Author Topic: ~Inheritance~ a Eragon RP (accepting and needs members)  (Read 28194 times)

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Re: ~Inheritance~ a Eragon RP (accepting and needs members)
« Reply #60 on: March 29, 2012, 12:50:15 am »
((So we must wait...))

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Re: ~Inheritance~ a Eragon RP (accepting and needs members)
« Reply #61 on: March 29, 2012, 12:54:48 am »
(Accepted, and who wants to be okami's rider? :D)

"I suppose it fits, Blohdgarm, a powerful name indeed." He replied, then strutted toward his Rider, his blood-red scales gleaming in the dawn's light. "And I suppose, if you wish, Argeltum, that we should head to Dras-Leona, But probaly in another month; if there is to be a battle, then I should be at least big enough to have your on my back Aye?"

I'm coming" Murtagh replied, then with another flick of his sword, disarmed one of the rebels, he turned around quickly and stabbed him through the chest, as he walked toward Thorn, he easily killed seven of the rebels, stupid enough to approach him. He heard the wimpering. "I think it's the Varden" He joked, but then his voice suddenly turned serious. "Thorn, what do you suppose it could be? It's far to low, and loud for a dogs..." His voice trailed off as more of the rebels appraoched, he slashed out at them, then returned to his conversation with Thorn. "Well, what do you think it is?"  [color]
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 01:31:57 am by BlackCatTrain »

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Re: ~Inheritance~ a Eragon RP (accepting and needs members)
« Reply #62 on: March 29, 2012, 01:54:50 am »
  Lyria sighed with relief at Blodhgarm's acceptance. She offered the hatchling some goat cheese. "It's not meat, but it's what we have for now." The elfa-kona sighed as she stared at her new dragon. Her hand gliding slowly behind his long red neck as she watched the sun set from under the willow tree they were under now.

  Thorn growled, his yellow eyes searching the bush for any splash of unexpected color. He sniffed it, catching the scent of new-hatch-dragon and some of his own flames. Snorting and pawing at his snout as he burned his throat. "It's something gray, white and gray. I believe it's a baby dragon. Galbatorix will be pleased with it if we can take it back with us."
Wonderful advice: BUT U R A GREAT PERSON. Not lazy, not selfish, not a jerk. Ignore them, is my advice. Thanks Twizzler!


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Re: ~Inheritance~ a Eragon RP (accepting and needs members)
« Reply #63 on: March 29, 2012, 02:22:02 am »
Blodhgarm walked toward the goat cheese, he sniffed it and backed away, the smell was awful. "Erg...No thanks, I'll just catch a chipmunk or something" He replied, then walked away from Lyria's soothing touchm he flew sky-ward he scanned the thick forest for any sign of life; other than Lyria, he dove toward a small squirrel, it was unaware of what was going to happen, he struck a blow to it, and it fell from the large Oak Tree; Dead. He bent over and swallowed it; you could say whole, but he began to chew right after the body had entered his mouth, he then trotted back to Lyria, a satisfied smile on his face. "I think the goat cheese wouldn't be as satisifing"

"Thorn, you must remember, even though we serve Galbatorix; we don't do it of our own free will, we shouldn't be helping that bastard in any way, although we fight for him; I wish Eragon best luck in defeating him, and, possibly me" He replied, then tried to hush the hatchling up, wich he failed at so he tried to hide it, covering it's current bush-over cover  with a few stray ferns.

(if ya wanna know why Murtagh didn't steal the Hatchling; It's because he still had a mind of his own, and he doesn't need to help Galbatorix; Just serve him (Damn you Galbatorix DAMN YOU!) so ya, H's gonna be the goodest he can possibly be XD)

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Re: ~Inheritance~ a Eragon RP (accepting and needs members)
« Reply #64 on: March 29, 2012, 02:54:02 am »

The young drgaon look at the older dragon, her eyes almost fully opened. The silver hatchling let out a squeal and swiped at the dragons muzzle. She let out another squeal, only directed at the human.

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Re: ~Inheritance~ a Eragon RP (accepting and needs members)
« Reply #65 on: March 29, 2012, 09:27:25 am »
Minnet walked along a small path and looked at the wriggling baby in her hands.SHe smiled and tickled it under the chin.Minnet smelt a terribal stench coming from behind some bushes.SHe crouched down,droped her book and followed the smell.Its was a deer carcuss! "Hey,look! Theres some food for you Lil one!" She giggled and put the baby on some fur of the deer.The baby dragon started rippig some meat of the dead deer. "I wonder what i shall call you? Hmm....What about....Serenity? Yah,that sounds good,hey girl?" The baby dragon squeeked and then continued to eat. "I guess thats a yes" Minnet giggled.

