Author Topic: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)  (Read 41233 times)

Offline Jackalfur

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Okay~! 8D Thank you for starting off!))

Athena was sitting in the middle of a group of owlets, who were looking excited and awestruck as they listened to the collier trainee tell a story. "...And everyone says Metal Beak wears a mask to hide his missing beak," she continued, gaining a horde of excited gasps and squeals. One owlet asked, "How did he lose his beak?" At that, all the fluffy baby owls shouted. "Tell us, tell us!"

"Alright," the short-eared owl chuckled, amused by the young ones' enthusiasm, but before she could start an angry hoot echoed from behind her. "Athena! Colliering!" her mentor, a blinding-white snowy, ordered. "But-but-but--" one owlet started wailing, muted by his siblings' complaints. A female barn owl, most likely the mother of the owlets, shooed her children away gently, churring soothing words to them. The snowy owl landed beside her apprentice, looking fairly annoyed. "Athena, stop dazing off into the dream world and think about your classes! You're already going to be late!"
"Well, so-rree!" Athena snapped back, her sassy attitude quickly replacing the dreamy. The snowy hissed, obviously seething with anger, and started hopping hastily away. "Come on, then! We have no time to waste!" Rolling her eyes, the younger owl followed.

"Now. As you know, colliering is the art of diving into raging fires without much harm done to oneself. Colliers provide heat for molding metals, cooking, light from candles for reading and lighting pathways, and warmth from grates in cold weather." The black-speckled white owl pointed with a stick toward an old-looking fire painting. "I will be training you so you aren't as vulnerable to getting fire-blinked, which is the stage when an owl becomes transfixed from the fire and goes yeep. You will also be learning the coals, and hazards when close to a dangerous fire, one would be fire-blink." Athena's mentor motioned to a fire that very much looked like a hurricane. "This, is a fire tornado. It is a rare phenomena where a vortex of flames form under extreme conditions, rising up to 30-160 feet and containing winds of 100 miles per hour. They usually persist for more than twenty minutes, but I wouldn't put you on such a dangerous task at your skill level." Athena made a silent sneer, folding her wings to her sides and propping herself onto a wooden stool. "Can't we just practice flying now? I need fresh air."

((Phew, long post xD
Your character will be accepted once you finish up Tacita's application. c:

I can't wait for your application! ^^))
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 03:43:53 am by ~.Christina.~ »

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Hedwig, gently grind-ed her beak.  Her snow white, black speckled feathers, ruffled--where the young owl had disturbed them sub-consciously during her sleep.  Clenching her feet, she felt the muscles and tendons in her toes tense.  She puffed out her chest, then immediately began to preen herself.  Fixing the disturbed, mismatched upper wing feathers, she smoothed them out, gently.  The young owl's golden eyes, still partially clouded from her tired exhausted mental-state.  She gently paced,   her toes clenching on her perch/branch, she violently flapped her wings, her Talons, digging into the soft bark, then dug deep engravments, as she slowly became air born.  No one really knows why the young owl did that morning routine--an occurrence of boredom, or maybe an early morning exercise?   Releasing her grip on the branch, she slide into the morning light, the sky a mixture of red, tangerines, and violets, one of Nature's many masterpieces--the morning sky.
 Brair slide through the air, a silent deadly killer.  Her wings, outstretched, they soaked up the warm rays of vitamin D.  Her dusty golden eyes, scanned the ground, examining it for even the slightest movement.  Her ears catching the sound of small paw-pads, she pin-pointed the source.  Her eyes catching the glimpse of a blade of grass, dancing, she quickly knew the diagnosis. A mouse.  The young owl's talons, poised, her eyes locked on the small radius of movement now trailing through the emerald green grass.  She re-thought her decision to attack--if she missed, then she would be missing breakfast.  
'Thud' she landed in the emerald green grass, clenching her toes, she squished the squirming struggling small body, she held within her deadly grasp.  The early bird, gets the worm....

Apollo's ears swiveled, he quietly circled the sky, a dark speck against a sea of radiant color.  The young male, sighed in pleasure, grateful for the warm that blanketed his feathers, he flew his daily cycle.  His eyes keeping to the sky ahead of him, he wasn't hunting and didn't need to be aware of anything below him.. at this altitude, nothing below could touch him.  
After all this time?


