Author Topic: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.  (Read 90930 times)

Offline Abomine

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Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« Reply #180 on: January 06, 2013, 08:41:51 pm »
I was role-playing as my horse character in bonfire and these to elk come out of now where and start posting -le jumps onto your back and it kills you instantly- And I'm like. *click click* "Bye Bye" -le block- And then I thought, wait elk cant jump onto my back, I'm 15.3 hands high! There was this other time... there was a group of wolves that where on one of the public maps I made, and they were just chilling. I come into the map and they are posting -bites neck tosses around dies- I was like, "God... what are you trying to do kill me?" so I smacked them, blocked them, and took down my public map download thingy. Godmodding/Powerplaying get annoying really quickly. Same with Auto-hitting. Grr. -le is mad now-

I guess that's just what happens when you rp as an herbivore in a game filled with carnivores. These godmodders and powerplayers appear to be under the impression that if you are a carnivorous mammal (especially a wolf), you are invincible and can kill anything single-handed (single-pawed?). I can't tell you how many times I've been playing as one of my deer characters and some noobish sparklewolf or warrior cat has tried to insta-kill me.

"Slashes throat with razor-sharp claws. No miss."
"Bites throat, piercing jugular. No miss."

You know, if horses and deer were that easy to kill, I'm pretty sure they would have gone extinct by now.

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Offline LunaWolfe

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Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« Reply #181 on: January 12, 2013, 12:19:10 am »
Oh, powerplayers! I swear, they're everywhere ;w;

Le scene of recent powerplay
- Powerplayers
- Sane people
Shadepaw [Me]

My clan and I were peacefully roleplaying on L island, when a random cat by the name of Kitkit appears.
Me- The young feline noticed a strange cat nearest the clan camp as she was about to leave and gather herbs. The she-cat glanced back at her friend Talonpaw, motioning her over.
Talonpaw- Talonpaw comes over to Shadepaw, spotting the lone kit as well.
Kitkit- *wails cries sobs* mu leggggg!!!!1!! u hut mu leeeeg!!1!
Talonpaw- What. }}
Me- -Facepalm- }}
Redstar- The russet hued tom lumbered over to where the apprentices stood. "What is the matter? You two look like.." He silenced himself as his eyes settled on the kit. "A lone kit?"
Kitkit- u meanies!!121! u;; wegvet the dae u hut me11!1
Talonpaw- I highly doubt that. We didn't even touch you. }}
Me- Shh Talonpaw. Maybe if we ignore the attention seeker it'll go away. :U }}
Suddenly two cats come running. Once is an apprentice, another a warrior. They stop by the kitkit person.
Voidpaw- How dare u hurt me sis! u well pae!!
Oakflare- yeh! how dare u hur t r kit!! y wold u wan t 2 keel hur?
Redstar- They didn't hurt your clanmember. Chill. }}
Voidpaw- oh yea? tht isnt wat kit told us11
Oakflare- i bet we culd keel u al;!
Voidpaw- yea1
Me- Seriously, guys. We didn't harm your friend. }}
They are silent for a moment, until three more cats appear. By now, my clanmembers Jaycall, Wolftooth and Snowpelt had come over to see what was happening as well.
Tormentstar M- jumps on redstar no miss bites throat no miss no dodge rips throat out no miss no fail no revive.
Snowpelt- Wtf? o.e }}
Oakflare- jumps on talon apprentice no miss sinks claws in2 bac no dodge no miss kills
Snowpelt - The she-cat yowled, knocking her apprentice out of the way of the attack.
Kitkit- omg powerplayers1!!!!1 kell dem guis!! save mu1
Redstar- Us, the powerplayers? That makes me giggle. Come on guys, just ignore them. :) }}
Moonshine- claws glow brightly as eyes turn white while starclan gives me powers yowls jumps on shadepaw sinks claws into tiny cat rips out eyes shreds ears rips off tale breaks spin breaks leg breaks skull snaps neck no miss no dodge no revive no live then jumps on2 jaycall rips out thraote blinds with starclan powerz slams in2 ground stomps into mush no miss no dodge kills then jumps on snowpelt savin tormentsrar rips out her spin shaterz skull no miss no dodge kills jumps on wolftooth claws belly rips open stomch pulls out hert crushes kills no miss no dodge kills kills kills.
Kitkit- go moonshine11! show thm how b stongr!
Oakflare- yeh! go moonhine!
Windshine- aids moonshine summonin wind to rip cats to nothing no miss kills no dodge
Voidpaw- yes! my sis is safe!1!
My clan- .. -leblocks-
Talonpaw- Lets do that again some time. :)

