Author Topic: Cyanide Sunshine [Inactive since 06/01/2013]  (Read 32799 times)

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness-Open For EVER!)
« Reply #120 on: November 05, 2012, 09:53:26 pm »
Name: Jacki
Codename: Saiko Cyanide Sunshine
Age: Twelve
Gender: Female
History: Her parents were in the Cult, and she was born into it. She's highly psychopathic now, and used to all of it. Saiko believes its what all kids go through and its the 'good' side.
Personality: Sociophopathic, cruel, curious and inquisitive. She is confused by what scraps of information she can get from her staticky little T.V.. She has questions like 'Since when is killing bad?' and 'Why is saving a life good?' The most confusing thing she finds are the cartoons. Why do the bad guys always win? Why do the good guys go to jail? Those things are just annoying. Saiko just can't figure out the outside world, why do the other children run from her? In her mind the world is upside-down. The people who save others should go to jail, in her twisted little mind.
Likes : Sweet foods, others her age in the Cult, her weapon, which is the pole-blade. (A staff with a blade on each end)
Dislikes: Those outside the Cult, laundry, anything pill-like and most cartoons and outside fables.
Hobbies: Listening to music, gaming, practicing with her poleblade and sketching.
Theme Song: Bad apple or iNSaNitY
« Last Edit: November 10, 2012, 01:30:10 pm by DJTrancix »

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness-Open For EVER!)
« Reply #121 on: November 06, 2012, 01:28:30 pm »
Sorry for my DAYS of inactivity! Still solving problem with pic to no avail. And BTW Radioactive, anyone born outside my country is lucky. In my country, election season comes and the moment one guy wins everyone has to line up on street sides holding up posters for the other guy! Youtube has nothing but election season ads. Over all, I hate the politics of my country. I honestly thought the whole ONE FREAKING RULER was a good idea. With one person controlling a nation, you do not have constant bickering over politics, things get done faster and are much more simple. If only my government could realize that.

And I'm blabbing a bit to much OOC. Still trying to sort my characters pic out. Thank you for waiting!))


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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness-Open For EVER!)
« Reply #122 on: November 06, 2012, 02:15:06 pm »
My gawd I got so far behind. I'll try to prevent this from happening in the future T^T)

"I'm fine. Just... Had a wardrobe malfunction," The young blonde joked nervously, fixing the weaponry on the racks next to him. With a sigh, he pat the guns, still upset he had caused them to fall. Jacqueline would make it up to the owners later by cleaning them. That sounded reasonable. "Thank you," His silver eyes glanced over at the taller male standing in front of him. No doubt a Phenomenon member, seeing as they were at headquarters. His name wasn't clicking inside the teen's head. Scratching his head sheepishly, Jacqueline fixed himself, pulling his pants up and patting off unseen dust from his body.

At the sound of his name being said, the blonde turned to see Iris and he smiled lightly. "Hey Iris," His silence returned as a slight awkwardness fell over him. Again, the guns seem to have fallen and Jacqueline went right to picking them up. Each action was hesitant as he placed them on their shelves. Pale hands lingered for a bit, making sure the weaponry stayed put. "Stay," His voice was soft, almost like talking to a dog, that you couldn't yell at, that just wanted to follow you. This habit repeated every so often, trying to make extra sure that they wouldn't topple over again.

"I uhm..." The teen turned towards the two and tried to speak. "I best be off. I have an assignment that I should begin prepping for and such," Jacqueline bowed his head. "Thank you again," With that, he mumbled a quick excuse me, and hurried off in the direction he was heading. The poor teen felt embarrassed a bit. Not only had old habits returned, mumbling to inanimate objects, but also he had made a fool of himself in front of the others. With a sigh, he slowed down his pace and walked along the halls. Right now he should be worrying about his assignment. The next person who was going to die by the hands of Jacqueline Micheal Fawn.

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness-Open For EVER!)
« Reply #123 on: November 06, 2012, 07:52:15 pm »
Oh, I already accepted you. No need to worry about the pic, I was being a bit knit-picky at the time for some reason and apologise for my difficulty. I'm on adding your character right now c:

Nice character, but could you mind fleshing out the personality more? You don't have to if you don't want to, since we can find out more in the roleplay, but I'm just a fan of detailed applications~heh,heh. I don't mind extra reading, but if you don't want extra writing, then you don't have to.

