Author Topic: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!  (Read 94044 times)

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User name: MoonWolf3
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3) Raini APV
Screenshot:(Required) COMING SOON(im on my ipad)
Species: Caracal
Gender: Female
Age: 2(14)
Description: Raini is your everyday caracal, tan fur, bobbed tail, tassled ears. But her eyes are a strange icey blue, and she somehow got ahold of a bat necklace, possibly put on her when she was shipped?
Personallity: kind, sweet, but territorial, CAN be rude and edgey, but rarely happens
History: Raini was a sweet little caracal cub back at the Idiali Plains, but when she was transfered tothe Yatamio Vally, she was a bitter cub. She had hatred for everyone and everything there, she scowled 24/7, and always had a rude tone of voice, but she was tranfered once again, and this time it was AP Valley. Now she's once again that sweet hearted Caracal, but this time an adult.
Mate/Offspring: none :(
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: yup!
Your character is best at?(Optional): Fighting, sometimes shes a skillful hunter, depends how awake and alert sheis
RP sample: (Required;Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.)
As Raini crept through the perfectly dense long savvanah grass, she almost hit her head on a rock when she noticed how close she was to the zebra. She almost pounced when something 'hit' her, "Maybe i should go at a better angle.." so she moved to the left, closer to it's neck, she crept closer, lept at it. WHAM! She hit her head on something, another feline? A canine? Right the first time, it was a lion. "You made me lose my kill!" Raini yelled at the lion as the zebra hopped away. "YOUR kill?!" the lion roared back.

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Character Name: Avala AVP
Species: Leopard
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Description: Regular colored leopard with sapphire eyes and a lean muscular body
Personality: Gentle, calm, at times tempermental, helpful, and agile
History: Deposited at just a few weeks old in the Ficho Tunnel and was teased and tormented by the crocodiles that lived in the water. One day beaten to harshly by them a fox carried me away and to the South Pole where I adjusted to the cold and learned how to live on my own.
Mate/Offspring: N/A
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack: Looking to join pride
Best at: Healing/Fighting
RP: Avala drew a long breath and padded down to the shore where bits of tussock grass poked out. She twitched her ears as she heard something noisily trampling around the area and turned abruptly to see a reddish-brown fox with icy-blue eyes and curving teeth. She growled and pounced at him, unsheathing her claws while doing so, pinning the stranger down beneath her much heavier weight.
Den Name: Leopard Den (Medium)
2nd Choice: Oceanridge Den
Comments: Sorry I couldn't post a picture of myself, my computer keeps acting up whenever I do so. :3


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User name: Era..
Character name: Uhai AVP
Species: African Lion
Gender: Female
Description: Typical tawny pelt with a creamish underbelly and neck. Well built for speed and strength.
Personality: Shy at times, but when around family and friends she had be abit annoyingly hyper. Arrogant at moments and even with the seemingly happy go lucky side Uhai has an aggressive side when put in a situation where needing to defend herself or another.
History: Grew up in a pride along side cousins, two brothers and a sister, but once having reached adulthood she struck out on her own to find a new pride to join(This is considered rare for a lioness to do, but it does happen in the wild).
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join a pride
Your character is best at?(Optional): Hunting
RP sample: Stalking through the night eyeing the zebra as they stood around not even aware of the predator that watched them. Each was a potential meal, but she would take her time in picking out the right one. There was no point in rushing into the herd and picking a strong one wasting her own energy and time. After afew minutes of watching the herd Uhai crouched lower and began her advance on the herd once a foal had been spotted straying away from the group. As soon as she was close enough without giving herself away hind legs shot her forward and paws hit the dirt using claws to grip the ground as she headed straight for her target. Within moments it was over the the foals throat was buried in her jaws. (Sorry its short don't have time to write out a longer one right now.                                           Didn't you hear? "Sonya loves the rain"


