Author Topic: Does it matter? Or do I look like I want to RP?  (Read 3632 times)

Offline liontamer1

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Does it matter? Or do I look like I want to RP?
« on: December 09, 2012, 02:20:57 am »
Okay, I am going to post two things in one topic.

First off, does it matter what species and or breed your character is? No! I get bashed all the time whether directly or indirectly. I like making FightDogs and Pitbulls, so that automatically makes me a bad person? I laze around Ficho and about every other map, minding my own business, when random people state how 'bad' FightDogs are, and how 'aweful it is to make a pitbull.' Did I do anything to you?!

Back on topic, I, and I am sure other players, feel scared to make a new breed of character and or species because I have witnessed people sneering and bulling people who think outside of the box. So what if they want to make a bat? So what if they want to make an eagle or a gryphon? They are being creative! It makes me so sick. And if they tease someone who has a different character, they will not create another character like that again. Isn't Feral Heart supposed to be all about creativity?

Okay, I said my main goal, now let's just get sidetracked for a bit. FightDogs and Pitbulls. I have already stated it a bit, but I have not finished. We, the people who RP as these characters, are not doing anything against the rules, nor are we hurting you. Yes, we may have an occasional fight with another RP, but we respect that you may not want to RP, and most of the dogs I know, will back off. There will be exceptions, but that's like saying all FH users are friendly. Most of them, but not all. Keep an open mind, perhaps join in one of our RPs, and decide then if we are truly as aweful as you state. Okay, enough with this, let's move to our next ran-discussion. -Cracks Fingers-

Does it? Okay story time! Gather 'round! So, I was sitting in Ficho, the leader of my group had left and I was chilling by the lake. An illiterate pup came up and was chatting in local with some other characters. She said, "oh look another pitbull' So I said, 'You talking about me?" "yeah" She went on and on and then I forget what happened exactly but it went something like this; the random pup said something else about me and I said, naturally, "Can I help you?" she said, "yeah i am glad to know i am  not they only one" and few minutes passed then she started RP with me, even though I wasn't. I can't repeat what she said because it was hard to read as it was poorly written. I connected my forehead to my desk and said, "I am a literate Rper." She said "oh" then, "can i rp to" -Facedeskx5- "'can i rp to' is not literate. "Can I RP too?" Is. If you become literate, then please." I replied trying to keep my cool. She said, "well i have to go" I got high fives and cookies for telling off an illiterate meanie. Thanks to you, people of Ficho!~

So my point being, if they are sitting there, not seeming to talk to anyone, leave them alone. If they are actively RPing and seem to post the same way you do, (as in literate or illiterate), then ask if you can join. Ahh okay, enough with the boring stuff, what are your opinions on FightDogs and such, as well if you agree or disagree with anything I have said. I am interested on your opinions and thoughts, just keep them civil! Thanks for reading this!

As always, ~liontamer    (That dog in the screenie, is my FightDog, Sand ^^)

« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 02:22:31 am by liontamer »
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Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Re: Does it matter? Or do I look like I want to RP?
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2012, 05:29:09 am »
Alizarin's thought of the day....
The only thing I can really agree with you on this whole topic is what you posted at the top of the page... About how some people heckle each other over what creative species a person has. Yes, I have been in the seat of the person who got taunted/bullied over characters that were NOT specifically a wolf or a lion. Wolves and lions are too common around FH, so I don't think it's a bad idea for people to make characters that are of different species.

First day I came on FH, I made my fox character named Alizarin.... but back then she was known as "Alizarin Fox". I went running around the maps of Feral Heart just  to see what people do, and how they play. Believe it or not, I had a few bigger animal characters come up to me just to tell me how much they "hate" foxes, or "foxes are so small and weak. Why would you want to play as one, when you could be a big strong demon wolf, like me?" And I'm thinking "What does it matter? I can be whatever I want on this game."
I NEVER go around bashing other players for the species of animal they play... If they want to play as a wolf, let them be a wolf. If they want to play as horse, let them be a horse. If they want to play as a T-Rex, let them play as a T-Rex. And if they want to play as a woozel.... well then let them be a woozle thingy. They are just being creative, like you said, and it's not fair that some people have to talk down to them for being something other than a wolf or a lion.

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Re: Does it matter? Or do I look like I want to RP?
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2012, 05:39:06 am »
Well, the only reason I can think of why people would criticize you for making g a fight dog or pit bull fight dog is because that kind of thing happens IRL. People don't like it when they see dogs like the pit bull being linked to fighting because that's so much of a common thing in real life. It just scares people and makes them angry and sad. Don't be criss with them, they're just thinking outside the game.

