Author Topic: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||  (Read 13815 times)

Offline silverMarie

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2013, 09:21:06 pm »
The snow swirled by the mouth of the cave, caking everything in an icy blanket. Dawn placed her hands on the cold stone ground and pushed herself up "I can't just sit in here all day." She slowly walked over to the mouth of the cave and walked into the freezing storm. The snow whirled by her face as she made her way through the snow covered forest. By now the sun was already covered by a thick collection of clouds, but it was hard to tell due to the heavy falling of snow. "What to do.." she asked herself, at this time she would be meeting her brother at the edge of the forest, but she didn't think that was going to happen today. Luckily, she didn't get cold as easy as other humans did due to her inner animal. The temperature would have frozen a normal person, but she is able to stay out much longer in just a hoodie.
Dawn kept a watchful eye out for Cory. She let out a sigh, remembering how they weren't always like this. She stopped "Who's there!" she spun around and saw a man with a mustache. He had a large dark blue coat on and snow pants, he also wore a warm looking hat. "What are you doing out here?" he looked over her "Especially dressed like that! It's below ten out here!" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a radio then began talking into it "Are you a cop?" Dawn backed up. The man returned his radio to his side pocket and placed his hand on his side arm "Yes I am. Now answer my question; What are you doing out here?" he took a large step forward. Dawn was silent for a moment "..I dog.." the man looked at her, obviously not believing her "Come with me. We have been having suspicious activity out here lately." He placed a gloved hand on her shoulder "Get off of me!" she pushed his hand away and tried to run. She was slammed to the ground "You are under arrest for the murder of Frank Torez! You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you by the state." Dawn froze, Murder!? "No! You are making a mistake! I didn't kill anyone!" The man lifted her off the ground, she tried to pull her hands away but they were locked together by handcuffs. She stopped struggling and just let him take her, this would be the first time she ever stepped foot into the town since she was ten years old.
The snow didn't let up, it was still flying down and shortening their eyesight. The sound of cars honking and sirens wailing, even screams of sadness. "Looks like there has been an accident." Finally, they came to the tree's edge. The sounds of sirens grew louder and so did the shouting, it saddened Dawn, the thought of death always made her sad. "Over here." he pulled her to a squad car and opened the door and gestured her in. "Is there anything you want to  tell me?" Dawn glared at him "I didn't do it." He sighed and slammed the door. Dawn growled and slammed her shoulder into the door, she knew it was no use but she had to try. After a few good hits she stopped and sighed, she looked towards the forest and closed her eyes. "What's happening.." she whined, "Who is Frank Torez?" She turned her attention back to the cop who had jogged over to the scene of the accident, he soon faded behind the whirling snow.

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2013, 10:41:05 pm »


   He shuddered from the cold wind racing past him and his fur bristled from the cold weather as he continued. He paused, hearing the voices louder now and his ears perked straight up, dipping his head through the bush. His eyes stared locked on a large group of young hunters. Ray gulped slightly and withdrew from the bush, backing up slowly. His back bumped into something behind him and he jumped three in the air, letting out a startled yelp. He winced and glanced up slowly to stare up at the hunter standing above him. The man gave him a cold stare before yanking him up by his upper neck scruff. The fox struggled, flailing in the air but then soon stopped, staring eyes wide observing the other hunters he had seen.
   "Look what I found scurrying around the campsite", the man grasping him smirked triumphantly, "It's been a while since I've got to skin anything to sell." Ray's heart leaped and growled low hatefully. Your not skinning anything you fat bastard. Especially not me, he thought, wanting to say it aloud. He closed his eyes, ready to shift, but the laughter of the others stopped him. "That thing?" One of them laughed mockingly, "Do you see how dirty and mangled it's pelt is? It looks like its been wallowing in it's own feces!" At this point, both him and the hunter holding him were seething with rage. "You don't look great yourself!" he barked in annoyance, but in his kind's tongue so the huntsmen couldn't understand him.
   "You always could sell him as a pet in the city ya' know",  Another suggested. "All sorts have recently started going missing. You could probably sell it so some willing family eager to pay for a replacement." Ray's ears flicked as he gazed at the ground, As a house pet? I'm not even good at understanding other of my own kind, how will this be any better? His eyes glared back up at the hunter that had laughed at him earlier, hearing his scruff voice again, "Tch, right. You'll be lucky if you get twenty for this puny maggot." "It's something though, isn't it?" the man shrugged as he reached for a cage and placed the fox in it, picking it up. A few of the others nodded. "Fine..." the first hunter grunted, "I guess its about time to head back into town anyways. I'm starving." The group soon packed up there few possessions they had caught and began heading for the city. Ray glanced over at the one that laughed at him and whispered angrily to himself, "When I get out of here, Your the first one on my list. "