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User name: ffdani
Character name: Leaf APV
Species:Etheopian Wolf
Age: 3yrs old
Description: Redish sandish color, with a lighter underfur, and black tail-tip and paws
Personallity: Cheerful and content, she rarely looses her temper. She can be a bit sarcastic when irratated. She is kind and caring, and always helps someone in need. She dislikes fighting, but will do it feircly if necesary.
History: As a pup she lived with mother and father, in a brocken treethrunk. She was a good hunter, and her father often took her on hunting expeditions. they were loners, not belonging to a pack. One day, however, she was hunting with her father when they were attcked by a pack of African Wilddogs. They bairly escaped. Her mother taught her how to use herbs for wounds that day, and she was great at it ever since. WHen she was old enough, she disliked the idea of leaving her parents to fend for themselves. She found a friendly pack of Ethiopian Wolves that took them in. Leaf journed on.
     She lived her life on the road, never staying in one place for long. She heard myths of a place, a place were there was plentiful food and water. Curious, and suspitious if it was true, she traveled with a Leapord to the place. Sadly, the leapord refused to stay, saying that there might still be humans around, for her parents were killed by humans. Leaf understood, and, for once in her life since she left her parents, she dicided to stay in this mysterious place.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Loner for now :)
Your character is best at?: Healing and hunting. She is also a very fast runner :)
RP sample: Leaf stalked foward, slowly, folowing what seemed to be a hare. she sighed deeply, focusing her mind on the prey. Leaping out, she soared through the air, landing a tail-lenght from it. She leaped foward, hot on it's paws. Leaf sped up, gaining on the hare, feeling the air through her fur, feeling as if she could fly. The hare made a steep turn, and Leaf could bairly avoid hitting a tree. She gave a meer gruntin frustration, but her eyes showed amusment. Kicking off from the tree, Leaf picked up spped, and with a final bound, caught the naughty rabbit. Holding the prey in her jaws, she walked off, holding her head up in pride.  

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User name:Huntsman
Character name:Syrinity APV or Syri APV
Species:Maned Wolf
Age:2 1/2 - 17 in human years I think
Description:Syri has a dark redish orange coat with black markings. she's tall and long, kinda thin from starvation, but over all natural. Bright light blue eyes in both and a white tipped tail.
Personallity:Syri can be... A mean girl when angered or threatened. nothing mean will go un punished if it's major to her. but if you treat her kindly or ingore her, she'll do the same to you. If you want to meet her, you'd have to go talk to her first. She usually won't go up to anyone.
History:Syri was a normal healthy pup at a sanctuary. She had two brothers and a mother. Their father had been 'transfered' or so they were told. Nothing important or fun. anyways, Syri was left with her family, until they were all sent away to the same place. Syri had woken up and come out from the den, only to find a baren landscape. She'd run away from home, found many places to live and a new family but they had run off as well. Syri was two when she officially left for good.
Mate/OfAspring:Wishing for both
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:Loner, looking to start a small pack of maned wolves but rethinking it.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Following/running scouting all int he same catagory XD. She loves to do them but since she's alone, she must do most of the jobs.
RP sample:

Huffing, Syrinity walked into a place, where the smell of felines and canines filled her nose. Hope rose in her, as she looked around her for someone. But her shyness kept her frozen. 'Maybe someone will find me...' she thought, but gave up as she spotted water. running to the source, Syri bent down to take a sip of the coll water.

Reflecting Cave is an APV Cave? In white?


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I can't believe I forgot about you guys! I'm sorry~ D:

I'll try to get back to you guys! I promise, when I can I'll DL the map and get back to the RP, I will. 

Offline funnylioness4536

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Name:Zaina APV
Screenshot:(dont no how to take one)
Personality:Shes kind and sweet bit is hard headed and will fight when provoked.
History:She has been on her own since she was a teen.She was kicked out of her old pride when i new male took over killing her old leader.
Loner/want to join pride:wants to join pride
My character is best at hunting and fighting.
Rp Sample:She watched the orange sun go down,she was tired from her fight with the hyenas for food. She wondered if she would ever catch a break with them.Zaina remembered hen she was a cub and food was brought to her she from her mothers belly."ah thoughs where the easy days"she said out loud.
If life gives you lemons than you make lemonade that tastes really bad. Where are you going to get the sugar and water?

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User Name: Malix
Character Name: Malix APV

Species: Tiglon (same as a Tigon/Ligon/Liger, but the mother is a lion and the father is a tiger, making the child relatively SMALLER than a Tigon)

Gender: Female
Age: 4

Description: A short, awny pelt; she had the faded markings of her tiger heritage and a mutated tail. Large ears are folded back from the hybridization as well. White underbelly was often dulled as she was fond of laying in sand and dirt to keep cool.

