Author Topic: Stat Bars Proposal  (Read 4900 times)

Offline Kyugima

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Re: Stat Bars Proposal
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2011, 01:30:17 am »

Bottom of the page.

Kovu doesn't consider them his team, doesn't take their opinions into account most of thetime, and just casually seems to ignore them. They have no say in what truly goes on in his game. A team works together. Kovu obvioulsy doesn't consider them part of the FH team.


. I still don't see any wings

The fact you say that shows how little you know. It was said they would be added in 6 months, and that was the best estimate, as in teh soonest that they would probably be added,  and that was only 3 months ago. So of course you haven't seen wings yet!

And you want FH to stay as stale as it is now because of ~IMAGINATION~.

No actually, I do not. I WANT FH to change. But I don't want it to become so realistic I'm forced to go to water and hunt when I just want to freaking hang out with friends, or be in teh middle of an important part of a roleplay and be interupted by by hunger and thirst.

Not once did I say that in-game roleplayers can be thrown onto the forum though. Don't put typing beneath my fingertips.

You know, I didn't ever say that was what you actually said, i said it seemed that way to ME. Don't put typing under my fingertips or words in my mouth thank you very much. That was MY OPINION and I was just saying what it seemed like to ME.

I roleplay just as much as anyone else in-game and with an entire pride. Even I can see that this system would greatly benefit in-game roleplayers just as much as someone who doesn't roleplay. How you can't seem to see that is entirely baffling to me.

It's not that I'm not seeing how it could benefit, it's that I'm looking at the cons as well. And in my opinion, the cons outway the pro's. Like I said in my first post, it was well thought out and organised, and I liked it but I didn't think it would be a good part of FH. It wasn't all "NO GET THAT REALISM AWAY FROM ME BLARGH."

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Re: Stat Bars Proposal
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2011, 01:55:28 am »
Kovu doesn't consider them his team, doesn't take their opinions into account most of thetime, and just casually seems to ignore them. They have no say in what truly goes on in his game. A team works together. Kovu obvioulsy doesn't consider them part of the FH team.

Just because Kovu doesn't consider them apart of the team doesn't mean they weren't part of the team that created FH. Without them, there would be no FH and if they dropped off the face of the earth, I highly doubt there would be any more updates for FH either. It's disrespectful to them to not credit them as well.

The fact you say that shows how little you know. It was said they would be added in 6 months, and that was the best estimate, as in teh soonest that they would probably be added,  and that was only 3 months ago. So of course you haven't seen wings yet!

How little I know? I know there aren't any wings currently in-game and seeing how well Kovu keeps his promises then you should know just from observation alone that there may not even BE any wings. Why would you even bring up something that doesn't exist yet? If we're going to play it that way, why not bring up all the other little plans for the game that don't exist just to make points with? There's a whole lot we can bring up.

No actually, I do not. I WANT FH to change. But I don't want it to become so realistic I'm forced to go to water and hunt when I just want to freaking hang out with friends, or be in teh middle of an important part of a roleplay and be interupted by by hunger and thirst.

How on earth could you be interrupted by a gradually decreasing bar? Did you even read my opening post? The examples given were 25 minutes from the exampled 100 thirst start point to get to 0. Considering how much water there is in FH, how could this possibly interrupt your RP? You can't RP taking a few steps to get to some water? And that was just an exampled time, I mentioned that the rates could be lowered or raised to best fit what people want.

You know, I didn't ever say that was what you actually said, i said it seemed that way to ME. Don't put typing under my fingertips or words in my mouth thank you very much. That was MY OPINION and I was just saying what it seemed like to ME.

Trying to assume things over the internet is rather silly. I suggest you stop doing so because it only creates unneeded conflict. We can't hear eachother's tones or way of speech through text.

It's not that I'm not seeing how it could benefit, it's that I'm looking at the cons as well. And in my opinion, the cons outway the pro's. Like I said in my first post, it was well thought out and organised, and I liked it but I didn't think it would be a good part of FH. It wasn't all "NO GET THAT REALISM AWAY FROM ME BLARGH."

No you weren't that way. But you did mock the idea that Feral Heart was supposed to be realistic with "lol green lions XDDDD".

As I said before in this post, I don't see how there could be a con. Surely, within 25 minutes you would be somewhere in the game near water. Unless you are just sitting somewhere for several hours typing into a chat box (which is why I brought up forum RP, why are you in the game just typing in a box when you can do that much more efficiently on a forum?).

But for the sake of reassurance, lets say the times were increased. Let's say it took an entire hour to get from 100 to 0 on the thirst bar and it took 2 hours for the hunger bar. What con would there be then?
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 01:56:59 am by CrimCanis »

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Re: Stat Bars Proposal
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2011, 02:14:59 am »
*sigh* Now who is assuming. I mocked the idea FH is supposed to be realistic? I was just saying that if FH was meant to be so realistic then it wouldn't allow for green lions and purple wolves and what not.

