Author Topic: Supernatural Beings  (Read 18034 times)

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2013, 11:44:45 pm »

"Keep away! You, sir! Put that camera down," the cry of a police officer echoed nearby as the silent Ava was pacing her way towards theanitque store when she noted that a small pathway leading towards the "dark" part of the Endless Forest was barricaded from any entry towards any of the civilians beside the officers. Curiosity tingled all over her body as  she exchanged a small glance towards the scene as yellow caution tape was scattered across the trees. 'It appears that the supernaturals at it again,' she felt herself roll her eyes (as she broke out of her disguised personality)  as she stood momentarily, glancing throughout the crowd. 'The humans do say that criminals always do return to the scene of the crime,' Ava continued to scan along to find herself watching a 17-year-old female contently chatting on her phone and seemed a bit enthusiastic for someone just standing near a crime scene. She narrowed her eyes a bit to find that company was arriving along too and disappeared into the forest. Crows flew out from the trees as she crossed her arms, an expression of disappointment written all over. '...How miniscule of a plan they've formed.' The terror of screams and cries in the forest did ring in her invisible canine ears but she wouldn't bother to step in; this wasn't interfering at all with her own life, so why must she take part?

The woman soon turned on her heel as her block locks of hair were surprisingly up in a ponytail as she muttered several words in a foreign tongue and it did itself; the wonders of magic! As she hummed a folk song of fairies under her breathe, she walked with a bit of a skip towards the antique store with her eyes looking towards the ground to assume her  role as the "nervous-wreck" that ran the store known for black magic, curses, but lovely quaint items on discount. A ragged figure was present in front of the store, covered by multiple colorful fabrics and hunched over with long flows of black hair slipping out from the hood. The hunched figure held out  a tanned hand to grab Ava;s hand and the witch gladly accepted it and she muttered under her breathe, "Release.." She released the hand as the figure transformed into a shadow but slipped away under the cracks of the closed wooden door that led to the entrance of the antique store.

"Nana, what have I told you of being out without my supervision.." The witch questioned the shadow as she entered the store, knowing that no one was even near the alleyway in which she worked at. The shadow appeared in front of Ava with a demented smile as only white pupils and a white mouth was visible from the musky and misty being, known as her servant. "W-well, ma'dam.. You weren't at the store and the store mustn't  be held back," it responded, echoing of a old woman's voice combined with much others, like a small boy's, a smoker's voice, and much more in unison.  The witch nodded at her servant's words as she ran her hand on the shadows' hand; despite it being made out of black smoke and mist, Ava was able to feel as if the shadow was solid. Ava rested the bagged book onto the counter as she went over to the door and flipped the sign to read "Open."

"Lights are coming on, Nana. Be sure to go by the grandfather clock."
The shadow hurried as it formed into a msit cloud as hid behind a grandfather clock which was behind the clerk's counter as Ava snapped her fingers as the light switch flickered on.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2013, 11:51:31 pm by SoaringAway »

Offline akemi1999

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2013, 02:16:38 am »
 (His mom is alive and she lives a couple hours away from Xander)
 Derek backed up and plopped in his chair.
 "So, whats next?" Xander asked while letting go of his shirt.
 Derek turned back to the screen and ran his finger along the paragraph to find his place "Okay.... They have super-human strength and senses, far beyond those of either wolves or men. The beasts are known to feed on the homeless and easy prey. A person can be identified as a werewolf by cutting into their flesh to reveal hair or by revealing special bristles under their tongue. In returning to the human form the creature becomes weak and debilitated. Up until the 20th century wolf attacks on humans were widely reported causes of mass death in Europe." He stated still reading the screen.
 Xander looked at his hands "Does this mean I'm a murderer?"
 Derek turned his chair to face Xander "No, you haven't killed anyone...yet."
 "Well that makes me feel a whole lot better" He said sarcastically.
 "And you're not going to, as long as we train you" Derek added.
 "Train me? Derek, I am not a freaking dog" Xander reminded him.
 Derek smiled and stood up. He walked into his closet and looked around "No, but you still are a canine" He said as he walked out of the closet. He twirled a leash attached to a collar around on his finger.
 Xander sighed and rolled his head back. He stood up and walked out the door.
 Derek followed and the two walked further into the forest.
 (Oh, i forgot so Xander can take the form of a wolf, but before he fully turns he is able to flick his claws out, as he just did. His eyes can also glow and of course he has the senses of a wolf, scent, sight, and sound. Just so its easier for him not to get caught all the time.)


