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Offline Acyd

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« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2011, 06:54:46 am »
Name of Character: Aisling
Age of Character: 13
Gender: Female

A very calm and collected wolf. Aisling has incredible patience. She has an extremely soothing personality and is as affectionate as can be whenever it may come to one of her fellow pack members. She is well poised and takes her time whenever it may come to doing things. Making her a free spirit that is willing to do what she believes is right.

Often her courageousness will get her into trouble. If she hears a cry for help, she can't just stand around else the guilt will immediately begin to build up. She is extremely loyal. Tending to do everything she says even if it may take a while, for keeping a promise to her is extremely important in her book. She sticks to her word and never goes back on her promise. If she does however break a promise she does her best to make things right. She is able to think on her feet rather quickly and is just as fast in thought.

Unfortunately Aisling does have a weak point. She is a rash creature. Sometimes jumping to conclusion and ending up having to do her best just to restrain herself from attacking. If something goes wrong, she has a horrible habit of blaming herself. She fears the thought of being abandoned. It had happened to her once and though she is ready for it, she still fears it for loneliness is a great pain for anyone to endure. Another thing about her is that she will speak her mind, openly admitting how she feels about someone, she isn't willing to keep her mouth shut if she feels that there is something wrong with a decision that has been made. Even if she does speak out of term when doing this, she does her best to maintain respect towards any figure that she is speaking with.

Aisling is also well known to be extremely determined and stubborn. She is an extremely hard worker though she does have her days where she simply enjoys lounging about and relaxing. She is a very keen hunter, paying close attention she takes the time to stop and observe everything. This she-wolf never seems to take anything for granted. She is fair and rarely disrespects anyone though she has been known to tease anyone who's close to her. She enjoys to pick at pups though never means no harm on account that she absolutely adores the youth of her pack. She is willing to explore just about anything and has a knack for wandering into dangerous places whenever exploring new areas or on the hunt.

She is capable of making hard decisions though there are things that could easily overwhelm her. When it comes to playing with pups or just having fun in general she can quickly turn childish and silly though, she is still able to retain her elegance if there is a change in the air.


Despite the luck she stumbled upon at birth that was her bloodline, Aisling's eyes are a milky white on accord of her blindness. Her pelt is also a brilliant white in which hold maroon markings along the top of her tail, all along her face, and the rest of her body. Faded speckled dots of maroon are scattered all over the top of her tail, leading up to where her rump and the fluffy mass meet to break off into a complex array of markings that swirl down her hind legs, across the mid section of her back, and all down her forelegs. These markings also swirl around her shoulders as though nestling them into a tight embrace. The top of her muzzle has multiple maroon dots, and around her ears and just above her eyes are more complex maroon markings. Her nose matches the color of the markings as well.


Aisling originated from the more northern region of Ireland, just near the city of Belfast. She was brought up among a pack who absolutely scorned her for having the outrageous pelt that she had been born with. Thanks to all the jeers and curses that had been thrown at her, she had truly started to believe that she was nothing more than a pathetic waste of flesh. She had begun to despise her mother, who bore markings that resembled her own, since she had originally originated far from her home pack in an unknown land to her. Little did she know that her mother had once been apart of a pack where their odd coloration's was a blessing from the God, Cernunnos. Without any knowledge of this, a hatred grew inside the she-wolf as she grew. She slowly began to dislike he own pack members, and even more so her very own mother.

There came a day in which the bullies of her pack had singled out Aislingh. They were well aware that she and her mother were, oddly, the best hunters in the pack and the just couldn't have weirdos like them holding such an esteemed title! So on one brisk evening, they invited the she-wolf out on an exploration trip with them.

Aisling, as gullible as she was, thoroughly began to believe that her life was taking a turn for the better. So she accepted this little invitation, and allowed the small group of three to lead her towards a ravine filled with jagged rocks, and in it's center a fast flowing river. While they got her to observe the features below, since she had never been so far from home and witnessed such a fall, the largest of the three rammed into her and shoved into into the ravine. Down, down she fell, slamming against the ravine walls, but amazingly she avoided colliding with any of the jagged rocks that would have certainly killed her if they had impaled her. Instead, she had the luck of landing in the river. She struggled against it's current, but on the way down she had simply taken to much damage and was to tired to fight against the current. It swept her off as though she were nothing more than a weightless doll, and she fell unconscious as she was thrashed against rocks and swept further and further away.

