Author Topic: do you think pewdiepie is funny?  (Read 10219 times)

Offline lugailover

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Re: do you think pewdiepie is funny?
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2012, 07:16:09 pm »
Hate him now.
Used to watch him playing Amnesia, I found it original and funny, but of course the sex jokes got to me.
And he started playing all these games and completely forgot about Amnesia.
So no, used to, but no.

I've never noticed that comment by Pewdiepie, may I ask what video that is on?
« Last Edit: December 20, 2012, 07:19:36 pm by Lugai »

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Re: do you think pewdiepie is funny?
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2012, 08:18:46 pm »
@Zaroque (again)
Well, if that's the case, I would have thought that some of the more "mature" adults in the Google company wouldn't have approved of his videoz.
Because, as most of the people in this topic have said: he swears a lot, makes jokes about rape and sex and.... well I just don't know how he would be allowed to get money for this (in a way).... :/
But, I suppose if the Subscribers and Fans like it, then that's what countz (sigh)


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Re: do you think pewdiepie is funny?
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2012, 09:43:31 pm »
Hate him now.
Used to watch him playing Amnesia, I found it original and funny, but of course the sex jokes got to me.
And he started playing all these games and completely forgot about Amnesia.
So no, used to, but no.

I've never noticed that comment by Pewdiepie, may I ask what video that is on?

It's on "Adults React to PewDiePie" I think.

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Re: do you think pewdiepie is funny?
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2012, 09:51:53 pm »
He's just another one of those boring people who do "Let's Play"'s of things and adds a ton more cursing and rape jokes that are not funny in any way.

Not to mention he's one of those things people do not stop talking about EVERYWHERE.

I'm not offended or upset or shocked by anything he does or says. It's mostly just like a.. *eyeroll* "Seriously?"
i dont know anything ever at any time

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Re: do you think pewdiepie is funny?
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2012, 01:04:06 am »
I actually got it off a tumblr, that youtube comment. But yeah it is from that Adults React video.
 Here: somewhere in the comments.

^Him again. Charming individual </sarcasm>

Also someone made a nice sum up of him here: Click Bit of a language warning.

In regards to what he'd earn on Youtube Click .-. (also language warning)

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Re: do you think pewdiepie is funny?
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2012, 01:27:47 am »
Personally, I hate him as an LPer. He isn't funny at all, to me. I'm not hating on people who like him, of course. If you like him that's your opinion. And this is mine. He is by far, my least favorite LPer.

Offline Redlinelies

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Re: do you think pewdiepie is funny?
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2012, 01:31:23 am »
I think some things mentioned in here is kinda for the wrong.

Now I will try to be as proper as I can with this but hating just because he doesn't use the same games anymore annoys me. You can't expect someone to do the same thing over and over and over and over again, I mean just the lets plays alone probably got a big risk of getting stale in the longer run if you aren't extremely creative as the self you are, doing it to the same game as well people will MOST likely find boring after a while no matter if you do like him or not. It's the same with music bands, they grow and might change music styles, not everyone want or will be able to create the same type of songs or music, and I'm not even sure they would become so popular if that was the case either.

It's like eating the same food for a whole week, you might love the dish but you certainly wouldn't want more if you ate it constantly for a period of time. Variation and creativity is important and most realize this, it's probably not even fun for someone like pewdiepie in the longer run either to just sit and play the same game over and over either. From my own point of view, he did the right call to expand and try other games, if he wouldn't do just this and get new grounds he wouldn't have as fun, nor reached this far and big as he's done.

Now when it comes to the swearing and inappropriate jokes, some find it fun, others do not. But as it clearly shows a good majority loves the unseriousness and childish jokes and references he can come up with, and even I myself can admit, he has his moments that can make me smile. Though I cannot see why anyone should take any of the inappropriate jokes seriously since it's just his way of making "his" videos more appealing to "us" the viewers. Personally though I kinda find his potty language and dirty jokes a bit too much though, it gets boring for me rather quickly and the more videos you watch, the duller it gets, he's not horrible at what it does though but some more creativity wouldn't hurt as he plays. But looking on how big his audience is, he's probably just sticking with a winner, and since youtubing is his job, he's just trying to work on what he likes I believe.

