Author Topic: Stat Bars Proposal  (Read 4874 times)

Offline HowlStar

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Re: Stat Bars Proposal
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2011, 04:43:49 pm »
Well...just cause' someone's a mod doesn't mean they win everything...but Kyugima and Crim, you guys need to stop flaming at each other every time one of you posts something you don't like.

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Re: Stat Bars Proposal
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2011, 12:57:29 am »
That would work but what if a person turns on their bars just to fight someone? Will their hunger and thirst be filled automatically when turned on meaning that the other guy who's been managing his hunger and thirst for several hours be at a disadvantage? What if you started getting low on hunger and thirst and could just turn the bars off and back on?

 There's obvious problems with this and I'm not really seeing how it could work unless it was decided upon character creation and couldn't be changed for a specific character... I guess that could work and would keep people from cheating. You could make a char that does have bars and make an RPing copy that has no bars.

What if they don't start at the fullest? what if they start at about 80 - 90 percent when they turn their stats back on?

If people can create the things they do now, I'm sure they will be able to create different types of prey. Even if not, I'd say city maps are the minority anyway.

Creating working models of animals is a WHOLE lot harder than creating meshes or presets. So saying they can do it is a little bit like saying that because a kid is good with playdough they can sculpt with marble (Not the best image, but the best I could think of), it's not neccessarily true.


I only see the option to create felines, canines or a slight mix of both in FH, sorry. I don't see vampires or zombies or gods or horses.

I think pretty much all of FH would argue with you on that one.

And to the others, no, this ISN'T A WAR. OR A FLAME WAR.

A heated arguement, yes, but do you see me plain out insulting this guy, calling him names? No?

Please, sometimes I get sick of people who go up to people and say Stop flaming each other! No fighting! When there was no issue, mostly just because things are heated or there is back and forth.

And Raikou, no, I do not win. No one wins. This isn't some petty battle.

Sorry for any offence.

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Re: Stat Bars Proposal
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2011, 02:23:34 am »
What if they don't start at the fullest? what if they start at about 80 - 90 percent when they turn their stats back on?

Hmmm... kind of like save states? One could turn their bars off but it would save what the bar stats last were? We've already established that one shouldn't be able to pvp without bars but what about hunting? We can agree that hunting and fighting without stat bars would create an enormous imbalance, yes? If one was disallowed from partaking in these activities without the stat bars turned on then it would prevent godding and it would give reason to use the bars.

And when/if you were done with these activities you could turn the bars back off to go RP or whatever.

Creating working models of animals is a WHOLE lot harder than creating meshes or presets. So saying they can do it is a little bit like saying that because a kid is good with playdough they can sculpt with marble (Not the best image, but the best I could think of), it's not neccessarily true.

It is a lot harder yes but it is still doable. I was part of a game modding community for a few years and while I wasn't the best model builder, skinning and ai programming wasn't that difficult to learn. Regardless of my own experience, there were plenty of others who managed to make 3d models ready for skinning and programming on their own.

I think pretty much all of FH would argue with you on that one.

I don't see how they could. I don't see horses or zombies anywhere in FH, I just see people RPing as them on canines or felines. Let's get real here. You honestly can't expect Kovu to create new models and skins for every person's RP character. In the same way, you can't expect an entire stat system to imbalance itself just for every person's RP character.

A heated arguement, yes, but do you see me plain out insulting this guy, calling him names? No?

Ahem, *her.

Please, sometimes I get sick of people who go up to people and say Stop flaming each other! No fighting! When there was no issue, mostly just because things are heated or there is back and forth.

And Raikou, no, I do not win. No one wins. This isn't some petty battle.

Completely agreed. The goal here is to discuss not tear each other apart. If you guys seriously think this is a flame war, you haven't been out and around much. It's just a little heated but sometimes the purest metals are pulled directly from the fire.

 Emphasis on sometimes. Don't go around starting flame wars just because I said that. Cough.

Offline Kyugima

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Re: Stat Bars Proposal
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2011, 03:16:37 am »
XD sorry bout calling you a guy, i tend to call most people I don't know him unless i know for certain what their gender is XD

And yes, like a save state. And when you create acharacter, don't start fully charged. Someone might create a new character just to attack someone they don't like at full power. That was what i was suggesting. I can see people doing that, creating a tonne of new characters just to spam attack one person they don't like.

And for hunting, perhaps hunting without stat bars would be harder? I don't know. I don't think removing hunting all together for those without stat bars would be too fair, some would have stat bars turned off to avoid PVP spamming probably, I know I would have it turned off if people kept trying to battle me. And PVP spamming would happen, considering spamming of everything else in teh game already occurs XD

And to model creating, yes, it can be done, but very few people on here can actually create meshes, and few of those who can make meshes have high quality meshes. Of those who can mesh probably few would be able to make working models. Most of us who make objects are either changing files around on meshes that don't work with teh game so they do, or are like me and are good at retexturing and good at putting meshes already in teh game together to make something else.

And I don't expect Kovu to, but at least what we have doesn't restrict people from allowing their creativity to run free. And I don't expect it to imbalance itself, I want for it to allow for people to be able to have their roleplay characters and not be hindered by it if they don't want it.

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Signature: Kyugima, Rimfrost, Deafosho


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Re: Stat Bars Proposal
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2011, 03:27:08 pm »
Nah, it's fine. No need to apologize.

Save states will certainly be in V2. At creation of character all base stats start at about.. 75%? This really depends on how pvp will work out. Will it be instanced after confirmation from both players or will you be able to attack anyone at random? Hopefully the former, in which case, the nerf on creation won't be necessary. If it's the later, then yes, a nerf will be necessary to keep from spamming. I really don't see that happening though. Imagine the chaos at Bonfire if it ends up being at random. XD;

Same goes for hunting, methinks. If pvp ends up being instanced then I don't think you'll have to worry about being spammed while hunting. I don't see how hunting without the stat bars could be... doable. Even IT had an hp bar although I certainly hope FH's hunting won't become like IT's. If someone really didn't like the stat bars but still wanted to hunt, they could turn them on temporarily, go hunting and then turn them back off.

Well, maybe if FH becomes more like an actual game it will attract more people who know how to do modeling and better meshing. Right now though, it feels like an RP/artistic community. Not that that's a bad thing. It's just something to ponder for a moment.

Understandable. I think we've found a solution to that though with the option to turn on/off the stat bars.