Author Topic: || Cats of the Battle || Remake of my Warrior Cat roleplay || Open  (Read 95288 times)

Offline Jackalfur

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Re: || Cats of the Battle || Remake of my Warrior Cat roleplay || Open
« Reply #470 on: February 08, 2013, 11:56:23 pm »
((Again, sorry for my absence ;w; I've been a bit side-tracked lately, and I haven't really had any idea of what to post...
Just gonna apply one cat for now, the other is still a bit in-progress owo;

21 moons
Wrenflight isn't exactly the hardest to talk to-- actually, she probably would take up the chances of even talking to complete strangers if she felt like it. She's one you could call "the-extremely-oblivious-excuse-for-a-cat", and despite being a warrior, she is more or less incapable of being serious until she gets yelled at. This cat acts more like a kit than a full-fledged warrior, and earning her the nickname some close friends give her, she's like a kit in warrior's disguise. Even then, she is surprisingly understanding when it comes to someone's problems, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have any flaws. She has a terrible fear of storms, to the point where she'll literally try to shelter herself with another cat if she hears thunder, and she doesn't seem to excell very well in climbing trees.
Yet, Wrenflight can be very stubborn and impulsive when it comes to fighting her battles, as of which she thinks she has quite enough confidence to take care of everything herself, even if she doesn't. She's more or less naive and headstrong when it comes to tough situations and while she is rash at making decisions, she's a positive, easy-going cat in general.
History: Wrenflight first started her outside life as a loner who lived around the Twolegplace and got her food by meowing and almost pleading to be fed by the numerous Twolegs who lived there as well. Of course, she'd avoided being taken in by any of them, and instead of targeting only one house she just went to one, then another, and the process continued for a few moons until she got somewhat bored of staying in one place all the time. This was when she set out to explore, but after a little while she accidentally crossed a boundary and ended up in StormClan's territory, and from there she took up an offer to join them. She was around 11 moons at that point, and she's been with the Clan ever since.
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A

*crawlsincorner* I'm sorry, I'm not good at histories ;w;" I hope this is alright.))

ヌ - ド ル

Offline okami129

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Re: || Cats of the Battle || Remake of my Warrior Cat roleplay || Open
« Reply #471 on: February 09, 2013, 12:48:46 am »
((Again, sorry for my absence ;w; I've been a bit side-tracked lately, and I haven't really had any idea of what to post...
Just gonna apply one cat for now, the other is still a bit in-progress owo;

21 moons
Wrenflight isn't exactly the hardest to talk to-- actually, she probably would take up the chances of even talking to complete strangers if she felt like it. She's one you could call "the-extremely-oblivious-excuse-for-a-cat", and despite being a warrior, she is more or less incapable of being serious until she gets yelled at. This cat acts more like a kit than a full-fledged warrior, and earning her the nickname some close friends give her, she's like a kit in warrior's disguise. Even then, she is surprisingly understanding when it comes to someone's problems, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have any flaws. She has a terrible fear of storms, to the point where she'll literally try to shelter herself with another cat if she hears thunder, and she doesn't seem to excell very well in climbing trees.
Yet, Wrenflight can be very stubborn and impulsive when it comes to fighting her battles, as of which she thinks she has quite enough confidence to take care of everything herself, even if she doesn't. She's more or less naive and headstrong when it comes to tough situations and while she is rash at making decisions, she's a positive, easy-going cat in general.
History: Wrenflight first started her outside life as a loner who lived around the Twolegplace and got her food by meowing and almost pleading to be fed by the numerous Twolegs who lived there as well. Of course, she'd avoided being taken in by any of them, and instead of targeting only one house she just went to one, then another, and the process continued for a few moons until she got somewhat bored of staying in one place all the time. This was when she set out to explore, but after a little while she accidentally crossed a boundary and ended up in StormClan's territory, and from there she took up an offer to join them. She was around 11 moons at that point, and she's been with the Clan ever since.
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A

*crawlsincorner* I'm sorry, I'm not good at histories ;w;" I hope this is alright.))
Another member for the stormclan army! Accepted.
Ph, and if you have confusion here's what's going on, Redear killed Feliciar and the rogues are defeated, Songfeather was framed for murder and had fled in fear and shock, Lionpaw joined the dark side and I'm still figuring out what to do with Shadow or if he's still being rp'd, and Ivorythorn had ran off to confront Leopardpaw and so far they may battle again, but maybe Foxpaw will end up spying on them and listening in on their conversation. [Hint] And as for OOC stuff, Crystal quit the rp and we're making it a youtube series, and Blacki, Fused, and myself are in-charge of accepting people and enforcing rules.))