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(I'll post again because it's pretty much just me right where I am.. XDDD)

Shinitagari landed with a soft and muffled 'plop' infront of Nyra and Kludd, who were perched on the usual pile of stone, which had once been a part of the castle walls. He shuffled his feet abit, Shinitagari's talons made soft 'scraping' noises against the rough concrete terrain. He hadn't thought of anything to say to them, and it was quite difficult to think of something quick when those two were starring down expectantly at you.
"What is it this time?" Nyra finnaly squawked, she seemed quite annoyed of his arrival, however Kludd, or as many called him Metal Beak just perched there silently, waiting for him to speak at his own time. "I'm bore again Kludd!" he managed to sputter out finnaly, though he sort of said it thw wrong way, and made it seem as if he was directing the question to Kludd alone. A Sooty Owl, the lowest rank here seemed to have overheard Shinitagari's outburst. Calling of his shoulder, the sooty started scolding him, though he was too afraid to go that close to Kludd and Nyra.
 "How dare you call the Hight Tyto by his old name! Your lucky they don't kill you for that-" The Sooty seemed to stop almost immediantly after Metal Beak gave him a quick glare, he seemed annoyed that the Sooty had interupted they're 'conversation' and wanted him to stuff a mous in it.
"Bored eh? How many missions have you been on....I think it was one everyday for the past moon." Kludd stated, the way he said it made the 'question' sound like an order.
"Yup I like missions" Shinitagari replied rather casually, smiling abit to himself. Nyra had gone rather eerily silent, she didn't move at the slightest. The High Tyto was quiet for awhile, his single eye seemed to have a thoughtful glint in it, he was obviously pondering weither or not he should alow Shinitagari to do something.
"Theres supposed to be this sort of tornado of fire..." he muttered, clinking his talons which made loud 'clanging' noises because of the Fire Claws- a special type of Battle Claws he was wearing. "I'm guessing the Choilier Chaw or whatever will be in that, I'll send you, Megami, and Tyra down there." He finnaly spoke what would make Shinitagari happy, though he was a little concern with they're low numbers. Sure, Tyra might be excellent in battle and colliering, but not as good as he was. And as for Megami, he was praticly useless. Who would bring a navigator that can't fight into a firestorm?
"I get rid of all of them!" Shinitagari said quickly, almost immediantly he stopped pondering the negative thoughts. "Hey Megami!" he called flying off in the direction Megami was in before, and sure enough the same figure was perched in the same place.

"You better not of dragged me down with you!" Megami scolded Shinitagari, who was flying around impatiently. This was quite an obvious sign that he was coming to get Megami. Shinitagari only shook his head and said something about Kludd and a plan, though Megami didn't really pay attention. "Okay....I'll go but only because I have to." Megami muttered, Shinitagari just chuckled and replied. "You have no choice!"
"Your right about that...." Megami replied, trailing off near the end abit. The brown, black, and tan-speckled owl rather hastily spread his wings, making sure to get out of his little 'hole' though. "You said Tyra is coming to right?" Megami asked Shinitagari, who replied with a simple shake of his head. Mgeami really couldn't comprehend why Shini used body language instead of actual words though.
For the blood-relative of a great flyer, Megami was quite terrible. Really, the smaller-sized Barn Owl could hardly keep himself up for more than two hours. He just hoped that whatever place they were going had possible footholds so he could rest.

Offline LuinLasse

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Name: Aimi
Gender: Female
Age: Tween
Species: Saw Whet Owl
Rank: Cook In-Training
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Aimi is friendly and outgoing, but she knew from the start she was never cut out to be a fighter. Her heart was always somewhere she could have friends all around her and she felt safe. Though she's not cowardly.
History: Her parents were both Historians of the Ga'Hoolology Chaw. They raised Aimi to be one like them, but she was more on the creative side and decided to go with cooking.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: Aimi loves to make art and will often pick up interesting things too add to her 'art supplies', as she styles them. She is known for her singing as well.

Name: Rei
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Barn Owl
Rank: Um... Heh... I dunno
Clan: Pure Ones
Personality: Rei is a particularly girly owl and will spend a lot of her free-time just cleaning her feathers or adorning herself with little jewels that Pure Ones often take from their victims - and happen to have an abundance of. She gets impressed easily (especially by males her own age, of course) and will give out praise freely. But when she's in a serious mood - like, for example, on the battlefield - she is focused and swift with her movements.
History: Rei was one of the scattered few owlets who were taken as eggs. Her parents were murdered by the Pure Ones, for they protected the unhatched owlet with their lives and wouldn't surrender. A sad story, but one among thousands that happen all the time in the claws of the Pure Ones.
She grew up in training and believes she has no parents.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: N/A (Will probably come up with something later)

Name: Braith
Gender: Male
Age: Teen
Species: Tasmanian Masked Owl
Rank: Collier In-training
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Braith is a brave young owl. He is loyal and merciful as well. He isn't exactly good at speaking with others, so he's more quiet than some.
History: His parents were mistaken for Barn Owls by the Pure Ones since they noticed them first from a distance. Four of the Pure One fighting owls dove out of the sky on the two Tasmanian masked owls. At that time, Braith was but a hatchling just learning to flap his small wings.
The Pure Ones realized their mistake and turned on Braith, but a patrol of Guardians rescued him from sure death. He is always thankful of the valiant warriors of Ga'Hoole.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: He gets a little snappy if other owls call him something like a "Red-faced Barn Owl".
« Last Edit: July 21, 2012, 01:32:25 am by .:Luinara:. »

Offline Theobear

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(is Tacita accepted?)
After all this time?

