Author Topic: |Exsilium| (open/accepting) (needs males)  (Read 21140 times)

Offline NuclearParadox

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|Exsilium| (open/accepting) (needs males)
« on: January 22, 2011, 04:46:02 am »
. E x S i L i u M .
We are the outcasts.  The rebels, those who were cast out for violating some ridiculous law.  We live by our own rules, our own justice.  We are the banished.  We are the exiled.

. Backstory .
It's a well-known fact that the world can be a harsh place.  It seems even harsher when the guilty don't get what they deserve.  And thus begins the tale of Exsilium's founding.  The creator of Exsilium, now deceased, believed in following one's own morals before all else.  Such a value conflicted with his pride's laws.  Long story short, he was cast out from the pride and forced to become a loner.  Instead of taking this lying down, he decided to form a pride for others like him.  As time passed, it was agreed that canines should be allowed entrance also, as we are all the same at our core.  As such, Exsilium was no longer a pride, nor a pack, but referred to as simply a faction.  Years have passed since that time, and Exsilium still lives and thrives.
But there is one striking difference, among many.
Besides obvious changes, such as leadership and members, the faction's goal has changed.  Back then, the outcasts within Exsilium simply survived, nomads by nature.  Recently, however, there has been a plague emerging.  No matter where the faction goes, the virus follows.
It's hard to detect at first, this virus.  The first symptoms are barely noticeable: slight dizziness, fatigue, perhaps an aching head.  What's more, they don't persist for very long.  The fatigue and dizziness can be completely gone with a quick nap, the headache fading with time.  Then the symptoms worsen.  Weight loss is common, as well as coughing up blood.  And then the madness.  Without fail, the virus will cause its victim to gradually lose their sanity.
But there is hope.
According to Exsilium's current leader, there is a place out there, a safe haven where the plague has and will never touch.  As of now, no members of the faction are infected, partially due to their nomadic tendencies.  And so they search.  Looking for this alleged paradise, somewhere safe from the nightmarish world they are living in.
But it will be a long journey.

. Rules .
1. No godmoding, powerplaying, Mary-Sues, Gary-Stus, all that good stuff.
2. Wait to be accepted before posting further.
3. Keep things PG-13.
4. Censor strong curse words.
5. Have accurate grammar and spelling; an occasional typo is fine.  No one-liners.
6. Absolutely no wolfspeak.  Is there a such thing as lionspeak?  Uh, none of that, either?
7. Be active or be booted; you will be sent a warning if inactive for a long period of time, and no response within twenty four hours will result in your character being killed off.
8. Put something about scones in your form.  You know, so I know you've read the rules.
9. Use some form of brackets for OOC.
10. Don't kill someone else's character without their permission.
11. Please, no pets or familiars here.
12. Odd colors and markings are okay, but no angels, demons, supernatural creatures, hybrids, you get the idea.  No powers right now, either.
13. Any questions should be PMed to either Paradox (me) or Luceria.
14. Have fun with it!  We want conflicts and drama, here ;D

. Events/Updates .
The rp has officially started, and can be located here.  In-game rp will probably start once our map dilemma is sorted out.  As of now, we're still accepting applications, but only male characters!
« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 03:47:41 pm by Paradox »
In-game I am NuclearParadox.

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Re: |Exsilium| (under construction/do no post)
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2011, 04:46:42 am »
. The Laws of Exsilium .
1. Do not kill others simply for the sake of the kill.  You must have a reason, and it must be just.
2. Once you are one of us, your loyalty must be unshakable.  Betrayal will not be tolerated.  Your loyalty must always be first to Exsilium, and all else second.  This includes mates.
3. There shall be no killing of our fellow Exiled, even if you feel you have been wronged.  Instead, report the issue to either the Primoris or Secundus and it will be dealt with accordingly.
4. Do not abandon us.  If you do so, we will treat you as an enemy if encountered again.
5. Do not mate with those outside our faction.
6. It is to be noted that we do not work towards any better good, nor do we support a collective evil.  As such, we do not expect you to act in any certain way.
7. Your superiors have that rank for a reason.  Obey them, but do not be so close-minded as to never questions them if you believe they are wrong.
8. All able bodies are expected to fight for Exsilium if the need arises.  As such, there is no warrior rank.