Needless to say, that was our topic of discussion in OOC all day LOL

Click it, we know you want to~ <3

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Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« Reply #182 on: January 12, 2013, 01:50:45 am »
Once I was hanging out in a public map called "The Islands" or something as a phoenix. I was soaring over the sky and was about to land at a spot where a wolf was. I was just going to say hi, since I didn't feel like rping. But the wolf had a different idea.

 Wolf: AGH A DEMON *splishes water on*
 Me: Yay! I'm wet!
 Me: Don't you mean "water"? Not "WATEr"?
 Wolf: Idiot it was a typo
 Me: Can caps rage be typos...?
 Wolf: SHUT UP U RULE-FOLLOWA *bashes head*
 Me: But I'm a phoenix. I'm...kinda immortal...and I dun wanna rp right now. Wanna just play a game or chat?
 Wolf: Ok. Let's play a game of

 .....*waits for like five minutes*.....

 Me: You there?
 Me: O_O
 Me: Nah. Rather not. Baiz
 Me: That's great. I see you excel at spelling.
 Wolf: MOTHER f*****
 Me: Okay...that's not okay...BAI *logs off*


Moonshine- claws glow brightly as eyes turn white while starclan gives me powers yowls jumps on shadepaw sinks claws into tiny cat rips out eyes shreds ears rips off tale breaks spin breaks leg breaks skull snaps neck no miss no dodge no revive no live then jumps on2 jaycall rips out thraote blinds with starclan powerz slams in2 ground stomps into mush no miss no dodge kills then jumps on snowpelt savin tormentsrar rips out her spin shaterz skull no miss no dodge kills jumps on wolftooth claws belly rips open stomch pulls out hert crushes kills no miss no dodge kills kills kills.

 ^ That's hilarious. Total NONSENSE XD
« Last Edit: January 12, 2013, 01:54:29 am by Twizzlerr »

Offline -Mink-

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Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« Reply #183 on: January 12, 2013, 05:48:03 pm »
NOTE: This is all from memory.  If you were involved and this is not how it went, please tell me.  

Once, I was RPing in Fluorite Plains as my warrior cat, Wildblaze.  Two kits, Leopardkit and Tinykit (I think that was the other kit's name, I only remember Leopardkit because of what happened soon after), were "fighting".  Actually, Leopardkit was throwing Tinykit off a hill. 

Tinykit: *whimpers in fear*  
Leopardkit: Leopardkit grabbed Tinykit and threw the kit off the hill.  
Tinykit: *hits ground and mews in pain*  
Wildblaze (me): The ginger longhair approached the two kits and stuttered, "W-what are you two d-doing?"  (Note: Wildblaze has a disorder that makes her stutter when she speaks)  
Leopardkit: Leopardkit sprang at Tinykit, aiming for the eyes with claws unsheathed.  
Tinykit: *yowls, is blinded by Leopardkit's attack, blood dripping from eyes*  
Wildblaze: The she-cat pushed the kits apart and gasped, "Leopardkit!  W-what are you d-doing!?"  

