Author Topic: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)  (Read 41232 times)

Offline WarriorMoo

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I was too lazy to edit my post, here they are. :>

Name: Artemisia
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina)
Rank: Weather Prediction Chaw (In Training)
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Shy and gentle, Artemisia is not exactly the most outgoing of owls, but she is rather intelligent and spends a lot of time reading up on scrolls and tales by legendary guardians both alive and dead. She knows almost all about the story of Hoole, the first king of the tree and perhaps the most legendary in all the land; it could be because of the rumors that he too was a Spotted Owl. Artemisia, however, hesitates from showing pride, and is more likely to pick at her own flaws than boast about her skills. She shows great potential in manuevering storms, and is currently practicing an ancient skill known as "The Fall From Grace."

History: Artemisia was born in the forest of Ambala to Catherine and Tybalt, a pair of Spotted Owls who lived happily with their new hatchling for the first few months. However, it wasn't long before word of Pure One Attacks spread, and they especially came to the alert of the family when owlet disappearances included. In fear of losing their dear daughter, Artemisia was taken with her parents, and the three travelled far to the Ga'Hoole Tree to live. There, Artemisia learn to fly and hunt on her own, but took a special liking towards the duty of a guardian as well. To her parents chagrin, Artemisia decided to enroll in the Weather Prediction Chaw, where she soon showed her potential as a great flyer. She is currently training to become one of the best in the chaws, a primary goal in her life.

Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: None

Code: [Select]
Name: Artemisia
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Northern Spotted Owl ([i]Strix occidentalis caurina[/i])
Rank: Weather Prediction Chaw (In Training)
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Shy and gentle, Artemisia is not exactly the most outgoing of owls, but she is rather intelligent and spends a lot of time reading up on scrolls and tales by legendary guardians both alive and dead. She knows almost all about the story of Hoole, the first king of the tree and perhaps the most legendary in all the land; it could be because of the rumors that he too was a Spotted Owl.
Artemisia, however, hesitates from showing pride, and is more likely to pick at her own flaws than boast about her skills. She shows great potential in manuevering storms, and is currently practicing an ancient skill known as "The Fall From Grace."

History: Artemisia was born in the forest of Ambala to Catherine and Tybalt, a pair of Spotted Owls who lived happily with their new hatchling for the first few months. However, it wasn't long before word of Pure One Attacks spread, and they especially came to the alert of the family when owlet disappearances included. In fear of losing their dear daughter, Artemisia was taken with her parents, and the three travelled far to the Ga'Hoole Tree to live. There, Artemisia learn to fly and hunt on her own, but took a special liking towards the duty of a guardian as well.
To her parents chagrin, Artemisia decided to enroll in the Weather Prediction Chaw, where she soon showed her potential as a great flyer. She is currently training to become one of the best in the chaws, a primary goal in her life.

Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: None

I hope you don't mind if I add a non-owl avian into the roleplay; I've read the books before, and I do remember that there were puffins, crows, and even eagles also in the books. Not to mention hagsfiends. I hope it's okay if I add this one, Christina..

Name: Matthias
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Species: Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)
Rank: N/A
Clan: Loner

Personality: Matthias is a very stern and serious goshawk, as well as worriesome, although he usually hides it. It's hard for him to take a joke, and there has been more than once that he had made a very serious lecture towards pranksters. He, however, has proven himself to be a great ally, as he has a great affinity for communicating with other animals, and has been able to fight off an owl or bat or two without much effort. This is only been achieved through his special methods of one-on-one battle strategies, which can only be applied correctly when fighting a small number of opponents; making them inaffective if he is greatly outnumbered.
Matthias will have his lesser serious days, which he usually spends hunting and tending to an empty nest with his mate, Dahlia. On rare occasions, he travels to the Ga'Hoole Tree with reports on enemy whereabouts or events in his homeland, the Forest of Ambala.

History: Born and raised in the Kingdom of Ambala, Matthias was always very worriesome as a young hawk, and dared not stray from his hollow, even when he was old enough to fly. He was always very timid of his father, who was always serious and scolded him often, but shared a strong bond with his mother, who was very kind and gentle. Eventually, Matthias's father forced him out of his hollow, and did not allow him to come back until Matthias had proved that he could survive and live well on his own.
For a whole year, Matthias lived alone, wandering the forest and the nearby Desert of Kuneer, slowly conquering his fears, and becoming rather centered around proving himself worthy of his father's wishes. He also became close to some species of animals, such as the local elf owls of Kuneer, who taught him how to speak in Hoolian, and even a Coyote named Nimrod. After a whole year of training, Matthias had become a skilled survivalist, and soon travelled back in hopes of being welcomed by his parents.

