Author Topic: RIP General  (Read 168229 times)

Offline YouheiSunohara24

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #170 on: June 22, 2013, 05:26:51 pm »
Most of the posts here want General back, and there are LOTS of groups in Fluorite wanting it back. :I And by the way, it isn't JUST the General thing I'm mad about now, it is the way the mods are treating the large portion of the community that wants it back, for speaking our minds. They insult us. The degrade us. They call us stupid. Tip: "Uneducated" is the same as calling someone stupid. The way the treat US is offensive. So they can't cry about the way we treat THEM being offensive. Atr least I don't throw insults around and call the mods 'ungrateful uneducated brats', like they call me and many others.
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Offline StarWarsWolf7

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #171 on: June 22, 2013, 05:39:34 pm »
I wasn't trying to be disrespectful today, but I was ticked off. Last night, I was trying toi be calm and collected about it, and quite peaceful. I tried getting my point through to Red's brain, but he wouldn't hear a word of it. He just waved me away as if my opinion didn't matter, and his supporters did as well. He called me an 'ungrateful brat' and 'uneducated'. He also stated that 'You kids have no idea what it's like to moderate a game'. Well, you know what? YES, I DO. I am a moderator at the Warriors MMORPG, Moonrise. In fact, not a mod, but an ADMIN. I know how to run a community, and I know that being a moderator means listening to the community and making them happy. ANd Red said this: "If you were really a mod at Moonrise, you'd be nicer." ....Um, excuse me? I /am/ nice! If I wasn't /nice/, then I wouldn't be fighting for what is right! And the mods aren't being nice by merely silencing us, and abusing their powers by banning us all for speaking our minds. I was calm. I was level-headed and peaceful, but it was Red and his friends who started throwing insults around. Hell, I even heard that Red and his friends cussed someone out last night! And if that really happened, then MODS were breaking the rules that THEY are supposed to enforce! I can tell you, next time I go on, I will screenshot my conversation and post it. The mods are acting like we have no say, and our opinions don't matter the tiniest bit. Now, I am not directing this towards ALL of the mods, mind you, I am mostly speaking of Red and his friends, the ones who unfairly ban, insult, cuss out, etc. If these mods really cared about what the community thinks, then they would LISTEN to us, and let us speak our minds without fear of being banned. I will take an unofficial poll into my own hands. The mods don't have to listen to it, but I want to see which side has the most votes. Maybe then, they will listen and see that probably 99% of us wants General back. There are definitely more "I want General back" comments than "I don't want it back" comments.  Really. The mods need to pay attention to us. We DO NOT expect to have everything given to us on a silver plate, as Red puts it, we just want rights, and we want justice. And, we just want to be able to speak our minds, and for the moderators to be fair. Sure, 'life isn't fair,' but you know what? FeralHeart isn't real life. The moderators could be fair to us.

PS. Please delete the post by Moonstripe, as that was me. I wanna post it on my own account, soooo... lolol.

Amen. Banning people for their opinions is just flat out immature and lazy. I've said this many times before, as have others, but the staff actually need to listen to the community. I haven't seen a single one do anything about this large discussion and all the opinions being shared, nor have I seen any action taking place on FH EXCEPT for the relentless banning. Honestly, couldn't they focus more on the real trouble makers/spammers as opposed to those who just want to have a say against this rather sudden change? I am very surprised that the mods/admins didn't even have a poll or a warning before going forth with this, as I'm sure they would have realized then how upset the majority of us are with this change. And if this "grand update" is just supposed to be "testing,"'s causing way more problems then general apparently used to cause, so wouldn't it be a fine and dandy idea just to bring it back? Or at least make a new chat for advertising or SOMETHING. Something beneficial for us at least, not beneficial for just the staff...