(Here's where Leopardkit's godmod powers activate)  

Leopardkit: Leopardkit clawed at Wildblaze's nose, drawing blood.  
Wildblaze: "S-stop!"  She pinned the kit down with her paw.  
Leopardkit: Leopardkit gained super-strength from Starclan and tossed Wildblaze away.  
Wildblaze: O.o))
Pharaohstar: *walks over* What's going on here?  
Wildblaze: Pharaoh, he have a powerplayer))  
Wildblaze: Who would Starclan give power to a kit that was trying to kill another kit?))  
Wildblaze: Dark forest kitties?  lolwut))
Leopardkit: "If I'm not allowed to do what I want, I quit!"  With that, the kit ran away.  
Pharaohstar: Wildblaze, go get him.  
Wildblaze: "O-okay."  The ginger cat chased after the runaway kit.  

Then, basically, I spent about half an hour chasing Leopardkit all over Fluorite.  I lost track of him somewhere on the L island in the northwest, but only because I was tired from pressing the equip button like crazy.  And not only that, but it was getting VERY dark because of my Realistic night and Day mod, so even with nametags I wouldn't be able to find him if he stayed hidden among the floofs.  

Now, in-RP, 6 moons passed and stuff and I was still lost on that island, my clan having never heard from me since that day except in OOC chat.  Then I saw Leopardkit again, but now he was LeopardPAW, and he was a member of Bloodclan, and the Twolegs had given him metal claws (they were technically cybernetics, but how could a cat understand that?).  And the VERY FIRST THING HE DID was powerplay at me.  

Wildblaze: The lost warrior saw a familiar cat walking in her direction.  She froze when she recognized him as the kit who she still had yet to bring back to camp, except now older.  
Leopardpaw: "Wildblaze!  It's been a while!  As you can see, I joined Bloodclan, became an apprentice, and the Twolegs gave me these!"  He flexed his metal claws.  He then leaped at Wildblaze, knocking her over and ripping her chest.  
Wildblaze: Wildblaze yowled in pain and tried to shove the bloodthirsty apprentice off.  

It was at this point that a random horse appeared.  Don't remember her name, though.  

Horse: O.o))  
Wildblaze: Yes, an apprentice is killing a warrior.  Deal with it BI))  
Leopardpaw: The apprentice sank his fangs into Wildblaze's throat and continued ripping up her chest.  
Horse: o.O))  
Wildblaze: Nothing to see here, horse.  Move along.))

The horse ran off while Leopardpaw continued to powerplay all over me.  I decided to keep trying to literately get away from him.  BUT...then the horse came back with a whole clan of cats.  Insanity followed.  

Other clan's leader (OCL) (don't remember his/her name): What's going on here?  
Wildblaze: The worst case of powerplaying ever BI))  
OCL: Well, this horse told me an apprentice was killing a warrior.  
Leopardpaw: The Bloodclan apprentice saw that Wildblaze was still breathing, so he ripped her throat again and tore open her stomach.  
Wildblaze: That's EXACTLY what's happening BI))  

The other clan and the horse just stared at us, then left.  I'm not going into detail about what happens next because it's too gruesome, but the end result was Leopardpaw soaked in blood and poor Wildblaze missing a LOT of fur and flesh and stuff.  And it all just got worse, until...

Tsunami: *grabs everybody on the coast and takes them out to sea no miss*  
Leopardpaw: *dodges* least that was over.  The tsunami was pretty random though lol  

I was eventually randomly saved by another clan (though Wildblaze was permanently muted by the throat wound), but all the events afterwards are unimportant because every time I encountered Leopardpaw after that (though he is a warrior named Leopardheart now), no powerplaying happened.  But ****, did that little adventure effect all the clans in the plains.  

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« Reply #184 on: January 12, 2013, 06:47:20 pm »
NOTE: This is all from memory.  If you were involved and this is not how it went, please tell me.  

Once, I was RPing in Fluorite Plains as my warrior cat, Wildblaze.  Two kits, Leopardkit and Tinykit (I think that was the other kit's name, I only remember Leopardkit because of what happened soon after), were "fighting".  Actually, Leopardkit was throwing Tinykit off a hill.  

