Author Topic: ??Crescent Miles??Cheetah Tribe?? [Closed~!]  (Read 181183 times)

Offline DimensionGal

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Re: ??Crescent Miles??Cheetah Tribe?? [Closed~!]
« Reply #780 on: February 16, 2012, 12:26:03 am »

PART 2 of 2

(I modified his Application on 2/9/12 at 9:07 EST) Salami :3

Name: Acadion (Ace) Sjlanovich (Sill-ahn-oh-vich)
Gender: Male
Age: 2
Parents: His parents were murdered, and his aunt and uncle died when he was about a year old
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Personality: He is a quick thinker on his feet. He is cunning and smart. This can be bad for you, actually. He is smart and deceiptful is not a good combination. Watch out for this one. He's a rascal~
Ingame Username / Forum Username: I'm known as proudwolf ingame and BatteryAcid in the forums
Desired Rank: Warrior or Mist~Stalker. Depends on how much you chose to trust this crafty cat.
RP Sample: Ace sunned his golden fur in the afternoon sunlight. A light wind swooped playfully around him like cub as he rested in the tall grasses.  The African songbirds chirped happily in the hot air. Ace blinked as a lone cloud blocked out the sun's cheery rays. He immeadiately thought of he haze that shrouded the Battlelands like the gates to Hell. It remined Ace of his uncle Byann.
     "Ace," he'd hiss, "You're kid. You wouldn't want to hear it."
     "I'm not a damn kid!" Ace would reply hatefully, "I want to know!"
     "Ace," his Uncle would sigh, "Your parents we're dragged into the bowels of Hell. And that, my boy, is where they will stay."
     Ace drifted away from the thought. He didn't like to think about his paents. Or any of his family, for that matter. His past was dark and mysterious, and it was as evil as the BattleLands that stood menacingly over the horizon.

Very much accepted. <3 I put him in as a Warrior, is this okay?


(Sorry... I had already uploaded it before I saw it had to be 200x200 >.<)
Name: Ukhozi (Zulu for Eagle)
Gender: Female
Age: Newborn
Parents: Freak :3
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Personality: Ukhozi is a quiet, though very curious cub. She has a free spirit, like her namesake, and does not enjoy being told what to do. She often wanders off by herself, and is quite inderpendant. She is quite capable to take care of herself, being very quick on her feet, and small for her age. She relies in intelligance and speed rather than strength while fighting. Though she takes no pleasure in taking others lives, she can easily do it, if it is neccisary for the survival of her clan, friends family, or simply if it is the right thing to do.
Ingame Username / Forum Username: Eagleify
Desired Rank: Cub
RP Sample (We are a literate RP group! At least four complete sentences!):
She lifted her muzzle slowly, the African sun beating down on her spotted coat. She loved this place, it was a place where she could go and not be bothered by the world. But something was coming, intruding in her thoughts. Her lip raised very slightly, quivering above her sharp canines. The fur on the back of her neck started to bristle, and she stooped into a crouch, as the unfamiliar scent approached. Cold fear washed through her, as well as adrenaline, as she recognised the thick, pungent smell. Hyenas! Chirping in fright, she skittered along the ground, away from the horrid dogs. She leaped from her perch, and sprinted towards her distant clanmates. She had to warn them! As she sprinted away from the rocky crag, she saw she was not going to make it. The hyenas had already formed a loose circle around the unsuspecting tribe, and she wasn't going to make it in time.


Accepted! I put you in as Kwaya's cub. This is the correct cheetah, yes?

Name: Ayana

Gender: Female

Age: 1

Parents: Deceased

Mate: None

Offspring: none

Personality: Outgoing and very bold. She was the daughter of tribe leaders before disease killed her previous tribe. because of this, she can be selfish at times and still act like a princess towards the other trainees and cubs, though she wouldn't dare cross the adults.

Ingame Username / Forum Username: Ingame: Arasay Forum: ~.Sarah.~

Desired Rank: Trainee- Warrior

RP Sample: Ayana's icy blue eyes scanned the savannah, the arid air stinging her nostrils. Ayana searched for a sign, any sign, that there was life beyond the scorched grasses and shallow graves of her old home. The lone cheetah had spent the last week mourning her lost tribemates. From princess to pauper she thought ruefully. Starting a slow gait, she began to leave the home she had known since she was a cub, her mouth parted slightly in a thirsty pant. Only now did she allow the wave of sorrow she had been shoving away inside her mind to manifest itself. Lowering her head, she bravely walked to face her new life, whatever that may be.