  And all the things that don't exist yet? May I bring up the fact that the game isn't FINISHED? So all the things that don't exist yet could be added in the future?

  And the unneeded conflict is being caused by your tone of "my idea is so awsome anyone that objects to it MUST be stupid." Because that's the tone I'm getting from you, the way you just shoot down anyone that objects. I'm not saying that's what you are doing, but that is the vibe you give off. In every other idea thread if someone says I don't like it, people go on their way and say fine, whatever, you don't like it, I understand, but you have to go and start aguing against anyone who objects, which so far seems to be teh majority that has posted here. One person agrees and teh rest object. And you just shoot us down like we don't care for FH in anyway. Would we still be here if we DIDN'T?

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Re: Stat Bars Proposal
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2011, 02:39:17 am »
*sigh* Now who is assuming. I mocked the idea FH is supposed to be realistic? I was just saying that if FH was meant to be so realistic then it wouldn't allow for green lions and purple wolves and what not.

I've never heard of anyone using a laughing emoticon to just say something objectively.

And all the things that don't exist yet? May I bring up the fact that the game isn't FINISHED? So all the things that don't exist yet could be added in the future?

Well that's certainly one way to miss my point on that subject. Like I said, we can pull up ideas and plans for the game all day to fight each other with but until they are implemented there's no point in trying to fight each other with them. Capiche?

And the unneeded conflict is being caused by your tone of "my idea is so awsome anyone that objects to it MUST be stupid." Because that's the tone I'm getting from you, the way you just shoot down anyone that objects. I'm not saying that's what you are doing, but that is the vibe you give off. In every other idea thread if someone says I don't like it, people go on their way and say fine, whatever, you don't like it, I understand, but you have to go and start aguing against anyone who objects, which so far seems to be teh majority that has posted here. One person agrees and teh rest object. And you just shoot us down like we don't care for FH in anyway. Would we still be here if we DIDN'T?

More assumptions and that's not what is going on at all. One person agreed, another person didn't want a particular bar because of her fantasy character and I explained that without that bar then the entire system is imbalanced and then you just don't want it because "I just don't agree" or "it would make me do this and I don't want to".

I ask for criticism and suggestion to improve but I also want reasons behind them. Not once have I ever said "THIS IDEA IS PERFECT, EVERYONE MUST LIKE IT". Even my first map I made I asked for criticism so that I could improve and when I got it I welcomed it with open arms because it had reason and logic behind the criticism. This is a discussion board, I am going to discuss things not just "oh ok".

You're not giving me a reason or any logic behind why you don't like it which is why I'm discussing it so fervently with you. Even now you dodge my question from my previous post which was going to be the improvement to the system if that was the case.

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Re: Stat Bars Proposal
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2011, 02:51:36 am »
I use XD in every sentence I say unless I'm irritated. So no, not mocking, compulsive obsessive.

  And they didn't want the stat bar just because of their fantasy character, but because your stat bars don't fit peoples characters. It is as simple as that, not everyones characters are the same, some can go forever without getting tired, some get tired really easily. your idea doesn't seem to allow enough CREATIVITY to create characters like that. They also said they would prefer it if it had an on/off thing, but you shot down that suggestion.

  Honestly, in all other threads about this (Yes this HAS been discussed before) people have preffered an on/off thing rather than just being forced to put up with hunger, and I would prefer it off as well. But I'm sure you would shoot that down too because of your realism. People left WQ because of it, and came here. I'm sure they don't want to leave FH because they are being forced to have hunger here as well.

  Yes, I actually do like realistic games, but on FH, where things ARE more based towards fun and RP and CREATIVITY, this kind of thing CAN get in the way. I mean, how many city maps are gonna have prey for you to eat? Did you forget the map maker? Are people expected to leave their map and RP just to go hunting when they get hungry? THAT is what I mean by it will be an inconveniance to people roleplaying. It would be a lot easier if there was an on and off function, not just extended time between when you have to hunt.

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Re: Stat Bars Proposal
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2011, 03:11:26 am »
I use XD in every sentence I say unless I'm irritated. So no, not mocking, compulsive obsessive.

Well my apologies, I don't know your compulsive obsessions.

And they didn't want the stat bar just because of their fantasy character, but because your stat bars don't fit peoples characters. It is as simple as that, not everyones characters are the same, some can go forever without getting tired, some get tired really easily. your idea doesn't seem to allow enough CREATIVITY to create characters like that. They also said they would prefer it if it had an on/off thing, but you shot down that suggestion.

