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Offline Tutyr

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« Reply #120 on: March 23, 2011, 12:01:17 am »
Name of Character: Geraint
Age of Character: Eight
Gender: Male

Personality: Somewhat rude and blunt, Geraint speaks his mind when and where he wants. By no means is he a motormouth, however, and that crude tongue is often stayed. But the minute he's in an angered pitch, there's no stopping that silver-coated tongue of his. Geraint, however, is rarely infuriated. Overall, he is a carefree and rather spirited wolf loyal to the laws set down by the Alpha and those preceding. And yet it's that free spirit that results in his getting into trouble.

The young male is going through a bit of a "rebellious" phase, giving way to his curious nature. Ever since he was a tyke, he's had a cat's eye for detail. He likes to question things, seeing each and every belief, fact, etc. as an obstacle that needs to be tackled. Despite not being very bright in the head, he has a deep understanding of why things are as they are because of what he questions. As a result, he does not see the world in black and white. To him, everything is grey, some things a lighter shade than others.

Geraint also has a secret side. He is a storyteller and riddler. He loves fabricating stories for younger folks and fashioning riddles for elders. The stories and rhymes and puzzles he come up with usually strike gold, putting wide grins on friendly faces. The problem with his stories, however, is that he often puts himself in as the protagonist. He likes to put emphasis on how amazing he could be if "this happened" and if "that happened".

Appearance: Geraint is of average size as far as the enlarged wolves of Cernunnos' bloodline goes. He's a little on the thin and scrawny side due to his diluted bloodline. He has the typical white fur of the original she-wolf. Unlike what seems to be all-the-rage in the pack, Geraint does not have ethereal markings. In their stead are toeless sock markings and a tail that is pure maroon. Tufts flank his limbs, and a maroon mane sprouts from head to shoulders. The wolf sports a pair of violet eyes. He actually prefers his simplistic appearance over those that have more godly markings.

History: Geraint was not originally from the Sons of Cernunnos pack. Like others of his kind, he was shunned from his pack for being different. At first, the devastation was unbearable, but over time, he came to terms with it and acquired an interest in the world as a result. He began to wonder why things were as they were, and why things happened as they did. These newly-generated thoughts eventually lead Geriant to discover the Sons of Cernunnos, and his origins. The rest of Geraint's history is unknown to the others, but he claims that he'll tell the rest one of these days.

Player Name: Valthorian (in-game), Infernal (forum)


Forgive the lack of "pretty" design, but I prefer something like this over all those swirls and whatnot.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 01:48:05 am by Infernal »

Offline Seren

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« Reply #121 on: March 23, 2011, 01:35:04 am »
Siochana~ yours is pending, I will have to speak with Alpha.
Briallu~ You are accepted into the Sons of Cernunnos, your story was quite moving, and aptly explained the loss of your kin (instead of "i have brothers, but they died." Please send me an Email (containing you Character name and your game name)
Infernal/Vash~ you must choose a Gaelic/Welsh name (the internet shows yours as Persian Owo so please DO correct me if I am wrong) I genuinely appreciate your coloring~ it is nice to see someone stray from the elaborate markings. The only other thing i am disagreeable on is your origin. Please consider the fact that this all happened in a somewhat confined area. "8.   Your wolf should be from the general Britannia and Ireland area if you specify something in their history or description. Wolves do not fly or swim across oceans, even the English Channel, so the descendants stayed local." <-
ALL~ i do apologize for being absent so much, this week is jam packed with school/other activities to which i must attend to. I will also be busy next week (i have a big show :3) so please don't be mad if i am not on for extended amounts of time or am late replying to emails.
OTHER? Am I forgetting anyone? >>;;

Offline Tutyr

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« Reply #122 on: March 23, 2011, 01:46:11 am »
Edited his name and history, so I hope it's better.
Vash is now Geraint, which is Welsh.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 01:48:31 am by Infernal »

Offline Justice

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« Reply #123 on: March 23, 2011, 01:50:47 am »
Name of Character:Gisal
Age of Character: 15
Gender: Female

Personality: Gisal is a kind she-wolf. She may look harsh but truly, she is friendly and loves to laugh. The only time she gets upset is if someone messes with her friends, family, or pack. Gisal will respect her alphas and her pack mates as long as they respect her. An eye or eye is her style. When it comes to fighting, she's agile and careful to evaluate her enemies.

