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Offline Feralsoul

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« Reply #80 on: March 19, 2011, 04:14:37 am »
:*( :( :(


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« Reply #81 on: March 19, 2011, 04:16:31 am »
@BlueAzure: Welcome to the pack. Your age will be 18 months, then. :D E-mail Rhys/Seren for the map and add YSOC to your name.

@Taylor: You'll need a name change. Zakari is not Welsh or Gaelic, so if you can find one, you can come on in. As for the other name, I need the name you sign into the FH game with so we can add you as a friend and into the group. If that is Skye 1996, then that's fine. xD


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« Reply #82 on: March 19, 2011, 04:16:57 am »
Posting this application for Liaem;

Greetings, I only recently started playing Feral Heart, and I've been wandering about looking for something that'd catch my attention. Truth be told, I was rather disappointed by the constant one-lining and power-playing I'd witness during my visits.
  One of your advertisements, however, managed to catch my eye, and so, here I am.
  I am what most would call a Paragraph-Roleplayer in other games, I am unsure of the term players here use; I've been roleplaying online for a good 14 years, and offline for nearly as many, whether in tabletop games, or in LARPs. Most of my roleplay happened on a game called Furcadia. I had moved to Second Life, and even tried IMVU, but I was quickly disappointed by the focus on graphics rather than prose. With FH, I hope to find a balance between the two.
  I also need to apologies for two things. The first, switching the order of the application's sections; I had to do it so my character's story and description could be explained clearly. The second, for any spelling mistake or grammatical errors; English is not my native language, so sorry if what I write does not make too much sense.
  Also, since I could not find much information regarding the general setting of Feral Heart, as far as the in-game world goes, I assumed a few things. As such, if anything doesn't work well with the Sons of Cernunnos' 'canon' story, I am more than willing to make the necessary modifications.

Name of Character: Liaem

Age of Character: Adult (9?)

Gender: Male

  Liaem's mother, who had been a pack member from birth, had been convinced by her mate to leave with him years ago, wanting to try their paws at a new, different life. They had no idea it would be 'that' different.
  Upon a stormy night, she and her mate had found shelter in an hollow log, and decided to rest for the night. Daylight had almost started breaking through the dark clouds when the storm intensified; it seemed that fate had decided that the two wolves had to leave this land for another; lightning had stricken the ground, causing a landslide underneath the log the wolves were resting in.
  The log fell into the water, and drifted south, carrying them both away from the land, and with a few puppies to be expected shortly, attempting a swim back to shore was out of the question; they would eventually land back ashore.
  Unbeknownst to them, all thanks to the storm, they were heading for the opposite shore.
  With their pups born, they had no choice but to adapt to this strange, unknown land, and the new land they had found was not too kind to the two wolves; its inhabitant speaking a whole different language. But after a while, they managed to find a place to call home; a pack small pack welcomed them despite the differences, and they were comfortable, for a while.
  Every single one of their children shared the father's coat, except for Liaem, who had borrowed his mother's, the same colors that characterized the Sons of Cernunnos. Bearing such a strange pattern, in addition to being an outsider, Liaem was often cast out by the other pups, bullied, even. Fights often broke out during the later years, growing in intensity, and it was clear to him that he did not belong here.
  It wasn't until a fight took both his eyes that Liaem decided it was time for him to leave. He had heard his mother and father speaking about the place they came from, and that is where he would go. With both eyes out of commission, however, it was not going to be an easy task. The first years were spent away from the crowds, the young male surviving solely with the help of his mother, but with the years, he became accustomed to his blindness and was then able to regain some usefulness within the pack. It was clear the blind one would not have been able to survive so long without the support of his parents, and out of pity, the bullying and picking had stopped almost entirely, a stray comment heard here and there.
  Still, Liaem wanted to go back. He had something to prove, not to anyone else, but himself. Plans were made and long arguments were had, but eventually, his parents had agreed on helping him begin his rather foolish adventure, knowing very well that they would most likely not see him again; they were both too old to come along, and the chances of him failing were quite high.
  It was through cleverness and ingenuity that Liaem managed to bargain his way across the water. A young harbor porpoise had been beguiled by the wolf into believing wolves to be a natural predator, and a deal was then struck between the two parties, that no wolves would harm a porpoise ever again.
  It had been 9 years since that faithful night, who knew what else fate held for him?

  Liaem is a quiet individual, speaking only when he has something useful to say, or to make a joke, be it good or bad, though it will often be the latter. He knows his strength and weaknesses, and as such, prefers to resolve conflicts in a non-violent way, and will be more than willing to yield and remain an underdog if it keeps him alive, knowing he can take mental stress, as opposed to physical one.
  Despite the troubles he has ran into so far, Liaem remains a resolute and generally happy wolf, knowing the challenges he had to face could only make him stronger in the end. Knowing very well that he has to depend on others for survival, he will usually accept to perform tasks and chores that others would more than likely try to avoid.