Offline FantasyDawn

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2013, 07:10:40 am »


Alina was slowily walking around the town.The morning breeze was blowing gently in her short,blonde hair.Everywhere she was going,she heard people talking about the strange activities that were happening in this area.The hunters were oftenely leaving the city into the forest in order to find out what was going on,but none found a clue.It was clear that the forest was no longer a safe shelter for the ones of her kind and this is why she had to be more cautious whenever she was going in the woods.She had to meet her animal friends,to warn them to be careful because the vast amount of hunters that were exploring daily their homes could mark them as their prey and escaping will be alot harder.
She sneaked out of the city and approached the edge of the white forest.She reached the first tree and stopped,her blue eyes were scanning the surroundings.So,no one noticed me going here,and no one is following me.she said to herself.She shifted to her polar fox form and ventured deeper into the woods.Her small paws were sinking into the large,white sea,making harder her advance.Her stomach was rubbing and remembereed she hasn't eaten this morning.I should go hunt first.
Her white pelt was a good camouflage,hiding her from unseen eyes and a good help in stalking her prey.She glanced to the small group of bushes and noticed a rabbit going out of it.It didn't noticed her and stopped,sharpening its ears.Alina crouched and began crawling throught the snow.Her blue gaze was fixed onto her prey.She tried to get as near as possible since the rabbit was fast and could easily lose sight of it.She launched herself towards the animal and after a small pursuit scene,she managed to corner the rabbit and caught it.She grasped it between her jaws and carried it in her mouth near the trunk of a tree.There she feasted on it,small patterns of blood were dirtying the snow.Now she was full and continued her way to her friends.


Offline Huskystar

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2013, 07:40:24 am »

Name: Jessica Beck.
Age: 21 Years.
Gender: Female.
Personality: Jessica is a very hearty girl, and almost loves everything and everyone she sees. She is very friendly, and will do anything for a friend. She can be very shy, and hide away in her living area. When someone offends her, she can be very aggressive, and good with her comebacks. Normally, she isn't that bold, and will shy away to tough challenges, but when it comes at a cost ((Friend missing, animal being hunt)) she will do it.
History: She doesn't like to tell...
-A black and tan German Shepherd.- -A pure white lion.- -A adorable Grizzly Bear!-
Living: Forest.
Family: Her mother was named Sasha, along with her dad, who was named Marcus. She had no siblings... Her only Nan was named Dorothy.
Disabilities: None.
Voice: Ariana singing, and talking.
Extra: She normally hangs about in the forest, but sometimes goes to the city.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 07:42:21 am by Huskies-Eat-Ponies »

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Offline silverMarie

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2013, 08:28:21 am »
Accepted ^^)

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Offline Huskystar

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2013, 04:18:14 pm »
((Thank you!))

Jessica Beck.

The buffeting, cold wind froze Jessica's pale face, as she snuggled up in her coat. The edge of the snowy forest stood before her, and there was no one to be seen. Shyly, she stepped in, and leaped up. When she touched the ground, a white paw touched it, not a foot. Jessica had shifted into a white lioness. She shook her pelt, feeling as cold as ever with hardly no fur. Shivering, she padded on.

Soon she was about in the middle of the forest. Her empty belly rumbled, and she sniffed around, wanting to find some prey. Her nose twitched at the sound of tiny feet batting on the ground.Rabbit... She thought, ducking low into the snow. Her pelt seemed invisible, as it was white. She slowly stalked it, her feet barely making a ground. Suddenly, she got ready to pounce, when a Arctic ((Polar)) Fox leaped in her way. The fox snatched the prey, and Jessica snarled in annoyance. She ducked away and turned into her German Shepherd form. She knew the fox got her prey, but she desperately wanted a friend. Hungrily, she watched the fox eat, and mumbled,

((Rather short for meh!))

