Author Topic: The old newbie hatred-Why do we hate them?  (Read 10709 times)

Offline FantasyDawn

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The old newbie hatred-Why do we hate them?
« on: March 02, 2013, 02:20:06 pm »
Ok,so,it happened I got in the middle of some conversation between newbies and old members.Now this hatred isn't only available for this game but to all games in this world.

So,what are newbies?Often addressed as noobs,they are new players to a game/community,whom are trying to learn the basics of the game,rules,and everything related to it.Yet old players are not pleased at all with them.They often bully them,call them names and usually troll them for their own fun.But why hate them?
Newbies usually encounter more often problems,and they'll seek help from an experienced member.But old members seem to be annoyed when someone asks them a stupid question,like in our case,how do you dash or how do you fly.And then they'll just laugh in their face,because "they are too stupid to understand"etc.Fortunately,there are people who don't mind much about this,and help the newbies.I can tell that everytime I join a game for first time and I'm just a newbie,I ususally avoid seeking help directly from the game and go to the forums since they are forbidden to start a fight there.I'm wondering,are noob-haters annoyed because some of the newbies are slow-learners and ask same question again and again?And what about fast-learners who learn in just a few days all basics?And I find the noob-hatred ridiculous.Let's say you are a noob-hater.Don't you think you were once a newbie aswell?And when you join for the first time another game,you enter the ranks of a newbie.Are you going to hate yourself?
This is why I'm asking for your opinion.And if it happens you are a noob-hater,then tell us a good reason we should hate on them.


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Re: The old newbie hatred-Why do we hate them?
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2013, 02:26:58 pm »
Well, I don't think it's exactly fair to pick on them... because they just started playing the game and just don't know the basic controls and all that. Just try to be nice to a newbie and try to answer their cries for help. :p


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Re: The old newbie hatred-Why do we hate them?
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2013, 02:58:04 pm »
Since I have been on the game on and off for about two years I've encountered my fair share of noobies and their haters.
It doesn't really bother me when new players ask for help, and if I can I'll help them. :3

But there are some people that are very rude to new players, and that bothers me a lot. I usually try to be nice to the new players and look out for them, lol.
I was once a noob when I was younger and didn't know anything about the game. But I grew experienced and here I am. :D

Offline FantasyDawn

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Re: The old newbie hatred-Why do we hate them?
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2013, 03:09:58 pm »
Since I have been on the game on and off for about two years I've encountered my fair share of noobies and their haters.
It doesn't really bother me when new players ask for help, and if I can I'll help them. :3

But there are some people that are very rude to new players, and that bothers me a lot. I usually try to be nice to the new players and look out for them, lol.
I was once a noob when I was younger and didn't know anything about the game. But I grew experienced and here I am. :D

That's what I wanted to point out,that theese "annoying" noobs can be tomorrow awesome people.


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Re: The old newbie hatred-Why do we hate them?
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2013, 04:03:53 pm »
I agree,everyone was (at one point) a newbie.So it's really pointless to be mean to new players.If I find someone doing that I walk right up to their face and say, "You were once a noob." then leave.So you newbie haters remind yourself 'I was once a newbie before.' and with the wing and map update the newbies ask for more help.I don't blame them,I joined before the wing and more maps update so I didn't ask for much help. :) So I give you my opinion that newbie haters were once themselves newbies and they should remember that,like I do.


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Re: The old newbie hatred-Why do we hate them?
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2013, 04:32:53 pm »
I've come across several cases such as this, where just because the older members are capable of typing in 'literate', any noobs were often-times frowned upon, despite the fact that they probably do not know that typing in this style will often times get them made fun of.

I've only picked on noobs for reason, and that has happened rarely.
Really, you must wait and see if they even did anything before jumping to conclusions and picturing that they are a complete idiot that doesn't know anything. Perhaps even 'take them under your wing' too- since that it a define possibility. After being taught the basics of the game, and perhaps how to roleplay a little, you can learn to appreciate this person a lot more, for despite the fact that there is a lot of jerks out on the internet, or just complete idiots that refuse to be influenced or understand anything someone 'higher' than them tells them, there are lot's of people that aprpeciate being taught the basics and could become a great friend, aswell as an 'apprentice'.

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Re: The old newbie hatred-Why do we hate them?
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2013, 05:10:20 pm »
I think that these older players don't like the newbies and wont help them because they are too proud of being experienced(or so they think) on the game. they don't want newbies to become too good at the game or else they might get better than them. they know a lot from their experience on the game and don't want other people to learn these things because otherwise they would not be so great, but be just the same as every one else. so I really just find it very stupid that people would treat someone like that.

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: The old newbie hatred-Why do we hate them?
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2013, 06:13:13 pm »
Don't you think you were once a newbie aswell? And when you join for the first time another game,you enter the ranks of a newbie.

This is a point I have often stated before on this forum & game and I can not agree with you anymore on this subject. No matter what date we started this game we were all "newbies" at some point. None of us came into this game like pros knowing all the controls and tricks around the game. So why when some individuals have a couple more gaming hours or experience do they think they have the right to mistreat so called "newbies" as some sort of nuisance? How would you have liked it if you were treated poorly or name called or even ignored simply because you were new to the game and inexperienced?

It's all immaturity

I am not a fan of the words "noob" "newbie" or "nub" or whatever you want to call it. I do realize not all people use those words in a negative way but most do. The label Noob is not something people like to be called in game communities because it's associated with negative connotations and you are immediately stigmatized. I have been through it myself in other game communities like IMVU for example. It's not pleasant to enter a community and game feeling excited to play and interact with others but intimidated and afraid to approach them or ask them for help because you'll be seen as an "annoying noob".