Edit: Animation preview))
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 01:24:36 am by Okami129 »

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Offline heartsgirl99

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Re: || Cats of the Battle || Remake of my Warrior Cat roleplay || Open
« Reply #472 on: February 09, 2013, 04:39:27 pm »
((@okami: I like the animation, I couldn't stop staring at it for a few seconds. And I'm still roleplaying shadow.

@temporal: that's a pretty kitty you got there *randomly hugs wrenflight before letting go of her*

@dragonite: I think you made a small mistake in your post. Redear is a she-cat, not a Tom but it's ok, everyone makes mistakes once in a while.

*throws the thread back on the top and then waits for fused before roleplaying while thinking about killing blossom, fireblaze and badger*))

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Re: || Cats of the Battle || Remake of my Warrior Cat roleplay || Open
« Reply #473 on: February 09, 2013, 10:56:36 pm »
((YAY! New charries! Wrenflight is so pwitty!
Dat animation of Redear :3 Can't wait to see when its finished U_U
Ahmaigad Im so proud ;_; My first long post in ages.))

"Oh dear, quite a temper." The ocelot responded, causing Ivorythorn to draw back as if she'd been burned.
"You should know that better than anyone," The silver tabby hissed, a malignant glare present in her eyes. "If you we're hoping for a chat, than you are sorely mistaken." Normally, the young false deity would give her foe the chance to scurry away before anything got too bad, but it was obvious that Leopardpaw was all too smug to back away now. It was apparent that if Leopardpaw wanted to gain leadership over all of the clans, then she would have to get past Stormclan, and most of all Ivorythorn. Their last battle in Nightclan had been a draw, and it seemed that Leopardpaw wanted to settle it once and for all.
"If you wish to play a game...Then lets begin."

She began to circle her opponent as if she were prey, her good eye taking in all exposed weak spots and dictating which one to strike first.
((Gosh these two are just bundles of drama. This is sort of a spur of the moment idea, but I was thinking of making an AMV of Red and Ivory to a vocaloid song *shrug*))

Riverstorm smirked feverishly at the slow sadistic murdering of Facilier, the tom that had once threatened his mate and clan. Just another enemy down, after all. Not much to celebrate about, but despite this Riverstorm let out a caterwaul of victory that sent any lingering rogues away from the territory as fast and far as their legs could bring them.
"A fine kill," Ravensong marveled. Riverstorm's eyes sparkled in pure delight, purring in agreement. It soon faded though, as he realized there was still business to deal with. As Redear's deputy, he'd deal with the remaining Nightclan and Creekclan cats and let her have her fun with what was left of Facilier's corpse.

Riverstorm was never one to sugarcoat things, so when he approached Fireblaze, Tinytiger, and Silverheart, eyes blazing and fur bristling, he made it clear that he was most certainly NOT pleased with them being here. "I want you and your forsaken offspring out of here as quickly as possible." He spat bluntly. Most of the anger was directed at Fireblaze. The blue tabby didn't even acknowledge the fact that these cats had helped in the rogue battle. In his own narrow mind, it was all Redear's doing that they had even won.

Foxpaw didn't stick around to watch Redear finish off Facilier. He had come here to retrieve Lionpaw and Leopardpaw, and at the moment both of them were missing. He hoped that they hadn't been injured during the battle or led away somehow while he wasn't watching... The orange tabby slipped away from his parents eyes, knowing that he'd get in very bad trouble when he got back. All that mattered now was that he found his sisters. As he ventured further into Stormclan territory though, he started to regret this decision. The place seemed to be cloaked in darkness and not to mention chilled him to the bone. His ear flicked as he caught a piece of a conversation. His heart jumped up in his throat, barely able to contain his panic and excitement.
He crept forward, his belly brushing the snow dusted ground, navy blue eyes narrowed. Peering through a gap in the brush, he saw Leopardpaw standing there while Ivorythorn circled her like a wolf around a helpless sheep. Except Leopardpaw didn't look helpless, returning Ivorythorn's burning gaze with a confident one. 'What's going on?' He asked himself, blinking at the seemingly cryptic conversation the two she-cats were having. It was almost like most of it was just in their heads...