Accepted. I'll assign you a Mentor at a later time, unless you find a Warrior who'd be willing to be your Mentor before that. :3

Posting an app for an in-tribe cheetah before applications close. c|

Name: Zuberi
Gender: Male
Age: Young Adult, on the brink of reaching adulthood. In other words he is young with much to learn.
Parents: Born to unknown parents.
Mate: ...He doesn't really grasp that concept yet. |D
Personality: Zuberi is very aloof and quiet, but not afraid to speak his mind. In a sentence, he is playful with those he trusts and with those he dislikes, a complete mess. Zuberi often makes mistakes and is not perfect. He is sensitive to his sorroundings, and if alerted, he will often bolt or swipe at his intruder. He will do what he is told with pride, but he will not do things that will place him in risk of dying, so he is often pushed by other members and bullied. This does not mean he won't take a stand and rant about their actions. His theme song, by choice, is Meteor Shower by Owl City.
Ingame Username / Forum Username: Flatsoda / Embrastic
Desired Rank: Scout, because it seems like that is the only rank that will fit him properly and it will not injure him alot. Other ranks like Warrior / Miststalker he dislikes because they could get him killed or seriously injured.
RP Sample: You know how I roleplay. :I
Hmm, I will tolerate your sass, m'am! <3 Put in as scout.

I can't send a picture cause I'm using the iPad, and feralheart fourms crash when I get on. But I have the map downloaded so you can see me. Take a screenie of me if you want :D
Name: Cruce
Gender: female
Age: 1 in dog years
Parents: unkown
Mate: none, thinking of finding one
Offspring: none
Personality: Cruce is kinda like me, with two sides to her. She can be very aggressive and snappy, but very loyal and would fight to the death to defend her tribe mates. Cruce is a tomboy and loves play fighting with her friends, though she is a little old for that. She can be very random and fun to be around, as long as you don't tick her off.
Ingame Username / Forum Username: forum user is Christina and game user is MasiYumi
Desired Rank: Mist stalker
RP Sample (We are a literate RP group! At least four complete sentences!): Cruce stalked through the undergrowth, unaware of her surroundings. She couldn't wait to become a mist stalker, since she loved stalking everyone. Suddenly a fresh tang of blood hit the roof of her nose. Shrinking back in terror, she fled. It smelt of cold murder, so she went to warn the tribe. (sorry, I'm on a writing block!)

Very well. Accepted.

(( Whoops, I almost forgot to put "Salami", my bad. Hurrrr...))
Name: Cheat. (Hawhaw, never play a game with a cheetah because they..CHEET. IKnowI'mSoQueerSadFace.)
Gender: Female.
Age: Young Adult.
Parents: She doesn't remember them.
Mate: None. (Maybe her name gives off a bad vibe? ; n ;)
Offspring: None.
Personality: Although her name suggests different Cheat is a rather kind soul, bubbly and semi-optimistic she tries to stay light hearted. She figures her 'rents were playing some sick game when they named her. Playing and sleeping goes hand and hand with this little female, she likes a good romp but when she's sleepy- Watch out! Cheat has designated a large section of her heart to nature and it's beings, aiming to respect everything from glow bugs to her prey. Cheat is also very easily distracted. If you send her off to deliver a message, beware, it may take a wee' bit longer than expected.
Ingame Username & Forum Username: Spoonz/Spoonz.
Desired Rank: Warrior.
RP Sample: Moonlight krept along side shadowed paws, casting it's light for both enemy and allie to see by- whether a blessing or curse, no one could really decide. After many long moments of deep silence a single, high pitched and ear splitting chirp errupted. "Strike!" Screamed a heavy voice, comanding his troops to move forward and attack. Many paws moved at once, claws slashing at the soil and pulling up grass as lean bodies rushed forward. Two sides surged towards each other- each side thinking the other was at fault for some petty crime. Squeals and screams echoed into the night, the sound of paws thudding against fur covered flanks, shoulders and muzzles. The cheetahs fumed, their rage floating above the miniscule war that took place on the warm savannah. The fued between the two Tribes had been going on for centuries, no one really remembered what caused it- no one really cared, but after a mindless teen had gone an done something- what was it? What did she do again? No one really remembered that either...Each Tribe- North and South- had declared war, and tonight one would fall.

