Author Topic: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people  (Read 7967 times)


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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2012, 09:50:05 pm »
...... Well...... what I think is that I've never actually seen anyone post something bad about the admins, but some sad people might get a little angry with the staff because of how..... "messed up" the game server is in-game at the mo.
And I've figured out that the staff are in-charge of the banning and stuff, but to be honest, I don't know why people who have been banned make a big deal out of it.
They should know what they've done to deserve it.
~RIGHT, I'm over and out   B)

the discussions going on here have absolutely nothing to do with the game server. and you don't understand why we're making such a big deal? did you not read the posts written before you?

unjust banning is what we are discussing and being spiteful for as far as banning goes. it'd be like someone locking your mother up for buying you the wrong brand of cereal.
^ I Agreed with all of the above.

I hate people who are like that. People like that probably don't even appreciate the fact that the admins here, work their butts off for all this hard work they do for us all. Also, hate is a strong word, you can't "hate" people, if you've never had any problems with them. Dislike? sure, you may not like the admins but to "hate" them is too far. If they don't like them, they should say that to the admins themselves, because not everybody wants to hear that stuff.

not one of us has stated we don't appreciate what they DO for us, however we do not appreciate the things they do against us, the users, as a whole. not singled out. but in general. you also say that "you can't "hate" people" and then in the beginning say you hate people like "us". sounds more like you're just hating yourself if you're referring to the user base as a general body.

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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2012, 09:52:37 pm »
Whoa whoa.
FIRST OF ALL, some of you users are being quite rude to each other, the staff, and the community in general. No flaming, please. State your opinions, sure, but keep it civil in here.

I came here and smiled at the first few posts... and then bam, right in the feels!

I'm going to ATTEMPT to make this short and simple.

Granted, as to what some of you floofs are saying, I know quite a bit of it is/was true. Especially before certain mods were kicked off the staff team. The staff members we have now, however, are all my good friends. And every last one of them is, just what you are, a human being. Perfection? Nope. None of us are. But power hungry nublets running around finding excuses to ban people? We aren't that either. That's a pretty ridiculous accusation if you ask my personal opinion.

As for mini-mods: the staff discourges this behavior every time we see it happening. Maybe you don't see the person being scolded, but ask around and you'll find out some things you never knew before. We don't like mini-mods. We don't like butt-kissers.

I think I speak for all of the staff team when I say this:
We respect you until you give us a reason not to.

Now I know some of you are gonna go all NEEHRRRRR U DON'T LET US SAY OUR FEELS NER.
You had your opinion. This is mine.
And here's a fact for you; anyone and everyone who is banned from this game deserved it.

I could go on and give you guys a 6-book series but I'll leave it at this.
Most likely locking this thread soon.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 09:54:40 pm by wolffox »

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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2012, 10:03:40 pm »
Whoa whoa.
FIRST OF ALL, some of you users are being quite rude to each other, the staff, and the community in general. No flaming, please. State your opinions, sure, but keep it civil in here.

I came here and smiled at the first few posts... and then bam, right in the feels!

I'm going to ATTEMPT to make this short and simple.

Granted, as to what some of you floofs are saying, I know quite a bit of it is/was true. Especially before certain mods were kicked off the staff team. The staff members we have now, however, are all my good friends. And every last one of them is, just what you are, a human being. Perfection? Nope. None of us are. But power hungry nublets running around finding excuses to ban people? We aren't that either. That's a pretty ridiculous accusation if you ask my personal opinion.

As for mini-mods: the staff discourges this behavior every time we see it happening. Maybe you don't see the person being scolded, but ask around and you'll find out some things you never knew before. We don't like mini-mods. We don't like butt-kissers.

I think I speak for all of the staff team when I say this:
We respect you until you give us a reason not to.

Now I know some of you are gonna go all NEEHRRRRR U DON'T LET US SAY OUR FEELS NER.
You had your opinion. This is mine.
And here's a fact for you; anyone and everyone who is banned from this game deserved it.

I could go on and give you guys a 6-book series but I'll leave it at this.
Most likely locking this thread soon.

I really can't say any more than what she has said here. You have to keep in mind that we do a lot of behind-the-scenes things. For every ban there is a legitimate reason, for every topic locked or thread deleted it is just the same. I consider each and every current staff member my family. And with the things I know we all go through on a daily basis just here on FH, I don't think we're doing a half-bad job. We don't go around using our ability to ban like it's a toy, and mods don't always use red text to get the point across. We do kick an awful lot of mini modders, when it comes down to it. We're more aware of what's going on around us than it seems sometimes.
Resigned, quit, and basically long gone.

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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2012, 10:04:52 pm »
A little of topic but, I meant "hate" as in "I hate when I see it happen"; My wording is not good today :(. Sorry for confusing ya' floofs.