Oh, and please read over the rules one more time. I don't mean to be a control freak, I just want to make sure you know what's going on and stoof .3. If you say you've read the rules, I'll believe you, you just have to prove it to me in the roleplay or you could be kicked out. And I REALLY don't like kicking out members.))

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness-Open For EVER!)
« Reply #124 on: November 06, 2012, 08:42:15 pm »
[[ Uhm..bump ono;' ? * I can't do much.* ]]

Offline Wolfish Grin

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness-Open For EVER!)
« Reply #125 on: November 07, 2012, 02:19:41 am »
I really need to get around to updating my siggy.
Meh, but that would require effort.

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness-Open For EVER!)
« Reply #126 on: November 07, 2012, 03:12:40 am »
((Lol, thank you! I figured some might forget how her personality could really be, I was just waiting for the right moment to have it suddenly flick to something completely different, and the earthquake was the perfect opportunity XD

I love how everyone's characters are so unique here as well, there's like hardly any resemblance save for them all being completely insane lol I especially love Jared's skill at fencing <3

As for getting them all to meet up, I was actually considering if they could all head to dinner or something? I was also thinking that perhaps they could all set out on a mission together as training for Scythe since she's new, or if they have a training course they could do that instead and see her skills so they know how to put it to use in future missions. I also believe Iris and Jacqueline already have missions in mind..? Would either or both of them like any help, and then perhaps we could be split into two groups so not everyone is crowded..?
Tamah could actually help monitor both parties instead of one :3 But that's only if they even want help and are doing the missions solo haha.))
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"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline Ingredient

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness-Open For EVER!)
« Reply #127 on: November 07, 2012, 10:19:34 am »
Sorry for my inactivity, hurricane Sandy sounds pretty scary D: Katsa, Iris would love to have someone accompany her on the mission. Perhaps our characters should meet up? ^^ ))
Will be inactive due to work and exams.

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness-Open For EVER!)
« Reply #128 on: November 07, 2012, 12:06:17 pm »
((Sure thing! Tamah would be more than happy to help out! ^.^ And as I've said, she'd be able to help monitor both missions if required, she doesn't really do the job directly itself but rather hang on the sidelines and speak to members through transmitters or along those lines haha.

I can have her speak to Iris in my next post if you like, just waiting on everyone else to post first or feel free to approach her :3))
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline Ingredient

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness-Open For EVER!)
« Reply #129 on: November 07, 2012, 01:23:13 pm »
That would be great :D I shall make my post then, it won't be very long though. Maybe after a conversation we could head to the training rooms or dinner, it would be good for Iris to practice a bit before starting the mission at 7))

Both the young gentleman said hello, that pleased her. Most of the time when she would say hello to people they would ignore her. That's why she loved the Phenomenon members, they were family and friends to her. Not snobs or a bunch of ungrateful beings. She smiled at Jack as he replied, the gun-rack fell down unexpectedly and startled her. Perhaps that was the second time it fell? Might explain why they're both on the ground, she thought to herself. It felt a bit awkward standing there watching the two clean up the mess, she thought for a while wondering if she should help or not. Too late, that time had passed. The guns were already placed on their racks, neatly and "professionally" done. Her blue looked up at Jacqueline as he stood up and walked off, leaving his few words. She looked back at the other boy and smiled, "I also best be off, I have an assignment I plan on starting tonight. Good bye for now thed." Iris smiled and walked past the lad, her hands still behind her back. Iris felt as those last words of hers were a bit silly, she could've done better. She turned her head over her shoulder and checked if he was watching before giving herself a face palm.

The girl skipped down the hall to where she her most favourite of weapons are, she looked down each doorway she passed. A sight she saw through one certain door caught her attention, she slowed her pace and stepped back a bit to align her vision with the doorway. A large computer room, something she hadn't noticed before. Was this door closed when she last came? Quietly, Iris entered the room and observed the computer screens. The screens lightened her pale face and her eyes looked as if they were glowing. They flashed a magnificent crystal blue each time she blinked before toning down again. Iris observed every computer screen in front of her, interested in the activities she could see.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2012, 08:11:04 am by Ingredient »
Will be inactive due to work and exams.