Author Topic: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams  (Read 23633 times)

Offline xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #40 on: March 07, 2012, 01:20:58 am »
I had a pretty disturbing dream last night...should I share it? OK, it wasn't really a nightmare, but it was pretty creepy. So I had to get ready for the Hunger Games, since I was a tribute (apparently). I was pretty confident I would win, but for the parade in front of the capital we had to get MAJOR surgery and re-do our whole body so that it was perfect to show to the people of the people. Then I was in third-person watching them do the surgery on me...weird...and creepy.
  Ok, lots of you probably wonder if I'm on here because it doesn't seem like I talk much about foxes and wolves and lions and such, but you'll change your mind after this dream I had:
   I had dream that I was just walking through the shadows in a spirit world, just walking, in human form until I came to a cliff where I saw a spirit-ghost-like fox. It said something to me in my mind like, "You are the one," or something like that. Then the spirit entered my body and I was suddenly a fox...what a strange dream. Thinking about it gives me a strange feeling, but it was a good dream-it had a good feel.

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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #41 on: March 07, 2012, 07:25:28 am »
I always have bad dreams about my bird when she gets sick. She pulled her feathers few months ago and i got no sleep from nightmares of her picking them out in my dream :c

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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #42 on: March 07, 2012, 08:28:12 pm »
Awww...I had a bad dream about my cat that he was bitten by a snake and started to die-there was no cure, and just as he was about to die, I woke up crying <:C. I hate bad dreams about pets and no matter how much I try to have a lucid dream, it barely ever works >:I


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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #43 on: March 08, 2012, 01:02:39 am »
Lucid dreaming is when you try to control your own dreams right?
I had a dream last night that I got to meet Michael Jackson when he was in Thriller, which is weird because I watched a behind-the-scenes video of Michael Jackson and everyone else when they were filming Thriller.

Offline shusuke

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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #44 on: March 08, 2012, 01:12:55 am »
Weird Dream from 2006 that's haunted me for years~

I was visiting my Canadian family by a lake. Only, we weren't really at a lake. It was like some oceanic beach-ish freshwater place whose streets resembled normal roads in Ontario in a successful, not so run down Windsor than some Hamptons estate. I was in charge of watching a child my aunt recently adopted - child with adorably white hair and silent disposition. He didn't really talk. His name was Nolan. We decided to go down in the basement to play games.

Turns out the basement is some sort of secret underwater sea-like cave! We come down worn, wooden stairs and make it to a black-and-white tiled checker floor that's worn out in some areas like a badly maintained laundrymat, and tons of pirate/shippy things hung on the walls. Ships in bottles, a wheel, and then a small table shaped into a chess board with pieces set up on it near worn out chairs, one of which had a leg that looked as if something took a clean bite out of part of it. Everything had a sandy, old look to it, but the atmosphere seemed woodsy, sort of.

There was a wooden dock on the far side near the wall that had more swamp like plants in pots near it than anything else to create a wild atmosphere, as well as a dartboard on the cellar door (8D!!!). There were barnacles growing on the rocks, and with the dimly lit lanterns near the chess board and on the other side of some half wall near the hot water tank (that did not exist though my mind registered that it did). The ground at the end of the floor was all worn out and turned into sand. Fishies could be seen swimming near the coral and the open cave hold that lead out into some unknown sea that was NOT at the front of the house.

Nolan started wading in the water and played with a ball, and while he did I noticed a large shadow. It was a monstrously huge fish, swimming far at the back. At first, I thought it was a shark, but it had a mangly head like an alligator/crocodile and the strange body like a sharp-finned pike, and I wound up freaking out and charged into the water, yelling at Nolan to get the heck out and run.

Nolan just turned his mint green eyes and stared at me, of course. The gigantic pike-shark-alligator lurked into the shadows behind him, camo-patterned scales and all, though its teeth with as long as a raptor's and organized more like a barracudas with the closed distance.

I managed to coax Nolan towards the shore, and he wound up watching for me as I started to run out, but the water was above my waist and I felt like I was running in slow motion. Nolan then started to reach out for me and as I did, the strange pike-shark-alligator creature with the strangely neat and deadly teeth simply clamped its teeth down on the upper area of my left leg above the knee, and then I woke up.

Funny part was, I never knew a Nolan, none of my relatives live near the water other than my uncle (all of his trinkets are of German Shepherds and eagles o_O"], and I don't have any adoptive cousins/siblings in my family other than an uncle that died a few years ago.

It still bothers me today, as well as the "Prequel" that came before it once, where one of those stupid, gigantic coral rocks were actually a mutated turtle that looked as if it was one of those Firebreathers from Star Fox 2 stamped into a water environment with tortoise legs and a ton of coral and swampyness for a shell.

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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #45 on: March 08, 2012, 01:16:27 am »
Yep, that's right C:
I think you can guess what I would do if I had a lucid dream -starry eyes- OMG that would be great!
-swoons, thinking of all the possibilities...-

Ok, maybe I did.

My friends all make fun of me because I have a crush on Naruto <:C They're not very understanding-don't get me wrong they're great friends who care about me, they just don't see other people's views very well.