The saddest thing is that most of these communities, as does this one, pride themselves on being "friendly" and "wholesome" but certain members totally tarnish those values by bringing hostility into the community. I have seen many rude & upsetting things said and done even among well known members of this community and each time I just shake my head in disbelief to the shear lack of sensitivity and immaturity shown to these so called "noobs" of Feral Heart.

Here are some examples of what I'm talking about:

- An individual runs along and is using certain emotes or actions like howl a lot and goofs off with it around one of these "veteran members" & their group of friends. Veteran members immediately call out this individual and label them as a noob. Then veteran member talks amongst friends about how noobish this person is and how annoying they are. The veteran group continues to down talk and label the person until the person is so uncomfortable that they leave or disconnect...

- An excited individual joins an rp and is asked to give an rp sample. Their rp example isn't up to the groups standards so instead of politely dismissing this individual proceed to name call this individual a stupid noob and criticize their RP style or name them another famous Feral Heart label "illiterate".

- An individual comes up to a member that is seemingly seasoned member and asks how do I do this action or get to this place? Seasoned member either decides to ignore this "annoying" noob or laughs at the noob and name calls.

- An individual decides to politely  join in on a group of seasoned members conversation since they're chatting in local and everyone immediately gets silent turns to this individual and start the noob name calling

My point in listing these examples is to show how the use of the title noob/newbie/nub is as over used and improperly used as the title of illiterate. It's not cute or funny when you throw these words around, infact it's immature and insensitive. Grow up people. This is a game and it's a place to have fun not a place to bash random users just for cheap laughs or to look cool among your friends or whatever other warped reasons why people do it. We're all here as one community and if we want to see this community last long and stay happy, fun, and friendly certain members need to get their act together...

« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 06:18:52 pm by LordSuragaha »

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Re: The old newbie hatred-Why do we hate them?
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2013, 06:57:20 pm »
I've blocked considerably more 'veteran' members than newbies! Heck, I met one of my closest friends on FH after taking her beneath my wing when she'd only just started. People really do need to keep in mind that the newer players are often extraordinarily young; they don't deserve such harassment if they're polite and are only seeking assistance. Whilst FH's community isn't as venomous as the one I left a few months ago, it's still rather disconcerting-- and upsetting! I don't entirely understand what's so difficult about about responding with 'press E' when someone asks how to fly!

Even with my own group, I value the player behind the character more than their literacy level; I've accepted people I've had a lovely banter with-- even if their roleplaying sample's not entirely up to scratch! People improve with time, and the two I've accepted now blow my roleplay entirely out of the water. :D

I can somewhat understand if the new player's incredibly crude; there was a new player who wore my patience thin, claiming she'd been abused, had scarlet fever, cancer, hepatitis and every ailment under the sun after she was (seemingly) declined from a group earlier.

Outright harassing anyone is never right, but it can't hurt to show a little empathy and compassion towards a fellow player.


- An individual decides to politely  join in on a group of seasoned members conversation since they're chatting in local and everyone immediately gets silent turns to this individual and start the noob name calling

This happened very recently to me (even if I've been playing for almost a year across my old account and this one!). I approached the group again after recognizing a few from the forums, and-...  Is there a forum block? ::)

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Re: The old newbie hatred-Why do we hate them?
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2013, 09:01:14 pm »

My point in listing these examples is to show how the use of the title noob/newbie/nub is as over used and improperly used as the title of illiterate. It's not cute or funny when you throw these words around, infact it's immature and insensitive. Grow up people. This is a game and it's a place to have fun not a place to bash random users just for cheap laughs or to look cool among your friends or whatever other warped reasons why people do it. We're all here as one community and if we want to see this community last long and stay happy, fun, and friendly certain members need to get their act together...

Very well said, Lord Sura. I applaud you for your statement.

Yes, I too have seen new players being bullied by the more experienced players in this community. It's just down-right immature, stupid, insensitve, and most of all childish! You're right, EVERYONE in this community was a "newbie" at some point, whether it was two years ago or two months ago.
Think about it, experienced players who bully and tease new players aren't really setting a good example or a good impression for the Feral Heart community. The new players who get bullied won't feel welcome and will think the FH community isn't a friendly place to play. Therefore, it could discorage them to play this game. I don't want new players to think of this community as being an unfriendly place for newcomers. I want them to feel welcome, not feel like an outcast... but since we have some immature members out there, that makes it difficult.

I too was once a newbie. The first day I started playing this game, I found some experienced players who didn't mind instructing me on how to use the actions and character emotes. I was glad that I found some people who didn't bully/harrass new players in the game.  

I really don't have a problem with helping new players in this community. If I ever come across someone who is new to the FH community, I will give them a few helpful game tips and hints if they ask for it. I was once in the middle of an RP, when this "newbie" came along and started watching us. Pretty much they wanted to learn how to roleplay in Feral Heart. So we just continued with our little RP while they sat quietly and watched how we roleplayed. Is there anything wrong with that? Of course not!!! It's a great way for them to learn so they could go out and RP with others. They need to be given a chance. They will get better at playing this game if they follow the examples of the experienced members.

A letter from Lady Alizarin addressed to anyone who has ever bullied new players...

Dear "Newb-Hater",

How DARE you?! What you're doing to the newest members of this Feral Heart community is VERY unacceptable, insensitive, and childish. Feral Heart is supposed to be a friendly community that welcomes everyone. Are you trying to give us a bad name? Not only is bullying someone on this game against the rules, it will discourage more people from playing this game. You should be very ashamed of yourself. You need to grow up and KNOCK IT OFF! I may be a lady with nice silk gloves, but these silk gloves can be used for smacking bullies across the face in a lady-like fashion. T^T

~Sincerely, Lady Alizarin