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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2012, 10:08:49 pm »
Thanks for your responses to absolutely nothing. :)

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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2012, 10:17:36 pm »

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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2012, 10:35:56 pm »
anyone and everyone who is banned from this game deserved it.


For every ban there is a legitimate reason

(Sorry for re-posting by the way, but when I made my long post I found a whole lot of posts before mine that posted before I could)

Now going along with my innocent friends being banned, those quotes would not be true. That one guy was doing NOTHING. Do I have to put that in caps lock? I know there are reasons behind plenty of bans that are valid but, what about those innocent people who did nothing?

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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #17 on: December 04, 2012, 10:40:07 pm »
It looks like I'm late to the party.

I'll begin with Doctor's rant. I haven't, personally, seen anyone raving in General about the moderators (I did see one case of it on the forums regarding a ban) but I can believe it. If the person got kicked or one of their friends did, then it is understandable that a noob would flame about it. They obviously are ignorant, too, since they said 'admins' and not 'moderators'. It's unlikely that they were banned/kicked by an administrator.

Let's get into it.

I agree to a hell of a lot stated in the replies (CloudFish and Sock, mostly) and it needed to be said. I'm sick of having
moderators breathing down my neck; threatening to kick me without explaining why (I'm a sociopath, I need an explanation if my wrongdoings fit into that 'social' field, as they apparently often are); being spied on by the moderator-wannabes for their 'gods'; being banned/kicked for non-bannable/kickable offenses. I could continue with this list, but I fear that this thread would be locked before I finished.

I don't want any of you moderators trying to defend yourselves - the evidence is clear. Just look at all the people with the exact same opinion to mine. If you're still not convinced, take this hideous 'floof' as your example. A moderator was spewing this 'word' in General purely to annoy me and a couple of other members. When I finally plucked up the courage to say, "Shut up" I was immediately kicked. There is no way in Oblivion that a moderator could kick me that quickly without being ready to do so. This has nothing to do with butthurt n00bs sobbing over a petty kick for cussing or movie-spamming. This is to do with the members who've been here for longer - far longer. Hell, I was here before the game was even released. It has not been pleasant watching all these users work their way into modship because they suck up to the administrators more than the other members.

I have to give credit to some, though. Red for keeping this afloat along with Razmirz and Tigg, because she doesn't have her head in an administrator's ass and she is fully aware of what's going on.

Stop this nonsense. We all want moderators who can actually do their job the way they're SUPPOSED TO. We don't want suck-ups, we don't want moderators who sit on their arses surrounded by their arrogant mini-mods waiting for someone to ban. A moderator's job is to make a better environment for everyone, not a worse one.

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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2012, 10:43:08 pm »
anyone and everyone who is banned from this game deserved it.


For every ban there is a legitimate reason

(Sorry for re-posting by the way, but when I made my long post I found a whole lot of posts before mine that posted before I could)

Now going along with my innocent friends being banned, those quotes would not be true. That one guy was doing NOTHING. Do I have to put that in caps lock? I know there are reasons behind plenty of bans that are valid but, what about those innocent people who did nothing?

If your friends were really doing "nothing" they would not have gotten banned. Moderators do not ban for no reason. Period.
As for the other things you said, especially about getting angry when you see mods snuggled up in a pile with other users.
I'm sorry, I didn't know that staff members aren't allowed to curl up with their friends like normal users. My bad.

This thread has gotten out of hand. Cussing and all.

My perspective? If you're unhappy with the staff, no one says you have to play the game. If you don't like being watched, the way we watch ALL users to make sure everyone is following the rules, why did you agree to follow the rules when you signed up? If you were not breaking them, being watched wouldn't be a problem.

Locking this.

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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2012, 01:47:01 am »
What can I start off with? Where exactly should I try to sum up a nice, respectful, understandable topic that covers all these things some users claim in here? I'm not really sure if it could be done in this case, but writing can always be done.

I feel a bit unhappy about some users though, mainly because I have seen their ways of how to deal with things and as far as I can see they have certainly not stayed on the neutral side, to be honest I get a slight of feeling we are going back to school, how there's users who just decide to be up against, bring up points against the teachers for the sake of it, not really because it's right, just because they can and want to be heard by the grudges they hold against said users or group.

Something I find extremely interesting in here is that some users that proceeds to voice their opinions on the matter, explaining how oh so horribly the staff or certain mods take care of matters, I have seen giving childish behavior in the game because of smaller or bigger things in which they did, things that clearly will not get you anywhere if you go by the game rules, but also those trying to enforce and take care of what we have right here for the game and community. Some words I read, in all honesty I feel great disgust for, I know very well what you have done and are capable of, yet still you believe you are so right in this and being so mistreated, but the case is really down to your own personal behavior against certain users or staff. Anyone can put up a mindmap of events, the things provided for them to lean either left or right. Personally I have tried to get to know users on an even level, know how they are or can be like, and in all honesty I didn't feel like a big exclamation mark and question myself,"Why is this being said?!". Even though no one can be everywhere and see and know everything, I feel some certainty of the things spewed out there, either how wrong or right they might be.