. Become One of Us .
Code: [Select]
Character name:
Age: (Adult, young adult, etc. is fine)
Desired Rank:
Appearance: (Screenshot, picture, description, take your pick, combine them, I don't really care.)
Personality: (I'd prefer this not be a list of traits.  Doesn't have to be uber-long, though.)
Mate/Crush: (Optional)
Cubs/Pups: (Also optional)
History: (Not optional.  A few sentences is okay.  Must include why your character was exiled.)

. Our Allies .

. Our Enemies .

. Banner .
Code: [Select]
« Last Edit: February 05, 2011, 04:56:49 pm by Paradox »
In-game I am NuclearParadox.

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« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2011, 04:47:18 am »
. R a n k s .
The leader of Exsilium.  Usually male, but females are not unheard of.  Can be either species.  His word is final.
|Ziv/M/Lion/played by Paradox|

The co-leader of Exsilium.  Can be either gender and either species.  Supports and works with the leader, taking over if he is incapacitated.
|Lyra/F/Wolf/played by Luceria|

Those who hunt for the faction.  There is no set leader for them.  Each hunting party is appointed a Primus by the Primoris or Secundus.
|Daciana/F/Panther/played by CreamCheeseGummyBear|

One who is knowledgeable about various herbs that may have healing properties.  There is only one.
|Segolia/F/Wolf/played by WolfDawn|

Those who are quick and agile, able to scout out the land for possible threats or food sources.
|Krasimir/M/Leopard/played by Button| |Lumina/F/played by RougeCat|

Those who keep watch for the faction and warn of any approaching danger.
|Tau/F/Lion/played by Kyugima|

Quite simply, females that are expecting cubs or pups.
|None as of yet|

The children of our faction.  They are to be cared for primarily by their own parents, but help from other members of Exsilium is not by any means discouraged.
|None as of yet|

*There can be multiples of all ranks except for Primoris, Secundus, and Medicus.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 03:46:58 pm by Paradox »
In-game I am NuclearParadox.

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Re: |Exsilium| (under construction/do no post)
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2011, 06:19:19 pm »
Alright, now for my form, and then hopefully we can get this thing on the road 8D  No spoilers, I see.  I'll have to work around that.

Username: Paradox
Character name: Ziv
Age: Young adult
Gender: Male
Species: Lion
Desired Rank: Primoris
Being a lion with a lean build, Ziv is both able to handle himself in a fight and run pretty well.  Of course, he would have trouble with a more muscular opponent, and would definitely lose a race to an experienced scout.  Ziv's fur is white, with a dark gray underbelly and a full mane that splits in the center at his head.  Oddly enough, his ears are pointed, and he has stripes on his lower legs and tail that match the color of his underbelly and mane.  There is a small tuft of fur underneath his ears, too.  Ziv's eyes are an aqua-ish blue, with black fur above and below them.  Also, he has a dark gray sort of "mask" on his muzzle.
Personality: Anyone who called Ziv an introvert would definitely have him confused with someone else.  Indeed, he is quite an outgoing and friendly lion.  These two traits put together generally make him a pretty likeable guy, despite a darkly sarcastic comment here and there, and most people only see that part: the laid-back, easygoing part.  Those who know Ziv a little better are aware of the smoldering hatred he feels for his former pride, and how it can have some adverse effects on him, such as his short temper and random streaks of outright cruelty.  Though this is a problem, Ziv tries his best not to like it effect his leadership abilities.  In terms of how he acts as a leader, he is patient, willing to listen, and above all, fair.  Most think of him as a good leader, albeit a somewhat lazy one from time to time.
Mate/Crush: None
Cubs/Pups: None
History: Back before he was part of Exsilium, Ziv was in a pride that declared itself to be "good, just, and true."  At the time, he believed it.  He had been part of everything long enough that he was nearing a respectable rank, too.  Then the incident occurred.  Looking back, it's hard to tell who was right, though Ziv will always assert that he doesn't regret a thing he did that day.  One day, while he was just walking around, thinking about patrolling the territory's borders or seeing if the leader needed any help, Ziv saw something.  Ikenna, one of the pride's most liked and respected hunters, not to mention a good friend of Ziv's, was with his cub.  Usually, this wouldn't be anything odd, as Ikenna was also considered a good father towards his children.  There was something wrong, though.  Not only were the hunter's claws unsheathed and raised, but there was an expression of fury, true and powerful, on the lion's face.  Before Ziv could even think about this, Ikenna had raked his claws across the cub's face.  After that, the white lion hadn't needed any more time to think.  He had pounced on the hunter, teeth bared and claws unsheathed.  There had been a brief battle that ended with both lions severely injured.  Ikenna died that night.  Ziv was banished from the pride, having no knowledge of what happened to the cub.  During his exile, he met Lyra, and the two decided to travel together for a while.  They both agreed to join Exsilium, with Ziv quickly becoming one of the best Venators and then the next Primoris.  His promotion to the leader position happened just around the time the plague first started showing up to the east.
Other:  :P
« Last Edit: January 23, 2011, 07:03:53 pm by Paradox »
In-game I am NuclearParadox.