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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2013, 02:36:26 am »
Becca laughed at Reaven joke. "Silly I was joking.." she said "Anyway I need go home,.." and jumped in the car with Reaven. When they finally reached home, the front door was left open, Becca open her mouth, for a gasped, but she couldnt. Until they both saw Becca's mom taking out the smoke, they both started laughing, and got out the car. Martin was alone in the woods, until one vampire saw him, and sucked his blood, he dead. Becca saw a versionm, and looked at Reaven with horrible eyes. "My dad just die..-" she paused- by Reaven. "Omg! Becca how?"
"I dont know...You cant not tell my mom!" she panicked, and walked into the house like noting happen.

Gender- Male

 Species- Werewolf
Description: Derek have black spiky hair, he's very muscular. At day he have black eyes, night, yellow.

Personality- Derek is very mysterious, he very nice, but serious sometimes. He can be very protective over himself and family, and love messing around Becca.

Family-Rose [mother] Martin [father&decreased] Becca [sister]
Age- 19

Other- N/a


Offline akemi1999

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2013, 03:06:09 am »
 "Alright" Derek said while clapping his hands together. "Shift" He commanded at Xander.
 "What the hell man, You drag me out her and you expect me to just change, right in front of your eyes" Xander stated.
 "Well, no....." He paced back and forth thinking about what he read "Werewolves....oh, are normally triggered into shifting by your pulse increasing."
 Xander stared at him and crossed his arms "So....."
 "Think of something that raises your pulse, Logan messing with you or..Sarah and you making out and-"
 Xander held his hand up "Dude, to far" He stated and shut his eyes. He thought about when Logan slammed him against the lockers. He clenched his fist and then unclenched them. "Its not work-"
 Derek cut Xander off with a stern punch to his face.
 Xander fell to the ground and caught himself with his hands. He stood up and stalked toward Derek. His eyes glowed an amber color as a feral growl rumbled out of his chest. He leaped forward and a white wolf stood in his place. His paws slammed against the soft dirt.
 "Xander!" Derek yelled as he fell back onto the floor. he landed on his elbow as he scurried backwards. "-Removed by Moderator-!" He yelled as he kicked Xander in the muzzle.
 Xander whined and fell to the ground. He pulled himself off the ground, now in human form, and he looked around. "Ow, What the fudge that hurt" He complained as he held his nose.
 Derek held his chest and inhaled deeply "Damn in Xander, you really need to stop doing that"
 (i enjoy writing this friendship it cracks me up sometimes)
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:19:35 am by Kynvuu »

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #34 on: January 02, 2013, 03:20:14 am »
[[ ^^ Is anyone interested in having (or already having) a contract with Aveline? This can apply to the NPCs. ]]

"1...2..3" Ava was quick to bend her knees as she found herself in the corner of the antique store, picking up a box that contained jars of human eyes and fingers. She had her arms under the box as she slowly stretched her body that way she could stand. She took a stroll, having the box cover her face,, but she looked toward the sides to see where she was going. "I can't believe Madam Ulter sent me this.. None of my potions call for these ingredients."  The box tightly sealed with duck tape but, it was all over and not over the flaps that opened it; Lilith Utler wasn't the woman that understood modern things such as tape. Ava sighed with beads of sweat dropping down onto her face, she never did rely on physical strength but over twenty jars in a box was already starting to make her back ache. "Ma-ma-ma'dam," the shadow's voice echoed from behind the grandfather clock as eyes became visible in the shadow that the grandfather clock made.

"Do not step outside from your safety area, Nana. The light would weaken you," the store owner reassured her servant; she would never overwork her shadow for unlike most, she does actually care for her underlings. "However, if you wish to.. Why not shift into a raven and scout the area? You deserve a break." The shadow's smile appeared as it mist slithered from underneath the grandfather clock to morph into a rave but it was quick to perch itself on top of a coat hanger seeing as how the raven wouldn't be able to open the door. The witch pushed the box into a shelf near a bookcase in the front of the store; no one would bother searching into a sealed box unless they were rude. Ava glanced up at the raven with a soft smile as she was soon approaching the door with her hand held out to the door knob--.