Personality.: Bipolar. Social at times, reclusive at others because of her dual nature. She uses her weight to advantage to push those weaker than her around, but had a motherly aspect to her, almsot grandparent where she had lived long enough to understand her experiences and make use of them or share them with others. Voracious, would eat anything given the chance seeing as she lived alone in the desert for a long time. She was mysterious, but did joke on occasion, albiet rather morbid musings.

History: Lived with her mother for as long as she could remember, abandoned by the pride when Malix reached a year. She lived in the desert until her mothers death and survived on her own since. She has tried joining other prides but they would immediately chase her away when other members would accept her, leaving her confused and untrusting of others. Fearless around hyena, seeing as her jaw force could match their own with her strength. Has grown to be al oner, but not out of choice. She learned many things in her travels and uses them today.

Mate: None
Offspring: None

Loner/Looking to Join pride: Both are fine. I would like a group, but as long as I can RP!

Best Attribute: Healing (Witchdoctor)

RP Sample:

A warm day in the desert was too monotonous for the lass so she made her way toward the deadlands to have a bit of fun. When heavy paws pushed into the dried, flaking clay surface of the deadlands her nose would pick up a familiar scent, ears soon catching the rolls of laughter from hyena. The large beast of a hybrid pushed her weight forward and took off running. Time to chase someone off a kill for an easy meal! Being big was always good for avoiding a direct fight...most of the time.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 10:30:14 pm by OuRex Draco »
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*sigh* I remember this roleplay. I barely ever got to RP in it. No one was ever on.

[size=8]It says I'm a noob, but I joined January 11, 2011. I just don't post much.[/size]

Offline Poppyheart

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Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
« Reply #279 on: November 14, 2012, 03:06:50 am »
User name: Poppyheart
Character name: Gur APV
Species: Lion
Gender: Lioness
Age: Three Years
Description: A pretty, sandy colored lioness. She has a slim form unlike many others, and is small-ish for her age.
Personality: She has a calm, caring side, which she usually shows to unknown cats, unless she is feeling hungry [starved, that is] and/or extremely parched. Even though she is nice to most cats, she is very energetic when fighting, but usually strays from a fight.
History: Born in a far away zoo, Gur lived there for her whole life. She hated it there, and always wanted to get away. Her father had told her that the humans wanted to mate her with a young male she did not know the name of. When the day came, her one instinct was escape. So she tried to. She had scrabbled over the fence with a defiant roar, and was shot in her left hind leg by an unexperienced two-foot. She was then tranquilized and taken to a mysterious land in a huge metal bird.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner, may join a pride. She does however, want a mate, so she can experience something other than a "Planned marriage."
Your character is best at?(Optional): Fighting with teeth, Stealth & Stamina.
RP sample: Gur shuddered, watching the two-foot group come in closer with long sticks with ropes at the tip. Her father had told her of the horrible day he and her mother had to get cubs together, but in the end it was alright so she should,
  "Go with it and just breathe," she quoted her father, cautiously watching the group of strange two-foots with the ropes came closer. Letting out a low growl, the lioness stalked closer to one of the two-foots. It stood its ground, so she growled louder. Then with an enormous blow, she struck it aside with her head. There were cries of fear as the rampaging lion scrambled over a high glass fence, using the male lion--that happened to be cornered as well--as a launchpad. She landed on the twig thin top, teetered a bit, and landed with a thump on a hard, grey-blue stone ground. Roaring in frustration, she felt a huge pain in her hind leg. Twisting to try and lick the wound, she felt a rather happy sensation as another prick, smaller this time, got her belly. Some more little pricks and all of the pain seemed to fade out as the world became black and she fell into a long sleep...

Character Name/s or Group Name: Gur
Den Name: Leopard den & Funky tree next to it
Screenshot of Object: Is this the leopard den or am I wrong?:

2nd Choice: She'll be a traveler then, and may stop by in random dens she finds. Remember to protect your dens, guys!
« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 12:20:00 am by Chearry »