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

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Offline FantasyDawn

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2013, 06:04:29 pm »


The rabbit meat gave Alina the enegry she needed untill lunch,however she couldn't have eaten all the prey and wanted to spare a part for the time she'll need it again.Just when Alina decided to hide it,she heard a mumble that got her attention:"Hi...".She raised her head and looked in the direction of where it came from and so,her gaze met the one of a German Shepherd who approached her shyly.
Alina calmed down when she understood that the Shepherd had no intention in harming her and by scent,she recognised that it was also a shape-shifter just like her."Hello!she said to her,giving a friendly bark.It didn't took her long to realise that the shifter was very hungry,seeing the way she looked at the rest of the prey.I should give this to her,it's hard to hunt with all this snow around.she said to herself.Alina pushed the prey with her muzzle towards the German Shepherd."Here you go!By the way,what's your name?Mine is Alina!"she said to her.Every person she would met she would always make a friend,especially since she didn't had a friend fo her own kind.


Offline Huskystar

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #27 on: March 13, 2013, 06:24:46 pm »
Jessica Beck.

Jessica watched the Polar fox eat the rabbit eagerly. She was almost drooling, but she controlled herself just about. She suddenly wondered if this creature would be harmful to her... Just then, she realized that this fox was a shifter!  Her thick tail started to wag happily, as she knew she was with one of her kind. "Hello!" The fox yipped. Jessica shook herself back to reality, and done her dog smile.

After a sudden pause, she saw the white muzzle push some of the rabbit meat closer to her. She was about to object having her meal, but she started to talk again,
"Here you go! By the way,what's your name? Mine is Alina!" Jessica was surprised by the Fox's hyper voice. The cold wind made her look down, facing the meat. She breathed in silently, and the stormy snow buffeted her face. Then she realized, she needed to answer the fox, "Sorry I was day dreaming. That's a beautiful name! Also, my name is Jessica, or Jess."

A couple of seconds later, she ducked down. She started to eagerly started to gnom on the fresh meat. Sudden foot steps could be heard, and a click of a gun. "Some ones here, he's trying to shoot us..." She whispered, her heart skipping a couple of beats. She looked at the shadow figure, and bared her shiny teeth. Her sudden fear disappeared, and she started to snap angrily at the thin air.

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline FantasyDawn

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2013, 07:00:12 am »


The shifter didn't answered her question directly.It lowered its head and looked to the rabbit meat she just gave her.A deep silence occured and Alina decided to break it."Anything wrong?"she asked the Shepherd.Right then,the shifter looked up,like she suddenly woke up from a dream and answered:"Sorry,I was daydreaming.That's a beautiful name!Also,my name is Jessica or Jess."
Alina giggled and took a sit in the soft snow.Her fur was "decorated" with small white patterns from  snowflakes."Daydreaming with all these hunters around isn't good at all.And your name is nice too!She watched as the shifter was feasting on the fresh meat,wagging her tail in the meantime,as a sign of happiness."So,Jess,would you like going with me and introduce you to my other forest friends?I'm sure they'll be pleased to meet you!"she asked Jessica,who almost finished the prey.Wow,she really was hungry,I'm glad I could have helped her! she said to herself.
But before Jessica could have replied,a loud sound of footsteps made their presence felt.She perked her ears and jumped on her four legs as a gun sound occured somewhere near them.This threat made her shudder,knowing that many animals fell to this danger.Her heart was beating hard and she tried to remain calm,her legs trembling.However,she didn't ran away and kept her position.Alina heard Jessica's whisper:"Someone's here,he's trying to shoot us..".She crouched and looked at her friend."What do we do now?I can't see how many are there,let's hope it's only one."she whispered back.


