Author Topic: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| **Open**  (Read 18520 times)

Offline Charlie-101

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *Open & Accepting*
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2013, 05:04:32 pm »
@WeirdFloof!: Your character is  ||Accepted|| Welcome to the RP my friend :D I shall add you to the list :) lovely character by the way :)
'If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together!' ~Thorin Oakenshield

Offline Huskystar

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *Open & Accepting*
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2013, 05:43:32 pm »
JD, does this mean we are allowed to start?? ((Sorry just I'm a eager one!))

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline Charlie-101

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *Open & Accepting*
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2013, 05:46:16 pm »
[[@Huskies-Eat-Ponies: I'm going to wait for one more human and then I shall officially open the RP :) I know i'm excited too but let's give people a little more time to apply :)]]
'If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together!' ~Thorin Oakenshield

Offline Huskystar

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *Open & Accepting*
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2013, 05:49:14 pm »
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 06:20:34 pm by Huskies-Eat-Ponies »

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline Kasai

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *Open & Accepting*
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2013, 06:56:43 pm »
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 01:43:58 am by Kasai »

Offline ShadowClasher

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *Open & Accepting*
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2013, 10:13:17 pm »
(( Thanks, JD. ^.^ I can't wait to start RPing with all of you. x3 ))

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?

Offline Celeyan

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *Open & Accepting*
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2013, 02:16:03 am »

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *Open & Accepting*
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2013, 02:22:42 am »
// WIP //

Full Name:
Jeanette Lien Chomsky
Preferred Name:
"Jean" or "Cat Lady" by her pestering neighbors that dislikes her typical feeding schedule to the cats in the park. (But she also feeds her bread to the ducks too.)
28 years old
Height & Weight:
5 ft 5 in ; 134 lb
House Address & Number:
22489 High Garden Terrace

Social Status:
Aspiring Settler (Making her way up to Famous Celebrities though!)
Composer that recently has been hired for a brand new TV Show. The problem is, the company is trying to pull her onto +4 spots for composing for other task such as an animated short.
Seen sporting what many can consider "hobo attire," she can be sporting outfits that can similar to that shown in the second picture but usually right colors (her favorite being a red turtleneck.) She has scarred hands from childhood trauma and a burnt mark running across her right shoulder blade. Due to this, she'll wear fingerless gloves in the studio and stick to nothing with straps (unless she can wear a sweater cover her shoulders.)
Personality and/or Traits: ( Here's just the basics in the | |s  & the information below goes into more details.)

| Curious | Balanced | Honest | Self-Conscious | Introverted | Patient | Humble | Morning Person |

Highly curious in the world around her, Jeanette has taken the path less taken with finding new activities and pass times to indulge herself in with herself or others (usually her niece or Leo) and can be seen usually sitting in the studio with instruments and organized sheet paper on one side and perhaps a jigsaw puzzle on the floor or possibly a cat toy. She enjoys keeping herself engaged and not wanting to waste any precious time or energy when she has free time but she understands the need of balancing work and play but happens to multitask with both.


* Not considered the strongest of her peers and not being very "fit" in gym standards (but if rolling, then she'll win the gold medal.)
* She has times where she flinches when she sees a flame up close.
* Jean feels "paranoid" to see something she hasn't that relates with a knife (talking to a chef and then she notices there is a knife at hand.)
* It takes her longer than most to form bonds with other people of her species but she can become easily attached to animals.
* Sometimes, she'll go into a short time of despair, wanting to be alone in the house with her feline friend due to over thinking certain situations.
* She is easily scared by  horror films (but not stories) and will occasionally leave the lights on like a child as she might think something is in the dark.