Not exactly sure how I even can this say without pointing fingers, but if you are honestly going to ignore board rules to get your rant fix sorted out, going with this whole "If I get banned then so be it" attitude, you are just grinding yourself down and being quite ignorant, it's as if you want to put up some sort of defense or point out that the staff or mods on the forum don't let people talk out and just slam the banhammer down. Keep in mind though, as long as it's civil, done accordingly and not create more drama than necessary no one is going anywhere. But don't push your luck, everything has it's limits, and this behavior I have a hard time to stand. Lets just say that trolling a staff member because you feel mistreated will not get you anywhere, it just makes you look immature, and certainly will not help you anywhere.

I might need to go a lot with what "I" and "me" have to do in this, but maybe there's a greater chance that some can comprehend what it is I'm talking about, and to be fair I see my name mentioned here and there as well.

I feel a bit disappointed reading this, what are you guys trying to do exactly.... What exactly are the legit reasons to have this sort of narrow look on certain users and members of this community.

Is it because they can say and step forward in times in which others really shouldn't?
Is it because they get praise for playing the very same game you do while you do not?
Is it because they appear to have friends that are willing and daring to step forward and speak for them and their work?

This is really how I start to think here, because even though I don't know all you guys in person, I have seen most of you around by just spending my time into this very place, site and game, taking care of those things I can and in the process getting placed either inside of troublesome situations, or directly in front of to deal with. There's been so many cases where users hold this grudge, and just do not act right in the position they are in, not even willing to try to sort out valid points or proof of what they want to bring up, and when they are being told that it's not enough, that things point them against the stream, everyone is so horrible. Some don't even say anything at all until it's too late, and their blame papers go pretty much all over the place for everyone to read.

Being a mod or admin might not be the prettiest job at times, you need to be prepared for what can get handed to you for just mere existing which always isn't too pretty. But something I can say, that honestly bites quite deep in me is when users group up. Things like receiving a sloppy report, about something, someone or some people did. When the reporters fail to provide any clear proof of what's happening, and the only thing that's given is a list of names of their friends, friends or contacts that has been seen breaking rules in the game every once in a while, friends that has gone around with whining about not getting noticed or how they got into an argument with a mod. This has happened, and if you do not sit in the area to notice, words come around one way or another. Sometimes it can even come directly from a user within a said group that slips up and maybe say something they shouldn't when you are around. And then... They question themselves why things are not going their way, or way they are not being trusted. While the other way around has proof and names that is appointed to trust and powers.

The staff, mods, and even some users are not blind bats guys, they can see and hear just as you can, but they certainly cannot watch everything that goes on behind their back and there will be things slipping through, but trying to start a storm or claim to be in right when you can't even prove it to 1 individual that was not there, then you are just taking it too far.

Don't speak of clear evidence if you can't even provide them..

I even hear crap inside of the game about users whining about mods playing favors, or how they play bets on who that will be the next mod, and how unfair it is. But do you, really someone with some negative history and that refuse to show they changed for the better, or just a mishap, and is willing to prove their right or voice by dedication and understanding of what went wrong. If you want to know, many has been watched for their actions and discussed about if they were to be one, but as times goes on, the holds or choices placed start to become clear as glass. Might not be a thing to say here but I just think it should be pointed out.

But regarding these bans again

No bans happen for "no reason"
Ever since I the whole no reason things started, it has honestly lost a bit of meaning to me, it's almost daily sometimes I get words about users getting banned for no reason, or how mean and unfair the power abusing mods are. Since I am in the position I am in, and want to make sure that this is not the case I pretty much ALWAYS check up on the user and their situation, and without lying 99% of the time I got lied directly to my face. It doesn't matter who did it, I see that the users got in the position they are in for a reason, proof provided many times, I even might be the one who needed to take care of things myself just to hear the nice story of "Someone did this to me, I never did anything wrong".

Of course, no one can judge everything perfectly, but if you are a user in possession of some sort of power or responsibility, you will get both praise or hate, try to find artists or well known people, even leaders throughout the time that only had likes going their way. Even only likes might be the wrong call in some cases if you as the person you are think further.