Minutes ticked on by, each minute counting final breaths before someone fell, their speckled body hitting the sand and soil with a gentle "Thadunmp" that no cheetah paid much heed too. If ones enemy fell, they simply moved on, batting and biting at another.

The moon was waning, and one particular side was dropping like flies, their bodies littering the ground like small mounds of fluffy stuffed animals. The cheetahs who ruled the North were pushing the Southerner's back- easily. The South's King huffed and chirped in anguish, watching his Tribe fall- each tribe was only 30-40 strong, he'd seen other Clan's or Tribe's pass through his land atleast 60 strong in his day- he could not bear the sight of losing his members any longer and with a single, swift and unwilling chirp his members pulled themselves away from their current battle and fled the scene.

As the Sun rose, glaring at the filthy mess below him, the Southern Tribe limped home, slow, and holding eachother up. The King had done a head count once they were well enough away from the 'happy' out-burst of the Northerner's- 25. He had 25 subjects left. A tear fell from the male cheetah's golden eye, falling against his chest as she ducked his face from the others, not wanting them too see that after everything they went through, their King cummbled beneath their paws anyways.

(( Meow, I hope I'm not too late to be recruited. C:))

Accepted. ;3

Baaaah. >.< I haven't been here in a while. I see the front page has been updated. :D -derp- My computer just flat out died. O.o Finally got a new one. Um. I guess I'll make a new cheetah? xD He has two scars that run across his face, just undeneath his eyes.

Do I really need to say Salami?

Name: Basi
Gender: Male
Age: Two years
Parents: Unknown
Mate: "-scoffs-"
Offspring: "... No. Just go away."
Personality: A generally bitter, cold guy. He's got a twisted sense of humor, a fiery temper and a sharp tongue... both of which he makes known often. Some describe him as distatched, tough, self-centered, and even menacing. When confronting said troubled kitty, one would find themselves met with a barrier of sorts. Trying to get him open up to you is useless. It takes forever to gain his trust, and get him to warm up to others. Stare at his face, even once, and there's no use even trying. However, get past his sarcasm and bitterness, and one would find themselves with an entirely new cheetah. His sarcasm becomes somehow friendly, his bitterness only to those who oppose you, and a loyalty so deep that he would kill to prove. He becomes fiercely protective, warm, and dare one say sweet. He's truly a huge softy, with a past that would scar any creature for life, as it did to him.
Ingame Username / Forum Username: iKeerah/iKeerah
Desired Rank: Loner
RP Sample (We are a literate RP group! At least four complete sentences!): Bah. I don't have to, do I? >.<

Bah, a Loner? Dude, you just threw off my groove! Now I gotta open another tab to put him in!

<3 Accepted.

If I have missed your application, please let me know! Also, we may need to get a new thread, the character roster is getting too full. @.@
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Re: ??Crescent Miles??Cheetah Tribe?? [Closed~!]
« Reply #781 on: February 16, 2012, 02:11:40 am »
you missed my application but here's the link to the page which it has my application:
Avatar drawn by CosmoFursi
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Re: ??Crescent Miles??Cheetah Tribe?? [Closed~!]
« Reply #782 on: February 16, 2012, 05:17:00 am »
i dont think you got my hyena char i wanted to join heres ar copy of it:
im already in but i wanna make a hyena char for the RP.
b]Name: Bonzi
Age:1 1/2 years
Agressive, Sometimes kind but not alot. He also can be a real pain and likes to mess with cheetahs from loners to entire tribes.
He had a desent history, Bonzi grew up in a normal family of stripped hyenas. He left when he finally got tired of them. When he was looking for a clan to join he cam across alot of cheetah tribes and made most of his living off of cheetahs kills, he also did it just to irritate them. He was also an exprt in troble making.
User name: Wolf}

pic link:


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Re: ??Crescent Miles??Cheetah Tribe?? [Closed~!]
« Reply #783 on: February 16, 2012, 05:14:17 pm »
The following are the things you've been waiting for! Application status! PART 1 of 2!

Have I gotten taken off for inactivity as well? If so, I'm really sorry. x.x I know I've missed a lot, but I would like to be put back on the list, if possible. I was actually thinking of ways to throw Reno back in and have a storyline-based idea as to why he's been gone, though I haven't exactly strucken gold yet.