Q coughed, thoughts muddled and floating around his head in a confusing flurry. Was Lionpaw alright? What was all the yowling about? Why hadn't the whole of Stormclan returned yet? It would have been nice to know something about this whole ordeal. Hell, even if that something was that Redear was going to give him a thorough beatdown for helping the prisoner escape. How he hated to not know.  Like they say, curiosity killed the cat. At last he caught something, a scent that smelled vaguely like Riverstorm's, which in turn smelled vaguely like Paletail's, which made him pay extra attention. He scrambled up the steep sides of the rothole to see if he could hear anything, but all he could hear was soft labored pants. Through the overwhelming smell of the rothole, he could make out a trace of fear scent. He'd never really made Riverstorm out to be a particularly fearful beast, so he was now quite confused. Confused, and also more curious than ever. He needed to know. The somali tom curled up at the bottom of the rothole, savoring every muscle of strength he had and launched himself into the air. Q managed to grapple with the very edge and pull himself up, making tiny wincing noises as he did. Spending days doing nothing in a hole in the ground tends to make yourself grow unfit. He shook himself off, nose twitching as he searched around for whoever was out here. He caught a flash of calico fur and green orbs. "Paletail?" He asked tentatively. The she-cat let out a gasp and froze in her spot, pulling a look that a deer in the headlights would give. "Er..." The tom continued uncertainly, moving closer to examine the fragile creature in front of him.

The calico's eye grew even wider, if possible, and she edged back.

Surely this timid cat could not be Paletail. No. Not at all...

Songfeather forced her breathing to slow, hoping the tears on her cheeks had dried into her fur. This tom seemed like he was a loner, and hadn't shown any signs of hostility yet, but she had seen the shadow of disappointment that passed his face. He tried to move closer again, but upon seeing her tense, he stopped short as if any sudden movements would send her scurrying. "What worries you, she-cat? You look troubled." Came his soft voice. A short sob escaped from her throat. "Who are you?" She asked. "And where am I?"
"Ah. Lost, that must be it. I am Q, and you are in Stormclan."

Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline heartsgirl99

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Re: || Cats of the Battle || Remake of my Warrior Cat roleplay || Open
« Reply #474 on: February 10, 2013, 01:40:48 am »
fireblaze turned his head over to riverstorm, his green eyes blazing with anger as the stormclan deputy spat at him with words. "my kits aren't forsaken you piece of fox-dung!" he hissed, claws unsheathed in case. "will you like it if I insulted your kits, would you!? How about next time there is a war in your territory, I won't be saving your pelt and you would be lying on the ground yowling for paletail to come" he spat at the stormclan deputy, turning away to walk away from the battle-scarred blue-tabby. He stopped walking and turned his head over his shoulder to face riverstorm again. "maybe your mate should stop spreading rumors" he mumbled to the stormclan cat, turning his head back in place before dashing off to follow tinytiger and adderpaw back home. ((no, fireblaze is not evil, he's just in a very bad mood, that's all and this is why I want to get rid of him. *takes fireblaze to a Therapist*))

lionpaw's eyes widen a bit as two apprentices came out, which one of them tripped over a rock. She softly giggled a bit before fixing her blue eyes on them. "hello lizardpaw, Snowpaw and...." she paused for a second before continuing. "....Conan. I'm lionpaw" she said, trying her best not to stare at the little mouse hiding under the chubby apprentice. that's odd, Why would a mouse- wait a second, they aren't wearing those collars with teeth. I guess they aren't ready for them yet or maybe they have to earn the tooth collars she thought. "lizardpaw, Snowpaw. Why aren't you wearing those collars with tooth in them? Do you have to earn them or do you have to wait for one?" she asked the apprentices, her eyes glow with curiously.

"i have nothing to do with nightclan nor with their young but since i'm in a different territory, I should leave to find oak and stripedpaw and to listen to your order since your the deputy here" Silverheart meowed, ignoring fireblaze as she ran off towards her clan.  

as the medicine cat left stormclan, Silverheart followed the thunderpath, hoping that it was guide halfway back to camp. Being stuck in the den for a while kinda makes things hard when traveling from territory to territory like losing a trail to a flood. The she-cat could see two young cats, both of their green eyes fixed on something below them. oh my starclan.... breaking into a run, Silverheart dash towards them, picking up the scent of blood and death as she ran closer to the apprentices.

as the kit walked, shadow could hear meowing from nearby but ingored it. The yowls of pain coming from the battle scene oddly made him purr a few minutes ago but shook the thought away and kept on walking. why am I walking when I'm going nowhere? Better rest that is close to the- his thoughts were interrupted as he saw a tall pile of bones, his pale amber eyes widen as if he wanted to just run over to it and climb over to the top but his legs were aching and were begging for rest again. "all right" he hissed, laying down onto the ground, not caring if it was soft or not. Curling up into a ball of black fur, shadow laid his head down and closed his eyes, slowly drifting off into sleepiness.