*Feeding the outsider "cats" at the park with left over tuna or pieces of bread with nutella. Seriously! Some of the cats in the park like that! Or just feeding the ducks. Jean feels accomplished to helping out to feed hungry mouths, human or not.
*Playing the ukelele, clarinet, and piano. (These are the core three instruments that she is most familiar with)
*Playing with her companion on the floor and whatnot. (She does do this to canines and other felines she knows.)
*Making origami shaped fish (and hiding them) to bother Leonardo.
*Knitting (secret hobby.) This is why you might see of of those fashionable Christmas-themed sweaters in your mailbox. She gives them out willingly without anyone knowing. However, you might recognize one common thing: a signature.
*Creative writing and reading fictional books (as nonfiction bores her sometimes unless it has to do with war.)

Background/History: (What has happened to your character previously?)
* Lucas Chomsky (Father)
* Louis Chomsky (Mother)
* Henry Chomsky (Older brother; 32 years of age)
* Paige Chomsky (Niece; 8 years of age)

Relationship Status:
Single but the constant thought of being single doesn't trifle her much. However, she is opened for relationships that slowly bloom. She hates going too fast.
"A secret admirer? Me? R-Really?" She emitted a laugh of jubilant surprise at such a question being asked. She wiped the corner of her eye due to a tear forming up from the humorous situation. "I haven't met one that has...honestly. It's can you have crushes when not most have ever been fully engaged with their hearts?" The composer felt dumb stricken when it came to the concept; the piece didn't settle right into her logical puzzle.
*She has a minor is Culinary and Business so she can possibly open a bakery or help someone financially with a business if there are no job opportunities opened for her.
* She is willingly to foster an animal into her home!
RP Password: Who let the dogs out? -_-
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 03:06:27 am by SoaringAway »

Offline Charlie-101

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *Open & Accepting*
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2013, 10:06:13 am »
@Kasai: Lovely App :) Welcome to the RP your character is ||Accepted||

@??????z?????z????: Beautiful Borzoi :) Welcome aboard my friend your character is ||Accepted||

@SoaringAway: Wonderful Charcter Soaring :) welcome to the RP my dearie your character is ||Accepted||

@Everyone: I look forward to meeting your characters in the RP and getting to know them better I shall add you all the the members list I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through all your Applications so thank you for that :) I think it's clear to say we have enough members to start the RP. I shall put the accepting members on hold for now as I believe we have enough to start off with and then I may re-open character acceptance later :) So without further ado I now pronounce this RP......


'If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together!' ~Thorin Oakenshield

Offline LasVagas

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| **Open**
« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2013, 11:41:09 am »
(Yay! I am so excited.)

The young Irish Setter stretched in his sleep as the early morning rays shone through a small window panel to beam on him. The day was looking to be quite good, and the great thing about mornings for young Chester was that there was always something tasty left in his feeding bowl from the night before.

Peeling open a sleep crusted eye, Chester's tongue stretched as he yawned, ending in a small squeak and he bit down accidenetly on his tongue. He rolled off his side from which he had slept on all night, and getting up was very painful because lots off pressure had been put onto one place, and the dinky little dog bed he had in the cupboard did not help with the soothing at all.

 Shaking his thick coat of Chestnut fur, Chester rose to all his paws and stood still for a while, his adorable floppy ears hanging limply and his eye lids attempted to open fully. His feeding bowl was about a meter away, but the walk seemed like a mile, for his body was too tired to move. Reaching out his front paws in a large stretched, he wiggled and crawled towards his feeding bowl, the sun filled room messing with his tired eyes. It took him a while to actually reach it, but it felt much nicer to crawl than make his legs work. He gained to his paws and stepped forwards,  bending his head down over the bowl to eat, but there were only a few scraps of raw meat left here and there, but all the same, he devoured them. Looking up, he licked his maw happily whilst looking around at the cupboards, cupboards most likely filled with his food, hidden from the unsuspecting owner. He bounced towards them, looking up at how high they were, and no normal dog would have attempted this, but Chester was not normal, in the head. He raised his front paws and placed them on the edge of a washing basket, full of clean clothes. He raised his hind leg and caught it on one of the mans socks, that fell from the basket as he stood on the soft carpet of clothes. Surrounding him was a chair, a pile of shoes and the washing machine, laying dormant and awaiting for someone to push its buttons. Shuffling  to the very tip of the basket, his front paws caught hold of the dip in the washing machine, its smooth surface making the Chestnut pelted dog slip around. Digging his nails into it did not work so he decided to do this quickly. He pounced his hind legs onto it and turned around, barley managing to stay put. He then bounded upwards with a large leap. He reached out and grabbed hold of the chair and wriggled for a few moments, his hind legs struggling in mid air to grab something, but finally with a bit of effort and gas release he managed to pull himself up.