Tinykit: *whimpers in fear*  
Leopardkit: Leopardkit grabbed Tinykit and threw the kit off the hill.  
Tinykit: *hits ground and mews in pain*  
Wildblaze (me): The ginger longhair approached the two kits and stuttered, "W-what are you two d-doing?"  (Note: Wildblaze has a disorder that makes her stutter when she speaks)  
Leopardkit: Leopardkit sprang at Tinykit, aiming for the eyes with claws unsheathed.  
Tinykit: *yowls, is blinded by Leopardkit's attack, blood dripping from eyes*  
Wildblaze: The she-cat pushed the kits apart and gasped, "Leopardkit!  W-what are you d-doing!?"  

(Here's where Leopardkit's godmod powers activate)  

Leopardkit: Leopardkit clawed at Wildblaze's nose, drawing blood.  
Wildblaze: "S-stop!"  She pinned the kit down with her paw.  
Leopardkit: Leopardkit gained super-strength from Starclan and tossed Wildblaze away.  
Wildblaze: O.o))
Pharaohstar: *walks over* What's going on here?  
Wildblaze: Pharaoh, he have a powerplayer))  
Wildblaze: Who would Starclan give power to a kit that was trying to kill another kit?))  
Wildblaze: Dark forest kitties?  lolwut))
Leopardkit: "If I'm not allowed to do what I want, I quit!"  With that, the kit ran away.  
Pharaohstar: Wildblaze, go get him.  
Wildblaze: "O-okay."  The ginger cat chased after the runaway kit.    

I remember that roleplay day, cuz of course I played the roll of PharaohStar. You can bet your whiskers I gave that LeopardKit a very stern talking to... and I even shook my clawed finger at him.

I got a story... a very amusing story. I was sitting on a rock alone as a lonesome fox, when all of the sudden some random rogue cat came up to me and started harrassing me. He started map claiming and powerplaying, and it went a little something like this...

Rogue cat: "Get OFF tis rock! THis is MY territory!"
Me: -Looks at the cat- "No it isn't. I was here way before you ever showed up. Besides, you're a rogue cat. Rogue cat's don't have a territory" T^T
Me: -Sticks nose in the air and ignores the cat-
Rogue cat: -jumps on the fox claws eyes out!! rips out throaut and killlls her NO MISS!!-

At this point I wanted to block this guy, but I had a better idea to play along with this mad cat's game. >:D

Me: -Dies and comes back as a ghost- "Wooohooohooh. Now that you killed me, I'm a ghoooost now Ooooohh"
Rogue cat: O_o
Me: "Since I was murdered here I will forever haunt this place... and this rock. Whooooooh!"
Rogue cat: -Attacks the ghost fox and claws her eyes out-
Me: You can't kill me again or even touch me, I'm already dead. Im a ghost, remember? You'll just go right through me))
Rogue cat: POWERPLAYER!!! >:O
Me: Says the one who insta-killed me. Now either leave me alone, or I will haunt you even more))

After that he pretty much had a big fit and left. I was lmao so much XD
Btw all the "Woooohoohoooo" things I said were supposed to be the sound of ghost moans
« Last Edit: January 12, 2013, 06:49:42 pm by LadyAlizarin »

Offline Dragonite

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Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« Reply #185 on: January 16, 2013, 08:11:30 pm »
I love this thread.You know why?Just because I made some powerplayers look bad,no one,I repeat,no one,ever powerplayed me again.Look at this example.


ThunderKit-Thunder got energy from the claws,and its fangs began shinong with electr1city.Starclan gave him power from the skies.