Appearance: Gisal has a medium build but her length is quite interesting for a wolf. She has quite a long body and medium lengthed legs. She is quite skinny but yet she has always been that way. Gisal is a quick and fantastic hunter. She can run up at 8 miles at a fast pace if she has to. Gisal has what she calls Giraffe like spots all over her body and smaller ones on her face. The colorings and white mohawk where inherited from her father, and the markings, blue eyes, and drawn back ears are from her mother.

History: Gisal was born in a family that lived just outside of Wales. She looked mostly like her father but inherited her mothers blue eyes and drawn back ears. Gisal grew up as an only child, but that didnt ever bother her. Her parents treated her like a princess until the day her pack was over-run by another larger pack. All of the wolves in the pack were black and had demon red eyes. Gisal's pack was outnumbered by at least 50 wolves, so respectivley Gisal's pack left. This happened when she was just 6 years old. The demon wolf pack didn't like this kind turn down of their territory from Gisal's pack so they decided to attack out of cold blood and Gisal was the only one left due to her running away. For years after this happened, Gisal regretted ever leaving her pack and parents behind to die like they did, but she is trying to find the Sons of Cernunnos now. She has heard of them and has heard stories of her ansesters from that pack so now she would like to join.

Others: Gisal is quite a good tracke and the best animal she hunts are the Caribou and Moose. Gisal can also speak a bit of Spanish, she is still learning so she's doesn't know a whole lot. When Gisal was four, she was said to be a dream catcher, meaning she would be able to take people's bad dreams or nightmares that they wanted to keep away and send them to the heaves to be purified but the only downfall is that this can weaken Gisal so she can only take a few at a time. Gisal has only taken one dream from someone so she is still new at it.

Player Name:In FH game, username is Justice.
Bane is my idol.

Offline Cynder-

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« Reply #125 on: March 23, 2011, 01:56:17 am »
Siochana~ yours is pending, I will have to speak with Alpha.
Briallu~ You are accepted into the Sons of Cernunnos, your story was quite moving, and aptly explained the loss of your kin (instead of "i have brothers, but they died." Please send me an Email (containing you Character name and your game name)
Infernal/Vash~ you must choose a Gaelic/Welsh name (the internet shows yours as Persian Owo so please DO correct me if I am wrong) I genuinely appreciate your coloring~ it is nice to see someone stray from the elaborate markings. The only other thing i am disagreeable on is your origin. Please consider the fact that this all happened in a somewhat confined area. "8.   Your wolf should be from the general Britannia and Ireland area if you specify something in their history or description. Wolves do not fly or swim across oceans, even the English Channel, so the descendants stayed local." <-
ALL~ i do apologize for being absent so much, this week is jam packed with school/other activities to which i must attend to. I will also be busy next week (i have a big show :3) so please don't be mad if i am not on for extended amounts of time or am late replying to emails.
OTHER? Am I forgetting anyone? >>;;

Alright. Thank you. ^^

Offline IetMarriokNienda

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« Reply #126 on: March 23, 2011, 07:06:59 pm »
Name: Kieron
Age: 9 years old.
Gender: Male.

Personality: Hes not that talkative really. If he is, he must be having a good day or something. But dont worry, he will talk if hes spoken to.  Around strangers, hes cautious of them. You dont know if they are good or bad right? To those in his pack, hes respectful of them. Along with nice and caring to the pups and some of the pack members he favors. Hes tough and trys not to let anyone break down the walls he made around his heart. Why? He has some trust issues because of his last mate. But if you manage  to do that, I suggest being careful.
Appearance: He has the normal colors that Cernunnoss have. His white markings are slightly different. Scars can be seen on his face. Hes tall and skinny. But he does have some muscle. His ears are normal size. His muzzle is slightly long. On his left side his name can be seen close to his front leg.