Offline okami129

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Can there be a legend in Ga'hoole of Shion that all the owls know? I plan to make her interesting for plot reasons))
Deep inn the mountains, you could see a flash of white and red in the sky as the Rhodoan owl, Shion, glided through the sky peacefully like a kite guided by the breeze. Her landing was peaceful too, she gracefully flapped her wings and reached out a talon to grasp onto the branch as they wrapped around the limb. She scanned the terrain forward, away from her mountains. "I will find you..." she mumbled to herself before leaping forward, spreading her wings, and beginning the glide again.

The liar and the thief

Offline Jackalfur

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((Sorry for the slight absence guys, I have to go to bed and I just watched Destiny Deoxys (for the who-knows-hundredth time) again. I will be adding another character either tonight or tomorrow.

Accepted. :3 Your characters should be on the members list by tomorrow.

Tacita's accepted.

Sure. ^^

I will be posting tomorrow, right now I should be in bed. Try not to get too far without me! c:))

ヌ - ド ル

Offline Theobear

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Tacita frowned,  her small wings propelling her through the crisp morning air.  She didn't really know where, she was going today, she was just letting the wind carry her.  The young female cut through the silent air.  Her reddish colored feather's sparkling in the sun.  She flapped her wings, one..twice...three times, she continued to glide.  

She could hear talking? Looking around, she noticed three figures--Pure Ones.  She screeched, I wonder what they're doing? Silently gliding behind them, she tagged along.
After all this time?

Offline LuinLasse

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((Can I 'invent' different kinds of meals for Aimi to be trained on? It's been roughly a year since I read the books, so... I've forgotten most of the food they eat and can't find them on Google...))

Rei watched three owls fly off, probably intent on some mission. She ruffled her wing feathers and couldn't help the exasperated sigh that fluttered through her curving beak.
Turning in the small rock-hole that she called home, she gazed into the shard of glimmering, reflective metal that had been given to her a while back by Nyra and Kludd who found no use for it. Rei blinked her large black eyes at herself.
Maybe next time I'll be able to go with them. It's been a while.
Not that she minded staying here too much. It just might be fun to go out on some important errand.
Swiveling around and swiftly dove out of her hollow in the gray stone walls. Her wings noiselessly brought her towards a group of Sooty owls carrying waste from some pit or another to somewhere that they would get it out of the Pure Ones' canyons.
"Don't drop any of it," she jeered. Spinning in the air, she slapped out a wing and tipped over one of their buckets. The contents plummeted downwards and the carrier of them squawked in alarm. He went immediately down to clean it up.
Rei churred and flew on. She knew the slave owls could do nothing against her, nor any of the other Pure Ones.

With a stroke of his wings, Braith was up in a lofty branch of the Ga'Hoole tree. He'd been out training until he was sore, and now was his rest time.
They'd been doing things with coals, and since it was Braith's first time really using his talons with fire, he felt a little scorched around the feet.
The Tasmanian Masked Owl shook himself in a brisk movement, leaving a cloud of dark ash to shower down around him. Many of the other colliers in-training were in the same boat; shaking their feathers or nursing burnt feet.

Aimi nudged a piece of rabbit across the surface of a heated stone using her perfectly cleaned talons. All of the cooking owls were required to wash them in a little basin constantly so that the food wasn't spoiled with bits of things they walked on.
The small Saw-Whet owl riffled her feathers when the wonderful smell of the food reached her. She clacked her beak in satisfaction.
Picking up a few spices and herbs, she sprinkled them over the rabbit-pieces as they sizzled on the stone.
"Nice work on those Spiced Bits, Aimi," a voice called. It was one of the older owls who helped training younger ones in the culinary class.
Aimi churred a little at the praise.

((I'll post for Aimi once I know about the foods. ^^"))
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 05:05:34 pm by .:Luinara:. »

Offline Jackalfur

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Sure. I can understand, I haven't read the books in a while either. c:

I will be editing this post into my rp paragraphs, but here's a peek at my new character!
Her name will be Araflame. She's a Pure One :3 Her full application will be on the members list once I get finished copying and pasting all your applications.))

ヌ - ド ル