-and here I appear-

Dragonite(I was on my fursona):Hey,watchyadoin'?Powerplayin'?
Thunderkit:Thunder noticed the big oramge dragon and charged forward,spikes rippping off his throath.
Dragonite:Niiiice :D!Now I got more stories for the forums.
Thunderkit:Wa1t.U R Drgonite?Frum the furoms?
Dragonite:Yes indeed my good fella.
Dragonite:Ok,think I am lying,if you want.I can put you on the forums and gazillions of people will look at you and laugh,pointing out how an idiotic powerplayer you are.Go ahead,powerplay some more.
He didn't.So,because he didn't,I didn't put his real name here.But poor me,now everyone stops powerplaying when I'm around.Actually...I begin to miss those guys.They were annoying,but...At least they give us something to laugh about,you know?At least...They give us something to...Talk about...
Nope. Get out. Get. Out. Move ya tail out of my cave. I told you. A million times. And you took it any way. Lemme put it in a way you might understand. THUNDERPUNCH!

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Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« Reply #186 on: February 09, 2013, 10:47:00 pm »
Ever seen a a herd of horses take on a female hippo? Here, let me show you:

Hippo: bites down on skull killing instantly

The horses seemed quite nice and non-powerplayerfull at first, but then...

Horse 1: stamps on hippos spine
Horse 2: tramples all over


Basically that repeated for a while, a bunch of people, including me, said to block the hippo, yet so they listen? No. :P

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Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« Reply #187 on: February 10, 2013, 11:18:37 pm »
Ever seen a a herd of horses take on a female hippo? Here, let me show you:

Hippo: bites down on skull killing instantly

The horses seemed quite nice and non-powerplayerfull at first, but then...

Horse 1: stamps on hippos spine
Horse 2: tramples all over


Basically that repeated for a while, a bunch of people, including me, said to block the hippo, yet so they listen? No. :P

Not the first time I've seen horses take on a powerplaying animal that in reality, would kill them.

Dragon f: sits and watches water
Horse 01: tramples the dragon hit no miss
Dragon f: wtf r u doing
Horse 01: bites flesh and eats it "u stupid dragon" he sayed
Dragon f: GO AWAY I HAT U. *breths fire hit no miss*


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Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« Reply #188 on: February 11, 2013, 01:41:56 am »
NOTE: This is all from memory.  If you were involved and this is not how it went, please tell me. 

Once, I was RPing in Fluorite Plains as my warrior cat, Wildblaze.  Two kits, Leopardkit and Tinykit (I think that was the other kit's name, I only remember Leopardkit because of what happened soon after), were "fighting".  Actually, Leopardkit was throwing Tinykit off a hill. 

Tinykit: *whimpers in fear* 
Leopardkit: Leopardkit grabbed Tinykit and threw the kit off the hill. 
Tinykit: *hits ground and mews in pain* 
Wildblaze (me): The ginger longhair approached the two kits and stuttered, "W-what are you two d-doing?"  (Note: Wildblaze has a disorder that makes her stutter when she speaks) 
Leopardkit: Leopardkit sprang at Tinykit, aiming for the eyes with claws unsheathed. 
Tinykit: *yowls, is blinded by Leopardkit's attack, blood dripping from eyes* 
Wildblaze: The she-cat pushed the kits apart and gasped, "Leopardkit!  W-what are you d-doing!?" 

(Here's where Leopardkit's godmod powers activate) 

Leopardkit: Leopardkit clawed at Wildblaze's nose, drawing blood. 
Wildblaze: "S-stop!"  She pinned the kit down with her paw. 
Leopardkit: Leopardkit gained super-strength from Starclan and tossed Wildblaze away. 
Wildblaze: O.o))
Pharaohstar: *walks over* What's going on here? 
Wildblaze: Pharaoh, he have a powerplayer)) 
Wildblaze: Who would Starclan give power to a kit that was trying to kill another kit?)) 
Wildblaze: Dark forest kitties?  lolwut))
Leopardkit: "If I'm not allowed to do what I want, I quit!"  With that, the kit ran away. 
Pharaohstar: Wildblaze, go get him. 
Wildblaze: "O-okay."  The ginger cat chased after the runaway kit. 

