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Offline Skye1996

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« Reply #110 on: March 21, 2011, 02:36:35 am »
^^ I've had my name mentioned two times. I feel special. And to those I've helped your welcome. I had fun helping you anyway. *Is always happy to help and welcome people*

Offline Fleech-Hunter

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« Reply #111 on: March 21, 2011, 05:31:18 am »
Zesha, you are truly Dagda sent~
Fleech, that is an acceptable name, and while yes, we will eventually have people with the same names, the name pool is still rather large at the moment and we would like to have as much variety as/while we can.
You are accepted! please email me and I will send you the map.

I'm having a hard time locating your e-mail. xDDD, Maybe I'm just missing where it was located?

In any case, my e-mail is [email protected]

Feel free to e-mail the map to that address.
"We are the music-makers and we are the dreamers of the dreams."
~ Willy Wonka


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« Reply #112 on: March 22, 2011, 01:44:04 am »
Name of Character: Imogen
Age of Character:  10 years
Gender: Female

Imogen is the kind of female that puts everyone before herself. She tries to be the mother of everyone but she isn't the best "mother" in the world. She often cannot comfort others in their time of need and her temper might get in the way of helping others. Though she has a very hard time letting go. If someone has died she could still mourn over them many years later. She also places too much pressure on herself which might cause her to break down or lash out over the tiniest of things. No matter how much pain her heart is holding, she will always try to fool everyone into thinking she is fine. When it comes to lying about her feelings, she is pretty good at it but she will only lie to make everyone else feel better. She believes it is her soul duty to make everyone happy and she hates to disappoint. But if she believes it is wrong then she will stand her ground and try to give that other wolf a lesson. When it comes to love Imogen believes that she has the answer to everything. Because of her experiences and how she was taught, Imogen orbits love which means she must have someone special in her life. That usually gives her complications and puts her into situations that kills her to get out of.

Appearance: .X. (I have Feralistic so what is why she looks gray)
Imogen is a bit tinier than her bloodline though she has long limbs and a skinnier built which makes her great for chasing prey around. Her eyes are a bright red color which sticks out from the maroon stripes and markings on her white coat. Her markings on her face drip down her muzzle then make a sharp upside-down 'L' like marking under her eyes with several dots around it. From her forehead comes two stripes that begin the stripes all over the rest of her figure but around her paws the stripes begin to fade into her white paws. The strips end at the base of her tail where the 'L' marking returns and dots the 'L', it is around the end of her tail.  

Imogen was born into a litter with another female. Her parents always pushed her that the future was everything and that one day she would have to give them puppies of her own. Though her sister always wanted to run off and rebel against them. To make sure her parents would never worry about her, she took on a cheerful face and vowed to herself to never go against them. She felt like they already had enough on their plate and she didn't need to make things worse. Around the age of three she found a brute to call a mate. At first it was only for fun and to see where things were going but as they got older it became serious. They had picked out names for pups and wanted to really settle down for the future. Her parents were proud of her and she couldn't have been happier. But he started to venture further and further from home, making things difficult for the young couple. When they turned 9 1/2 her mate decided it was best to separate. He left her to venture and find his calling while leaving her at home with a broken heart. Imogen took on the motherly role to replace her love for him as she tried to hide all of her pain from everyone. Luckily an elder female told her about Sons of Cernunnos and how she might find a new life within the pack. Taking her advise, Imogen traveled to find the pack and join their ranks to find a new family.  

Other: She doesn't have a mate nor feels like one could help her. She would feel like she was cheating on her ex-mate.

Player Name: sugarKAT
« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 01:47:50 am by sugarKAT »


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« Reply #113 on: March 22, 2011, 05:46:20 am »
Name of Character: Nina
Age of Character:  15 years
Gender: Female
Nina is the strong minded type. she likes to help others and see that others need are meet. she also has a high temper that tends to make her get emotional easily or also yell but she is trying to control that. when nina gets upset she tends to walk away from everyone but dosnt want to be alone oddly.
Appearance: Nina is mainly white with maroon strips on her legs and faint ones on her face. her tail is a maroon swirl and tip also her underbelly is maroon also.

Nina had her own pack called the Dark Woods pack in Romania. her and her mate Rex owned the Dark woods, the pack was fairly large but when the Rain claw pride came to take over the wood they killed her mate and everyone else. she was left to die until she grew the strength to move on, to find a pack deciding not to make her own again feeling as if it was her fault her first pack was killed.   
Other: She doesn't have a mate she would like to have one so she is not alone but it would be odd know its not Rex
Player Name:vampiremoon

Offline Leopardstream

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« Reply #114 on: March 22, 2011, 06:19:05 pm »


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« Reply #115 on: March 22, 2011, 09:05:41 pm »
@ All: Sorry I haven't been around much. I had to move back into my dorm after spring break and I'm settling back into my routine. I have a huge chem test this Thursday as well as AggieCon to work and finish a costume for this weekend, so my activity will be a little spotty, but I'll try to be on the forums as much as possible to answer questions.