the black and white kit got up, stretching his white legs before starting to walk to find his siblings. where are they at? he thought, perking his ears to attempt to pick up nearby sounds. "shadow, blossom!" he yowled, turning his head left and right to see if he can see his brother's black tabby pelt or his sister's tortoiseshell pelt. He picked up a fading scent of his brother mixed with a scent he remembered when the barn was attacked. rouges! his eyes widen with fear as he followed the scent trail. "s-shadow, I-I'm coming for you!" he mewed, the fur across his spine rasied.

After following the trail, the scent disappeared as if it was raining. No it wasn't rain that washed the scent away, it was a small puddle of water that did. I'm thirsty, maybe I should have some water before continuing he walked over to the water puddle, crouching low to the ground as if he was hunting. Lapping the water with his small tongue, his ears remained perked in case one of his siblings are nearby.

((edited post to shorten fireblaze's anger towards riverstorm and to add badger into this post. And edited the post again.))
« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 05:54:11 pm by Heartsgirl99 »
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Re: || Cats of the Battle || Remake of my Warrior Cat roleplay || Open
« Reply #475 on: February 11, 2013, 06:24:05 am »
She could tell the cat went limp, she could tell he was dead just like that. "Dead already? And this was what the descendant had to offer?" She had raised her head from the grasp as she let the feline lay there. "This is it? Seems like they aren't pulling much of an effort." She just stared down at the lifeless body, appearing unamused as she just stood there. Even in death Feliciar could see one thing that proven Redear to be the reaper, it was a black scythe as it cut his soul in half. "And I figured I'd have fun with you too." "A fine kill." Her attention perked from the body towards her deputy and warrior. She stared blankly at them, lowering her head and beginning to walk past them. "Return to camp, I've got something to attend to before my return." She paused a moment, a dark smirk creeping on her jaws. "And Riverstorm....." She turned her head slightly to glance at him with that dark humor smirk. "Play with Q real good for me when you return."
((For the record only the dead see the scythe))
As the silver she-cat was circling her, she didn't move at all other than turning her head slowly to watch the opponent. A smirk never leaving her face as she raised an eyebrow at the She-cat, she looked more smug. "So, what was it like?" She tilted her head in curiosity, starting to turn to circle with Ivorythorn as she lowered herself into an attack-ready position. [Hopefully insert an Ivory's "What was what like?" reply here] "You know, watching your own mother die. Was it fun?"

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Re: || Cats of the Battle || Remake of my Warrior Cat roleplay || Open
« Reply #476 on: February 11, 2013, 11:41:07 am »
Snowpaw shook her head."I think we have to earn them. I don't know, I am relatively new here, and Lizardpaw too.", said Snowpaw."Yes...And I just say, it is better not stay around me very much, or you might catch my clumsy disease", said Lizardpaw, accidentaly stepping on a lizard, that bit him."Ouch...", said Lizard."Why did Redear sent you?", asked Snowpaw, confused.Lizardpaw was being bitten by a bee, and crashed into a tree, a fruit falling in his head. Conan was running around him, trying to help Lizardpaw.

((MUAHAHAHA! Snowpaw's color is taking over my post!))
Nope. Get out. Get. Out. Move ya tail out of my cave. I told you. A million times. And you took it any way. Lemme put it in a way you might understand. THUNDERPUNCH!

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Re: || Cats of the Battle || Remake of my Warrior Cat roleplay || Open
« Reply #477 on: February 11, 2013, 10:43:31 pm »
I'm back! :D Sorry I've been away for a while, I've just been SO busy with school work and problems at home >_>

Offline heartsgirl99

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Re: || Cats of the Battle || Remake of my Warrior Cat roleplay || Open
« Reply #478 on: February 13, 2013, 05:40:05 pm »
((welcome back spiritwolf and it's ok, I understand why you have been gone for awhile.

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Re: || Cats of the Battle || Remake of my Warrior Cat roleplay || Open
« Reply #479 on: February 13, 2013, 09:17:31 pm »
((bnmp. My firsf affempt at writing with the keyboard sbacwards))
Nope. Get out. Get. Out. Move ya tail out of my cave. I told you. A million times. And you took it any way. Lemme put it in a way you might understand. THUNDERPUNCH!