Chiizark had flown of to try and find the girl and the dragon once again.He stoped as he saw a quick flick of a tail hide behind a tall mount.He mumbled and followed it. *Herpy post*



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Re: ~Inheritance~ a Eragon RP (accepting and needs members)
« Reply #66 on: March 29, 2012, 11:50:28 am »
"But Azura; what do you suppose we do, during the one month? Tasuki questioned, it had been a week since they've last met. "What I suggest, Argeltum, is that you train. Sword of course, and maybe we could work with your speed and stanimia, they're pretty low." She teased, then flung herself into the air. "I'll fly, while you run, try to catch up with me Argeltum, we don't want you lost in the Spine Aye?" she let out a low rumble of amusement after she said the last few words. Tasuki raced alongside her, the dragon was speeding through the forest; with her Rider tailing behind. It was a strange sight. "And, may I ask, How out of shape am I now?" Tasuki questioned, he smirked then dove after Azura, who was puffing like who-knows what. "Perphaps I under-estimated you Argeltum" she replied, then landed on the leaf-covered surface. "Now, did you say something of a sword?" he asked. "Indeed I did, now, the question is; do you carry one, or in this case, even have one?" Tasuki looked up at Azura, then replied. "How do you expect me to weild a blade? I'm no realy dragon rider ya know, so i suppose I don't get one till' later" Azura glared at Tasuki, "Whatever you say, Argeltum, whatever you say.... But still; if we'll be meeting with Eragon and Saphira at Dras-Leona in two weeks, we should at least have some experience, I for one; don't want to die in the battle, or have you die in the battle. Tasuki shrugged and leaned back on the moss-covered surface, still huffing from the run, then replied; "If it's so dangerous why do we bother going?" Azura's voice was alarmly hostile as she said; "We bother going, so we can save Alagaesia, understand?" Tasuki looked up at Azura, who was now towering several feet above him, her saphira claws dug into his T-shirt. "Okay OKay, we'll go, but only if you get off of me"
"I suppose I can do that" she said as she stepped off of Tasuki.
"Andyou grow quite a bit in just a week" Tasuki mentioned; it was true, Azura now towered five feet above him.
"Don't get the idea that just because I'm bigger than you, Argeltum, that you ride me yet" she retorted then troted back toward Tasuki.
"I know I can't yet" he growled and layed down under Azura's large wing.

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Re: ~Inheritance~ a Eragon RP (accepting and needs members)
« Reply #67 on: March 29, 2012, 12:45:22 pm »
 "Very well then," Lyria thought as she nibbled on the goat cheese and she began casting simple, then complex spells. She lifted a rock and made it dance in the shape of a diamond, a tree, and then a dragon. Focused on her spells, she barely noticed the steady drain of energy from her limbs.  When the elfa-kona stopped, she bent over her knees, panting. "Bah.. I knew I should have taken more time to get supplies." Lyria pet Blodhgarm again, dozing off under the willow tree to regain her strength as the sun rained heat down high above their heads.

  Thorn growled. "I suppose so, since he is your brother. I wouldn't wish to kill my kin either. So we're just going to leave this hatchling here alone? Where anyone could find it? Including the rest of the Empire?" The red dragon thought, pawing the ground with his humongous paws. He repositioned himself, getting ready to go find more rebels.
Wonderful advice: BUT U R A GREAT PERSON. Not lazy, not selfish, not a jerk. Ignore them, is my advice. Thanks Twizzler!

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Re: ~Inheritance~ a Eragon RP (accepting and needs members)
« Reply #68 on: March 29, 2012, 01:30:59 pm »
(-forever alone face.- And cinse you can't do much when your an egg... and the reason I didn't but a name is it's to be chosen for her later, once she hatches from the ice formed egg)
The breeze blowing would have chilled a normal egg, but the upside of a dragon egg was it was crystal rock hard, maybe even harder. It would protect from any outside contact and the brightness act as a solar power so heat would keep the egg warm. Some dragons would have to bury their eggs in smaller rocks and blow fire on it to incubate it, but an arctic angel egg was a completely different story. Fire would be deadly to the egg and even though diamond hard on the outside, on the inside it was like fluffy snow. The odd egg lay nestled in the bayou tree oddly enough not a very far distance from galbatorix's dragons and the hatchling.

(-Shot for fail rp-)

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Re: ~Inheritance~ a Eragon RP (accepting and needs members)
« Reply #69 on: March 29, 2012, 08:54:06 pm »
(That was the best egg-RP post ever :D)