A sudden figure approached the front of the store as the door flew opened, almost colliding with the girl's face but she was quick to act. "O-Oh my! I'm terribly sorry," she sheepishly muttered as she glanced down onto the floor as she shuffled herself away from the person. The figure made no sense of acknowledgement towards Ava as the figure stepped it to be revealed as a man, nearing the age of 34 with short brown hair and a trench coat covering himself up. Cold brown eyes scanned the girl at first but he ignored her, taking his time to walk towards the back of the store to view the items. "W-Welcome to the Endless' Antique Store," she timidly chirped out as she soon made her way behind the clerk's desk but made a quick glance towards the raven. The raven was quick to morph back into a shadow and hide itself seeing as how the man didn't notice it.  The man made no response.

"There's a discount on several items in far left," she rubbed her hands together, acting nervously for the role called for it. "W-where is the contract caster..?" The man twitched a bit as he turned back to Ava, not aware of who he was talking to. The man staggered in his posture as he walked towards Ava with himself morphing with a long snake-like tail coiling out and human flesh sliding off from his body, revealing a green scaly pelt. "LOOK AT WHAT SHE HAS DONE TO ME.."A sickening smile twisted onto Ava's face as she rested her hand onto the bag she had earlier, "Ah, Mr. Juniper. Welcome.." The stench of blood reeked within the store as the human skin was already dripping and soaked with blood as Mr. Juniper was morphing but she gave no sign of remorse or fear.

"The contract .you.. YOU LITTLE BITC--" He was quick to charge for a moment but Ava glared up and felt her hand morphing into mist; this the natural appearance she takes when about perform actual magic that requires concentration. "Do I take an appearance of a female canine? No, I do not.." She scolded the man as a stool from the back of the store flew towards Mr. Juniper and hit him from behind, causing him to fall back but also sit on the chair. "Hasn't your mother taught you to read between the lines?"  All the man responded as with a reptilian hiss as a long tongue curled out from his mouth. "You asked for change in physical touch.. or as how I remembered..," Aveline Walker began to speak as she aimed her mist arm towards the windows as the curtains were blown forward to close. "Life changing experience! Life changing experience!," the shadow mimicked the voice of Mr. Juniper as it appeared by Aveline's side but in a shape of an ear-less dog, with red eyes and a lizard-like tongue. 

Image of Nana's dog form:
*Edit* Image doesn't belong to me in anyway!


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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #35 on: January 02, 2013, 03:26:30 am »
Derek ran downstairs with a growl, and looked at Becca. "Get outside, Now!" he said, itching his head, and slammed the down behind him. "What the hell is wrong with you!" he crused.
Becca just signed and rolled her eyes. "A girl got to do, got to do.. You know? Anyway what are you talking about"
"You killed a teacher in a college.. it's on the news! Everywhere!" he growled.
"Eh sorry! I was hungry" she said, and open the door and slammed in his face,Derek growled and went into the house, and sat in the living room crouch. Then suddenly, Derek putted the news channels, seeing a picture of his father, dead. "What the hell? Dad dead?" he yelled, Rose dropped the plates, and walked up to Derek. "What do you mean Dead" she asked questionablely. Becca walked the downstairs, and saw everyone in shock, and gulped. "Hey.. What's going..?" she asked. Derek immediately got up and pushed Becca against the wall, and saw his werewolf teeth...while their mum wasnt looking. Becca looked at her brother eyes and told him what happened.

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #36 on: January 02, 2013, 06:30:07 am »
 Xander stuck his hand out for Derek "You punched ME in the face" He accused.
 Derek grabbed his hand and pulled himself up "And you almost ate mine" He stated while straightening his shirt out.
 Xander cleared his throat " i really think we need to find a way to train me....without me almost hurting you."
 Derek thought for a second and grinned at Xander "Without you hurting me? I think I have an idea."
 "Does it involve causing me physical pain?'
 "Of course, now lets go" Derek said while grabbing Xanders arm.
 "Where are we going?" Xander asked while running his fingers through his blonde hair.
 "The football field" He stated and pulled at Xanders arm. 