Then, basically, I spent about half an hour chasing Leopardkit all over Fluorite.  I lost track of him somewhere on the L island in the northwest, but only because I was tired from pressing the equip button like crazy.  And not only that, but it was getting VERY dark because of my Realistic night and Day mod, so even with nametags I wouldn't be able to find him if he stayed hidden among the floofs. 

Now, in-RP, 6 moons passed and stuff and I was still lost on that island, my clan having never heard from me since that day except in OOC chat.  Then I saw Leopardkit again, but now he was LeopardPAW, and he was a member of Bloodclan, and the Twolegs had given him metal claws (they were technically cybernetics, but how could a cat understand that?).  And the VERY FIRST THING HE DID was powerplay at me. 

Wildblaze: The lost warrior saw a familiar cat walking in her direction.  She froze when she recognized him as the kit who she still had yet to bring back to camp, except now older. 
Leopardpaw: "Wildblaze!  It's been a while!  As you can see, I joined Bloodclan, became an apprentice, and the Twolegs gave me these!"  He flexed his metal claws.  He then leaped at Wildblaze, knocking her over and ripping her chest. 
Wildblaze: Wildblaze yowled in pain and tried to shove the bloodthirsty apprentice off. 

It was at this point that a random horse appeared.  Don't remember her name, though. 

Horse: O.o)) 
Wildblaze: Yes, an apprentice is killing a warrior.  Deal with it BI)) 
Leopardpaw: The apprentice sank his fangs into Wildblaze's throat and continued ripping up her chest. 
Horse: o.O)) 
Wildblaze: Nothing to see here, horse.  Move along.))

The horse ran off while Leopardpaw continued to powerplay all over me.  I decided to keep trying to literately get away from him.  BUT...then the horse came back with a whole clan of cats.  Insanity followed. 

Other clan's leader (OCL) (don't remember his/her name): What's going on here? 
Wildblaze: The worst case of powerplaying ever BI)) 
OCL: Well, this horse told me an apprentice was killing a warrior. 
Leopardpaw: The Bloodclan apprentice saw that Wildblaze was still breathing, so he ripped her throat again and tore open her stomach. 
Wildblaze: That's EXACTLY what's happening BI)) 

The other clan and the horse just stared at us, then left.  I'm not going into detail about what happens next because it's too gruesome, but the end result was Leopardpaw soaked in blood and poor Wildblaze missing a LOT of fur and flesh and stuff.  And it all just got worse, until...

Tsunami: *grabs everybody on the coast and takes them out to sea no miss* 
Leopardpaw: *dodges* least that was over.  The tsunami was pretty random though lol 

I was eventually randomly saved by another clan (though Wildblaze was permanently muted by the throat wound), but all the events afterwards are unimportant because every time I encountered Leopardpaw after that (though he is a warrior named Leopardheart now), no powerplaying happened.  But ****, did that little adventure effect all the clans in the plains. 

Christ man. Best story ever. XD Mother nature is best character.

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Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« Reply #189 on: February 13, 2013, 01:41:49 am »
Once I was running around South Pole as my wolf dog character, and this wolf Named Eive walks up to me and goes,
Me: "Hello"
Eive: "Bye
So, I run around the map looking for my group and I run along Eive again. She goes:
Me: "When did this happen?"
Me: Have fun with that...
Eive: -Rips out neck and blood flies everywhere-
Me: Mmm ketchup!
Eive: "DIE!" -Kills and then you go to hell as satan keeps killing you- "SEND A POSTCARD!"
Me: -Sends Postcard that has a picture of me in a flowery shirt on- "HI! I LOV EIT HERE!"
Eive: -Kills everyone in the map and shouts- "THIS IS FOR YOU GABE!"
Me: Gabe do you know her?
Gabe (FINALLY!): I know her..but who the heck are you?
Me: Long story, Eive is pshyco.

And then the map crashed.
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