Offline silverMarie

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2013, 07:04:25 am »
Dawn's attention was brought to her right side window by a rapid tapping "Huh?" she turned to look, expecting to see the officer, but it wasn't. "I'm here to get you out of here." Dawn glared at Cory, her eyes burning with rage, Why would he want to help her? Dawn didn't ask. Cory opened the door "Hurry!" Dawn was wary, was this a trap? Dawn pushed her thoughts away and left the squad car. With her hands held behind her back she and Cory ran into the cover of the forest once again. "Why did you help me?" Their pace slowed and he looked at her "If I let him take you away who would I have to bully?" He chuckled. Dawn didn't find it amusing at all, his bullying damaged her leg, she could never forgive him. He must have read her mind "I'm so sorry about your leg..I didn't mean for it to happen.." he looked at the ground then back at her "Let's get these cuffs off."
It only took him a seconds for Cory to remove them, "Done this before?", he laughed "You could say that." She rubbed her wrists "That didn't feel that good." She stood up and looked at the clearing sky "It stopped." she grinned, the heavy snow fall from before was now a few flakes gently floating down to earth. She looked at Cory, he had ashy blonde hair and blue eyes, every teenage girl's dream. He was tall and slender with the right amount of muscle in the right places "Let's get out of here, they will be looking for you soon." He was right, Dawn had to move deeper in to forest now. "Uhm..Thanks." she shifted into her wolf form, a light tan and white wolf with blue eyes, "Wait." Dawn turned around to see a dark wolf staring back at her "Where will you go?". Dawn thought for a moment, the hot springs were a perfect place, hardly anyone ever showed up there "The hot springs." She looked away and began trotting towards her new place of residence, she heard paw steps behind her and the breathing coming from a run out wolf.
"What are you doing?" She came to an abrupt stop and spun around, staring at Cory. "I..I was just making sure you got there safe.." he dragged one of his paws over the snow "..And I have nowhere to go." Dawn tilted her head, he lived in a great spot, right next to the river, there was enough prey to feed him for two lifetimes "You have your own home, it's great there." His face darkened, his eyes dulled "They took it..everything." Dawn stared at him "What are you talking about?" Cory stared at the ground, unmoving "Cory! Tell me what happened." she walked closer and sat in front of him. He looked up at her "Humans..Hunters. They came while I was sleeping and killed everything..The deer, the rabbits, anything they could shoot. They even ruined the water." Dawn dropped her ears "I'm sorry.." She nosed his shoulder "Come on then." He perked his ears and followed her "Thank you, Dawn." Dawn nodded "Don't mention it." she smirked then trotted through the trees.
She heard voices close by and perked her ears "Hunters?" she asked Cory "Maybe, they do smell familiar." Dawn crouched down and stalked forward until four men wearing orange vests came into view. "Here they are." she whispered, Cory glared at them, hatred burning in his eyes. She watched as a larger man held a fox by the scruff(Ray.) "Poor guy." she watched as they argued about the fox's fate then threw him into a cage "Should we help him?" She looked at Cory "I don't know, is it worth it?" Dawn looked at the ground. She couldn't let them harm any creature "We have to help him." She stood up and peered over the snow covered hedge, she watched as they began to walk away "Now's our chance." She ran forward and leaped onto the smaller man "Ahh! Help me!" he wailed as her teeth sunk into his shoulder, the other three dropped the cage and pulled out their rifles "Grab the cage!" she ordered as she released her grip.
Cory obeyed and grabbed the cage and ran into the trees, Dawn glared at the men as they aimed down their sights "Remember how you wanted to skin something?" one of them said with a smirk "Yeah, and I think I found what I wanted." Dawn growled and ran after Cory as they fired shots at her, luckily she wasn't hit. She followed Cory's scent and was glad that he had chosen to go deeper into the forest, away from town. Finally, Cory came into view along with the cage holding the fox. She nodded to Cory before shifting into her human self, she kneeled in front of the cage and opened the cage door. "Come on out." She coaxed, she has dealt with frightened creatures before, some were good and some were bad. (She doesn't know that Ray is like them yet.) She backed up, giving the fox some space "We won't hurt you." she looked at her friend who had also changed into his human form. "Thanks for grabbing the cage, you're a good friend." he nodded then looked back to the caged fox. She looked at the fox as well, waiting for him to leave his small cell.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 05:50:05 pm by Auriakuri »

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