Author Topic: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!  (Read 16989 times)

Offline Jackalfur

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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2012, 03:15:05 am »
I'd like to join, if that's alright. c:

Name: Sorrelpaw (Sorrelflight)
Gender: Female
Age: 6 moons
Personality: Sorrelpaw is a kitten who you would call happy-go-lucky and nosy. She tends to get into everything, occasionally sneaking out of camp to explore with her brother. She's incredibly rowdy and unlike most she-cats, she loves to play-fight-- whether it gets her and her sibling into trouble or not. Along with her curious-kitty attitude, she takes a liking to be out in the forest instead of loitering around in camp.
History: Born and raised in ThornClan with her littermate, Bramblepaw. Her mother is a lynx-point siamese named Morningstream, her father a tabby-tortoiseshell known as Iceclaw.
Clan: ThornClan
Rank: Apprentice
Siblings: Bramblepaw
Mate: N/A
Kits: N/A

Name: Bramblepaw (Bramblethorn)
Gender: Male
Age: 7 moons
Personality: Rude, sarcastic, blunt and even a little impulsive, Bramblepaw has a mildly strong ambition to become a great warrior. He's a little overprotective of his sister, Sorrelpaw, but he also tends to be a bully, though he cares about his Clan and kin dearly.
History: Born and raised in ThornClan with his littermate, Sorrelpaw. His mother is a lynx-point siamese named Morningstream, his father a tabby-tortoiseshell known as Iceclaw.
Clan: ThornClan
Rank: Apprentice
Siblings: Sorrelpaw
Mate: N/A
Kits: N/A

Name: Quailfeather
Gender: Female
Age: 13 moons
Personality: Quailfeather is a sullen, quiet she-cat. She tends to avoid large crowds of cats, though she looks to her Clan as family. This feline's muzzle usually bears a shy smile; she could think of nothing else better than being a medicine cat, seeming to love healing, rather than battling.
History: Born and raised into CreekClan by her father and an unknown rogue as her mother. Her father, Hawkstrike, died after she was promoted medicine cat apprentice, and later on her mentor died as well.
Clan: CreekClan
Rank: Medicine Cat
Siblings: N/A
Mate: N/A
Kits: N/A

ヌ - ド ル

Offline heartsgirl99

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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2012, 12:52:07 am »
((thank you crystal. Do you want us to start now?))
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Offline Taakah

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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2012, 01:21:24 am »
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 01:23:12 am by ~Taakah »


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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2012, 01:48:48 am »
I wanted to add one more character, yet I didn't feel like edditing my older post. xDD. So, I'll just put all three of my applications up here!

(His name will not change, even after entering the clans)


Eight Moons

Milleniuco is the kind of cat that tends to tease others abit, and even bullies people- to get them to stop bullying other people, anyway. Milleniuco is abit carefree and happy-go-lucky. He tends not to mourn over the past and instead focuses not on the future, but simply the present.
Milleniuco also had a 'If I had to point the gun at my head and pull the trigger to save someone else, I'd do it" policy, which pretty much means that he's willing to sacrifice his life to someone else. Infact, near the begining of this all, he actually doesn't want to hurt anybody, even if it means self-defense for himself. Though, later on, he'll learn that dying for someone else will only cause them greif and hurt them even more, and he should try to fight back.

Milleniuco was orginaly a house-pet, one of the more, 'fourtanate' ones actually. He lived in a house larger than most, and was permited to go out into his garden whenever he pleased. The garden was pretty much full of catmint and other medicene-cat essentials, did I mention that? But, one day, sometime out of the ordinary, and something quite terrible happened. His owners died in a car accident, and no one was left for him. No one but Jay, a friendly rouge which he had tooked quite a liking to. Now, the two roam the forest, teaching eachother anything that might be essential to their survival.