But, to Matthias's horrific dismay, he found his old hollow ruined and his parents dead. He later learned from the local owls of Ambala that a Pure One attack had struck shortly before his return, and his parents were both killed in an attempt to fight them off. Since then, Matthias has been constantly honing his hunting methods into attack methods, hoping to one day seek revenge for his parents' death, and pledged to assist the guardians whenever they needed him.

Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: Dahlia
Extra: Matthias has a scar above his chest. He recieved this when assisting the guardians against the Pure Ones.

Code: [Select]
Name: Matthias
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Species: Northern Goshawk ([i]Accipiter gentilis[/i])
Rank: N/A
Clan: Loner

Personality: Matthias is a very stern and serious goshawk, as well as worriesome, although he usually hides it. It's hard for him to take a joke, and there has been more than once that he had made a very serious lecture towards pranksters. He, however, has proven himself to be a great ally, as he has a great affinity for communicating with other animals, and has been able to fight off an owl or bat or two without much effort. This is only been achieved through his special methods of one-on-one battle strategies, which can only be applied correctly when fighting a small number of opponents; making them inaffective if he is greatly outnumbered.
Matthias will have his lesser serious days, which he usually spends hunting and tending to an empty nest with his mate, Dahlia. On rare occasions, he travels to the Ga'Hoole Tree with reports on enemy whereabouts or events in his homeland, the Forest of Ambala.

History: Born and raised in the Kingdom of Ambala, Matthias was always very worriesome as a young hawk, and dared not stray from his hollow, even when he was old enough to fly. He was always very timid of his father, who was always serious and scolded him often, but shared a strong bond with his mother, who was very kind and gentle. Eventually, Matthias's father forced him out of his hollow, and did not allow him to come back until Matthias had proved that he could survive and live well on his own.
For a whole year, Matthias lived alone, wandering the forest and the nearby Desert of Kuneer, slowly conquering his fears, and becoming rather centered around proving himself worthy of his father's wishes. He also became close to some species of animals, such as the local elf owls of Kuneer, who taught him how to speak in Hoolian, and even a Coyote named Nimrod. After a whole year of training, Matthias had become a skilled survivalist, and soon travelled back in hopes of being welcomed by his parents.

But, to Matthias's horrific dismay, he found his old hollow ruined and his parents dead. He later learned from the local owls of Ambala that a Pure One attack had struck shortly before his return, and his parents were both killed in an attempt to fight them off. Since then, Matthias has been constantly honing his hunting methods into attack methods, hoping to one day seek revenge for his parents' death, and pledged to assist the guardians whenever they needed him.

Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: Dahlia
Extra: Matthias has a scar above his chest. He recieved this when assisting the guardians against the Pure Ones.

I've seen the movie and have read all the books up to "Burning" (And not to mention, played the game)....Yes, Matthias has a much longer description than Artemisia..
« Last Edit: July 21, 2012, 04:15:53 pm by WarriorMoo »

^ Sofas are awesome.


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"We're here." Shinitagari stated as he silently and rather quickly perched himself on a fern branch. Not too far away, the starting spiral of flames was begining. It wouldn't be too long until the uproar of flames would send ash and debre up into the sky, making it slightly harder to see. Shinitagari examined the area abit, he seemed to be content on doing so, considering he was constantly turning his head. "Tell me if you guys spot any owls supporting battle mask, training claws, or, well owls." He ordered Tyra and Megami as his pitch black gaze traveled in all directions. It was almost impossible for something to get past him now that he was so focused on spotting someone.

"Ya, whatever." Megami stated in a rather bored tone. Though, rather than examining the area as Tyra and Shinitagari were, he was simply preening his breast feathers. Pushing down anything that slightly stuck up or was 'tangled' with the other feathers with his light pink beak. He really didn't feel like helping those two, for if he did it would mean helping the Pure Ones. Though every once in awhile he couldn't help but examining the area. It was hard for him not to try to take in every detail of an area, considering his goal was to make a map of all the kingdoms. And that map would have every tree, thermal, hollow, shrub, bush, and river he could find. It would even include the Great Ga'Hoole' tree, and the Hoolian Sea.