@ Imogen: You're accepted, and I'll double-check your look in-game soon to make sure it's all set.

@ Nina: I'm sorry, but a few things are wrong with your application. The Sons of Cernunnos, even their descendants, did not travel beyond Britannia and Ireland-- the distance of the ocean is far too great for them to travel, so Romania is out of the question. In addition, "Nina" is not an appropriate name for the pack, and the under-belly color must be the same as the pelt, as with the tail-tip and above-eye color.

@ Leopardstream: I considered those things, which is why I accepted you, but I'll still be keeping an eye out. Don't worry so much, though.

@ All (again): For those of you who have been here a while (you know who you are, as do Seren and I) and have been very active (Seren will vouch for this for me), please respond below with a rank you have been eying lately and you will be considered for a promotion of sorts. I'd like to have numbers in the ranks. Thanks~! If a rank you want is not there, then please list what you're interested in and I'll think about adding it.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 09:20:01 pm by Yumay »

Offline Cynder-

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« Reply #116 on: March 22, 2011, 09:22:33 pm »
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 12:08:07 am by Sylvanas »


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« Reply #117 on: March 22, 2011, 11:03:03 pm »
I apologize for being gone for two days straight now, I had a power outage that short-circuited our cable. Sure enough, our cable is what ALSO runs our internet AND home phone, so we've been pushed down to a lower level for these 48 hours. Now that it's back on, I'll get back to everything as usual.

Also, I must sincerely thank you for the Outrider position, as I definitely wasn't expecting to be promoted so quickly, if at all. I'll be looking forward to everything related to this, and I'm glad to have helped out with everyone else! It's a pleasure to have so many friends to hang out with! <3

--- Olwen


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« Reply #118 on: March 22, 2011, 11:10:18 pm »
Hey guys! Probably wont be on much on Mondays and Thursdays, track meets are usually at that time. Just thought I'd mention. And, glad to see we're still growing.

Offline Kaybird

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« Reply #119 on: March 22, 2011, 11:47:52 pm »
Name of Character: Briallu

Age of Character: She has walked the earth for approximately sixteen years, and she has no idea of when her existence will come to an end.

Gender: Bria is a definite female.

Personality: For many years, she used to be a very confident canine, journeying across the land with her two brothers next to her, but after losing both of them, her self-assurance practically vanished. Now, Briallu is the picture of cowardice, always choosing flight over fight. One can see the sheer terror reflected within her emerald eyes (if an individual is lucky enough to maintain a mere second of eye contact) even if they do not notice the almost constant shivering of her body. Bria speaks with a wavering voice as if she is much too scared to even utter a complete sentence. Due to the trauma she's faced, she is prone to randomized panic attacks, and she does not sleep well, dreading the plague of nightmares that assault her mind.

Appearance: True to her race, Briallu has a gleaming white coat adorned with maroon markings of her own. The ones upon her back are similar to the wings of a butterfly while her tail is highlighted with a similar hue. Her face is flecked with crimson, and the backs of her ears are the same color. Apart from the red and white, she has one more color to enhance her features. Briallu's eyes are the color of fresh pine needles, but they are far from holding an uplifting light.

History: On a night where a waning crescent moon hung like a silver smile amongst the stars, a mother wolf rested in a solid den that was being held sturdy by the gripping roots of a massive oak. Three newborn pups were pressed tightly against her belly as they fed hungrily upon her nourishing milk. One still form remained motionless at the paws of the she-wolf for the last born, a daughter, had sadly not survived.

As spring came along, a cluster of primroses had taken root before the mother's den, and she eventually associated the blossoms with the bright personality of her only daughter, dubbing her Briallu. The eldest male was named Cryfder, and the younger was called Madarch. She loved her puppies dearly, but she held the knowledge of the challenge they would have to face once the trio grew to four weeks of age.

Sure enough, the time came, and it was nothing short of utterly tense. Since the mother had not been of a high rank, she had no right to birth pups so her offspring had to be accepted into the pack by the alpha. Now, the male dominant was a rugged male with a stubborn attitude. Surely he had no tolerance for these half-bloods who had already began to manifest the markings given to the bearers of Cernunnos's blood. The mother gave the most frantic pleas she could muster, her body pressed so close to the earth that it seemed as if she would disappear into the soil. The alpha rumbled and snarled a few words that the pups did not understand, and for the first time in their lives, the trio felt an unmistakable sense of fear. Much to the surprise of every wolf in the pack, the pups were granted permission to stay but on one condition: By the time their fifth full moon shone brightly in the sky, they must leave or risk certain death.