If I get accepted back in, I promise to be more active. Part of the reason why I was inactive in the first place was because the map stopped working for me, and then altogether the game itself. But over time that I've been gone, I redownloaded and reinstalled the whole thing. If anything, I hope it'll work now.

You're back in. <3

:D Thank you! I'll definitely be there next roleplay day! If the servers are working right for everyone, that is.

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Re: ??Crescent Miles??Cheetah Tribe?? [Closed~!]
« Reply #784 on: February 17, 2012, 06:34:19 am »
Salami <3

Name: Yasmin
Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Parents: Status unknow
Mate: None
Offspring: None
 Just by looking you can say, Yasmin is one calm singular.
 She's patient with most of things, and believes that everything has it time to grow or be.
 Not adept of fighting, instead, she tries to calm things down on every oportunity. Even so, injustice is a forbidden word for her, and she won't let it be, even if her fighting skills are what we can say "not so accurate". Can be very maternal toward cubs and defend the weak at any cost. Likes to assist anyone in need, and that don't mean a good thing all the times, since she can be very naive on her urge to help.
  One curious fact is that her hearing can be pretty sharper compared to others cheetahs, but despise that talented skill, she denies any other tracking jobs and loves to be a medic and care for others (At least, she was the champion on hide-and-seek games!).
  One of her most loved activities in fact, is the story telling, on which she's pretty good (or creative) for.
  Never like to be alone for long, and enjoy any company around, may it be the kind or grumpiest individual of the group. She's afraid of dark and storms, getting really scared on worst situations, but never denies an adventure in group.

Ingame Username / Forum Username: Rosel
Desired Rank: Medic
RP Sample (We are a literate RP group! At least four complete sentences!):

     Yasmin finally reached the limit of the territory.
     The mist, high still, was not helping on the whole situation, and it was impossible to pass by the now, turbulent river.
     Nothing could be done. The storms would start again anytime and she had to reach a higher place before it, or... Accept the worst choice: leave her homelands.
     " Someone?!?! SOMEONE?! "
     She called again, trying to listen from far, but not a single sound from the other side could be heard. The silence was painful for the very first time.
     " Anyone... "
       The rain started again on distance. Wherever they were, she hoped they were safe, and alive. Even if her path was now twisted to the opposite side, and her paws full of mud.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 06:42:19 am by Rosenrot »

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Re: ??Crescent Miles??Cheetah Tribe?? [Closed~!]
« Reply #785 on: February 17, 2012, 12:29:16 pm »
hey if i said that i wouldnt be on FH but i would be on the forms well.... I wont be on at all for about 5 days so.

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Re: ??Crescent Miles??Cheetah Tribe?? [Closed~!]
« Reply #786 on: February 17, 2012, 04:42:45 pm »
Yay I'm accepted! :3 woop. Yeah I saw the Raziel in the previous roleplay. The first time I was considering joining I already had the same cheetah named Raziel and I saw him. I was like wattttt. But in the end I never had time to join. It works out then! Hurrhurr.

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Re: ??Crescent Miles??Cheetah Tribe?? [Closed~!]
« Reply #787 on: February 17, 2012, 10:12:54 pm »
[size=8]Wow. We sure got a surplus of warriors in that skirmish.
Hopefully now our meetings will be more active.

Speaking of which, forgive me for having not been here earlier (Although I do see that last weekend's meeting was cancelled)
Because of a bad grade on my English Final Exam about a month ago, I got my internet privilages taken from me.

Thankfully, I'll be at my dad's this weekend, so it's safe to say I should be on tomorrow night. I can only hope the server cooperates; it's been failing a lot as of late. :/
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 10:14:52 pm by WarriorMoo »

^ Sofas are awesome.

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Re: ??Crescent Miles??Cheetah Tribe?? [Closed~!]
« Reply #788 on: February 18, 2012, 01:38:32 am »
MY COMPUTER BROKE. Meh fliping out, having a total melt-down.  And This group am in like totally went all aslkjfduhybyetroabvuidfvb  So am like Oh My God.  >.< I NEED TO RP.
Oh and I have a week off, for mid-winterbreak ^^.

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Re: ??Crescent Miles??Cheetah Tribe?? [Closed~!]
« Reply #789 on: February 18, 2012, 06:47:12 pm »
looking forward to the rp and meeting everyone! (sorry, kind of a useless post)
Yo' mama so fat, she's at an increased risk for cardiovascular disease.