Author Topic: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)  (Read 54535 times)

Offline ChloRill

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #190 on: January 23, 2013, 03:44:43 am »

Name: Kaito Tukimi
Gender: Male
Age: 18
(To Be Continued Tomorrow >w<)
Scream, shout! Scream, shout! We are the Fallen Angels!
We are the in between, cast down as sons of war,
struck to the earth like lightning, on this world we're torn,
we wont cause the pain, of livin' out their law,
take joy in who you are, we know our wings are flawed~

BVB - Fallen Angels

Offline silverMarie

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #191 on: January 23, 2013, 06:33:21 am »
Accalia nipped at Kira's ear as he repeatedly bumped into her side, finally he laid down but whipped his tail wildly, his whole body fidgeting as he did so. "Do I annoy you now?" Kira taunted while pawing her head, Accalia smirked "Nope." Finally he calmed down and let out a large yawn. Accalia grinned and jumped onto the bed and laid her fore-paws over Kira's back "It will probably be easier to annoy you." she teased. She pushed more of her body onto him and yawned "Who ever knew that you would be a good pillow?" she laughed as she slid off and laid on her side on the mattress. She yawned again and propped herself upon her elbow and looked at the door "When do you think Dodge will be back?" she kept her gaze on the door "What if your..friends..found him and are asking him where you are?" she looked at him and laid her ears back. "If anything happens to any of you it would be my fault, I'm sure they are trying to find me." she looked at the ground then back to the door. She got up and walked to the door and stuck her head out into the hall, she slowly exited the room and walked down the hall. With her nose to the ground she went into some of the rooms and continued her way down the hall until she came to a set of stairs. She looked back then slowly went up the creaky stairs, she could hear the squeaks of rats so she kept her gaze at her paws. When she reached flat ground she sniffed the air and could smell a sour scent but it was familiar. She growled and stalked forward, the scent was faint so he wasn't inside but he was somewhere close. The carpet felt odd on her paws as she made her way to large window, she could hear voices just on the other side of the window.
She crawled up to the window and lifted her head up and saw the familiar scarred face of the noble and a tall burly man. "Did you find the wolves yet?" the noble hissed "No, sir. But I can tell they're close. I heard them earlier." The noble glared at him "Kill them on sight, but if you are able to bring one or even both alive I will pay you well." Accalia whimpered and kept listening. Suddenly the noble turned to her, his scarred face made Accalia freeze, his eyes burned into hers and her blood ran cold. Then he turned away like he didn't see her, a sigh of relief left her maw and she ran back downstairs. She glanced at Kira then trotted over to him and laid next to him. "..He's out there." she could hear her heart beating in her ears "The noble, and he is looking for us." she whimpered. She kept her eyes staring at the floor with her ears laying against her head "We can't stay here."

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #192 on: January 23, 2013, 07:00:38 am »
((hi guys I might want to join this RP and i found a pic of how i want my char to look like but im not sure what it should be))


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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #193 on: January 24, 2013, 03:03:42 am »