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #172 on: June 22, 2013, 05:40:31 pm »
Most of the posts here want General back, and there are LOTS of groups in Fluorite wanting it back. :I And by the way, it isn't JUST the General thing I'm mad about now, it is the way the mods are treating the large portion of the community that wants it back, for speaking our minds. They insult us. The degrade us. They call us stupid. Tip: "Uneducated" is the same as calling someone stupid. The way the treat US is offensive. So they can't cry about the way we treat THEM being offensive. Atr least I don't throw insults around and call the mods 'ungrateful uneducated brats', like they call me and many others.
This post wasn't directed at you specifically, instead it was rather directed at the spammers and trolls who think that if they make it seem worse without general they'll get it back. I was also a bit angry because I saw some members typing comments that really seemed full of hate that should be directed at the trolls who made gen go down rather than at the staff. You are right that lately the staff hasn't been communicating as often as some of us would like, but at the same time think about all the PMs they are receiving about the "General" topic. Some of those PMs might be full of hate and harmful words, so it's no surprise they're not all in a good jolly mood.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 11:00:36 pm by Thanatos||Soul-Eater »

Offline shusuke

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #173 on: June 22, 2013, 05:52:49 pm »
Woah. What's all this?

Taking out the General Chat of a game with maps is not the best of ideas. There are plenty of ways to handle it.

I don't care of if the issue was discussed or just done on the whim of a handful of people, this was simply not a good idea. Issues in the chat? Mods should poke their heads in for a bit and then handle it. Heck even the community could have helped by just starting a form of encouragement to not do certain things in it. It's really not that hard [frustrating due to the member amount, but really, not hard].

Feedback for a game is essential. Updates will never happen with Kov gone, so getting rid of any bit of the small amount that this game has is...not good. Definitely not good. And General of all things, that's like hitting a runner in the Achilles heel!

This community needs time to discuss their options with one another and come to some sort of solution. I highly doubt it will [it seems very slim with how things are, in honesty], but there is a definite need for some sort of operation to get rid of any infection here and then get the game at the jogging pace it used to be at, or was somehow maintaining?

All I know is that this game looks like it's limping at the moment and in honesty, that's a waste of server money when you look at it. People will leave your game, so why would you get rid of something that acts as the glue or major support beam of a game that keeps people around?

I'm just mindlessly rambling but it makes very little sense. : S

Offline Vessan

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #174 on: June 22, 2013, 06:05:20 pm »
You guys there, don't you think people are getting a bit hostile toards all this lately?
Well yes a major part of the game was shut down...for a while, just for a test!
I man just comming here and saying you don't like the idea but you will submit and just wait to see what happens would be far better.
I stated my opinion that I do not agree compleatly, but will wait and see. If general will come back I would suggest that it would be dissablead every fouth week or so, but not forever.

But thats that, no one needs to show hostility here, we need people to suggest some new awesome ways of communication and the players need to show creativity besides the retarded movie spam.
How hard it is to organise some playful night/day gatherings, even the mods coul personally organise them, in game! So fun for both sides.
But all that is needed is for players to show no hostility towards this moment that will not last forever.

Offline shusuke

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #175 on: June 22, 2013, 06:55:42 pm »
Regardless of whether it's for testing or not, it's still a bad idea.

It feels more like it was taken out not to test something, but because it just could.

Testing or not there should have been a poll or something asking "Can We Give This a Try?"

Without an announcement or anything this "test" has indeed gone to crap anyway, so what's the point of keeping it up any longer? People are in various forms of shock, I'm certain.

Offline Squee

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #176 on: June 22, 2013, 06:57:22 pm »
From what I can see, this update has been greeted with an uproar of negative feedback. Way to go.
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Offline Meadowstar01

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #177 on: June 22, 2013, 07:13:39 pm »
Even though there are alternatives chats to use while General is gone, the staff still need to listen to their community regardless. To those of you who are making games, pay attention to the way this is handled and try to learn from it. A game is NOT about the content, or the epic graphics. It's about the people. Thus, to keep the members happy, you gotta listen to your members. Otherwise, it ends up like this. People leave.

I do know that there were indeed spammers and trolls in General chat, but that's why the staff are here! They're supposed to be keeping the game safe. Also, it wasn't just in General chat. No matter what, taking a simple chat away won't get rid of trolls completely. You can never get rid of trolls completely.