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Offline Okami-Shiranui

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Re: Does it matter? Or do I look like I want to RP?
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2012, 05:44:40 am »
I have to say: Dogfighting is animal cruelty, therefor many people think it;s disgusting to have a dogfighting RP. I love Pit Bulls, I don't see why you can't make one. I just think some people can find it offensive to have a dog pit RP in a highly populated area. Not saying you can't! Just some people my be offended. And this is a RP game. If you don't want people to RP with you in a RP game, go somewhere more quiet or get a public map if you really are getting sick of it. Not trying to force or say you can't do anything, of course! Just some ideas!

Offline Tenturo

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Re: Does it matter? Or do I look like I want to RP?
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2012, 05:52:33 am »
It offends me the most not surprisingly. I have said this before, but when I started the fightdogs, the amount of them frickin skyrocketed. And I realize that it is illegal in real life to fight dogs, but this is a game. If it offends you in game, then stay out of it. I don't want to sound harsh or anything, but seriously! I was on my only and first FD and I was with my mate sitting on the roof of Ficho, and My mates friend comes up and says "Eeeee!  Get back! That's a fightdog! He'll kill you!" I was like wtf... seriously... so then the friend comes up and she's like "you get away from my friend before I rip you to shreds." I just sat there staring off into space while eating a jar of peanut butter. I mean seriously the fightdogs were meant to only fight in their clusters consumed by random people that do not exist (please, I mention this now, don't yap to me that I wasn't the first FD of FH. How dafudge should you know anyway?) and they do not fight random characters that pass by us or sit next to us. Unless we have anger management issues or if the person is super annoying.... but still, it offends me that people literally do this. It is a game people. Not the real world.

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Re: Does it matter? Or do I look like I want to RP?
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2012, 02:05:03 am »
No, it's not supposed to matter what species or breed you are. If people can't respect that you're different then them or any of their friends, then you should just ignire them. It's rude of people to judge others by their character; I mean... your character isn't actually you. Some people may make character with the same personality as his/herself... but the character isn't actually the person. Just because someone is a vicious, blood thirsty demon... doesn't mean they're not a polite, sweet and very helpful.

Yes, people need to learn there afre tons of different imaginations out there. So people can be whoever they want, and they can't stop it from happening. I've seen elephants... come one people! xD

Exactly, if someone who you don't think you'll like isn't bothering you or breaking the rules, then why should you bother them? They could be a very sweet person after all... or a complete psychopath. You can get to know them by starting a conversation, but don't change your way of thinking by the character or how he/she roleplays.

Offline Okami-Shiranui

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Re: Does it matter? Or do I look like I want to RP?
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2012, 02:14:54 am »
I've had people judge me by my character, and it's silly! This is a RP game! Not Facebook! The people who do that are way too judgemental.

Offline Sayba

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Re: Does it matter? Or do I look like I want to RP?
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2012, 02:53:56 am »
Wasn't gonna bother commenting on this thread but I think I'll give it a go now.

Personally, think dog fighting in real life is a disgusting act of cruelty and people that take part in it are no better then murderers. Because of my strong -personal- belief I wouldn't go near a dog fighting RP because why would I want to pretend to be one if I hate the 'sport' so much?

But as stated my opinion is mine alone and I'd keep it to myself to avoid such conflicts. I wouldn't argue with someone for making a fighting dog, they'll probably just be thinking they're character is big and strong and unable to be beaten in any fight. 

Offline Okami-Shiranui

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Re: Does it matter? Or do I look like I want to RP?
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2012, 04:05:04 am »
Wasn't gonna bother commenting on this thread but I think I'll give it a go now.

Personally, think dog fighting in real life is a disgusting act of cruelty and people that take part in it are no better then murderers. Because of my strong -personal- belief I wouldn't go near a dog fighting RP because why would I want to pretend to be one if I hate the 'sport' so much?

But as stated my opinion is mine alone and I'd keep it to myself to avoid such conflicts. I wouldn't argue with someone for making a fighting dog, they'll probably just be thinking they're character is big and strong and unable to be beaten in any fight. 

Exactly my thoughts.

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Re: Does it matter? Or do I look like I want to RP?
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2012, 05:41:08 pm »
Dog fighting seems violent to me!They are just like the gladiator fights used to be.You fight till death and suffer many injuries only for some people that want to have fun on this.It's not OK.Dogs are living beings just like humans.They deserve all respect to not be put to such fights.
