Author Topic: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)  (Read 54539 times)


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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #30 on: November 24, 2012, 03:15:54 pm »
(Its going to be interesting between Saki and Haru considering he's a wolf hunter :o )
Agreed, lol. She's probably going to stay in her human form around him a lot until she probably accidentally shows him her wolf side? Then maybe PEWPEWPEW.
Sorry, I had two cinnamon rolls and I'm super hyper ;A;

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #31 on: November 24, 2012, 03:29:00 pm »
((Thats okay, I just ate some frosting because I was tired and I'm getting hyper by the minute ^-^ He might be able to tell without him seeing her wolf. When their in their human illusion they leave paw  prints instead of foot prints, and their shadows are wolves as well >:D)


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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #32 on: November 24, 2012, 04:12:07 pm »

Offline KnifeKnut

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #33 on: November 24, 2012, 06:04:09 pm »
Taossul wandered through the streets with no real destination in mind. The smell of flowers was faint sometimes, but it was always here. It was the only thing that kept him in this place; if it wasn't for that one thing, the scent of the flower, he would have been gone long ago. Nothing else in this city held anything for a wolf. Besides, everyone was starving out on the streets. Even though he could hunt whatever small creatures scurried into the darkest corners of the city, he was still hungry sometimes. Living on his own wasn't easy. For a moment his thoughts strayed to his family, and how excited his father would have been to be here. At least one of them had truly believed in the stories of Paradise. Until his first sniff of the flower scent, Taossul hadn't been so sure that it could exist. Wiping away a small tear from his eye, Taossul looked for anything to get his mind off of what he'd lost. A statue of a noble cast its shadow over him, and he glared at it with hatred. Humans were everywhere around here, and they'd all been trying to kill him since his family was exposed. He needed to get out of here! A faint wisp of scent, of the flower, calmed him, and he stood in the alley breathing it in deeply.

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #34 on: November 24, 2012, 06:19:25 pm »


Claws clicked against the pavement as Yume walked down the sidewalk. Humans trudge passed her, glaring at the sight of a stray 'dog', just another mouth to feed. She could tell the humans where cold, wearing jackets that they coward in. The she-wolf smiled, continuing on down the street. A small huff escapes her jaws, a small white cloud forming because of the cold air.
It was silent for a while, until her stomach growled, making her groan. She hadn't been able to find food in days, but she would never resort to begging to humans, so instead she steals food. As she was walking she caught the scent of hot dogs, foul food, but good enough for her to eat without vomiting. She came closer to the vendor, links where dangling slightly off the edge. Her massive paws started moving faster until she was sprinting. Yume quickly grabbed the dangling links and ran for it, the vendor yelling for the 'dog' to come back with his food. A rock whistled pass her ear, making her turn down an alley way, she looked back and smirked. Looking back forward until it was to late. The wolf plowed into the guy standing in the alley way. (Taossul)

(Posting for Haru in a second)

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #35 on: November 24, 2012, 06:41:03 pm »
Taossul had expected a lot of things to happen while he was in this city, but getting run over by a wolf definitely hadn't been one of them. Usually he wasn't getting run over by anything. Caught by surprise, he was knocked over by the force of the wolf's movement. "What the heck?" he demanded, rather angrily, as he stood and turned around. "A wolf? No way! In a little bit of a hurry, huh?" How had he just gotten run over in an alley in a human city by a wolf? "Who are you?" he asked, curious. He hadn't seen another wolf in a long time.

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #36 on: November 24, 2012, 06:54:30 pm »
(( Yeah, and even tougher for the wolves - Jen is going to have some special glasses to help her see through the illusions because she's working for a noble. >:D

Hey Crystal, I hate to bug you with this, but Nobles actually live in prominent keeps and are not poor at all. :) I don't think a noble family would live the way your post described. I don't mind if you leave your post the way it is, I'm just telling you this for future reference ^^ sorry ))

J e n i c a  R e b a n e         

The soles of her black hiking boots made soft thudding sounds as they impacted with the dirty cement, bearing their wearer toward an old bench on the sidewalk. The red-haired woman slid her hand into her pants pocket to grab a box of cigarettes as she approached the seat, placing the bottom tip of it between her pale pink lips as she sat down with a heavy sigh. In her jacket's pocket was her lighter, which she also retrieved, holding it up to her coffin nail and cupping her other hand around it as she turned the spark wheel. Soon it ignited her smoke and she took a draft, gazing around the cold city with a tired, unimpressed expression. It was about midday, but the sky was overcast beyond the dome; the sun was completely hidden though it still shared its light.
Her arms raised to rest on top of the back rest of the bench in a laid-back fashion. This was how every day was for Jen. Overcast, dull, and static. She was numb inside; nothing impressed her, surprised her, brought her happiness. All she wanted was revenge. Maybe she had become just as crazy as the old noble she worked for.
A few citizens walked by, tending to their daily businesses. None of them paid the red-head on the bench any mind, and she paid them no mind. Soon a scrawny, hungry-looking stray cat sauntered up to the bench, its dark-gray fur sparse and missing in some places. It cried a raspy mewl, gazing intently up at Jen with large, peridot eyes as it stood there with its tail raised, as if expecting her to throw some food down for it. Jen looked down at the poor creature, her pokerface never changing.
"Hey, puss."
It mewed again.
Jen glanced at a dog walking down the sidewalk of the opposite side of the street, thinking that her peripheral had caught sight of a wolf. But it was only a rat terrier. She relaxed again, letting her head lay back on the wall of the building with another sigh.
"I'd say we're about in the same shape, cat. Both of us are starving."
Though Jen didn't mean she wanted food.