Which was why when WQ was brought up I said that the slider system would still work with this system. You could give up stam for more hp or give up how long you can go without having to eat for more stam. There has to be some sort of limitation to this if pvp is ever going to be released. Creativity does not equal god-like characters. There has to be a system that is fair or people WILL be quitting just because the pvp would be full of BS characters.

They also said they would prefer it if it had an on/off thing, but you shot down that suggestion. Honestly, in all other threads about this (Yes this HAS been discussed before) people have preffered an on/off thing rather than just being forced to put up with hunger, and I would prefer it off as well.

I haven't been shooting anything down. They said an on/off for the stamina bar not the entire system of bars. I suppose an option to turn off the bars would be fine but then what happens when pvp and hunting is released and someone with the bars turned on fights someone with the bars turned off? Will that person with the bars off just be able to own everyone that does have bars?

I mean, how many city maps are gonna have prey for you to eat?

Pigeons, rats, stray cats/dogs? You're not being very creative if you can't think of that.~

Did you forget the map maker? Are people expected to leave their map and RP just to go hunting when they get hungry? THAT is what I mean by it will be an inconveniance to people roleplaying.

... Why wouldn't your map have prey on it? That's.. baffling.

And a bite right back at ya.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 03:13:28 am by CrimCanis »

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Re: Stat Bars Proposal
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2011, 03:20:36 am »
  So you are going to assume that there will be pidgeons and stray cats and dogs and rats for you to eat? Say none of these things exist? Then what? Just throw a deer in the middle of a city? THAT is why there would be maps without prey. Because I sure wouldn't put a bear or a deer in the middle of my city map.

  And not all characters would be god mod characters. I have a vampire character, and you expect her to get puffed despite the fact she is dead for your realism? Vampires and Zombies are MEANT to have a huge amount of stamina, to the point stamina doesn'ty come intyo it, because of teh fact they are dead, they no longer need to worry about those things. What about created species that can forgo their stamina in exchange for something and stuff like that? As I said, not all characters without stamina a "BS" characters, and having stat bars permanantly turned on would be a hassle to those who DO have such characters that need more openness for them to be used effectively.

  And what about this, you CAN'T fight someone with their bars turned off? People also don't want to be spammed with people begging for fights, turning that off would mean people could play old fashioned like now, and turning it on could mean the more realistic side. Thus there would be no hassles at all. And that's IF PVP is added.

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Re: Stat Bars Proposal
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2011, 03:34:23 am »
  So you are going to assume that there will be pidgeons and stray cats and dogs and rats for you to eat? Say none of these things exist? Then what? Just throw a deer in the middle of a city? THAT is why there would be maps without prey. Because I sure wouldn't put a bear or a deer in the middle of my city map.

If people can create the things they do now, I'm sure they will be able to create different types of prey. Even if not, I'd say city maps are the minority anyway.

And not all characters would be god mod characters. I have a vampire character, and you expect her to get puffed despite the fact she is dead for your realism? Vampires and Zombies are MEANT to have a huge amount of stamina, to the point stamina doesn'ty come intyo it, because of teh fact they are dead, they no longer need to worry about those things. What about created species that can forgo their stamina in exchange for something and stuff like that? As I said, not all characters without stamina a "BS" characters, and having stat bars permanantly turned on would be a hassle to those who DO have such characters that need more openness for them to be used effectively.

I only see the option to create felines, canines or a slight mix of both in FH, sorry. I don't see vampires or zombies or gods or horses.

And what about this, you CAN'T fight someone with their bars turned off? People also don't want to be spammed with people begging for fights, turning that off would mean people could play old fashioned like now, and turning it on could mean the more realistic side. Thus there would be no hassles at all. And that's IF PVP is added.

That would work but what if a person turns on their bars just to fight someone? Will their hunger and thirst be filled automatically when turned on meaning that the other guy who's been managing his hunger and thirst for several hours be at a disadvantage? What if you started getting low on hunger and thirst and could just turn the bars off and back on?

 There's obvious problems with this and I'm not really seeing how it could work unless it was decided upon character creation and couldn't be changed for a specific character... I guess that could work and would keep people from cheating. You could make a char that does have bars and make an RPing copy that has no bars.

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Re: Stat Bars Proposal
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2011, 04:22:53 pm »
This thread has become a war zone between you two! Seriously? Over a SUGGESTION??!!? Come on, guys!

You each have your opinions. That's great. But you don't have to go back and forth telling each other off.

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Re: Stat Bars Proposal
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2011, 04:32:16 pm »
It is indeed a war zone. Only one can win this flame war.

And the one who wins is Kyugima, because she's a mod.

Canis, I suggest you be careful around this chick.