Panting from his hard work, he stared up at the cupboards. They were so close and a juicy smell was emitting from them. He whined and yipped as he though how he would accomplish this but he paused as a door banged and a toilet flushed. His owners where finally awake. He heard muffled talking and then it got louder as a door opened. It was a young voice and she seemed to be talking to herself, but a very faint voice was talking back to her. She was on the phone. Chester was silent as he listened. "Oh my god she had puppies? How many? That is adorable! I wish i could have one, pugs are the best. What colors? Aww. I am going to beg for my parents to get me one. Although, that never worked my whole life. But you never know. They may be getting one for my birthday tomorrow since it is the only thing i asked for...that and some new eye liner. When will they be- Hold on, my dad wants to talk to me." The young voice said and then a deeper, male voice spoke, the same voice he heard everyday from when he was allowed to run around the house. "Can you stop talking about puppies? You are not having a pug and that is final. I told you, they scare your mother." He said and the female voice replied with a giggle. "Now you are going to be late for school, talking to your friends. I told you less of the phone use, it is going to make our bill go shooting up. Now, go get your shoes. WAIT! I-i will get them." he said, remembering Chester was still in the cupboard. He heard foot steps and then the door open, Chester wagging his tail rapidly on the chair. "Shh boy, i just need some shoes. Pff, what is that smell?" He said in a hushed voice, pinching his nose. He opened a cupboard and grabbed some small puppy biscuits, then grabbing his daughters shoes. He handed the biscuits to the pup and then went outside, closing the door behind him. Chester whined as he heard a kiss and then the front door open, being slammed as it closed. The cupboard door opened once more as the man returned, allowing him access to the large area. Another door opened and it was his wife, looking very lazy with drooping eyes. "She gone already? Oh. Anyway, don't loose him. I got his shots yesterday so he is all clear for a good walk outside. that smell coming form him? Ha! What a stinker." She giggled, her beautiful eyes glistening in the sun. "I am going to get dressed, put some make up on and then take him out for a nice long walk. You can watch some football or whatever. Heck, some with me if you wish." She said. "Well, yeah i will come. Maybe we can fine a nice cafe and have some lunch after we Finnish with the hours of your shopping." The male smiled, rubbing his neck as he went into the bedroom where she had just exist. They then rambled on about nothing good on the TV and that she has no good shoes. Chester barked and whined but they did not come out for a whole hour.

One hour later, Chester though he was going to die of boredom but the couple soon exist the bedroom, fully dressed and groomed. The female was wearing skinny leg white jeans with a  one shoulder black, light top. And the male was wearing some jeans, not that tight, and they hanged down slightly showing his boxers. He then wore a black jumper that had some buttons near the neck. Both looked amazing.  "So, we are agreeing that there will be no breakfast. We can have a amazing brunch. And no looking at TV's. I am quite happy with out current one." The female voice said. Chester howled at them, his Chestnut ears flying back as he bent his neck back. "And of coarse, there will be some brunch for little Chessy. Now, lets go. There is some beauty shops i want to go check out." She said before rummaging in a box and finding his fancy Black leather collar with silver embroidery and small pearls and a matching lead. "Okay, have i got my bag? Yes, my purse, lipstick..."  The female began but the male walked out of the door, holding Chester's lead with him on the end as he went.

(I am hoping to interact with one of the wandering strays as they walk in my next post. And then go to the restraunt and Meet Gabrielle and Kili, if that's okay. ^^.)

