he prepared to spring, before a voice snarled and reached through his thoughts, "Asita!" Asita froze, pale eyes blinking in momentary confusion, before beaded black pupils contracted and focus returned to his gaze. The beast his paw had laid contact with, had been another member of the pride. The large warrior gave his voluminous wheat-kissed mane a shake, causing the long hairs to sway from one side of his neck to the other, before his head dipped towards the one he had attacked by mistake, "My apologies," he spoke, voice as deep as the earth, and as hard touched as gravel. Though the words had certainly been sincere. Tufted tail flicking as a pendulum from side to side, Asita rose and surveyed the bloody scene of the battle that had just taken place. He felt no remorse for the blood stained earth or those that had been injured, his own wounds stinging against the bite of a passing breeze. The only disappointment the warrior had, was that it had to end so soon.

:B I read the rules, derpherpferp! :B
And if he's accepted, I can send his screenshot in later tonight.
I typed up this application at work, hence why it took so long to send. XD
Sorry about that.~

........very much accepted.............

[ !NOTE!

Due to the hurricane,I had to evactuate my neighborhood and I'm on my crappy laptop( which loaths FH ),so you can go ahead and start the roleplays without Rox.

....and here is a sneak-peak of the camp that I keep forgetting to post;

« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 12:28:39 pm by .:FlatSoda:. »


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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map is finished.
« Reply #48 on: August 27, 2011, 02:50:25 pm »

Paws rushing through the cold wet water, heart pumping to get free, her brown leg digging into the mud of the ground which holds the rushing black water, Liefde hurtled herself towards the other side of the river, trying to get away from something. Suddenly a bright white light shone directly into her beautiful hazel eyes. As she opened them again, she realized that it was all just a dream. A horrible dream, but still a dream nonetheless.
She saw herself laying underneath the shade rocks, and yawned. She often slept there unless she was told to sleep somewhere else or run night maneuvers. The young lioness quickly padded out of the shade of the rocks, and looked around. Maybe she wouldn't go to get some water until they started showing themselves. The unique lioness looked around for the entrance, and soon started padding towards it, her completely brown tail easily hidden by the dirt, but spoken out when someone saw the blue fire-like color of her tail tip and paw pads. Liefde resented them. They made her just a bit too unique in her eyes. She could withstand her one brown leg and her brown tail, but not the blue on her. She wished she didn't have it. She wished she was like normal lionesses. Maybe then she would have someone to love her...

Offline Lemming

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Re: .: Gogunatvi Pride :. Now accepting,map is finished.
« Reply #49 on: August 30, 2011, 06:11:42 pm »
My apologies for the delay.~ Drama decided to invade my apartment this weekend. <<
Rest assured! After it left, the floors and walls were thoroughly cleaned. :D

My post will be coming very soon~!