Author Topic: RIP General  (Read 168432 times)

Offline Xanael

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #290 on: June 25, 2013, 01:57:57 am »
I agree with Mellow. I'm not saying why, I just do.

Offline YouheiSunohara24

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #291 on: June 25, 2013, 02:02:22 am »
I'm really not trying to be rude... honestly.. but it really seems as if all of our methods of advertising are being taken away... I mean, they take away General, and now they won't let us do movies either... It's just.. unfair, to say the least... Now I can't advertise at all.. no general, no movies... no one pays attention to me at SB when I advertise... what else is there to do?
For me, crazy is a loose term. Crazy is when you drive by in a car with a shotgun shooting a cops. Cuz... then you're gonna get in big trouble. Crazy is when you start screaming at the word "Shinigami". Crazy is when you support Kira. You're crazy if you touched my chocolate because that means you want to die. If you're crazy, put this in ur sig.XD

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #292 on: June 25, 2013, 02:05:27 am »
I've tried to adapt, actually... I tried the whole 'movie' thing to advertise. But, you know what? I was kicked for it. Said I was 'movie spamming', which I wasn't. I was advertising. We don't have General, so the only way to advertise is with movies, and now we are getting kicked for that... what else are we supposed to do?

Discussions of bans and/or kicks are not allowed on the forum and you know better. If you were kicked for movie spam it's obviously because you were abusing the feature. Mods/admin do not kick or ban without a valid reason. Please stop victimizing yourself already and making it seem as if the staff team is just out to get you. Enough of the excuses and exaggerations. Red warned you once already.

Use the features normally and respect the rest of the community that shares that chat box. Wait a few minutes between each video post and do not spam the chat with 3 or more videos with just a few seconds imbetween them. Also do not troll or post offensive or rule breaking things in your videos and all is well.

Offline YouheiSunohara24

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #293 on: June 25, 2013, 02:23:03 am »
I'm not victimizing myself, and I'm not saying the staff are out to get me. And as I've tried to say before, I try /not/ to be rude, but sometimes my posts come out that way. Can't always help it.. and with videos, if you just post one, it just gets swept away, and ignored. I usually only post three and then wait a few minutes. And I will say again, I'm sorry if I sound rude or disrespectful, or if it seems like I'm hating the mods.. and I mean that. It's just hard for me to not make some posts sound rude or offensive. But, anyway... I made a thread in game discussion of an idea we could do that doesn't involve fighting. Everyone who wants General back should check it out:

Also, I am really sorry if it sounds like I hate the mods. I really don't, and I try not to disrespect them... but I guess you could say I tend to go overboard with things... plus I'm kinda hot-headed, so... murr. I don't hate you guys, so I'm sorry if my posts make it seem that way.. murr..
For me, crazy is a loose term. Crazy is when you drive by in a car with a shotgun shooting a cops. Cuz... then you're gonna get in big trouble. Crazy is when you start screaming at the word "Shinigami". Crazy is when you support Kira. You're crazy if you touched my chocolate because that means you want to die. If you're crazy, put this in ur sig.XD

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #294 on: June 25, 2013, 02:29:55 am »
To be honest, I realize the mods are just trying to improve the game and are trying their hardest and are trying to keep tempers down. But really, the fact is, people have a tendency to keep bellyaching about something they dislike even when they have an answer. All people want is General back. Even though I've not been in the game since a couple days before General's removal, I can already see with the "Fluorite Ghost town" comments and movie issues that I won't like it either. Quite frankly, polls won't help. At all. Even though I respect you mods dearly, I still feel you personally want General gone. I've read over your comments, and I feel like you are... How should I say it.... Rebelling against the haters of the change? You don't seem to like our answers of hate towards General's disappearance. Sure, we may seem rude too, but we try not to be.

My problem toward this is the ghost town effect. I'm hearing Fluorite is near-abandoned and its hard to get new members. Honestly, I can only seem to get a handful of members through one or two hours of General chat recruitment. I myself despise looking into any movies, so I wouldn't doubt others feel the same.

As for this being a test, how long will it last? Are we expected to stick through it for a month? A week? A year? Will Gen EVER return? Surely you guys have a plan?

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Offline Wolfish Grin

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #295 on: June 25, 2013, 02:31:50 am »
Wow, and I keep telling myself that this is all going to calm down, but I see things still aren't fully settled yet. -.- I really do agree with all that Sura's been saying, so try and be understanding of things. And Mello, I know you keep saying you're not trying to be rude, and I understand that you're really not, but you keep repeating what you've been posting just seems to stir things up more.