OK, after that long dream story, my inner rambler has awakened and I need to share a story of a lucid dream I had with you (you might want to take a seat if you're standing up for some reason).

There I was just standing on the beach, the waves lapping up at the shore, my black zori (Japanese ninja sandals, in a nutshell)
wet and smooth. The atmosphere was mysterious and misty. I had on a mask (like Kakashi's) and a dark, elastic t-shirt with a mesh undershirt. Over that was a black straight-jacket (like Anko's, but black and with less pockets) I had elastic shin-low pants with knee-high zori (that I already mentioned). I pulled back my medium-length black hair into a pony-tail and switched to third person, my discoloured eyes closed, my misty breath coming from my mouth, three whisker-like markings on my cheeks. I used a silky purple ribbon to tie my hair back into a short ponytail.

   I stood there for a second, my eyes closed, concentrating on the smell of the ocean and the cool feel of the ocean in my face. Suddenly, I felt someone approaching from behind me-quickly I brandished a kunai knife and swiveled around, switching back to first person.

   'Ah, Naruto-kun,' I commented, brushing back my hair and standing up.

'Aki-chan!' Naruto said as he saw me.
    'What have you been up to?' I questioned, smiling brightly.

He shrugged and looked at me with bright blue eyes.
    'Can you take me out for ramen, please?' he implored.

My face suddenly turned bright red.
    'Are you asking me...t-to...take you on a...-' I gulped, '-date?' I muttered.

His face turned red.
   'If you don't want to I can ask-,' he began.

'Of course I'll take you!' I burst out.

   He smiled at me as we walked down a street in downtown London (I couldn't change where we were in fear that I would awaken from the effort).

   'Shouldn't you be training?' I questioned.

'Yeah, well...Ero-sennin isn't around so-,'

   'I could train with you after some ramen,' I replied.

'Ok,' he replied.

  Then I woke up and had to go to school :C I wish this were the dream that were reality sometimes-I had a whole story planned out!

Notes: I know I don't have black hair, but I wish I did :C
Sorry if you don't like Naruto, and I'm just boring you.
Sorry for my terrible writing skills.

« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 01:32:23 am by Kitsune »


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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #46 on: March 08, 2012, 02:34:25 am »
I had a Lucid Dream once, it was so weird:

             I was on a pirate ship and then this owl (I was obsessed with the Owls of Ga'Hoole series then) landed in front of me and said, "may the Farts be With You," and vanished. (I know, I read a book where this girl who could talk to ghosts had to prove it by saying this brother code to a boy who's brother had died and-never mind. -_-) I turned into a kraken and this is where the lucid part came in. I punched everyone and one of the people I punched was this group of boys who keep hitting on me at school, and they are really mean, too >:D. Anyway, my skin was purple and then guy at school ran up and said, "What's wrong with loving pink and purple?!" (That was nothing against bi-sexual ppl, he just says that a lot and it got stuck in my brain) Then I woke up. So weird. BUT AWESOME.


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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #47 on: March 08, 2012, 02:38:48 am »
I had a Lucid Dream once, it was so weird:

             I was on a pirate ship and then this owl (I was obsessed with the Owls of Ga'Hoole series then) landed in front of me and said, "may the Farts be With You," and vanished. (I know, I read a book where this girl who could talk to ghosts had to prove it by saying this brother code to a boy who's brother had died and-never mind. -_-) I turned into a kraken and this is where the lucid part came in. I punched everyone and one of the people I punched was this group of boys who keep hitting on me at school, and they are really mean, too >:D. Anyway, my skin was purple and then guy at school ran up and said, "What's wrong with loving pink and purple?!" (That was nothing against bi-sexual ppl, he just says that a lot and it got stuck in my brain) Then I woke up. So weird. BUT AWESOME.
Clare. That dream sounds epic. And LOL, "May the farts be with you." You don't know how hard I laughed when I saw that xD

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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #48 on: March 10, 2012, 06:41:01 pm »
I tend to have a lot of recurring places/characters in my dreams, particularly one snowwy mountain road that usually leads to some weird place relevent to whatever the rest of the dream is about, and a vaguely scifi-looking town in which I have- throughout years of dreaming- built a blimp, fought an army of bio-weapon droids with Jeremy Brett's Sherlock Holmes, discovered giant bouncing antigravity sphere/hamster balls as a mode of transportation, met an alien (more than once), been an alien (this happens ridiculously often), and battled the Dean of Students from my former high school in battle-helicopters.

Lately everything's been very... I dunno, psychedelic, abstract, emotion-based. My dreams are kind of playing out like artsy film festivle movies XD. Still with an inexplicably high number of aliens involved.

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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #49 on: March 10, 2012, 07:37:24 pm »
My wierd dream was that I was in a field, hanging with some friends, when suddenly barney, elmo, and some other guy walked up and started stabbing everyone wih knives. Me and my friends ran, and then the knives changed to guitars and they started playing a song. I ran until I reached home. I opened the door and my crush was standing there, and he said, "Hey baby, whats up?" I walked past him into my house and my crush turned into Fluttershy. I was like, "OMG FLUTETRSHY :D" Then I woke up and was like "Wtf..... was that...?"  :P
My teacher is old.... o.O