Things like users contacting me inside of the game, trying to get certain users or even MODs in problems, I tell them the situation, what I want them to do or should do, and when it doesn't go quite as they wanted, I get attitude thrown my way, and when I point this out and make a clear warning that I do not want this behavior, it either keeps on going, or I hear the next day, week, how an god awful staff member I am and how Raz is horrible, how I myself is a immature brat, and how the staff following is even worse. It's no great experience just because you wanted to play the game fair. Imagine what a potential staff team would look like if anyone that was placed in a higher position than someone else would yell at mods or admins because they heard something from someone regarding something. What is done is usually that things are looked into, and if it appears true and brought to light, then it's another story, but in all honesty I shouldn't even need to say this.

I myself can barely even go on the game and leave my character on brb or afk status anymore. If someone did something out of the rules way, or whispers sent regarding something I should be able to assist with and do not jump at it, well I might get bitten in the butt for it later on, even just sitting and switching between activities on my screens, looking at the forum or DA group, trying to discuss issues or troubles others are having elsewhere, getting back just a bit too late. Well herp derp, "That Red is such a waste" is exactly something that I can hear the very next day, or even have complete newbies come up to me, never spoken or seen before "Hey you are really nice, you are not so mean/stupid as some say!" And I believe this is something that could happen to anyone on the staff at times, all I know is that when it comes to this community itself, there's those who really like to go behind and discuss things, if staff does something similar well they are bumholes. I'm not saying this to feel sorry for myself, it's just so you can comprehend how situations are.

Even though it honestly sometimes isn't as nice as some makes it out to be, the praise and support the staff and mods get from you the users, whether it's a causal thanks, or someone fangirling/boying over the position and not your work, is pretty much one of the very few positive things and thanks the staff and mods receive, and in ways it appears users think they do not even deserve or should have that. Counting that way, taking care of the game, site and you guys, is pretty much solitary done from your own perspective and what you are willing to give, even sacrifice into this community. The time I myself spent into this community sometimes makes me scared if I should continue, but I feel the place here is something I make use in, I feel needed even when times are dull and gray, and I hope that there's good majority who wants me here and even need me. And even if you aren't in an admin position, you can feel the exact same way as long as you are willing.. to actually throw your everything into it.

But if you want to bring discussion about past events, make sure you have been there and actually even tried to do so, bringing up on an even level with proof that could be seen valid, and stop expecting the staff to kiss up to your choices or words because you can spread negativity, I am not the one who runs this place alone, but I certainly try to push onto every mod that they should go with what's right, not what's easy. Yes, mods might be stricter, harsher, some days than others, they might feel like they are more willing to put effort into keeping track on certain users that others. But this is not something that doesn't happen anyplace else. I myself if I see a user treating myself like a little mold on someones knee, I'd certainly spike my ears if I see them around or even take that extra step to see if they got more things going on under their coat.

Red text never appearing anymore?
Is this really something to bring up here? Most should know by now that whenever the read text appears, horrors are brought upon the chats for everyone, even complaints about ew mods or ew spam, a kick or shorter ban can be just as much of a warning as a Red text showing for 150+ users inside of a map, when only 3 did something wrong, maybe even less. Some people just expect they know how things work more than they actually do. Personally I rather see someone booted of quietly than getting spam in the chats and having the offender pointed out all the time, even if it was me. I'd be given an honest chance to improve over the either, seconds, or days that I was booted off to sort out and read up on.

But regarding the whole mods playing a dirty game, kicking and using powers for bad reasons, well contact me then, let me know about your issues and show me some proof of what's going on instead of sitting in the game complaining about how we do nothing or everything wrong, if you don't have anything saved up or were prepared of what happened, then don't run around making things worse that will just make the stream go against you.

Regarding the game
There will always be things to point out about this, and if there's lower support or things that has stopped to an halt, then it will be a lot harder to push the car off the freeway. I can understand it's not always an excuse, but it's a very good point in this honestly. It's not only that just taking care of the game itself and doing things with it, it's really that the users in general want things to happen and new content. The majority of people in this world would be more happy and willing to tackle things throughout the day if they got a little reward once in a while, and this is no fiction.

As blunt as it sounds there's many things in this thread I will not be able to buy, not speaking of the situations some of you guys are speaking of, it's more about the details within them and the bases your ground your posts on. There's a lot of things mentioned in here that shouldn't even matter to you guys. If you want to discuss things and want a point proven, especially something like this, I'll certainly ensure that you do this on good basis as well outwards, maybe you could have been treated better in certain situations, or something not quite understood as it should. But spreading crap around will certainly not be something I will listen to, and the things you have seen as clear proof, who knows, maybe I stand on the other side of this staring right back at you and have or know something you do not.

So please respect that I do not want to see any more ban discussion in this topic, nor do I want to hear about how mods were naughty without anything provided to me or anyone else.

I already explained enough, so feel free to either embrace or scoof away, it's all right there for you to read.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2012, 01:48:42 am by Red »
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