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Re: |Exsilium| (under construction/do no post)
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2011, 08:38:43 pm »


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Re: |Exsilium| (open/accepting)
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2011, 08:50:57 pm »
Username: Twilia.
Character name: Alouwai.
Age: Adult.
Gender: Female.
Species: Wolf.
Desired Rank: Medicus.
Appearance: With a black as night it self, it's adored with odd luminous blue markings. With a diamond shaped marking between her eyes, a luminous streak goes up and down along her face. Just covering her brows and part of he cheeks, two smaller steaks set beside her eyes on either side of her head. Two smaller dots just set before the markings, while a single dot sits just below the diamond markings on her snout.  

Three thick markings branch out on the top of her head, ending out in a star-like marking which does down along her back. While two curvy markings make their way down to about just above her shoulders, A wing like marking rest on her shoulders, with a tear-drop resting in the middle. A question like mark further down along her upper leg rest, with a dot in the middle of it.

A smaller dot rest below it, leaving a curve marking behind. Down along her back  the markings branch out into a large star like-marking lining out long her lower back. One point just before the under part of her back legs, while the other settles on just the middle part of her leg. As for the third, it'd further down along the back of leg. Last but not least, three tear like gems set on her tail. The first the smallest, the second being the bigger of the three, the last being about mid sized.

Personality: Naturally calm in intense situations, one not to take things too lightly but she never takes them too seriously. A healer by heart, she will help any she comes across. Being as she is, she normally isn't one for fighting or war, but if need be, she will defend her self or others.
Mate/Crush: None.
Cubs/Pups: None.
History: Having lived in her former pack until of age finally, she refused the advances, of an newer over confident Alpha in their pack. She had been beaten for it and left for dead, in a sense exiled in his own brutal way. Having been found by an much older wolf then she, he took her in, and taught her the ways of a healer.
Other: The scone is a small British quick bread (or cake if recipe includes sugar) of Scottish origin. Scones are especially popular in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland, but are also eaten in many other countries. They are usually made of wheat, barley or oatmeal, with baking powder as a leavening agent. The scone is a basic component of the cream tea or Devonshire tea.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2011, 09:20:18 pm by Twilia »

Offline NuclearParadox

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Re: |Exsilium| (open/accepting)
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2011, 09:06:13 pm »
Mmkay, just a couple things before I accept you.  It's pretty obvious she has markings, but what about body type?  Built for speed, large, small, powerful, what?  And sorry, no wings here 8P  Also, the whole point of Exsilium is that it's for those who were cast out, hence the name, which literally means "exile" or "banishment" in Latin.
Oh, and you forgot a sample paragraph, though I admit I may have been unclear about it being required.  The only reason Luceria up there didn't need one is because she's sort of the co-owner here, meaning we worked on this entire thing together.  And obviously I don't need to prove my own literacy 8P
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Re: |Exsilium| (open/accepting)
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2011, 09:08:37 pm »
Speaking of my character? No, she has no wings xD. She never has..(Aside from on another site.)

Build? Hm. I'd say some where in between, strong, but built for both speed and power xd.

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Re: |Exsilium| (open/accepting)
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2011, 09:11:58 pm »
"But a pair of bird like-wings settle on her back gently, they to also having this star like marking as her lower back with some tear drop like-markings and a few dots along the way."

Okay, that'd be great if you could just add that in somewhere 83
In-game I am NuclearParadox.


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Re: |Exsilium| (open/accepting)
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2011, 09:12:39 pm »
Lol, it's a part of her marking, not actual wings, sorry for the confusion? xd.

Edit: Fixed, didn't see that. O.o.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2011, 09:15:04 pm by Twilia »