When she awoke, Aisling had no idea how long she had been asleep. All she knew was that she hadn't drowned and, with the new scents and strange landscape, she was far from home. Fear and confusion replaced her hate, and as she wondered on for days and days she grew more and more tired. For some reason, she had lost all motivation to hunt and had begun to regret to hate she had held towards her mother. Being so far from her meant no more warmth, and that she no longer had no one. She was still quite young after all, and even with her great dislikes... she would have rather been taunted and jeered at than be alone.

The days swept by, and eventually Aisling had stumbled across a stranger. He was a loner, and at first she was skeptical of having any relationship with the wolf at all, but she eventually grew to adore her temporary companion. He reopened her eyes, and in the short weeks she spent with the older wolf she regained her confidence. Thi particular loner pointed out her coloration, and claimed to know of a group that had the same colors. She still was unaware of the story behind her pelt, and why she had always been so good at hunting even at such a young age, so as the stranger lead her towards the pack area she grew extremely excited. Unknown questions would finally be answered!

Unfortunately, when the stranger had lead her to the outskirts of the pack's territory he left her there and told her he could venture no further. Sad to see him go, but eager for answers she bid him farewell and ventured forward into the territory that eventually ended up as her new home.

Once she'd become apart of the pack, Aisling grew stronger and stronger as the years went by. At first she was rather shy and tended to keep to herself, but she slowly began to open up into the wolf she is today.

Other: Aisling loves to nap on warm rocks whenever the sun is at it's highest. Despite her blindness, she is exceptionally skilled of finding her way around through scent and sounds which have been slightly heightened on account of her missing sense. She also prefers to be called Ais rather than her full name.
Player Name: Radiation Fox
« Last Edit: March 16, 2011, 04:06:02 am by Acyd »


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« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2011, 07:02:06 am »
Dagda bless those who give me so much to work with! Very well-done application, Radiation. Of course you're accepted! Once you e-mail me, I will send over the map and the instructions for its use. Welcome to Sons of Cernunnos! <3

Offline mafiaso27

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« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2011, 07:05:28 am »
Name of Character: Ioan
Age of Character: 13
Gender: male

Personality: Calm and quiet he tends to  take things as they come rather than stress over them, Though he doesnt talk much when he does others find him to be a bit blunt on most subjects.  He is known for his strange antics (most find it strange since he rarely bothers to explain why he does things) and likes to joke,  tease, and romp with others for fun especially if it will lighten the mood.  He loves pups and will let them use him as their personal jungle gym if they want but he is cautious not to squish them with his large paws. he is awkward with most females though and will probably not be taking a mate anytime soon.  Fiercely loyal to his pack he is always check to be sure those around him are safe, he has little tolerance of strangers and will not let his guard down unless the alpha himself finds the outsider to be okay.

Appearance: like most of the SOC he is large in build, eyes are ice blue,  Maroon with a white stripe down his back and shoulder blades, his tail is tipped with white and his face is adorned with scars

History: Ioan has been with the pack since birth, as a pup many often wondered about his quiet and laid back manner  many thought him to be mute at first over time they grew to recognize him as a  faithful and responsible pup, though he was usually present when other pups got into mischief. a the age of three he was separated from the pack during an intense snow storm because of this he spent nearly two years on his own fending for himself all he while searching for his pack,this is when he received many of his scars from interactions with other wolves and an angry bear at one point. Regardless he was reunited with them and was assimilated back into the pack with no problem at all.

Other: he often ventures off on his own for short walks a habit learned from his short time as a loner years before.  He is especially fond of eating fish.

Player Name: (on the forum-Blood) username-mafiaso27


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« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2011, 07:20:29 am »
I like it! I like his male-ness even more, and everything looks great. So nice to have someone else in the pack that was there originally!