Each time the full moon has illuminated the sky, the siblings found themselves counting the months they had left, and they began to prepare themselves. Cryfder instinctively took a commanding role while Madarch remained his faithful advisor. Briallu took an initiative to learn all she could of herbal remedies as a precaution to injuries any of them might suffer on their future journey. Each pup held an air of definite strength, and they were positive that anything could be accomplished so long as they remained together.

They stayed true to the condition set for them, and just before the night of their fifth full moon when the sun was beginning to fade behind the horizon, the trio vanished from the land without a word. The setting rays dyed each of their pelts an amber hue and amplified the scarlet markings upon them. The only wolf in the pack that had yet to wipe them from memory was their devoted mother who howled her loneliness to the stars, praying for the safety of her progeny.

Years passed, and by some miracle sent by the great gods above, the brothers and sister enjoyed peaceful lives. There were no troubles between them, and even the world seemed to be content with their presence. This was not the best thing though. Tranquility brought with it an absolutely stunning she-wolf with alluring amber eyes, her voice smooth as silk and her coat even smoother. She was the one that stole the heart of Cryfder. Seeming to forget his siblings, he followed the gorgeous female, and Briallu has not seen him since.

Madarch and Briallu continued their journey with no ill feelings bared towards the actions of the eldest. Love was love. Still, their expedition felt almost incomplete without Cryfder barking out orders here and there. In fact, without guidance, they began to encounter a bit of trouble here and there. One experience (one that Briallu dislikes speaking of) left Madarch without the use of his hind legs for some time. Bria attempted to ease his agony as best she could, but only time mended his broken bones, leaving him with a permanent limp.

On a fateful autumn day when the colored leaves were dancing in the cool breeze, a shrieking yelp pierced the quiet stillness of the hilly realm. It was none other than Madarch's screech. Briallu and her brother had been so unfortunate as to come across a bad-tempered bear. The beast's scent was rather sickening, and it had a thin film coating its remaining eye for the other had been gouged out by means unknown. Deadly claws slashed through the air to come down upon Madarch's writhing frame while his sister fought desperately to thwart the bear's movements. The coats of each animal had been stained crimson, and fang met flesh in a raging flurry. Bria's lithe body allowed her to perform spectacular twists and leaps to avoid the hooked claws though they caught her flank once or twice. She knew not how long the battle lasted, but the sun was sinking low when the assailant finally gave a weak yet still fierce roar and loped off. Madarch's energy was fading, and he struggled to breath.

Administering to him once more, Briallu settled beside him in a state of despair. Her chin flopped limply over his nape, and the siblings stayed curled beside each other as the star became witnesses to the heart-wrenching display that was occurring below them. Sometime during the night, sleep called Bria into its soothing realm. She found herself succumbing to it after giving a feeble fight. When morning came, Madarch's body had gone oddly cold, and the rhythmic thudding of his heart had ceased. For a moment, Briallu was utterly silent before she threw back her head to unleash a piteous, anguished wail. If only she had not fallen asleep! Tears streamed from her verdant eyes as she mourned her loss deeply, and for three days and nights, she refused to move from her deceased brother's side.

Soon, a late rain came, sprinkling the land in a cold shower before winter would overtake the domain. Briallu would not leave her beloved sibling to suffer in the conditions, and she gingerly dragged his body beneath a nearby tree and worked tirelessly to dig a respectable burial site to befit him. She marked his corpse with what flowers she could find and gave a prayer, hoping that his spirit would rejoin those of his ancestors dwelling in the kingdom of the sky. Her heart felt as if it had been torn completely in half, and the light she grew to love so dearly ceased to exist.

Without her constant companions to offer direction, Briallu suffered an era of feeling hopelessly lost and alone. She encountered various creatures, and many of them began to spurn her quite viciously. Her experiences had not turned her into a bitter soul but instead made her a frightened, frail creature. She found herself doubting the existence of the gods though she had been a loyal believer through and through. How could they have let this happen to her? If they were so powerful, they should have done something to prevent the death of her brother. She has been convinced that she has lost favor with the gods. Wandering aimlessly, Briallu allows her head to hang for she takes no pride in simply being alive.  She does so desperately wish for the courage to live again, but this is done in secret.

Other: It is advised not to make her increasingly nervous for it causes her to suffer from a case of somewhat squeaky hiccups. There are signs to show her mounting anxiety, and some include shuffling forepaws and a twitching right ear. Also, many creature do not know that Briallu cannot swim, and she prefers to remain in the shallows of any large bodies of water.

Player Name: [Forum] Kay [In-game] Kaybird

I hope I am accepted. :3

"Do not walk in front of me for I might not follow.
Do not walk behind me for I might not lead you in the right direction.
Walk right beside me, and we'll get to where we are going."