Now while this may not be forever, it's best to at least think of alternate uses of the other chats for the time being. Who knows? We may get General back. It depends on where this all ends up. But there are other chats for the main purpose of RPing, chatting, and even advertising! While it may not seem as convenient as General was, it's at least better than complete and total silence in the game.

(But at times, things like TEF seems more peaceful. Especially with all this drama going on.)

Anyhow, hopefully the staff even bother to read this. If you're gonna run a game, then you gotta pay attention to the most important part of the game- The community. If you don't listen to your community (like what is happening now), then don't expect a nice, safe game either.

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #178 on: June 22, 2013, 07:35:35 pm »
What I don't agree with here is users attacking others especially the mods. Many of you are claiming that the staff are not giving you a voice or letting you share your opinions and that's wrong. This entire post was left open for a reason and that's to hear each of your opinions & get constructive critism. If staff doesn't care to hear your opinions this thread could have easily been posted locked. Every staff members reads the posts that each user posts here and we discuss it thoroughly amongst one another in hopes of coming to some middle ground that will please the majority. We are not here for ourselves nor are we taking the time to do these things out of self interest. Instead of constantly bad mouthing the staff a select few of you here need to put yourselves in our shoes and understand what it is to work with such a narrow work space and often stubborn community.

KovuLKD left and with him went any chance of adding new content to the game. We staff are working with an incomplete game that has alot of errors with it and no source code to fix them. We are trying our best to make this community run as smoothly and as long as possible with limited resources and all the majority of you decide to do is complain every time we try something new in hopes of bettering your gaming experience. Then you all wonder why at some point staff gets impatient and upset? All we ask is for your patience, maturity, and understanding. We are all in a tight spot but when it comes to managing the problems it's the loyal staff that's taken the worst of the punishment. Many of you side against us in stubborn fits when you are encountered with one or two inconveniences when we staff have to work with an entire onslaught of inconveniences including the community's back talk and lack of support every day we log on to this game. It's a wonder how some of us are still even patient and caring enough to read and write back a response to you guys here.

When it comes to the mods kicking you or banning you in game for merely voicing your opinions I have a hard time believing that. The staff appreciates user feedback as it makes our jobs easier understanding this community & the individuals needs. When staff kick or ban it is because users have pushed the boundaries and began to disrespect staff, break rules, or harass the others with their protesting. DO NOT make claim of unfair banning because there is no such thing. Out of this whole time I have only kicked one individual who was protesting the removal of General Chat because they began name calling and disrespecting an admin right in front of me after several warnings. Even still I was nice enough just to kick and not ban after the rude and degrading things they said to Red. You are allowed to protest and voice opinions but there is no need what so ever to behave in a disorderly fashion, break rules, or disrespect staff because when you do then it's only your fault if you are kicked &/or banned.

If you want your voice and your opinions to be heard this thread is remaining open during the duration that General chat is down. We staff are very attentive and considerate of all your feelings so during this time of test please be to ours.

We are just a few against entire community here and we deserve a voice & respect just as much as you all do too.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 07:42:57 pm by LordSuragaha »

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #179 on: June 22, 2013, 07:39:03 pm »
I would like to say that this is "The stupidist thing that has happened after WWII and Obama Care." There is a option to turn of General. I would like to have this chat back on because I HATE being spammed by moving clips AND you have to watch them. Quote of Oreo52 "I loved being able to glace at the chat while I was typing to find out about new RPs and just to laugh at the random things people say.

I truly see no good in this Raz. You are hurting more people than you are helping. You should have done a poll, given notice, or turned of Gen for yourself. This is just not right. (I am aware this will turn into a rant >.<) I am upset because you lack the ideas of your players. You took your own choice (maybe your friends) but not ours!

I hope you take the players choices and turn it on.

~Enraged FH player~
Howard: But you love that spot.
Sheldon: No, I love my mother, my feelings for my spot are much greater.