Appearance: (Picture can be found at the end)
  Liaem's coat holds the darker color of Cernunnos' kin as its main color, contrasting with the white markings on his legs and tail. His underbelly and face shares the same color as his markings, much like his mane and ears and toes. His eyes having disappeared long ago, the two empty sockets seem to eerily peer at others whenever Liaem looks at them, usually putting them in unease.
  Due to the harsh conditions he has had to live in, Liaem is rather small and weak compared to most. He makes up for it, however, by force of will and skill.

  I've actually been writing this for a while now and I'm getting a bit tired, and I think it covers mostly everything. Of course, I'm more than willing to answer any questions or change any details if the need arises. I believe the road to a successful and enjoyable RP is through OOC talk beforehand.

Player Name: Jean-Francois

P.S.: To those who read the whole thing, thank you. :P

Offline Skye1996

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« Reply #83 on: March 19, 2011, 04:25:36 am »
Ok Zakari's new name is Blodwen and on FH Skye1996 is my username so I guess I put the right thing ^^ Sort of. Thanks very much.


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« Reply #84 on: March 19, 2011, 04:37:10 am »
@Liaem: I read the whole thing. xD It looks very good and while I do not usually accept two blind wolves into a pack, I will make an exception here because your application was very good and descriptive. Welcome to the Sons of Cernunnos and please add the PSOC tag to your name as well as e-mail Rhys/Seren in order to get the map.

@ Blodwen: That new name works! Welcome to the Sons of Cernunnos. Please put PSOC to the end of your name and e-mail Rhys/Seren at [email protected] for the map.

Offline Skye1996

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« Reply #85 on: March 19, 2011, 05:02:10 am »
Thank you so much. I hope I didn't have to put anything special in the e-mail because I already sent it and now I realize I should have asked this question earlier ^^;

Offline Wolf_Memories

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« Reply #86 on: March 19, 2011, 06:09:40 am »
Name of Character: Eria [Ear-A]

Age of Character: Eria is an adult, she is not sure her true age.

Gender: Female

Personality: She has a graceful walk, and takes most things in stride. She's mysterious and a bit distant, but warm and caressing to almost anyone she finds to be good. Don't be fooled by her good disposition though; unlike the naive, she is clever and sly, and can tell the difference between someone with good intentions and those with bad. If one does manage to get on her bad side, she is almost a hazard to be around. She also has a keen sense of hearing, her sight however is not that well written.

Appearance: Thick fur, but thin body and long legs. Her white fur has a soft look to it, with maroon appearing all over her pelt. Her shinning cyan eyes are calming, and yet draw others attention straight to them. She sometimes seems to be able to blend into shadow, and if the moon hits your fur just right, She seems to glow.

History: Eria, was a strong pup at birth. The first to obtain hearing abilities, yet the last to open her eyes. She was born in a pack far from where she wonders now, she was born into a litter of 3 brothers. Her brothers, were all maroon coated, with speckled white throughout their bodies. When Eria was born, she was first thought to be a blessing, the only female born in the pack for many, years. However, when she opened her eyes, she was thought to be a demon. Her brothers had the deepest of yellow, and she a hue of almost pure cyan . Her parents pondered many moons, on what to do with their distorted child, but only came to one conclusion. On the rise of the child's 6th full moon, the female was abounded, and was left to die. Her only begging sixth months old, barely survived, through the harsh winter. But, somehow she did. Living off only small rodents, that made their way into her small dirt, and vine den. Eria, has grown, from a misunderstood pup, to a strong and willful adult. She was taught by nature, how to survive.. But was not given the love, she needed, Now she hopes to be accepted as a pup watcher, or as a unranked. Eria, has much to give, she learned from a many through her days of growing up. She even shared a den with a few foxes, and was taught how to hunt by a grizzly. Though these animals showed her much kindness, she still yearns for the kindness from her one kind. For, without it she may parish in her agony for love, her agony for a true family.

Other: Eria, is a mysterious female, she understands Earth more than most. She can feel when a storm is approaching, and can tell when a doe is with a child. She can small the changes in the seasons, and can even almost speak to nature. She has a strange connection to the earth and its creatures, but also to the sky above. Luna, as she was raised to call the moon, was her mother through the tough times, she lit up her world with a hue so bright, that Eria soon began to feel dizzy without it, lighting her path.

Player Name: Wolf Memories
« Last Edit: March 19, 2011, 09:31:42 pm by Nakkitta »

Offline Skye1996

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« Reply #87 on: March 19, 2011, 06:13:59 am »
I'm so sorry and I don't want to be a pest ,but when are you supposed to get an email back? Or are you supposed to get one back at all? I'm a bit confused because I haven't gotten one and I'm very sorry if I seem impatient.


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« Reply #88 on: March 19, 2011, 07:49:56 am »
@Taylor: Sorry for the delay-- Rhys and I got swept up in a pack rp and Rhys forgot to check the emails. xD But all is well now.

@Eira: Accepted! Welcome to the pack! Do not forget to email Rhys and get the map and to add PSOC to the end of your IG name.

Offline Fleech-Hunter

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« Reply #89 on: March 19, 2011, 10:22:32 am »
« Last Edit: March 19, 2011, 10:25:44 am by Fleech-Hunter »
"We are the music-makers and we are the dreamers of the dreams."
~ Willy Wonka