She had finished her cigarette by now; she tossed it to the ground and stomped it out. Having only a black tank top under her jacket left her slightly chilled by the wind that gusted down the road with a passing car. The bench was placed near the door of a bar, which she wanted to go into for a drink. The woman rubbed a hand down her face, staring straight ahead for another moment. Then she stood and made her way to the door of the bar. The cat tried to follow her, but the door shut before its face, and it decided to hunt elsewhere.
It was much warmer inside the bar. At that moment, she was the only customer. A tall brunette man stood behind the counter, words tattooed onto his right arm in a foreign language that she could not decipher. He was wiping a glass with a rag, and acknowledged her with a smile and a slight nod. "What can I get for you, madam?"
"Anything to warm me up."
Jen sat down on a stool, folding her arms on top of the counter as she waited. Soon a shot of scotch appeared in front of her. She lifted her arm to pick it up, but noticed that her jacket moved with her arm and exposed a little of her silent pistol, the PSV - a gun designed by a group of gun makers under Lady Izora herself. The gun was not a gun released for the public and was exclusive to those in the same position under Izora as was Jenica. She quickly adjusted her jacket and zipped it before drinking. The bartender hadn't noticed, thankfully, as he was wiping the counter some feet away from her.
Once Jen had finished, she placed a few coins on the counter and got up, exiting the bar and stepping back into the windy city streets. Sirens were audible in the distance, perhaps a few blocks away, but she was uninterested in that. She turned to walk further up the street, secretly hunting, which she didn't have to do for long. Up ahead of her, catching many strange looks from the humans it was passing, was a black creature. Jenica's obsidian eyes widened.
It couldn't be...
Why would one walk around in broad daylight without...

She didn't have to put on the "sunglasses" that hung from the neck of her shirt. She knew it was what she was looking for.
The red-haired woman continued walking toward it, eventually passing the black canine while giving it the same awestruck expression that everyone else gave it. She would turn around and follow it later... She didn't want it to think she was stalking it.


((Working on Kaze's post :) ))
« Last Edit: November 24, 2012, 07:26:46 pm by Azara »
"Somebody told me that my elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, but I don't even have an elevator."

"I heard that too! We should go and buy one!"
~America and Italy - Hetalia

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #37 on: November 24, 2012, 07:20:46 pm »
(( :D Alright, so perhaps Lady Kevesse and the noble holding Akarui are somehow acquainted with eachother. *hop hop*
And to reply, yes, I've watched Wolf's Rain, but it's been a while. It was the first anime I ever watched <3))

What could be taking them so long?

There is a tall, conspicious building that sticks out like a sore thumb amongst the worn, poverty stricken structures that reside in Freeze City. So formidable it is that no one dares to venture inside, no matter how lax the security may be. One might suppose that a noble might live there, but the place is not luxurious nor does it call too much attention. You get used to it being there after a while, used to wondering what awaits inside but never trying to discover what.

Years upon years, Paradise has been waiting to be opened once again...

It is here the peculiar, tantalizing scent of Lunar Flowers is the strongest. It is here, at the very peak of this building, where the Flower Maiden waits and listens. Slumbering in a chamber filled with a glowing, transparent green substance is a girl with dark hair floating about her face. So alive, yet so dead at the same time. She is unresponsive, trapped in an endless dream.

However it is only a matter of time before this dream comes to an end.

A woman in a lab coat strolls into her chamber with a clipboard clutched to her chest. A lone figure in an empty, unsuspecting room. Her foot-steps echo around the room loudly, but the Maiden does not react. The woman sets her clipboard down on a table and swiftly puts her hair up in a messy bun, casting a dull glance in the Maiden's way before sitting at her desk. The chamber is dimly lit, the only sources of light being the glow cast from the liquid in the chamber and from the bright screen of the laptop the woman is working on.

Though things may seem the same as ever, the beginning of this journey is steadily approaching.

(( We are reaching the climax at glacial speeds!!!
Sorry it's so short and boring. >:/ Akarui won't do much until something happens. Like a wolf getting hurt or something *hint hint nudge nudge*))
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #38 on: November 24, 2012, 07:24:58 pm »
(Lady Kevesse and your noble can be acquainted if you want. And don't worry, I'm sure someone will get hurt soon)

Offline kangaroux

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #39 on: November 24, 2012, 07:41:05 pm »
(( I made up a name - Lady Izora - for the noble acquainted with Jenica, who could be the one holding Akarui? Or there could be another noble (preferably a Lord and not another Lady) who holds her. Izora will be after Akarui if she isn't already in possesion of her, since she doesn't want Paradise to open. At the same time she will be trying to make wolves really extinct.
I kinda think the idea of Izora trying to get Akarui so Paradise can't open makes more sense and fits her story more, but Shy said that Izora is the most powerful nobles, and I would think that the most powerful is in possession of the flower maiden. I could always change that, though, so that a different noble is the most powerful? :3

I have to go, Kaze's will be up soon! ))
"Somebody told me that my elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, but I don't even have an elevator."

"I heard that too! We should go and buy one!"
~America and Italy - Hetalia