The comment posted earlier in this thread I do find kinda uncalled for even for someone like himself though. But honestly, it's his job, he does get revenue from the videos he post and as long as a lot of people watch it he will keep doing so. But with all the praise and love he gets from some people, he probably gets spammed with hate and other crap as well, pretty much pointless souls that do not have anything better do do with their time, I can admit, I do find him a bit overrated and there's probably others that do a better job in the area, but there's no need to troll and bash like some idiots on the internet can do, and it's pretty uncalled for as well since the guy is just doing his job, recording and uploading videos and is able to life off it, he never really did anything towards these haters more than becoming popular, and it's sadly how stuff works on the internet, some just cannot control themselves and loose it way too often. I bet that image posted earlier was some little nublet that posted some hate comment and pewdiepie just had a bad day or just wanted to get a point across. Now that simple comment give a lot of judgmental eyes because people made a big deal out of it.

I don't love pewdiepie, and I never really did, he has some nice moments, some other rather dull and boring. But one thing is certain, and that is he's become successful in what he's doing and I'd say probably having a great time playing games for a living. Something not everyone can do plain off the bat since it requires not only the hardware and tools for it, but also a charm and unique personality. He do have some respect from me for that. He seems like an alright guy honestly. And as much as he might not deserve all that fame, he's still liked and got there for a good reason I believe.

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Re: do you think pewdiepie is funny?
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2012, 02:29:05 am »
Very good words, Red.

Alizarin's thought of the day....

I have watched some of PewDiePie's videos, but I don't watch him as much as I used to... mostly because I don't have the time. I have some oppinions about this topic. For one thing, I find most of PewDiePies videos very entertaining. The one thing I like about his videos is seeing his over-the-top reactions and crazy facial expressions as he plays horror games. I have to admit that some of his horrified reactions are hysterically funny. As for some of the jokes that he makes, I can understand how they would offend people. Most of the time, his crude jokes don't bother me much. Some of it does offend me a little... it all just depends on what they are about and how he said it. I think if people find his jokes extremely offensive, then they probably don't need to watch his videos. Simple as that.

On this topic, I've also noticed comments on how people compare him to Tobuscus. Don't get me wrong, I like some of the stuff Tobuscus posts even though I don't watch much of him. I have to admit that his channel is quite entertaining. I've read on here that some people think his stuff is more clean that PewDiePie's? What?! Are you kidding me? Some of the stuff I saw on his channel could be found just as offensive as what PewDiePie puts on his. Some of the short film animation videos I watched on his channel made me say, "Wow... just wow O_O"
It's true that both do similar things, like recording themselves playing the same games and all... but of course Tobuscus does his own thing by making short film animations.

But hey, EVERYONE is entitled to their own oppinions. If you like PewDiePie, that's fine. If you don't, that's fine too. His stuff is not for everyone. Same thing goes for Tobuscus, Smosh, and whoever else.

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Re: do you think pewdiepie is funny?
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2012, 04:13:45 am »
Very good words, Red.

But hey, EVERYONE is entitled to their own oppinions. If you like PewDiePie, that's fine. If you don't, that's fine too. His stuff is not for everyone. Same thing goes for Tobuscus, Smosh, and whoever else.

What I wanted to say exactly!

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Re: do you think pewdiepie is funny?
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2012, 07:48:23 pm »
My time to comment about this!OK so I must say that I am not a fan of Pewdie.I just don't whatch his videos.A classmate of mine kept telling me about him that he's awesome etc. and all that it even made me curious to waatch at least one video of him.At first "WOW he is indeed funny and all that" so I wanted to watch more of his videos but I got disapointed.
Why?Let's think about this for a second.Every video of Pewdiepie contains theese elements:abusive language,offensive jokes,screaming(exagerated most of the times)......and that would be all.I mean....seriously does he needs everytime to cuss and all that keep saying :stop r**ping me!,the old F cusses.I don't get it are theese things that he keeps saying numerous times make him FAMOUS?Are his "fans"drunk or what?Just a bunch of atomic kids I suppose.
And yes he is a gamer that usually plays horror games he became famous throught Amnesia in which he developed one of the most awesome characters invented by him :Stephano.I mean I like the way he creates characters that appear in the games he plays like The Bro and all that.
But come on,stop making the same thing.His old quotes that were once funny like :"for Lady Gaga","OMG teleporting naked guys","BARRELS" and "I don't trust you" now start to become annoying.Just create something else that isn't about r**ing,fu**ing etc.Honestly I would watch cutiepiemariza instead of him she is a lot nicer.
But this post is getting long so I'll end this here.