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2013, 07:00:19 am »
The serpent man shivered at the touch of the shadow dog's tongue licking down his face, Nana could already taste the fear in him but Aveline was quick to wave her hand at her. "Enough, Nana. We need to reeducate the second party on his own behalf," she sighed softly as Nana trotted away and towards her side, barking loudly with a full-grin appearing on its face. With a whisk of her flesh hand, a scroll began to form out of nothingness as a papyrus scroll appeared rolled up in her hand. She glanced over to her right hand to find that it returned to normal and so, she gripped the scroll with her right hand and pointed it towards Mr. Juniper. "Nana, on the other hand, go out to the Endless Forest. If you find a corpse, bring it back. I have an idea." The shadow dog barked as it soon vanished in plain sight and a black mist rolled under Aveline's feet and passed through the cracks of the door.  The serpent hissed loudly as he tried to move but Aveline was quick to press her foot down onto his stomach, not something much empathy. "Now, where should I begin..?"

Meanwhile, Nana had already morphed back into its canine form while venturing throughout the Endless Forest, catching the scent  of a recent killing. Nana's tail wagged softly to find a pale corpse on the ground with a bite mark on the man's neck but there was sure identification of who he was. The dog glanced back to find that nearby, there was other bodies but they were of police officers. "It's better to take this one.. Humans in these uniforms are far more importance or this is what Mistress Ulter has spoken about.." At first, the dog was curious and began to scratch at the man's pants to find a wallet fall out and with a push of its muzzle, the wallet opened. 'This corpse's name is Martin..? Odd name choice,' Nana as it buried its fangs into the arm of the deceased man began to drag it away from the scene of the crime.  The shadow dog ended up making its way throughout town without even being noticed seeing as how everyone flocked to their homes, already fearing for the worse as police officers, a teacher, and a man were killed but Aveline and Nana weren't aware of the teacher's death.

Aveline Walker was pressing her foot during the time Nana was gone, she was waiting for her subservient shadow to return with  the ingredient she required. "You" Mr. Juniper was breathless as he felt a sharp feel already stab him in the stomach and Aveline sighed, "Whoops. My foot slipped." The sarcasm rolled off her tongue with much amusement and she glanced at the door to find Nana having returned with a body. She skipped towards the door and opened it, "..Nana, you're a mess." The dog dropped the body at her feet and barked in joy, with its tail wagging to see that the mission was a success. Aveline stroked Nana's head to find her hand covered with blood but Nana licked it off, enjoying the salty taste.

"As you wanted a life changing experience.. Why not live another person's life?"
Aveline smile twisted as the door slammed shut behind Nana and Aveline, with the lights flickering. "Please, no.. I-I can complete the contract,"  Mr. Juniper called out but it was too late. All that was visible in the darkness was green glowing eyes and a muttering from the witch's voice.


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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #38 on: January 02, 2013, 03:05:35 pm »
(Wait.. Derek is home.. So how are you going to just come into my house xP)

Becca rubbed her neck, -Reaven was looking at Becca- "Reaven..Were going to the Football field to see Derek play" she laughed and flies away. Reaven signed  but started laughing also and flies away. Rose looked around for her family, "Girls can y-you- -starts to cry-"
When Becca and Reaven finally reach, they looked around, so they could hide. Reaven gasped and started laughing, and whisper. "There..." she said and dashed there.

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #39 on: January 02, 2013, 06:16:38 pm »
 (i didn't think anyone was in your house.....i thought)
 Xander pulled at his chains. Derek had chained him to the very bottom bleacher, putting him in a sitting position.
 "We have to hurry up" Derek stated as he returned with a wooden bat.
 "Why?" Xander asked while he looked up at Derek.
 "There's a football game soon."
 "And you decided to bring me here, were we have no idea what I'm going to" Xander sighed.
 Derek swung the bat behind his shoulder.
 Xander turned and glared at Derek, His eyes glowing amber. A deep growl emitting from his chest. When the bat collided with his back He growled and hit the ground. His claws dug into the soft ground as he pulled himself up off the ground. His breathing increased.
 "Control yourself Xander, Lower your pulse" Derek commanded as he sat the bat on the ground.
 Xander shook and halfway phased and he brought himself back to human form. He sighed and laid on the ground. He took a deep breath and his eyes and fingers turn to normal.
 Derek smiled "Wonderful" He cried as he started unhooking Xander.