Author Topic: Dogs of Hunger City (please do not post here!)  (Read 23885 times)


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Pack: The Third
Name: JoJo
Age: 10 human years
Gender: Female
Breed: Border Collie Mix/Unknown
Personality: JoJo is a very friendly and cheerful dog most of the time but she can get jealous of other dogs.But She can be very,very aggressive and mean.
Strengths:Really good at listing and Jojo Is Quite fast.
Weakness:She loves to chase other animals,and since she is a female JoJo might be kind to pups.
Anything else: JoJo likes to annoy other dogs like her.She has strong teeth to  and can get bossy.She also hates getting orded around.She had a owner but JoJo lost track of them,after that she could never ever find them again,so she wandered the streets.

(sorry i don't know any thing about presets,so I had to make mine from the normal.It also won't allow me to put a pic up.:(..............)
« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 06:13:22 pm by Bethany »

Offline Tearless

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Bethany, your post is missing a few things :) read through the rules and such, please.

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Pack: The Second
Name: Lector
Age: 6 years old
Gender: Male
Breed: Doberman
Personality: Lector rarely says much and when he does, his tone is a little hard and sharp. Thats just the way he normally talks to dont take it to personal. He's learned not to get too close to other animals which has helped him to survive through this nightmare. He also dispises humans and will try to attack any that come too close.
Strengths: Doesnt get attatched easily, agile, and quick.
Weaknesses: He never lets anyone in and he can explode with anger quite easily.
Anything else: Lector does have a soft spot for puppies but will never show it in front of others.

You must provide an RP sample; Lector had set his red eyes upon a squirrel, perhaps one of the last non-zombie ones left. The doberman was hiding behind an old rusty, wrecked car in the middle of the street. Smoke was setting in over the city and was screwing with his senses. He held back a growl, he hated the smell of smoke. It burned his nostrils. Shaking his head and re-focusing on the squirrel, he was about to leap over the car and get it, when all of a sudden a rabbid golden retriever leapt in and stole the squirrel. Instead of simply killing it, the zombie dog just screamed and flung it around like a rag doll, even way past the squirrels death. Lector watched quietly from the safet of the car. When it had its fun, the golden retriever looked around. Lector smirked. 'Stupid thing.' He thought to himself. It couldnt smell him over the smoke smell. When it took off, Lector came out and looked at the squirrel and growled. He couldnt eat it now that it had been contaminated. "We're all dead." He said to himself and then left the treet.
Bane is my idol.


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Pack: The First
Name: Annikki
Age: 2 years old
Gender: Female
Breed: Wolf/collie/husky mix
Personality: Annikki is quite shy and suspicious of those she does not know, however she is kind towards just about everybody. Her curiosity used to get her into trouble but since things have changed she has become more wary of her surroundings. Although she once appreciated humans she has come to realize how foolish they really are and avoids them at all costs, and can be very aggressive when needed.
Strengths: Fast with plenty of stamina. Her kindness helps her gain the trust and friendship of many
Weaknesses: She does not fare well in extreme heat. Some might consider her kindness a fault.
Anything else: Deadpool. She has a soft heart for males with a rough exterior (perhaps another weakness?)
I don't know anything about presets. Sorry!

RP Sample: A bitter cold wind whipped through the city, sending a shiver down Annikki's spine. The sun had just set and with it a light powdery snow began to fall. Stomach growling, Annikki stalked through a dimly lit alley in pursuit of a once-pet rabbit. Overweight and nearly frozen the rabbit would be an easy catch. Although she was a bit suspicious, house pets like this being scarce nowadays, she knew this was an opportunity one would be foolish to pass up. With a swift and graceful leap the rabbit was in her jaws and as quickly as she caught it she devoured it. "Noooo!" yelled a small girl from the end of the alley. Annikki glanced at the child, tears streaming down its cheeks, and quickly jumped onto the nearby dumpster. "Well that explains it" she said under her breath, and continued onto the top of the roof disappearing into the night.

Offline Tearless

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Splendid, let me know when you're usually on so I can add you. Meantime you can go to the site and such.


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I'm normally on after 5pm during the week and all day Sunday. Or rather that's when I'm available. EDT time.

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Pack: Loner
Name: Keros
Age: 1 year
Gender: male
Breed: mix breed/ mongrel
Personality:He is usually very cautious and is well known to attack others without a second thought if they wander too close. He is very good at taking care of himself and though sometimes he is fierce, other times he can be friendly. He is usually very stern and often has the kind of attitude that makes him seem bored of everything going on around him.
Strengths: He is thin but well built, he has gripping jaws that, once locked around someones bodypart, will not unlock until the creature has been shook dead.
Weaknesses: He has only one weakness and that is the opposing sex. He can fight easily against any male but as soon as a female comes into the equation he either runs or refuses to fight.
Anything else: He was abandoned as a pup and so has become extremely independent often searching for scraps of food left by others.
Pic: (i dont have one as of yet cus i dont know how to add the pic onto this x3)
oh and btw (deadpool)
Rp Sample: He wandered through the deserted city, catching the scents of the packs he knew well. He wished for someone to cross his path, his jaws were aching to clench something, anything. He wanted a fight. Ignoring his annoying urges he continued his walk down the quiet street that led him to his home, a badly burned out house that seemed to be leaning over more and more each day, waiting to topple at the slightest of earth movements. He moved inside and curled up letting out a prolonged huff. He would have to try and find food in the morning.

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Pic and all info is there ;D Sorry, my laptop was having problems and wouldn't let me post it on the site, so I put the pic on my DA account then put info in the description *Arm flail* Anyway, looks AWESOME~<3 If I 'do' get in the RP, then I suppose I'll be seeing you in Hunger City soon :D <3 <3 <3 keep up the good work


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Guys, Pepe has a new FH account. For some reason I couldn't get on my old one anymore, so I made a new one. The name's Ashymaniac. I also posted that on the website, but I don't know if everyone's registered there, so I just posted it again here. xD

Offline Tearless

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Coolness, thanks for letting us know!