History: Kieron is from the Ireland area. The pack he was in had alot of enemies. As he grew up, the tension between his pack, Crimson pack, and Omerace pack grew. Alot of the wolves where friends with some of the wolves in other packs. They knew what was going on in the other packs. Omeraces alpha, Ace, had killed one of their friends. Why? the reason is pretty stupid. The pack was a good pack. 30-40 wolves where in it. A year later. All hell broke lose. In kierons mind: His eyes darted around looking for that one wolf. Ace. The screams of pain echoed in the forest as the wolves faught for their land. His ears pinned back as he heard the thuds of bodys, both omerace and crimson, hitting the earth and trees. Just anything that got in the way. Finally he saw her. Bounding forward, his gaze focused on the alpha. He wanted to whipe that smirk off of her face. A blueish greyish wolf came up after him. Her paw steps where soft on the groud. Opening her maw, her teeth met flesh. Whos? Kierons. The sweet red liquid poured from the wound as his body landed with a thud since her teeth had grabbed a hold of his leg. He had cracked his skull hard off of a sharp jagged rock. Blackness took over his vision.  

As he came too, he noticed he wasnt in Crimson territory anymore. A pure black wolf stood over him. "Your lucky I showed up kid" The brute mumbled, sitting down as he watched Kieron. "I got bad news. Your family? and your pack? Most of them are dead. Omeraces pack now has access to Crimsons land." And thats when his revenge and adventure started.

Other: Does not have a mate.

Player Name: IetMarriokNienda-Forum In game: Diavolo, Ciaran, Rikey, or Marluxia.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 10:58:22 am by Ciaran »


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« Reply #127 on: March 23, 2011, 11:49:26 pm »


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« Reply #128 on: March 24, 2011, 12:22:41 am »
Name of Character: Ruari (Variant of "Ruaidhri" which means "red king")

Age of Character: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Despite the meaning of his name, Ruari is anything but a King, or King-like. No, Ruari is a quiet fellow who "smiles on gloomy days". He is very friendly, though many-on first judgement- see him as a loner or a "wall flower", some may even consider him, rude! But despite all the misjudgment, Ruari finds himself content with all the other wolves he meets, him and his friendly disposition. Unfortunately, there are bad wolves out there that use that kind and caring disposition against him, and there are many situations where he is taken advantage of. Poor boy, he doesn't even notice. I guess that's what happens when you're a little too giving/friendly.

Appearance: (I don't have a picture, sorry) Tall and well-built, Ruari stands with a maroon pelt base and white underbelly, painted with faded white cub spots. On his face (and his tail), white swirl marks lay themselves down the bridge of his muzzle, on his cheeks, and the backs of his ears. His ears are large and ripped in a few places, but it doesn't really bother him. Starting on his back, Ruari's white mane sweeps up his neck and over his right eye. But his eyes....they are quiet odd....Full Orb and white, they almost give the impression that he is blind.

History: Northern Ireland is the place he was born to. Home...But no, to Ruari, he was born to a dark world full of all sorts of scents and sounds. Grass, mountains, rivers, flowers, trees, the sky, the stars, the moon, the light! Where were these things? They were missing to him. There could be one explanation to this mystery of his. He is Blind.  Ruari was blind at birth, now...most wolves would abandoned a blind pup, but since he was the only pup born to his mother, it was unlikely that she would give him up, just because of blindness. After all, this was the only pup she managed to give birth to after the tenth try. Anyway, his mother did the best she could to teach him. As Ruari grew he adapted to his handicap. His sense of smell, touch strengthened greatly, along with his hearing. Around the age of 14, Ruari's mother became ill and died. Now with out the gentle care of his mother, he was lost and became a burden to the pack he was born to, so they exiled from the pack and told to never return. While on his own, Ruari learned to live with out his mother and take care of himself, though he still loves his mother. Also because of the exiled, he developed a fear of burdening others.

Other: He really likes Buttercup flowers.
Player Name: Username: Shadowexz In-game: Falis, Ruari, Tethlon

Offline mafiaso27

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« Reply #129 on: March 24, 2011, 05:26:51 pm »
wow again the pack is booming way to go you super advertisers you!