  Accalia grinned and jumped onto the bed and laid her fore-paws over Kira's back "It will probably be easier to annoy you." she teased. She pushed more of her body onto him and yawned "Who ever knew that you would be a good pillow?" Kira blinked but couldn't help but laugh. "I was always told i eat too much, so i'm probably comfy because of the fat." He grinned as she she laughed, sliding offand laid on her side on the mattress. She yawned again and propped herself upon her elbow and looked at the door. The wolf followed he gaze tilting his head a bit. "When do you think Dodge will be back?" she kept her gaze on the door as Kira shrugged, "Most likely soon. He can't be gone for that long." "What if your friends... found him and are asking him where you are?" she looked at him and laid her ears back, "If anything happens to any of you it would be my fault, I'm sure they are trying to find me." she looked at the ground then back to the door. He heaved a sigh nudging the she wolf to comfort here.
   "Look, don't be worried. Dodge isn't a pup, he would't answer and he can outrun them.. And not everything is your fault Accalia..." Kira sighed heavily, meeting her eyes briefly, "It would be my fault most likely for dragging the dogs into this and pissing off the noble. But we are in this together. I won't let anything happen to you, trust me." Unusually, the wolf wore a friendly bright smile. Accalia looked at the ground then back to the door. She got up and padded to the door, sticking her head out into the hall before slowly exiting the room and down the hall. Kira sighed as she vanished, staying plopped down on the bed. He stared around, clawing his paws deep into the mattress in thought.
     What if she is right? Dodge has been gone for a long time... No, he has to be perfectly fine. maybe he just can't find food around here. He sighed quietly,deep in thought when his ears perked detecting faint muffled voices. He tilted his head and padded to the door but yelped in alarm when Accalia skidded in the doorway.  "He's out there." she whined worriedly. Kira tilted his head, "Dodge is?" "The noble, and he is looking for us." she whimpered. Kira froze, his eyes widening, pawing the ground nervously. Accalia kept her eyes staring at the floor with her ears laying against her head, "We can't stay here." The wolf nodded frowning, "Well, where do we go? I'm not familiar here. What if there isn't another exit?" Despite his whining, Kira charged in the opposite direction he heard the voices, searching around, hoping for an escape.
   He searched the rooms and down the hall and began to become worried. What if there isn't an escape? Will we have to fend of the noble again? Kira frowned, staring at Accalia, "We're underground. There's no windows to escape out of. How can we possibly escape?" Kira whimpered quietly, "We may be able to hide in one of the rooms somewhere, but I think thats our only option. Unless of course, you find a way out."


Offline silverMarie

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #194 on: January 24, 2013, 03:37:18 pm »
"Well, where do we go? I'm not familiar here. What if there isn't another exit?" Accalia lifted her head and looked around the room and watched Kira leave the room "Maybe we should just stop running." she whispered to herself. She stood up and walked around the room aimlessly with her eyes looking at the odd carpeting "They sure chose an ugly design." she stopped and pawed at the ground before moving along.  "We're underground. There's no windows to escape out of. How can we possibly escape?" Kira whimpered, Accalia looked at him, her eyes were dull and tired "..I don't know.." she said quietly. "We may be able to hide in one of the rooms somewhere, but I think that's our only option. Unless of course, you find a way out." Accalia shook her head and padded to the doorway and sat down.
She perked her ears as foot-steps could be heard overhead, she could also hear voices but they were too hushed to hear "Kira!" she whispered as she quietly ran towards him. "We gotta hide." she whispered she didn't know who was up there nor did she care she just knew they would have to hide. She trotted around the room and saw a partially opened closet, she jumped over to it and nudged it open with her nose. She almost yelped in surprise when a broom fell from the closet and hit the floor and making a loud bang sound. The steps upstairs stopped and their voices became more quieter and sped up "Dammit." she stepped into the closet and looked at Kira "Come on!" she waited for him before grabbing the rag that was tied to the handle and pulling it shut. She heard two sets of footsteps make their way down the stairs, she gulped and kept her ears alert, not wanting to be surprised.

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Offline Arkayy

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #195 on: January 29, 2013, 12:25:51 am »

   Kira's ears perked to the sound of footsteps and quiet chattering approaching them and shuffled his paws nervously whining. "Kira!" he heard Accalia whisper softly. He glanced over seeing her quietly run over to him. "We gotta hide." The wolf nodded in agreement,"But where?" His gaze moved around the room trying to think, but his concentration was broken when he heard a loud bang. Kira, paranoid and frightened by the noise of a fallen broom, jumped and let a loose yelp escape him.  He pawed over his mouth whispering an apology and looked up hearing the she wolf again.  "Dammit." she stepped into the closet and looked at Kira "Come on!" He blinked and rushed inside, trying to stay light on his toes. Accalia then grabbed the rag that was tied to the handle, like Dodge had done earlier, and pulled the closet door shut.
   The two heard two sets of footsteps make their way down the stairs. Kira glanced over seeing the she wolf gulp and keep her ears alert. Kira trembled himself unnervingly. Almost inaudibly, he whispered,"If they find us in here, you need to make a run for it. I should be able to distract them long enough. We can not fight them off again. " He heard the light foot steps getting ever nearer and whispered more quickly,"Trust me on this. We are in this together." His paws twinged nervously, his ears flat against his skull as he awaited cautiously for the footsteps, prepared for anything that my happen.