And don't get me wrong, I'm still against the removal of general. But what I've been saying now is that I'm even more against the way the community has been fighting over it. I do not like general being gone, but I do respect the staff, and so it's time that we just try to understand and respect their decisions. If that means waiting this thing out, then that's what we'll have to do. Changing isn't against nature, nature is change- as the quote goes or whatever. The staff have been chosen for a reason; and as a loyal member of this community, which includes the staff as well, we should trust them. I know it's difficult to advertise, and it's hard getting members and all that, but that's how it is for now. The staff will choose when and if they want to bring general back, or it they want to keep it this way. You can still have your opinions, of course! And it's still your right to voice them, but in the end you'll have to present them in a level-headed, civilized manner. And even then, the staff still has the right to choose to act on it, or not. While earlier on I was tired of people saying this, but now I have this mindset as well: If you don't like this change, either wait it out with us, or move on somewhere else. I know it sounds harsh, but when it comes down to it, so is the truth and so is life. We'll just have to deal.

No amount of arguing with the staff, no amount of throwing fits or insulting, pointing fingers or noncooperation with the staff is going to help you prove your point. I'm pretty certain they know the pros and cons already, as people have countlessly shoved them in their faces since general was removed. It's just really ticking me off how people are treating each other. So, as I'm sure a couple of your mothers out there have told you at least once, quite whining and complaining and go do something constructive.
I really need to get around to updating my siggy.
Meh, but that would require effort.


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Re: RIP General
« Reply #296 on: June 25, 2013, 03:27:52 am »
I agree with some things. I'm willing to try to adapt and /have/ been /trying/ mind you.

To say that the majority of people who like it aren't going to view the poll seems like a excuse to me. How do you know that? I feel less then half of the community as a whole even visits the forum. So saying a poll is unfair is bull and you know it.

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #297 on: June 25, 2013, 04:19:21 am »
As much as I don't like seeing general chat gone, I, like many other member of this community, am willing to adapt. Whenever I got bored, or was never able to find a roleplay to join, I would go on general chat just to talk or listen to people. Since it's not there anymore, I've been going around the maps more just to watch other roleplays or join them. It's a bit hard for me to accept the fact that general is gone, but hey... I can live without it.
Speaking of adapting to new changes... we like to roleplay as animals on this game, right? Many animals out there in the world have to adapt to changes in their enviornment, whether it's because of natural causes or the result of man's interferance. If animals can adapt to changes, so can we. People are pretty adaptable too, you know.
Anyway, not trying to go into a speech about Darwin's evolution and natural selection. So even though general is gone, I can adapt to playing/advertising/chatting without it.

No amount of arguing with the staff, no amount of throwing fits or insulting, pointing fingers or noncooperation with the staff is going to help you prove your point. I'm pretty certain they know the pros and cons already, as people have countlessly shoved them in their faces since general was removed. It's just really ticking me off how people are treating each other. So, as I'm sure a couple of your mothers out there have told you at least once, quite whining and complaining and go do something constructive.

I couldn't agree more, WolfishGrin. Reading some of the posts people have put in this thread just makes me frown and shake my head. I understand alot of the frustration many of these people are having because of the removal of general chat. They have a right to express their anger, but I think they should do it more in a civil manner. Show some respect to the mods, will you. Some of you people act as if the entire game was taken down perminantly. It hasn't. We are all still out there roleplaying and chatting with people like we've done before. Advertising roleplays isn't what it used to be since general is now gone, but I haven't had any trouble recruiting or joining any roleplays at all. Maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones, I don't know.
Keep your chin up. It's not the end of the FH world.  
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 04:29:04 am by Lady_Alizarin »

Offline Vessan

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #298 on: June 25, 2013, 11:09:26 am »
People have actually started making public maps that are meant to work as a group add center.
It is not that bad if people started looking for new ways other than movie spam, I find that creative, we should start supporting these kind of things, making a list of must download maps besides the game etc.
In game meetings for a certain thematic etc.
We need more of this :D

Offline Killian

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #299 on: June 25, 2013, 01:33:43 pm »
I'm starting to think people are logging into feral heart and just focusing all their energy on the fact that general is gone. I think if you forget about general for a few seconds you might be able to see the game is playable without it. There are a lot of RPG's out there without a chat like general.

If general was to come back it would most likely just go back to trolls and spammers having massive debates, swamping out all the advertisements again.