Offline Seren

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« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2011, 03:37:35 pm »
woah, you all stunningly well on your characters. Good job~ i now feel ashamed of my teeny tiny bio XD


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« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2011, 07:58:33 pm »
Name of Character: Aiden
Age of Character: 10
Gender: Male

Personality: Blunt and a little bit sarcastic, Aiden is a male that could really do with learning to bite his tongue. Often speaking his mind and what he sees as the 'truth'. True to his name, Aiden is quite hot headed and 'fiery', unfortunately having the tendency to easily snap if rubbed the wrong way. Despite the male's ways, he can often be pleasant to be around, often having less serious and more playful moments. In fact, it's a rare case to see this wolf be serious, preferring to joke and charm his way out of things, usually with a smirk on his lips. Unfortunately, if Aiden see's a wolf he likes, be it male or female, he'll let it be known as his blunt and straight forward nature won't allow otherwise.

Aiden has often been scolded for telling the true in times where it is best be left unsaid. Although, he is terrible at making decisions, pushing responsibility onto anyone he can. He prefers to sit back, and just go with the flow of things, throwing in his own remarks if needed.  All in all, Aiden is a straight forward wolf, who dislikes being serious and tends to prefer to flow through life with jokes. Though, he can be hotheaded at the worse of times, in which case he best be left alone.

Appearance: Taking on a deep maroon colour to his pelt, Aiden has very thick, fluffy fur; especially on his back and hind legs. Both hind and front legs are decorated with white stripes that wrap around the limbs. His tail is also adorned with white stripes, however these do not wrap around it, and merely decorate the top. His face is laced with small flecks of white, that scatter across his muzzle, cheeks and ears. Looking as if someone has merely obtained a paintbrush and flicked white paint over them. Aiden's eyes take on a deep azure colour, contrasting brightly against his maroon fur.

History: Aiden originates from the northen region of England, around the county of Yorkshire. Scorned for his strange pelt colour, the male has drifted to and fro different packs around the country. Having never truly been accepted by his brethren. He knew when he was not wanted, and would happily take his leave if that was the case. That being the case, Aiden spent a fair few years on his own, though had no difficulty surviving. Finding no misery out of being a loner, Aiden soon strayed past a lone wolf who seemed to be injured. Having been an omega, who was left behind due to the deep gash in her paw that slowed her down. Cautious at first, he soon found himself head over heels for the other loner, feeling more loved and accepted then he ever had before. The two survived together with no qualms. However, as always, nothing good ever lasts and when finding himself awakening alone one morning, only despair followed after that. Having found the only wolf, that had never singled him out because of what he was, on her deathbed in the territory of a violent pack.

Though it never showed externally, Aiden despaired that moment. Though never let it drag him down, because his mate had taught him one thing: no matter who he was, and what he looked like, there was at least someone out there who could look past all of that. With that hope, the male set out to find others like his deceased mate, eventually stumbling upon a pack of his own kind. One that accepted him for who he was, one that was like him. That female never left his mind, though he has long since moved on and unfortunately has taken a habit of flirting with everything on four legs.  

Other: Aiden sees love as love in any shape, way or form. So, he has no qualms with anyone, and in turn he doesn't care what people think about him. He likes lazing the sun and can often be found doing just that on any hot day. He isn't fond of water, and if he can avoid it, won't go swimming
Forum Name: Grimmjow
Username: Gurimujo

Note: I think I joined the group in game on the wrong character, if so, I apologise for that. x'D
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 08:35:41 pm by Grimmjow »


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« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2011, 11:53:22 pm »
Accepted! Welcome to the Sons of Cernunnos, Aiden! If you could, please e-mail Rhys at the email specified on the first page so that you might have access to the map. :D Also, please do not forget to add 'PSOC' at the end of Aiden's name for in-game purposes.


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« Reply #27 on: March 16, 2011, 12:32:32 am »
Hey, any of you guys able to get in-game? I'd like to meet up with you all.


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« Reply #28 on: March 16, 2011, 12:35:32 am »
Niamh and I are actually in Fluorite Plains right now near the tunnel entrance if you want to meet up. :D


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« Reply #29 on: March 16, 2011, 12:36:47 am »
OK!!!! I'm coming!