(sorry for the wait :/ was at my dad's.)


Offline silverMarie

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #196 on: January 29, 2013, 01:16:39 am »
"If they find us in here, you need to make a run for it. I should be able to distract them long enough. We can not fight them off again." Accalia growled "We stay together!" she whispered,  the footsteps stopped, Accalia couldn't tell where but she knew they did. She lowered her head and stared at the floor of the closet, the footsteps started again but they were getting closer. Accalia whined then looked at Kira "Trust me on this. We are in this together." Accalia looked at him, she knew he had a bad leg, he wouldn't be able to take on two people by himself. She lifted her head "I know what I have to do." she said to herself as she took in a deep breath. Soon the steps were right outside the closet, she looked at Kira with a saddened smiled on her face, she nudged his shoulder softly "See you later." She jumped from the closet with her teeth bared, she saw the man from before and another younger man, she slammed her body against the closet so that it wouldn't pop open. "There it is!" a bullet whizzed passed her, she looked at him and growled before running out of the room and down the hall.
The rushed steps of the two men were heard as she ran, she kept a steady pace so that would keep chasing her and not go back looking for Kira. She ran up the stairs and through the lobby, angered shouts came from the oldest of the two as she exited the building and burst out onto the street. She yelped when she was lifted up by her scruff, soon she was face to face with the noble, his ugly scarred face was burned into her mind. "Now who so we have here? You're the wolf who bit me earlier aren't you? You damaged my armor, you mutt!" he slammed her onto the ground but kept his firm grip. Accalia yelped as he lifted her back up "Now what to do with you." Accalia remembered how Kira had slashed the noble's face before, "Here goes nothing." she said quietly, then she dragged her claws across the noble's face. The noble yelled in pain and dropped her onto the ground, she lay there for a moment as the pain from his first assault began to grow.
He glared at her with one hand over his wound "Why you.." he slammed his foot down but missed by a hair, Accalia jumped up and ran down the street. She could hear the noble yelling at the two men, she hoped they didn't go back after Kira. She turned down an alley and jumped into a pile of old papers, she kept her eyes on the road and waited.

(It's alright, I was out of town.)

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Offline Arkayy

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #197 on: January 30, 2013, 04:57:45 am »
(X3 Poor noble. By the end of this rp, he'll be completely blind, or have no face at all. O.o Slendernoble! Also I like how Accalia hid Assassin's creed style.)