To-Be ThornClan

Loner, ThornClan apprentice,


(Later to be MockingJay- this was a nickname Milleniuco gave her)

Nine Moons

Jay is slightly more cold-hearted than Milleniuco, and is the kind that actually values her life, and would only throw it away for the feline the cared about the most. She can be slightly rude at times, and sure, she even uses some foul-mouthed language, like "foxdung" or something like that. But, she's still nice, and is the sort of cat that actually gives a crap for some other cat's safety. Jay seems to only be especially nice to Milleniuco though- probaly since they had been talking to each other for awhile, not to mention Milleniuco would sometimes feed her some of his dinner.
Jay will also do anything, anywhere, anytime if it means a reward or a treat. This part of her personality will also sometimes get her into trouble. Jay doesn't forgive easily either, this might be because of a part of her past.

Jay has lived most of her life as rouge or loner. Of course, she didn't simply 'survive on her own' as a kit, infact, her mother taught her many things until she was about six moons, then she left her to fend for herself. But, fourtantly, she got a little off the hook when she went rabbid on Milleniuco, who managed to wander outside his garden at night. Ever since then, she's managed to get him to give her some of his supper. Of course though, she still had to hunt. She's currently about in the same situation as Milleniuco right now- wondering through the forest where the clans have been formed aimlessly.


Loner/Rouge, ThornClan Apprentice,

(Note: His eyes are different colours. One Wine red, and the other bright gold)

(Weither his name shall change once he enters the clans in unknown, for now)


Eight Moons

Vincent is abit cold-hearted and usually speaks in First-Person, and usually just First-Person alone. Vincent is quite the opposite of his brother, Milleniuco. By being more cold-hearted, violent, and less protective of his friends. This tom is also, to be truthful, abit of a pervert. Though, this shouldn't make anyone want to spit back up their lunch or anything less in roleplay, as I made sure he wasn't that big of a one. Also, when I said Vincent was 'violent' I didn't just mean he wasn't afraid to kill- It was more of a, "Let's paint the grass red with blood!" thing. This will probaly earn him some cold stares from future clan mates.
Vincent is also the kind of feline that would never throw his life away for another, and values it over pretty much everything else.

Vincent was actually sort of 'seperated' from Milleniuco after the first five moons of his life. This happened after his mother kicked him out, grumbling about his dangerous 'blood lust' and different coloured eyes, which were the colours of impurity. After that, he pretty much just somehow managed on his own. Vincent knew little of hunting, which was a problem- one that he managed to pull through though. Of course, he was well unaware of the dangers that the clan cats possesed if he got too close to their territory. Though, despite all that worrying and fear and everything else, Vincent still clung onto the memory of Milleniuco, his only playmate, and his only 'friend'.

ThornClan or StormClan
Loner, ThornClan/StormClan Apprentice/Warrior


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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2012, 01:52:42 am »
Ehhh, I might make Inenr a apprentice.
I see...SO. MANY. KITS. >_<
There gonna flood the nursery xD

Errrmmm, Innerpaw?

Really, thats A. LOT. OF. KITTENS.

Ill make her 6 moons, just because of all those young kittieeesss.


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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #25 on: September 28, 2012, 02:00:39 am »
*Glances up at Meowzers*

*Looks through applications*

Wow... There is alot of kittens! xDD.

So many that there'll be no warriors to protect the clans.. /shotdead

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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2012, 02:16:43 am »

Offline okami129

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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2012, 02:28:50 am »
... Meowzers... and FusedHearts... -Gives up anmd sticks head in a blender.-))

Name: Ib
Gender: Female
Age: 6 moons
Personality: A kind, innocent kit with a sweet, adventurous personality. (Will darken it later)
Clan: None
Rank: Kittypet
Siblings: None (Unless applied to be one)
Mate: None
Kits: None

Name: Redear (Sin)
Gender: Female
Age: 24 moons
Personality: Serious and dark, she's ambitious and... well, evil would be a good stereotype.
History: We remember
Clan: Stormclan
Rank: Leader
Siblings: owo Unless proven wrong, they're all DEAD
Mate: ?
Kits: Diseased

((Shadow, can I continue to hold the role of leader? It was originally mine))
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 02:14:25 pm by okami129 »

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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #28 on: September 28, 2012, 03:37:44 am »
((Yus, lots of kitteh kats.
I shall bump Webkit's age up to six moons too, that seems like a good idea xD))
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline okami129

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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2012, 02:15:05 pm »
Bumped up Ib's age as well. owo))

The liar and the thief