"Alright." Tyra replied, his eyes scanning the area carefully. He tried to examine everything closely, just in case an avian might fly through without him noticing. The Barn Owl even looked towards the ground. It was highly possible that another owl might take a route on the ground to escape they're wondering eyes. Though, after abit longer, possibly about fifteen minutes they didn't notice anything in particular. "I don't see anything, but when that Fire tornado or whatever starts up, we better fly into it." he clicked, flapping his wings abit, though he remained on the branch as he wanted to. "Theres a high possiblity that they'll be in there."

Offline Jackalfur

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Naw, it's fine. c: Accepted, added you to the members list. Only one more space for a hawk/eagle.))

ヌ - ド ル

Offline Ingredient

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Dont forget to add me D:))
Will be inactive due to work and exams.


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Christina, since this Roleplay is getting so big and still adding on members, I'd like to make a suggestion O3O
Maybe you could add Moderators so this won't be too much work for you? Just a suggestion owo

Offline Jackalfur

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(FUFUFU I'm sorry Ingredient D: I missed your application on accident. Accepted.
Maybe. I've considered that, but I'm not really sure yet. Thank you for the suggestion!
Editing into rp post once finished adding Teo to the list.))

After at least two hours of flying to and from the Tree, Athena's mentor waved a blinding white wing. "In a few moments I will be taking you to a practice area," the snowy hooted. "There, you will learn the types of fires, and how they are formed."

Athena's shoulders drooped. "But you just set me on a two in a half hour fly with no breaks whatsoever!"

"You have to learn how to adapt your wings to flying great distances and long distances. You did well with retrieving coals, yes, but there is much more to learn, young owl. If you clear this task, I might just be impressed."

"Okay." The short-eared owl's darker eyelids forced themselves to stay open. Well, at least I'm not checking hollows for pellets, she thought, her head tipping to one side as her teacher led her from the Great Tree.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2012, 12:32:57 am by ~.Christina.~ »

ヌ - ド ル

Offline Theobear

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Tacita screeched slightly in pain, as she was crushed against the momentum and the weight of the larger owl.  Shaking her wings, she struggled to stand, only to be trapped by the larger owl's talons.  "Who are you?" She asked, her beak snapping in the general direction, of the larger she-owl's toe, she struggled to free herself.  "I am not Guardian or Pure one; I can tell you that." She said, bravely.

(Sorry, I don't really have an muse for Apollo, Hedwig, and Brair.. Do you guys have any suggestions, on what they could be doing?)
After all this time?

Offline okami129

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The owls words seemed to trigger something in her. She narrowed her eyes and frowned at the owl. "I am Fuyu No Shiro Yuki" She lifted one foot off the owl and held it higher, her grip loosening so it didn't seem crushing anymore. After a pause, she fully released the smaller owl and watched it, waiting for it to fly away. "Not a pure one, not one of my targets... Go home."

The liar and the thief

Offline Theobear

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Tacita stood up immediately, "your really her."  The young pygmy owl, hopped slightly, then stared at the larger white owl.  "I don't have a home." she said sadly, the young owl, had once had a home.  The young owl squawked gently.  "I'm Tacita." The young owl, shook her feather, releasing the dirt and dust they had collected during the fall/collision.
(Can someone give me any ideas on what Hedwig, Brair, and Apollo could be doing?)
After all this time?

Offline Theobear

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Name:  Zendaya
Gender: Female
Age: three years
Species: Bald Eagle
Rank: N/A
Clan: Loner

Zendaya is a very hard-working, and strong-hearted.  She doesn't agree in foul-play and will fight for what she believes in,  being alot bigger than the owls, she has a greater advantage against them, if she ever had to duel.  When fighting, she attacks the parts, one wouldn't expect to be targeted.  She has a pure rage and wrath pin-pointed on the pure ones.  She has a maternal instinct, and has been known to drive owl pairs into hiding, and then sit on their eggs, or guard their hatchlings when news of the pure one's starts to spread.

Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra:  I was wondering if maybe, she could be a friend of the Guardians, an Ally.
After all this time?