  The steps were right outside the closet. Kira moved a bit, ready to dart out of the closet. He blinked and glanced over at the she wolf, feeling her brush against his shoulder, "See you later." To his surprised, Accalia jumped from the closet with her teeth bared first, The wolf was about the follow her lead but the door slammed shut. Kira gave a confused expression and scratched the door. What is she doing?! He whined to himself in thought. "There it is!" he heard on the other side of the door as a bullet's echo scared Kira nearly half to death. He blinked when the bullet was stuck half way through the door. His ears perked hearing Accalia growl and soon after, the voices and footsteps silenced. Kira peered out of the closet, cracking the door a smudge open.
   "Ugh. I told her to let ME take care of them," Kira paced a bit angrily as he looked around. He grimaced a bit, unsure of what to do now. I can't follow her out. Those idiots will see me... Damn. Kira quickly darted around the building, keeping light on his feet. Room after room he searched for some sort of exit, but found nothing. As he padded towards the last room in the hall, his ears perked. He glanced in the direction, hearing the noise get closer. F-footprints? The wolf let out a low whine before jolting into the room silently. He searched the room desperately and his mood perked up. "A vent. If I can open it, I can get out of here home free," he whispered to himself in thought. A speck of hope flooded back into him as he approached the ventalation. The hollow footsteps began to trail nearer though. The wolf held his breath and rushed over to the vent.
   His jaws clamped tightly around the edge of the cover as he tried to yank it off. Kira flinched hearing the footsteps start to close in and pulled harder, locking his claws in the carpet. With one last yank, the cover snapped off and the wolf yelped rolling backwards. The metal cover clashed against the wall, causing a loud thud. Kira flinched and dart for the now open vent. He quickly weaseled his way inside but halted. A series of whines escaped his muzzled as a firm grip on his tail pulled him back into the room. He turned back, seeing an unfamiliar older man gripping his tail and by instinct, snapped at his hand, grazing his fangs deep from his wrist to his fingertips. Kira smirked a bit and turned back but was struck by a deafening echo.
   He clenched his jaws angrily, feeling a pain shoot in his neck. Kira yanked out the tranquilizer dart in his neck and glance behind him, feeling light headed and dizzy. Numbness struck hard through his body and he couldn't do anything but watch the two blurry figures above him. His eyes began to close. The wolf struggled to fight off his weariness. He panted heavily although he felt his jaws be restrained tightly by some sort of metal lock. As he felt his body being dragged across the ground, he whined and slowly drifted into unconsciousness.


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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #198 on: February 02, 2013, 09:40:32 pm »
(Bump? :/)


Offline silverMarie

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #199 on: February 05, 2013, 12:12:55 am »
Accalia heard footsteps getting closer, her heart began to race, then the noble and the hunters ran past the alley. A sigh of relief left her maw as she slowly stood up, she shok the wrinkled paper out of her pelt and trotted into the street. Using her illusion her blue haired 'form' ran down the street and to the abandoned hotel, she peered over her shoulder to make sure no one was watching then quickly pushed herself in. Not dropping her illusion, she ran through the old dark lobby and down the set of stairs leading to the spare rooms. She was about to call Kira until she saw two men dragging his limp form out from the room. She gasped and hid behind a beam "Hear that?" Accalia held her breath "Be quiet mouse brain, let's get out of here." Accalia let out a breath of relief before following their trail outside.
She watched as they loaded Kira into a cage, she began to panic, at the last minute she ran out "Oh my goodness! Thank the gods you founds him!" The men spun around in confusion. "Huh? What's going on here?" Accalia just let the words leave her mouth "You found Max!" she ran over to the cage and grabbed the bars "He is my dog." she looked at them, her eyes growing large, a small tear slid down her cheek "I have been looking for him for ages!" The men looked at each other, obviously stumped "Ma'am, this is your dog?" Accalia nodded her head vigorously "And you're sure?" Accalia let her 'crocodile' tears flow "Yes! He is my beloved friend and I missed him dearly." She wiped away the wetness from her cheeks "I'll pay you!" she began to dig in her empty pockets "That won't be necessary." the younger of the two said as the other glared at him, they must need the money.
Accalia smiled "Oh gosh, thank you!" She backed away to let the man unlock the cage, Accalia jumped forward and attempted to pick up Kira, she almost fell over at his weight "He is pretty heavy" she admitted. The man stood tall "I got him." he said proudly as he tried to pick him up, with a gasp he lifted Kira off the metal surface and laid him on the ground. "Once again, Thank you." The man winked at her "Anytime." Accalia waited for the men to drive off before grabbing Kira by the scruff and dragging him into another alley, she heaved him behind a dumpster and plopped down. "You need to lay off the rabbit." she said to herself, she looked at him, her illusion's blue hair blowing gently in the breeze. She looked at her friend and poked him "Are you awake yet?" her blue eyes looked curiously at his limp body.

(Sorry, I just moved into my new place and had no Wifi x.x)

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